October 1893

1 October1 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Stormy. Stormed all night the past night as nearly as I could tell. The snow covered the ground and did some damage to trees. I did the chores and made ready and went to Grantsville with team and buggy alone and Apostle Lyman and Prest. [p. 182] Gowans followed in a storm. All put up at Bp. James S. Wrathall’s and after School took dinner there. Prest. C. L. Anderson was absent from home.

Bro. Lyman spoke in both school and meeting and gave some most valuable instructions upon various topics.

Returned home after meeting and spent the evening talking to the family on what I had heard from Bro. Lyman.

<My sister Nerva’s baby girl was born.>2

2 October 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cool. I made my Sept. Ranch report and wrote a letter and mailed to Abram. Issued bills to parties owing us. Received letters from Abram & Alice Ann the latter from Farmington informing me of the birth of a girl baby to my Sister Nerva.

Wrote up my journal from memory from Sept. 26th until the present time. Recorded Bro. McLain’s blessing and in the evening recorded Sister McLains blessing. Amy had a tantrum and I had to conquer her by putting her in another room until she would yield. During the afternoon I hauled hay in to Vick’s Stall and went down & saw James James about money due me Also called at J. P. Skelton’s to see what kind of peaches he had for sale. All are usually well. [p. 183]

3 October 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled eight large loads of sand to the school house. Bought a buckskin colt of John B. Gordon for $6.00 Sired by Contucky Whip horse of Scribners and Davie Hedges mare. Received a proposition from Charles Hanks of the Hance Larson 80 A farm for $500.00 one acre of water included.

4 October 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather stormy until middle of afternoon. I used Kelsey water and with team and buggy and went over to see the 80 acres of land which Mr Chas. Hanks proposes to sell for $500.00 Took Alice and three little girls with me. Took the two boys Geo. Leg. & went up to Mr Hank’s. Made him a proposition to [t]ransfer Mrs Whitehouses note of $500. to him for the 80 acres above mentioned He thout the proposition would be satisfactory & would proceed to obtain full title to land as he now holds but one half interest. I went down to Joseph Henson’s field to see him about working for me while I go to Conference. With J. W. Tate called on A. J. McCuistion to see about moving theatre scenery so as to use stake in Social hall for School purposes for a short time. Spent the evening at home reading. [p. 184]

5 October 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I used the water irrigating laid off and plowed a land in South field first plowing of the season there.

Shaved and attended Fast meeting and blessed our baby and named her Lucena. Administered to Sister Kamile Kester at Meeting house. Collected $30.00 interest of P. A. Droubay on Mothers Money loaned him. Bought Conference ticket and paid Prest Gowans a difference of account of $3. Folks all well.

6 October 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant but a little raw. It being the first day of 64th semi-anual conference at Salt Lake City and there being a special train, I went in arriving there at 9:30 Attended thee two meetings and attended to one or two items of business. Took a lunch with Sarah Ellen and met Sister Aseneth there who was feeling quite unwell. Went down home with Bro. Stephen by horse and buggy and staid all night.

7 October 1893 • Saturday

Farmers Saturday Sugar House Ward.

Weather very pleasant.

I came up from Stephens to the City on the 8:20 Car and did some trading and attended the conference meetings Took a lunch at Sarah’s and called at Polley’s After afternoon meeting I called on Abram at his office and he walked [p. 185] down with me to the Depot and from there went to Farmington, Stephen accompanied me I having procured a ticket for him.

We found Mother and Alice Ann at Nervas and had a pleasant time with them. Sat up until nearly 12 o’clock.

8 October 1893 • Sunday

Farmington, Weather pleasant.

Nervay having a baby girl 8 days old & desiring her blessed. Frank & I blessed it I being mouth and gave it the name of Irene. I also gave Nerva a Patriarchal blessing Frank & Rhoda did the writing

We went to Salt Lake and I attended both meetings and between meetings I went down to Patriarch John Smith’s and received a blessing under his hand. Returned home by 5 PM. train and found every thing & all the folks all right. Estella came from Provo School same day as I left home after I had gone to the City.

9 October 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cool.

I attended to the irrigating, attended to some school business, our schools started to-day. Arranged with Jos. Henson to take cow, fruit and potatoes to Salt Lake City for Abraim.

Took Estella to the depot on her way to Provo to school. In the evening I copied my sister Minerva’[s] blessing. Wrote to Abram.

Folks usually well. [p. 186]

10 October 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Stormy until about 3 P.M. I repaired door & hung it to bedroom. I repaired tables, got boxes from store and picked apples, sorted over corn & sacked it &c. In the evening I recorded Nerva’s blessing & wrote up my Journal for two days.

