March 1908

1 March 1908 • Sunday

Thatcher <Ariz.>

Good health, fine weather.

I fasted and attended 10 A.M. meeting. House well filled with mostly grown people. By request of Elder Smith I followed up the Subject of Apostasy treated yesterday by Restoration, detailed Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, Johns Revelation of the Angeles & Restoration of Gospel Rev 14:6 & Dan 2:3 and Elijahs mission & temple work. What it costs the L.D.S. to maintain these principles and our assurances of ultimate triumph &c. I occupied 45 minutes and Bro. Smith about 15 minutes.

At afternoon meeting Elder John Henry Smith occupied 45 minutes leaving off at 3:45 P.M. I occupied 5 min bearing testimony

Between meetings I assisted in ordaining & setting apart the following. [p. 144]

Brigham F. Butler <Duffin> of Douglas was ordained an High Priest and set apart 1st Counselor to Bp. Bigleow by Elder John Henry Smith.

John T. Butler of Douglas ordained an High Priest and set apart 2nd counselor to Bp. Bigelow by Elder Geo. F. Richards

Elisha Freeman Hubbard administered to Elder J H Smith being mouth.

Sam’l John Sims set apart first counselor of to Bp. Hunsaker of Globe by Elder Geo. F. Richards

Nels Paul Beebe of Layton ordain<ed> High Priest by Elder John Henry Smith

Peter J. C. Jacobsen of Layton ward was ordained High Priest by Elder Geo. F. Richards

After meeting at Pres Kimball’s home we administered to Sisters Anna Nuttell and Lapreel McBride. I anointed in the first instan<ce> and Elder Smith sealed the anointing & reverse in the latter.

Took Supper & broke fast at Pres. Kimballs & offered grace at table.

I offered the benediction at afternoon meeting. Close of Conference. At the evening meeting which was largely attended by young people I occupied 25 minutes Subject. Reading Virtue and Dancing. Had good liberty and was [p. 145] was thanked by the bishop and several spoke of it as having been much needed especially that part referring to position in the dance.

Elder John Henry Smith concluded with a 60 minutes talk.

2 March 1908 • Monday


I read from the Bible in the forenoon and in afternoon I wrote a letter home. Accompanied Elder John Henry Smith down to aged Sister Fife’s and assisted him in blessing her. We called on Pres Christopher Laytons widow. Father Johnson formerly associated with Pres. Layton and later with Pres Kimball in the Stake Presidency called on me at Pres. Chas. Layton’s where I was staying and spent an hour or so.

In the evening we attended a social at Pres. Andrew Kimballs There were present 48. I offered the opening prayr, Pres. Kimball recited his experiences in his labors in the Stake including his call, reception &c. occupying about 18 minutes. Elder Smith Offered the dedicatory prayr. I spoke for about 15 minutes [p. 146] and was followed by Elder Smith Musical selections interspersed Benediction by Father Johnson. An enjoyable affair.

3 March 1908 • Tuesday

Thatcher. Ariz.

Elder John Henry Smith and I left Thatcher on 9:50 A.M. train and reached Elpaso Texas at 5 P.M. On train met Pres. Jos. E. Robinson of the Cal. Mission on his way to Mexico. We put up at the Sheldon where we met Bro. Orson P. Brown of Colonia Dublan who took us to supper. I wrote home to my wife and to my Brother Fred and visited with Bro Brown & Bro Smith. On the train I read the Bible having since Oct. 25th read all the Church works. except Old Testament and am now reading Deuteronomy the fifth Book of Moses.

4 March 1908 • Wednesday

ElPaso Tex.

Elder Smith and I left Elpaso at 8 A.M. for Mexico. On car from Elpaso to Ciudad Juares across the line we met Mr. Meade the Mgr. of the Ry to Colonia Dublan and obtained half fare rates from Ciudad Juarez to Dublan & return 4:90 Gold [p. 147]

I read the bible all day except that I read a magazine Article purported to be an interview with the President of the Mexican Government Purferio Diaz and a brief history of Mexico in which Diaz has figured.

We were met at the depot at Dublan by Pres Helaman Pratt and Bro. Bowman. Bro Smith went with the former and I with the latter to the home of his second family After Supper went over to the home of his first family where I took a bath and spent the night. A good nights rest & Sleep.

