January 1901

1 January 1901 • Tuesday

Home Weather unchanged. Ground dry & weather Cold. I did some book work. Took inventory of my lands, animals, implements &c. Attended a committee meeting at Tithing office, visited the Sick, read the news &c.

2 January 1901 • Wednesday

Windy & dusty.

Home I prepared Annual Statement and sent to Utah Lum Co. & did other writing. I attended High Priests meeting in afternoon, visited the sick, Studied Mutual lesson. Attended the Comedy by Home troop. Administered to Estellas Baby, Grant, his Father Anointed.

3 January 1901 • Thursday

Heavy South wind & much dust ground being bare I felt indisposed all day. Issued bills wrote letters read from History of Utah Vol. 1 When I went to bed at night I had a severe chill followed by fever, headache & unrest.

4 January 1901 • Friday

Still windy.

After a very bad night I did not appreciate very much my bed and arose about 11 A.M. Ate a light breakfast and lounged about until about 10 P.M and retired and had a poor night. Hyrum & his Girl Lucy both poorly.

5 January 1901 • Saturday

Still windy. A lull for a few hours in which Wm Cassety’s house was burned. Boy & match upstairs cause. I donated $5.00 towards repairing loss.

I was still poorly & at 3 P.M. went to bed very sick at stomach. Sent for Elders who did not arrive until about 6 P.M. Was administered to and felt some better but had a bad night. Hyrum was also sick babys better.

6 January 1901 • Sunday


I felt some better and was up most all day read some from Bible. Rested some better at night than for some nights past. [p. 43]

7 January 1901 • Monday

Home Windy during the past night. Commenced snowing in morning & snowed off & on during the day. about 5 inches of snow fell.

I was some what better to-day Remained in doors & read, wrote & studied.

8 January 1901 • Tuesday

Remained in doors all day. Health improved but still have cold & cough. Read “Added Upon” aloud to Hyrum, Estella & others.

9 January 1901 • Wednesday

Snowed some during the day.

I attended to business with Prest Gowans, Wm Sanford, J. A. Bevan Jr. Lindholm Bros. & others. Hyrum & Estella went up to Lees to Stay for a while.

<Sent payment $52.20 to State Bd of Land Com.>1

10 January 1901 • Thursday

<I Dreamed a Dream.>2

At 3:30 A.M. Prest. Gowans called for me & we went down to Jas. Hickman’s and administered to his little 4 yr old boy who is very sick with Pneumonia. Bro. Gowans Anointed & I sealed the anointing. Returned, went to bed & dreamed a peculiar dream.

I thought I saw a spring of water, a horse grazing near by, feed very poor A young horse probably yearling in size came out of spring. It had been almost buried in the water he was saddled & bridaled. I put up my team in a stable of excellent proportions, warmth & comfort. A farm near by harvesting in progress. Stacks of grain seemed to be but straw. A beautiful house when examined proved to be a poor & shoddy affair. A Man leveling insisted on hitching to the side of his level as it cleared more ground & was an experiment.

If I have the correct interpretation of the dream Jamie Hickman will recover [p. 44]

I got shoes soled. Sold to J. A. Bevan Bowden 40 A for $600. transfer to be made soon. Went down to H Marshall’s & to Geo. Remington’s. Saw Gordon about buying land on bench. Administered to Ann Lee & Estella’s baby in evening. Studied English &c.

11 January 1901 • Friday

George took Edith Dunn to Mercur.

Andrew Hoogland was brought home from Stockton mines having met with a severe accident. A bucket having fallen about 30 feet & struck him on the head. I was called in and administered to him. He was unconscious at noon & was hurt the night before at 8 P.M. Attended to some business down town, read & studied language This day Dr Davis pronounced the Sickness of young Benj. Bow[e]n Smallpox He was in our house with our boys last Sunday & was taken sick Monday & broke out Thursday & his sisters attended school until Friday.

12 January 1901 • Saturday

I went down on Prairie & got 3 rabbits & a chicken. Cleaned out sheds & other work. Geo Returned from Mercur. I called on Bro Simpler who was sick also on Hickman who has a sick boy with pneumonia.

13 January 1901 • Sunday

On account of Small pox I kept the children at home from School & meeting. I read to them and visited the Sick. Administered to Andrew Hoogland twice; and to Sister McLain once. Called on Bro. Lyman in evening. [p. 45]

14 January 1901 • Monday

Home Weather spring like. Some snow on groung [ground]. Reported cases of Small Pox in Stake as follows. Grantsville 18, E.T. 8 Tooele 1. I arranged to let Sanford have 4 pigs @ $6.15 pr 100 lbs. delivered to-morrow at Station. Attended Water Co. Board of Directors. Administered to Andrew Hoogland as a resu befor[e] he left for City of S.L. They having taken him, to the hospittal. Killed 2 pigs &c Letters from Mother & Fred.