11 October 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Last night was the coldest of this season. It froze a crust of dirt on plowed ground.

I sacked ten & a half bushels of potates and picked apples and sent ten and a half bu. of apples and the potatoes to Abram also a cow by Jos. Henson. Helped Alice with the washing for a couple of hours. Bp. Atkin and John McKellar called on me in relation to the people building a grist mill and asked me to post notices calling a meeting of the Citizens to consider the subject which I did.

In the evening I recorded minutes of a meeting of the Tooele Stake Board of Education held Sept 30th read papers &c.

12 October 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cold nights. I got mowing machine out of wagon shed and repaired, sharpened mower knife and commenced mowing. Broke pitman rod which was cracked and went down to Co-op and got a pitman rod that I [p. 187] had previously ordered brought from Salt Lake C. I ordered a pair of overalls made by Sister Herron at $1.15 Bought a model pair of shoes at John Englands for $3.00 Elastic Sides, heavy calf uppers and heavy wide soles tacked with diamond shaped brass tacks on bottom. Bought a pair of gote skin tanned gloves $1.25

Spent the evening at home reading and writing

All are well & happy

I copied my Patriarchal blessing in my Journal see opposite page.

J. W. Tate called in the evening on School business.

13 October 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant, Cold night’s I mowed lucern in forenoon and in the afternoon I ground knife and put away a wagon box (double bed) load of apples for winter. Took team and bugy and Alice & children and went out just at evening to engage a man to run the mower next week but failed to get one.

Prest. H. S. Gowans called on me and left for me to read a letter from Bp. Shielde’s wife to the President Wilford Woodruff which was sent by Bro Reynolds to us to read.

Prest. Gowans also stated that we were wanted to attend a meeting of water owners at St Johns tomorrow night. We arranged to go over tomorrow afternoon. Wrote and read in the evening. [p. 188]

<Patriarchal Blessing by John Smith Oct. 8th 1893.>3

Salt Lake City, Oct. 8th 1893.

A blessing given by John Smith Patriarch upon the head of Geo. Franklin Richards Son of Franklin D. and Nanny L. Richards, born in Farmington, Davis County, Utah Territory February 23d 1861.

Brother George Franklin Richards, according to thy desire, I place my hands upon thy head to pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee in accordance with the whisperings of the spirit and I ask God the Eternal Father for his spirit to indite thy blessing, to fill thee with the influence thereof, to open the eyes of thine understanding, to strengthen thy memory, to loosen thy tongue and to guide thy mind that as a servant of the Most High God, you may fill your mission upon <the> earth in honor for thou art now numbered among the sons of Zion, born under the covenant, thus an heir to the blessings gifts and privileges there-of and I say unto thee let thy faith fail not, be firm in thine integrity, hold sacred thy covenants, be obedient to the promptings of the Monitor within thee and learn to listen to the whisperings of the spirit and be guided thereby for the eye of the Lord has been upon thee from thy birth and thy guardian angel has preserved thee from the evils of the world and warded off many of the shafts of the Adversary which have been hearled at thee and thy life has been preserved for a [p. 189]

<Patriarchal Blessing Continued>4

wise purpose and in as much as thou wilt ask the Father in faith, thou shalt receive and in thine administration among the people, the blessings of the Lord shall attend thee, give thee word and sentiment and thou shalt counsel in righteousness among the people in so much that thou shalt astonish thy self and it shall be thy lot to hold positions of responsibility among the people that many shall seek thee for counsel and rejoice in thy teachings.

It shall be thy lot to travel much at home and abroad, by land and water laboring in the ministry. In thy journeyings thou shalt meet with friends and foes. The wicked will strive to lay beariers in thy way. The ignorant shall point the finger of scorn at thee. The honest will listen to thy words and the prudent will accept of thy teachings. Friends shall be raised up unto thee among strangers and thou shalt be called upon to be a peacemaker often in thy journeyings and peace shall be in thy circle for the blessings of the Lord shall attend thy labors and give thee favor among the people.

Thou shalt lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover for this is one of thy gifts which thou shalt receive through [p. 190]


prayr and faith. The gift of desernment is another which shall be given thee by the whisperings of the spirit when necessary to guide thee in thy duties that the evil designing may not deceive thee. Other gifts thou shalt acquire by study and by prayr and faith as the Lord shall direct thee as you grow in years and obtain knowledge to guide thee in thy labors, for thou hast much to do in order to complete thy mission upon the earth. The Lord knowest the secrets of thy heart. Thy guardian angel has special charge concerning thee and thy reward shall be according to merit therefore be prudent and guarded in thought and expression and it shall be well with thee.