5 March 1908 • Thursday

Dublan. Mex.

Bro. Bowman took Bro. Smith, bro Pratt & me in his Auto. a ride of about 30 miles to see the canal being constructed and the reservoirs several in number of Natures Construction Called at Guadelupe New Meeting house nearing completion and now in use. A credit to the few people living there about 8 or ten families. [p. 148]

From the representations made I should say the project of putting the canal through is going to be a wonderfully profitable project and what we saw confirms the belief in the representation. I spent the afternoon reading the Bible and writing I wrote home and wrote to the First Presidency a report of our labors in the St. Joseph Stake.

Attended the Public meeting at Colonia Dublan. Bp. Johnson of Colonia Diaz spoke about 5 min. Elder John Henry Smith spok[e] 50 minutes Subject. Honor Parents Enlarged upon Mother &c.

<Synopsis of Talk at Dublan


I followed 30 minutes. Beautiful Singing, Sweet spirit, words of Life, Gracious & Merciful Father, Loving parents, obedient children, beautiful homes. All gifts of God. How appreciative we should be, how obedient we should be. “Honor thy Father & thy Mother that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” Honor God that you may have Everlasting life. The Gospel true? yea, verily. It imbraces all truth, all error & evil having been eliminated [p. 149] it becomes the very essence of truth. A most beautiful picture when understood; When we live by its precepts it makes our lives beautiful; The inconsistencies in our lives evidence the fact that we have not accepted the Gospel as the reality which it is but merely as a theory. We are only partially converted The willfulness and disobedience of some in the Church is as a thorn in the Sides of the people & bring reproach upon the whole church. The Gen’l Authorities are united but a cloud is even now hanging over the people which gives the Authorities great concern. Whether the Lord will scourge us as he did anscient Israel who disobeyed council remains to be seen. We heretofore suffered through neglect to trim the dead branches. How far are we justified in favoring friends. If the Glory of God were to rest down upon us I fear many because of the dross would be Consumed. The dead branches would kindle a hot fire for the Consuming. The vineyard [p. 150] must needs be trimmed. We are living in the Eleventh hour of this Dispensation. The work is to be cut short in righteousness, the Lord is to come as the thief in the night. Five are to be wise & have their lamps filled and burning Who of us will be among the foolish. Now is the time to prepare.

After meeting we went down to Bro [blank] and administer<ed> to his wife.

6 March 1908 • Friday

Dublan, Mex.

Elder John Henry Smith and I rode over to Juarez with Bro. Bowman who drove us over in 1: <hr> 20 <mins.>

We put up at Pres. Ivin’s. I clean<ed> up my clothes, blacked shoes, & took a bath and did considerable reading in Review of Reviews & the Old Testament. Spent some time in council with Elders Smith & Ivins. Called at Dance in eve

7 March 1908 • Saturday

Juarez. Mex.

I attended the forenoon meeting of Conference. Large attendence. Speakers as follows.

A. W. Ivins 30 min. Report &c.

Bro Fillerup 23 "2 [p. 151]

Miles Romney 10 min.

Dan’l Scowson 3 "

[Blank] Ervin 5 "

[Blank] Done 7 "

Chas McLellen 10 "

Elder J. H. Smith 20 "

At afternoon meeting the Speakers <were>

Helaman Pratt

H. L. Payne

Gaskel Romney

[Blank] Thompson

O. P. Brown

[Blank] Harris

Anton Ivins Jr.

G. F. Richards 15 min.

[Blank] Bowman 8 "3

Bro Ivins reported that the tithings of the people of this stake equaled $14.46 per capita of population Mexican money which while only worth one half as much as Gold costs as much effort to get as an american dollar does the people of the U. S.

Letters from home.

I spoke of Canal & Reservoirs at Dublan & encouraged those who were thinking of leaving Mexico unless they are assured they have some thing better they would do well to secure land & water at Dublan. Mentioned the Meeting house at Guadelupe, the dance at Juarez. Tithings of [p. 152] the people and General support of the people for Pres. Ivins as evidences of the faith & faithfulness of the people. If we are more faithful than the people of other Stakes then we are more blessed for we are blessed according to our faithfulness. There is no good thing we could desire that the Lord has not promised us through faithfulness. We may meet with obstacle but they are intended for our blessing stepping stones to greater and better things. Bore testimony.