15 January 1901 • Tuesday

Killed two more hogs with the help of my boys and took the four to Station. Saw Walter Stewart about the purchase of my bench farm of 62 35/100 acres. Saw Geo Remington about finding a buyer for my 4 fourties 160 acres East of his place. He was corresponding with Stephen newman about it & expects him out any day. I put a 12 ft. manger under shed & made two stalls one for large cow & the other for 3 calves. Spent the evening home reading the news, played checkers & authors with the children & Mama.

16 January 1901 • Wednesday

Bought Neatsfoot oil & got Legrand & Joel to greasing harness. I attended High Priests meeting and spoke. Wrote letters to Utah Lum. Co. & State Board of Land Com. Cared for animals &c. Sold some lumber. Wrote in journal & in ledger.

17 January 1901 • Thursday

I traded Sailor to John Miller for Gray horse Dick. Exchanged pork to Bro. Remington for 118 lbs. beef. Took Mama in bug[g]y up to Cemetery, Cared for animals. In evening I visited Bro. Craner who is sick.

18 January 1901 • Friday

I greased harness & killed two pigs. Sent team to Stockton & had them Shoed by Lee Bros.

19 January 1901 • Saturday

I Greased harnass, made repairs in shed & pens [p. 46] In the evening I administered to Ora Pesimer and Cancelled Water Co. warrants.

20 January 1901 • Sunday

Weather beautiful.

Home The town being under quarantine No school or Meeting. One case of Small pox in town Bennie Bowen. I cleaned up & remained home; read to Children &c.

21 January 1901 • Monday

I Made annual report of Treasury of Tooele City Water Co. Made deed to 40 A. land obtained from J. B. Bowden Deeding same to J A Bevan for $600. Completed the business with latter. Cared for animals &c.

22 January 1901 • Tuesday

Put partitions in sheds & did other work for the comfort of animals. Geo & Nerva Came from Mercur. In evening I accompanied Geo A Rimington & Jos Dunn to Elkingtons where we administered to Sister Elkington & Phoebe her daughter.

23 January 1901 • Wednesday

Geo. & I with team & buggy went to Sugar House Went on up to City via street Car. Attended to business with Utah Lum. Co. Saw Robt Rhoden about purchase of land, made purchases of mdse at Z.C.M.I. &c. Staid at Dr Stephens at night. Accompanied Dr & Aunt Lou to a club gathering at Mrs Groesbecks. Had a pleasant time. Met there Mr & Mrs. Groesbeck & Lou, Mr. & Mrs. Russell, Dallis, Cumming, Clark, Pugsley, Pack & —— Mr. Clawson, Mrs Faust & possibly others.

<Administered to Bert Lee’s baby. in A.M.>3

24 January 1901 • Thursday

Returned home via S.L.C. Attended to some business at Bank. Drew $600. from Z. S. Bk on Order of J. A. Bevan. Arrived home at about dusk. Found Hyrum & Estella here with a very sick baby. Administered to the baby.

25 January 1901 • Friday

Wrote to Several parties for quotation on lumber & in regard to selling land. [p. 47] Administered unto Estella’s baby, Did chores &c.

26 January 1901 • Saturday

Home Wrote letters; did chores, Drove up to Peter Gillespies & saw him about purchase of lands from me & about tunneling for water. Administered to Estellas baby. Read “In His Foot Steps” or “What would Jesus do?”

27 January 1901 • Sunday

Weather continues pleasant.

Now No School or meeting on account of Small pox. Read to a finish, “In his steps.” Administered to Grant (Estella’s baby) twice or more. Waited upon him some & sat up part of the night.

28 January 1901 • Monday

Did some work at yards. sat up at night with Grant Estellas baby

29 January 1901 • Tuesday

Went to Salt Lake by train to consider a Proposition of Bro Willards to Manufacture & Sell his plow attachment. Was in Town until Fri. Feb 1st during which time I staid at Willards 2 nights and at Stephens one. I entered into an agreement with W.B R whereby I get the exclusive right to manufacture and sell his attachment for two years and have an option on a 1/2 int. in his patent right for $2000. for 2 yrs. I am to pay him $3.00 royalty on each attachment sold. I also arranged with the Salt L Utah foundry and Machine Co. to make for me 50 attachments within 30 days.

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January 1901, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1901/1901-01


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 9 January entry.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 10 January entry.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 23 January entry.