June 1898

1 June 1898 • Wednesday

Farmington I went to Salt Lake and did Temple work. Was endowed for John Brown. Attended Wm H King’s lecture on Cuba in the evening and staid at Sister Sarahs at [p. 238] night

2 June 1898 • Thursday

S. L. City I met the Dummy train at 8:30 & met Alice who accompanied me to the temple where we were endowed for a couple and sealed for five couples and had Sarah Longstroth Dead Sealed to me. Ann Tate did ordinance work for one of our females. I returned to Farmington in the afternoon on 3 oclock Dummy with Alice. In the evening I gave blessings to Wilford, his wife Emily and his daughter Laura.

Rained nearly all night.

3 June 1898 • Friday

Farmington Alice & I went to Dummy in a rain storm & on it went to City & did temple work, were each endowed for one & were sealed for two couples. Levi W. Richards did ordinance work for Samuel Richa Longstroth. at my instance.

Alice returned to Farmington on 3 oclock Dummy & Joel & Legrand Came down on Carriage with team arriving at 6:30 We went down to Stephens where we Staid All night.

4 June 1898 • Saturday

Sugar House Legrand, Joel & I left Stephen’s [p. 239] in morning by team, came by way of S.L. City & arrived home at 2 P.M. Got fresh team from the field at at 5 P.M. Prest. H. S. Gowans accompanying me went to St. Johns 15 mi. South where we put up our team at Bro Larkins & Staid in Same house with Sister Burridge. In the evening I attended ward Priesthood meeting I offerred the opening prayr. A Good Spirit prevailed.

5 June 1898 • Sunday

St. John Attended School, council meetings & Afternoon Conference meeting Prest. Anderson met us at St. John & he & Prest Gowans Spoke in afternoon meeting I presented the Authorities & offered the Closing prayr. John G. Ahlstrom was chosen and with one exception sustained to be Bishop with Elijah Larkin as first & Heber C Russell 2nd Counselors. Nephi Draper objected to Ahlstrom but was willing to Sustain himself. Arrived home about 7:30 P.M. Wrote up Journal, Wrote letters &c in the evening.

6 June 1898 • Monday

Tooele I worked on record of the Dead nearly all day. Went over to the field in Afternoon.

7 June 1898 • Tuesday

I attended Primary Conference in forenoon and in Afternoon I took team & carriage & went [p. 240] to Sugar House Ward to Dr Stephens George went with me. Nerva, Legrand & Joel remained home & Mamma & little girls are at Farmington. Sister Alder rode to Station Ry with me & Stanley Hanks went to S.L.C. with me Staid at Stephens all night.

8 June 1898 • Wednesday1

Sugar House

I met Alice at depot at 8:30 A.M. & she accompanied me to temple where we did temple work were endowed and sealed for one couple. After Which we went to Farmington by team Geo. & Gill meeting us at temple block where we got out. At Farmington Took Legrand Robinson & wife with us down in field. W H Miller & wife called on us at Farmington at Nervas.

9 June 1898 • Thursday

Weather fine.

Farmington Alice, Sister Hellen H Miller & I all went down on dummy to temple where we did work for the dead Stanley A Hanks officiated one for one male & Alice & I were sealed for two Couples. Sister Hellen Miller was endowed for her daugher Edna Moselle and stood for her in having her sealed to me. Returned to Farmington in the evening. At the temple by request of Apostle M. F. Cowley I while in the rodes [robes] of the Priesthood administered unto him a Patriarchal blessing in the Apostles Room Bro John [p. 241] nicholson acted as scribe.

10 June 1898 • Friday

Weather pleasant.

Farmington Geo. & Gill took our return tickets & went to City yesterday. Alice & children & Nerva Rhoda & Baby Accompanied us All went in Carriage to City. Alice tended Nerva’s baby & she and I went to temple & were endowed & sealed for a couple. After which I administered to Bro John Nicholson a Patriarchal blissing [blessing] Bro McAlister Scribe & to Apostle A. O. Woodruff John Nicholsen being scribe. See blessings in Record of Blissings. After which I went down to Stephens & got read[y] to Start home Left Stephens at 5 P.M. & arrived home 9:40 p.m. Rhoda came with us. Found all well at home.

11 June 1898 • Saturday

Home I recorded temple work, wrote up my journal, wrote letters & with the boys help put up mower & rake ground guards & knife & put on some sections &c

12 June 1898 • Sunday

Home I took my team & carriage and Prest. Gowans & wife & Peter Reid & wife accompanied me to Grantsville where we attended school & meeting. I spoke in school & prayed in meeting. Took dinner with Bro [blank] Anderson Brother of [p. 242] August K. and administered blessings to himself his wife & her two daughters.