Good word from home except that Hyrum Lee had been operated on for rupture &c.

In the evening I attended Stake Priesthood meeting and spoke about 25 minutes on Duties of Priesthood & officers & Read from Eph 4:11.

At this meeting was presented the names of those proposed for the new Presidency of the Stake who were unanimously sustained

Junius Romney. Prisidint

[Blank] Harris. 1st Cou.

Charles McLellen. 2"4 "5

8 March 1908 • Sunday

Juarez. <Mex.>

I attended Sunday School session at 9 A.M. and occupied about [p. 153] 20 minutes. Subject. Read the hymn sung. While of these emblems we partake &c and commented upon the bread and water as the emblems of Him. He gave his life for us what more could he give? What are we willing to do for him (for our selves) If our lives were required we should be willing to give same. Abraham was required to all we are required to do and to give his Son’s life in addition. Related Story of Abrahams Sacrifice. The moral is obedience Honor thy Father that thy days may be long in the land &c Honor God that thy life may be everlasting in our Father’s kingdom.

Bro. Smith & Bro. Ivins each spoke after me.

At the 10:30 A.M. meeting the Speakers were Bros. Guy C Wilson and Pres. Jos. E. Robinson.

Took dinner with Guy C. Wilson at Anna’s home.

At afternoon meeting the Sacrament was administered and the Authorities presented including the New Stake presidency. Bro J H Smith was the principle Speaker followed by the members [p. 154] of the New Presidency, my self & Bro. Ivins.

I spoke of the organizing of the Juarez Stake Presidency as having given the First Presidency & Twelve no little Concern. Felt that the Lord had blessed us in the matter & felt that the right thing had been done. Beseeched the people to give these their support; invoked the blessings of the Lord upon them and predicted for them a successful Administration.

At 5 P.M. we met at Pres. Ivin’s home and ordained and set apart the brithren newly sustained in Conference as follows.

[First name, middle initial, and last name redacted] had his blessings re-sealed upon him by Elder John Henry Smith.

Timothy Jones set apart a missionary to the Central States by Elder J. H. Smith

Lemuel Hardison Redd ordained a Patriarch by Geo. F. Richards

Junius Romney set apart by Elder John Henry Smith, President of the Juarez Stake.

Hyrum Smith Harris set apart First Counselor to Pres. Junius Romney by Elder Geo. F. Richards

Chas. E. Mclellan set apart Second Counselor to Pres Junius Romney by [p. 155] Elder A. W. Ivins.

Helaman Pratt set apart a member of the High Council and President of the High Priests quorum by Elder John Henry Smith.

Guy C. Wilson was set apart a member of the High Council by Geo. F. Richards

Orson P. Brown set apart a member of the High Council by Elder A. W. Ivins.

Brigham Stowell member of the High Council by Elder John Henry Smith

Frederick W. Jones Jr. Ordained an High Priest and set apart an alternate member of the High Council by Elder Richards.

I wrote a letter of condolance to Sister Graham McDonald of Graham, Kane Co. She having just buried her husband. Also a letter of condolance to Patriarch Thos. Atkin of Tooele.

At evening meeting Conjoint Mutual. I occupied about 50 minutes and Bro John Hen[r]y Smith about the Same.

My Subject. We learn to love some people the more as we learn more of them because their lives are made beautiful by the good principles incorporated into [p. 156] their lives, so the Gospel to know it is to love it by honest people of unprejudiced minds. Compared the belief of the L.D.S. with the Atheists &c. A lengthy meeting.

9 March 1908 • Monday

Juarez. Mex.

Weather colder and threatening storm. I have taken slight cold.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday, finished letters &c.

This is the 26th aniversary of my wedding day.

I attended 10 A.M. Services of the Juarez Stake Reunion a farewell to Pres. Ivins. Stake officers spoke and musical selections were rendered.

At 2 P.M. exercises I occupied about 15 minutes and Elder John Henry Smith occupied perhapse 30 minutes. I spoke deliberately but with freedom and was well sustained by the Lord. I spoke on following topics.

1. In several respects these exercises resemble those of a funeral.

a. Expressions of sorrow

b. Sentiments of Eulogy. Beauquets.

c. Expressions of assurances for the future.

d.2. The Subject is not dead neither [p. 157] doeth he sleep but will be more alive than ever if possible in the future.

