April 1902

4 April 1902 • Friday

During this week I have been twice to the Canyon looking after cattle. Hauled dirt from canyon & put in front. Planted lawn & fixed up walks board border. This day went to Salt Lake & attended both Conference meetings. Attended theatre with Mother, Aunt Sarah, Fred. & Carlie & others. Play Mizzouri.

5 April 1902 • Saturday

Attended Conference meeting in forenoon and in after noon I entered into Contract with C W & M Co to be their agent for Tooele & vecinity. Spent the evening at Sarah’s with Mother & Aunt Seney. Slept at Sarah’s both nights.

6 April 1902 • Sunday

Attended both Conference meetings and returned home on 6 P.M. train. Joel met me at station. Found folks well.

7 April 1902 • Monday

Dug up strut washer on lawn & got Albert Lindholm to fix same. I sold lumber & plow extras. Made up my accounts &c. Wrote business letters. &c & wrote up my Journal from Mar. 31st from memory. [p. 100]

8–11 April 1902

I worked about the house, made walks about the house & to gate front, put a board boarder around walk both sides. Took out sand from around house & put in canyon soil, planted vines trim[m]ed grape vines, plowed part of garden. Sold implements & lumber &c. The above is the work of 4 days.1

12 April 1902 • Saturday

Sold lumber & implements put up attachments & plows &c.

Went to Vernon with Prest. Gowans in afternoon via. St. John. Called at Ajax & had cakes & sider <staid at Bro. Pehrsons.>

13 April 1902 • Sunday

Vernon. Attended school & meeting and after meeting we returned home arriving here about 9 P.M.

14 April 1902 • Monday

Sold lumber & implements and worked in garden planting &c.

15 April 1902 • Tuesday

Worked in garden planting, sold implements & lumber Kepts accts &c.

16 April 1902 • Wednesday

about same as above

17 April 1902 • Thursday

" " " "2

18 April 1902 • Friday

Decided to build implement house 24 x 30 ten ft high and engaged J. T. Gollaher & Thos Horman to do the work. The former being responsible & getting 30¢ pr hour, the latter 25¢ pr hour.

19 April 1902 • Saturday

<Journal written up from 11th from memory to 20th>3

Arranged with Mr Lineberg to put in rock foundation for implement house Had rock & sand hauled & I took up the trees 4 fruit & one poplar trees to make room for house & dug foundation. Sold plow & attachment to Mrs Donaldson & other goods to Sund. persons. During past week attended meetings of Water owners of Settlement canyon to consider proposition of Clark Electric Power Co to pipe waters of Settlement Canyon Mond. & Tues. evening. Attended com[p. 101]mittee meeting Tues. afternoon & Wed evening. Sent in communication to Clark Co. the wishes of Water owners.

20–28 April 1902

Monday April 28th The past week stormy. I assisted by the boys Joel & Frank Gillispie unloaded car of lumber. waited on carpenters &c. Sund. 27th I attended the Batesville Ward Conference and Sunday previous Grantsville Ward Conference. This day sold to Moses Bennion 5 calves & 3 young cows for $95.00 Cash. Wrote to Geo. & to Legrand.

29 April 1902 • Tuesday

Met Mr Clark & Mr Pierce of the Electric Power Co. and deleberated upon the proposition to pipe Settlement Canyon waters & at evening met with Water owners in Mass meeting I acting on a committee appointed to confer with Electric Co. Did work at home & made sales between times.

30 April 1902 • Wednesday

Did Committee work during the day and attended Mass meeting in evening where a place was adopted & signed by a good number of the Water owners.

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April 1902, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1902/1902-04


  1. [1]Richards wrote the dates for 9–11 April in the left margin next to this single entry spanning eight lines.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “about same as above”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 18 and 19 April entries.