Thou art of Ephraim and entitled to the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thy name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and shall be handed down with thy posterity in honorable remembrance from generation to generation. Be cheerful in thy deportment. Look always upon the bright side. Look forward to the future with pleasure, with a prayrful heart and an inquiring mind and thou shalt see things as they are. Thy duties shall be made known to thee from time to time as thou shalt need, by the prophetic vision of thy mind therefore remember to listen to the whisperings of the spirit. This [p. 191] blessing I seal upon thee in the name of Jesus Christ and I seal thee up unto Eternal life to come forth in the mornnig of the first resurection a savior in thy father's house, even so,


14 October 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I brought the horses in from East field, caught Lucy & Jose & hitched them on mower and mowed until noon. In afternoon I went down to School house to urge the builders to push the work as rapidly as possible on school building. I repaired my bugy, greased it & shaved bathed &c and at 5:20 P.M. Started with team and buggy & Prest. of Stake Hugh S. Gowans and went to St. John’s Ward 15½ miles distant from here where we attended a water meeting which continued in session until 4:30 A.M. and adjourned without accomplishing any business.

15 October 1893 • Sunday

St. Johns. Weather pleasant in forenoon but in afternoon and evening it was quite windy.

The water meeting having continued until 4:30 A.M. Prest. Gowans & I took a cold bite at Bp. Caldwell’s and then started for home at [p. 192] Tooele at 5:30 A.M. and arrived at home at 7:40 A.M. I took four hours sleep and then with Prest. Gowans started for Batesville where we attended meeting. I spoke first and occupied about 55 minutes speaking with considerable freedom and Prest Gowans occupied the remaining 30 minutes. Drove home and I wrote a letter to Abram while Alice and the two Hammond girls Mary & Lottie took team and buggy and went for a ride. After their return, I took team and children and went down & Saw Swen Nelson and Joseph Henson on maters of business. In the evening I wrote my journal for 14th & 15th and retired early. All are well.

16 October 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant. The wind ceased in the night & it was cloudy in the morning but cleared off during the day.

I mowed all day, had Jos. Henson raking hay in the afternoon. In the evening I attended a mass meeting of Citizens to consider the advisability of building a grist mill in our city. The proposition was looked upon with favor and a Committee was appointed to investigate cost kind &c. & report an [on?] a later date.

I called at Prest. Gowan’s office before the meeting and found Apostle Lyman there. He informed me that the Presidency and Twelve decided that Presidents of Stakes and [p. 193] their counselors and Bishops & their Counselors should not accept of a nomination to office under political title. Political office.

Folks usually well.

17 October 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I mowed lucern all day and in the evening I hitched Vick in the cart and went up to S. F. Lee’s and got some tomatoes and found Bro. Lyman there and he rode down with me.

In the evening I wrote letters, issued bills, wrote in my journal for two days and read the paper. Had one team and three men hauling hay in the afternoon. All well.

18 October 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cold and frosty nights.

I did a big day’s mowing and had three men hauling hay in afternoon.

Spent the evening at home reading.

Ruby got severely stung by ants.

All usually well. Letter from Sister Nerva.

19 October 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I mowed lucern all day and in the evening went down to the new school house, to the store & to see John DeLaMare. All are usually well.

20 October 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant, some warmer I went down to J.W. Tate’s in the morning about [p. 194] lime for school house and then mowed lucern the rest of the day. In the evening I attended a school Trustees meeting at which the contract was awarded to Percy Marshall & Ema Gordon the Janitor work for the schools at $9.70 per Mo. Folks usually well.

21 October 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I raked hay and mowed lucern finishing the mowing after 6 o’clock. Went to the store and got shoes and pants for the boys in the eve. did some writing, bathed and so forth.

Folks usually well.

22 October 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

This the first day of our quarterly conference held at Tooele. Apostle Abram H. Cannon drove out from Salt Lake and got here in time for the first meeting. Attended Conference all day and evening, three meetings. Had Bp. Shields & wife and Roit Hale of Grantsville to dinner. Asked more than twenty persons but they had been invited by others. Bp. St. Jeor of Clover staid all night with us.

23 October 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather cloudy most all day Attended conference meetings both fore and after-noon meetings. My Mother surprised us by coming on the train without giving us warning. Apostle A. H. Cannon came home [p. 195] with me at noon but would not take dinner. Bp. Shields & wife took dinner with us. I did not eat but visited with Bro. Cannon. During the forenoon meeting I spoke 30 minutes. Spent the evening at home until 8 P.M. when Mother, Alice, Nerva, Sister Shields & I went to the Beesley Concert in the meeting house. It cost me two dollars for admission The Misses Mary & Maud Hammond staid home with our children.