3. Your Sorrow. We rejoice

4. I know a Stake of 3000 population from whose presidency three Apostles have been chosen. Many more will be needed. Why not come from Mexico.

5. You will have another friend at court who will know all your virtues.

6. Trust and support his successors. They will be bigger than ever before. See what Saul, David and Joseph & others have accomplished while young. God was with them. So he will be with these. May the Mantle of their predecessors rest upon them.

7. Had he been appointed an embassador from Mexico to some other Count[r]y you would have thought him honored and you would have felt honored. He is much more honored & so are you by his present call.

8. You are called upon to divide your interest in him with others who also love him and with new onese. You are [p. 158] practiced in this. Especially adapted.

9. The Conditions in this Stake have been peculiar and you have had one of peculiar adaptibitely [adaptibility] for the place.

At evening session other Speeches were made and Elder Ivins was presented with a Gold watch which cost $240. Gold.

At about 10 P.M. the Services closed and the benches were removed and the people engaged in the dance. We left and were driven to Dublan 16 miles in an Auto by Bro. Bowman & reached there about 11:45 P.M. and slept at his house.

10 March 1908 • Tuesday

Colonia Dublan. Mex.

Elder John Henry Smith and I left Dublan at 7 A.M. and reached Elpaso Texas about 4 P.M. Took rooms at the Sheldon. I went directly to Ry ticket office and made reserves and learned that we could not go out on No. 3 this evening but must wait for No. 9 at 8:45 tomorrow A.M.

I brushed my clothes, cleaned me up, wrote up journal &c. [p. 159]

Elder Smith and I attended the theatre in the evening at the Orpheum. “Lost Paradise” by the Ulrich Company. The play represents the Labor Classes and honor vs. Capitol & Dishonesty and is an intense play, well played. There were a few original though<ts> came to me. 1st in her appeal at the last She might have said Believing you to have been without honor I would have myself been dishonorable but learning the truth I was just as ready to reject dishonor and accept the honorable.

The contrast of the daughter on the one hand with her $7000 pearl necklet and fine linnen with the daughter of the poor laborer in poverty and ill health was most striking as was also the want of oppertunity on the one hand to win the affections of him whom they both loved because of her station as a result of poverty. It is an educational play.

During the day I read the Bible [p. 161]

11 March 1908 • Wednesday

El Paso Tex.

Elder John Henry Smith and I left El Paso at 8:45 for home via. Los Angeles on the train. I read the bible.

12 March 1908 • Thursday

On train just passing the Salten Sea as I arose in the morning. I continued Bible reading. Arrived at Los Angeles at 12:45 P.M. Went down to Ocean park and called on, the Kimballs, Thatchers daynes. Met J. W. McMurrin at Los Angeles. Elder Smith took a bath in the pool at Ocean Beach. We left Los Angeles for home via. S.P.L.A. & S.L. Ry. at 8 P.M. narrowly escaped missing the train.

At night I dreamed that I drew Bro. Matthias Cowley from a fire which had consumed one arm and later it seemed that his head was nearly all gone. I did what I could for the remains.

13 March 1908 • Friday

On train.

I read the Bible wrote up journal &c. Read about 80 pages in the Bible. Read almost constantly all day and until 10 o’clock at night.

14 March 1908 • Saturday

Arrived [p. 161] from Los Angeles at 6:30 A.M. Cut Oliver’s hair. Trimmed my beard & took a bath. Looked over mail.

Alice & I went over and visited with Mother & Asenath about two hours. Did some writing &c.

15 March 1908 • Sunday


Alice, LeGrand, Joel, Nina and I went out to Tooele. Mamie was already out there having gone out with Miss Ashton Friday the 13th. All except Alice & Nina attended S. School. I addressed the members of the Parents Class and later the School.

Alice, Mamie, Nina & I took dinner with Hyrum & Estella. Attended 2 P.M. meeting. The speakers were in order as follows S. W. Orme Jr. LeGrand Richards, Fred Grant and myself.