13 June 1898 • Monday

Weather threatening. I should have commenced cutting lucern but was myself quite Sick. The boys worked in garden.

14 June 1898 • Tuesday

Weather Same, health same &c.

15 June 1898 • Wednesday

Commenced on the hay. Worked all day at it.

16 June 1898 • Thursday

Had Jos Tate working for me this day for which I paid him 1.75 on store. George finished cutting 20 acres in the 2 days about 2/3 of it cocked up. I took Rhoda Knowlton & Nerva to Depo. Waited on City board of Equalization & got assessment on my house reduced. $200.

17 June 1898 • Friday

The boys Geo. & Joel & I finished Cocking up hay & hauled two loads hom[e]

18 June 1898 • Saturday

Moved Derrick & put up the ropes & unloaded the two loads of hay brought up last night Went to field & got two more loads & unloaded them. At about 9 oclock P.M. as I was about to retire to my bed, A telephone message came to me from Mercur informing me of the Death of J D. McIntosh who died very Suddenly at Mercur & requesting me to attend his funeral services next day at St John.

I am feeling better but still have a cold. [p. 243]

19 June 1898 • Sunday

Windy weather. Stake Prestcy appointment at Lake View. I by request went over to St. John and attended the funeral of J. D. Mcintosh & Spoke about 50 min with great freedom

20 June 1898 • Monday

Continued the hay hauling

21 June 1898 • Tuesday

Continued hay hauling.

22 June 1898 • Wednesday

Continued the hay hauling until 3:30 P.M. when while at dinner it commenced to rain & rained hard for an hour or more. This delayed haying. Later in evening I took team & buggy & went over to field to See Corn &c,

23 June 1898 • Thursday

Peter Clegg & I took my teams & buggy & tools & measured the waters of Settlement Canyon at Huff Sluice & found there to be 855 inches Weir Measure & the Middle Canyon at Parker’s sluice & found there to be 763⅜ Ac inches. Settlement was clear. Middle was a little Rily. Wrote up Journal from June 17th Wrote letters &c. I am feeling much stronger & better but still have severe cold & on chest & lungs.

<Rained off & on most all day. Rough on hay fine for grain. Corn &c.>2

24 June 1898 • Friday

I went to the field scattered hay that had been met by rain. Cut & put up lucern Mr Hill Archetect & Engineer called on me at field about water.

25 June 1898 • Saturday

We hauled four loads of hay from field & put on stack & piled up about 6 loads in Field. [p. 244]

26 June 1898 • Sunday

In morning wrote following for Y. P. Paper.


Marriage was ordained of God. Nothing is more honorable than honorable marriage The first great command of God is fulfilled through it. The blessings of Moses of Abraham and of all the Prophets and patriarchs of former days who received their blessings direct from God are received through this principle. The earth was made for Gods children as a dwelling place. We are his elect people through whom the faithful Spirits desire lineage. Our unions should be such as would entitle us to bear the souls of the most noble of Gods children unborn. People who marry should be one in affection, in faith and in observance of the Laws of God if they would parent the noble of Gods children. It may be that ignoring these principles or shirking the duties of matrimonial life, accounts for many children being disobedient and unfaithful as such unions are only worthy such offspring. The more united is man & wife in every good and true principle, the more successful will be their married life i.e. the more happy [p. 245] they will be and the more lasting will be their happiness.

Young people, get married.

In making choice of a companion always cho[o]se your equal and have in view. Eternity as well as time.

Marry early that your ways and dispositions may be modified, where necessary, to make perfect harmony. Keep in view the object God had in instituting Marriage and the Sacredness of the principle. Shirk not the responsibilities connected therewith Do your duty to one another to God and his laws and be forever happy.

G. F. R.

Happiness is better promoted by the praise of ones virtues than the criticism of ones weaknesses.

I attended meeting in the afternoon Home missionaries Davies & Feller from E.T. spoke. I offered the benediction

Attended Circle & was mouth. I still have bad cold.

27 June 1898 • Monday

Worked in the hay haying Administered to Libby <Lee>

28 June 1898 • Tuesday

" " " "3 all day Attended Irrigation Bd. [p. 246] meeting at Court House in evening.

29 June 1898 • Wednesday

Worked in the hay haying all day.

30 June 1898 • Thursday

" " " " " " "4 4 loads to McBride

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June 1898, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1898/1898-06


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Tues.” before writing “Wed.” over it.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 23 June entry.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Worked in the hay”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Worked in the hay haying all day.”