I assisted Bro Cannon, Bro. Gowans & others in administering to Sister Howell of Lake View at the Meeting House and went up to F. D. Horman’s and administered to his baby sick. B. L. Bowen anointed & I confirmed the anointing. I had men hauling hay

24 October 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled in the barrels of apple juice & stowed away in the shed. Raked hay most all day. Loaned Geo. Horman my Temple cloths to go to the temple.

In the evening I attended a School Trustees meeting at the school house.

25 October 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant but clowdy & some wind. Rained some during <the night.> I helped with the hay hauling, pressed grapes, bought Co-op weigh scales. Went to Depot with buggy to meet my [p. 196] brother Stephen but he did not come. ground & pressed grapes. Spent the evening at home.

26 October 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hitched up team on buggy and went and saw J. W. Tate about school matters; went up to Mercers to see him about doing some work in payment of Ranch account.

Went down to Jos. Hensons to get his son to work in John Mercer’s stead which he did. While at Hansens I measured the hay he got off my north Main st. lots and for one third of it (my share) I was by him allowed $31.50 acct.

I took Mother, Alice and the small children for a ride to Show my Mother my possessions. I raked hay towards evening and just before dark my brother Fred came and brought 23 horses from Plymouth for Abram. We spent a pleasant evening visiting and retired at Mid-night.

<Brother Fred came from Plymouth with Abrams horses>6

27 October 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I with Fred looked the horses over, brought those from East field and put with the others in South field. Took Mother to the depot on my <her> way home intending however to stay in Salt Lake a week. [p. 197] Took Fred and Alice for a ride to show him what realty I own &c.

Spent a pleasant day and evening and retired late. Bought for Fred a new $2.00 scinch for his saddle and presented it to him.

28 October 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant I finished digging the hole for weigh scales and with team & scraper leveled the dirt in holes &c. Hauled a load of gravel, hauled in the remainder of the hay 3d crop. In the evening, I attended a meeting of the Republican party to nominate City officers and School Trustees. I was named for Mayor to be voted for but declined to accept a nomination. When it came to School trustees My name was proposed and I stated that the only way I could accept a nomination was to have it made by both parties same as last year. This statement grew out of the fact that the Presidency of the Church had counseled the Presidency of Stakes & Pishopricks [Bishoprics] of Wards to not accept nominations for political office.

My statement drew forth sentiments in favor and against fusion ticket for trustees and meeting adjourned [p. 198] until the following eve Monday evening without arriving at any thing definitely.

29 October 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I attended School and meeting and offered the closing prayr in school.

After School I gave a Patriarchal blessing to Miss Mamie Clark of Farmington who is teaching school here and who sought a blessing at my hands.

After meeting I wrote up my Journal for several days. Attended meeting in the evening. Prest. H. S. Gowans came home with me after evening meeting and assisted me in consecrating oil and administering to my little girl Sarah who is sick with sore throat & other ailments.

30 October 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I engaged E Broad to assist me next day in moving weigh scales from Co-op & putting them down on ranch. I made October Ranch report, wrote letters to Bank, to Abram, to Swen Nelson on school business &c. Wrote a protest to County court protesting against their remitting Special School tax since the making of the assessment roll. Signed by the other trustees Clegg & Tate and presented to the Court who acknowledged they had over stepped their authority. In the evening I attended an adjourned meeting of the Republicans for the [p. 199] purpose of nominating School Trustees.

By mutual agreement both parties decided to meet to-gether Wednsday evening next for the purpose of nominating a citizens ticket for School Trustees. Called on Democratic Convention and witnessed the nominating of a City ticket.

31 October 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather very pleasant I had E. Broad & J. A. S. Smith helping me and we took up Co-op weigh scales and moved on to Ranch and put in frame work for scales. In the evening I attended a meeting of the citizens in the Brick Hall for the purpose of hearing the report of a committee appointed to look out a mill cite and estimate cost of a mill to be erected. Sarah felt pretty well during the day but not so well at night. The Mill meeting was postponed until Monday evening next to give place for a Political rally which took place in hall.

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October 1893, George F. Richards, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1893/1893-10


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Sept.” before crossing it out and writing “Oct.”

  2. [2]This sentence is written vertically in the left margin next to the 1 October entry.

  3. [3]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin.

  4. [4]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin.

  5. [5]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin next to the blessing.

  6. [6]This sentence is written vertically in the left margin next to the 26 October entry.