I occupied 35 minutes. Referred to infidelity & Atheism & compared same with our belief. All good is incorporated in the Gospel. The inconsistancies in our lives is due to the fact that we have not accepted the Gospel as a reality which it is but merely as a theory. That which makes our lives beautiful is the re[p. 162]sult of having imbibed freely of the Gospel spirit. Act conscienciously. Fore give others that your sins may be forgiven. Nothing sinful can come into the presence of the Lord. His Glory consumeth all dross. Those on the other Side build for us according as we give them with which to build. The Gospel provides a means of escape from the effects of Sin. Repentance & forgiveness of others.

At the S. School LeGrand spoke. I suggested the putting before the Speakers the small children, in front. Increase attendance at S. School & be prompt in beginning School & in being on time. I find people engaged in same work from Canada to Meixco. Singing same songs, learning same lessons &c.

Nerva met the train with the single seated buggy and brought Mother & me up & brought us back to the Depot.

We returned to Salt Lake and Spent an hour or two at my Sister Asenaths with her, mother Aunt Sarah Ellen, Aunt Louise & Dr. SLR & Claud.

Weather beautiful. [p. 163]

16 March 1908 • Monday


I spent the day home reading the scriptures, writing letters &c. Alice and I attended the theatre in the evening. “The Power that Governs

17 March 1908 • Tuesday


I called on Mother and Asenath in the morning and spent about an hour with them. The remaining portion of the day and evening I spent at home principally reading the Scriptures.

Weather pleasant. Our health fairly good.

My son Legrand has good employment and finances at this time seem for us more bright. We have peace and love in our home to-day as much I think as ever before.

The Gospel is verily the Truth. I am happy in this knowledge and to know that I am indeed a child of God and have tasted of the Pure Love of God and have had my whole being thrilled by same. I rejoice in all there is in me that is good and regret that in me & my past life which is bad or un christlike and a glorious hope through the gos[p. 164]pel of obtaining full pardon of all my transgressions and by living a good, useful and faithful life I hope to obtain Eternal Life in the Celestial Kingdom with the good & pure.

18 March 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. to 1:45 P.M.

Attended Religion class Bd meeting at 4 P.M. and Circle meeting at 6 P.M. At the last named meeting my son LeGrand was accepted as a member of the Circle and dressed with us for the first time, 22 present.

19 March 1908 • Thursday


I wrote in Donnette Smith Kesler’s a[l]bum as follows.

Every grace and virtue that has been incorporated into your life to make it the beautiful life it is is but a reflex of Gospel truth.

Those qualities which you are lacking to make your life as beautiful as you would have it to be, can be found in the gospel which embraces all truth and all that is beautiful. May your whole life be one of truth & beauty &c

From memory 22nd. [p. 165]

This day I read the Bible most of the day.

20 March 1908 • Friday


I spent the evening at Theatre and the day reading the Bible.

21 March 1908 • Saturday


I accompanied Pres. F. M. Lyman to Bountiful where we met Elder D. O. McKay and we attended High Council meeting at 10 AM and Stake Priesthood meeting at 2 P.M. Pres. Lyman returned to S.L. City on 1115 AM train All three of us spoke at A.M. meeting and at afternoon meeting the Speakers were Ben E. Rich, myself & Bro McKay.

I returned home on 6:30 S.L. & O. Ry. Bp. David Stoker entertained us at Bountiful. I offered the Benediction.

22 March 1908 • Sunday


I left home with Pres. F. M. Lyman for Bountiful where we were joined by Pres. Ben E. Rich and Elder David O McKay and attended the Stake conference. At the morning session the Authorities were sustained and Prests. Rich & Lyman used remaining time. [p. 166]

Took dinner at Bp. Stoker’s.

At afternoon meeting the Sacrament was administered and the remaining time was occupied by Elder McKay & myself.

Pres. Lyman offered the benediction. I read the hymn think gently of the erring one which the choir had just sung and made that for my text and spoke with force and freedom for about 25 min. concluding at 5 min. to the hour for closing.

I went to Supper Bps Feller’s home and spent the time between the afternoon & evening meetings.

At evening meeting Conjoint. the Pres. of the YL & YM. each spoke briefly and I followed for about 35 minutes Subject suggested by the report of Pres. of Mutuals. Era, Reading, missionary work, 25¢ fund &c. Elder McKay occupied about the same time Subject 3 roads. Pres. Lyman returned home after the Afternoon meetind [meeting] as also did Pres. Rich.

We had a good conference and have appointments for Monday mights [nights]. Elder McKay at Centreville and I at South Bountiful.

Met Dr. Shoup for first time yesterday. [p. 167]

23 March 1908 • Monday


I spent the day studying, Called. at mother’s a few moments.

Left home at 5:45 P.M. for Bountiful. Attended South Bountiful public meeting and addressed same for about 60 minutes. Texts. “An Angel from on High” Hymn. Rev. 14:6 & Dan 2:[blank]

Pres. Jos. H. Grant occupied about 25 minutes in conclusion. I spent the night at Pres. Grants.

24 March 1908 • Tuesday


I returned home on OSL train leaving home bountiful at 9:16 A.M. Hyrum & Estella Lee are with us and their childrin also. I read from 3rd Chapter of Daniel to Conclusion of Old Testament. I read the Book of Mormon through between the dates of Oct. 25; 1907 and Nov. 1, 1907.

Read the Book of Covenants & the Pearl of Great Price through between the dates of Nov. 1, 1907 and Feb. 6, 1908. Read the New Testament through between the dates of Feb 6, 1908 and Mar Feb. 20, 1908. Read the Old Testament through between the dates of Mar Feb. 20, 1908 and Mar. 24, 1908. [p. 168]

Towards evening I did some work on front, parking &c.

25 March 1908 • Wednesday


I arose early and worked in the front parking side walk.

Attended Council meeting in the temple as usual & offered the opening prayr. Attended R. Class Gen’l Bd meeting at 4 P.M. and Circle at 6 P.M. Wrote letter to my Son Geo. at Chicago. Hyrum & Estella Lee and my wife Alice went through the temple doing work for the Longstroths. 22 present at Circle last week. 18 present this week.

26 March 1908 • Thursday


I re-seeded the lawn in rear yard and completed parking walk in front.

Went over to Mothers and visited an hour with her & the other folks. Sister Nerva being present. Wrote to my son George at Chicago. With Alice. Hyrum Lee & Estella went up to L.D.S. Hospittal and saw uncle Joseph E. Robinson who had just this day gone there to be treated for Kidney and urinary troubles. Bros Hyrum Lee & Wm Robinson & I laid hands [p. 169] on him and I was mouth in blessing him.

I attended a meeting of the Priests and ward teachers in the 22nd Ward in the evening. Present of the Salt Lake Stake Presidency Bro. Geo. R. Emery, of the High Council Bro. Wm Asper and Bro. Flashman and the Ward Bishopric. 36 of the brethren were set apart to act as visiting ward teachers and were instructed. Three of the brethren had been violating the word of wisdom but promised to keep it in the future.

Weather threatening.

27 March 1908 • Friday


I spent the day home reading and writing and in the evening I with Alice attended the S.L. Theatre Divorcion. Wrote to my Daughter Nerva at Tooele.

28 March 1908 • Saturday


I spent the day at home except an hour spent with my Mother & Sister. Studied and wrote.

29 March 1908 • Sunday


Alice and I attended fast meeting at the temple and gave $1.50 [p. 170] offerings. Attended 27th ward fast meeting and gave $1.00 contribution and bore testimony. Blessed a baby Walter Gabrial Ronald Price. LeGrand, Joel & Mother each bore testimony. Attended evening meeting in 27th ward. 8 young people from Junior class Mutual lectured.

Retired early.

30 March 1908 • Monday


Spent the day at home except a short time spent with my mother and Sister Asenath. LeGrand & I administered to Sister Lyman’s hired girl Anna Waddell who was so hoarse she could not speak audibly. This day Jos. E. Robinson was operated upon at L.D.S. Hospittal and Sister Jos. F Smith Jr. died at same place having been operated upon yesterday.

Weather breezy & unpleasant.

Had the carpenter, Thos Horman, make list of material needed for the making of a bed room out of what is now a porch up stairs and ordered the material.

31 March 1908 • Tuesday


I was all day in Conference of the Twelve in the temple. [p. 171]

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March 1908, George F. Richards, accessed February 14, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 149.

  2. [2]Ditto marks here and in the next five lines for “min.”

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “min.”

  4. [4]Richards erroneously made a ditto mark for “st” intead of writing “nd”.

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “Cou.”