May 1907

1 May 1907 • Wednesday

Gridley, Cal.

Prest Robinson, Bro Dewsnup and I rode out with Mr. Gillstrop Mgr of Cal. Irr. Land Co in forenoon and again with Bro Cameron in afternoon.

The country impresses me favorably. We visited the editor and of the town hearald, also B. F. Prinnell Lodge president asked how the people feel about our coming in to live with them, said the almost universal sentiment is favorable. Called on Dr Thompson who declares this is a distressingly healthy climate Nothing better as in the United States. Temperature not oppressive. Called on Mr. Thresher who said same of the climate & temperature & health of people. [p. 52] Met Bank Prest. Mr. Biggs.

I am impressed favorably with the country. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Where every thing grows without water beautiful homes can be built. Sub irrigation an advantage. Drainage may be necessary.

I attended meeting in the home of Bro Farr. Three rooms occupied & some on the porches I occupied about 20 minutes at opening and turned the meeting over to the people to testify which about ten did men & women, a good spirit prevailing there Prest Robinson spoke about 35 min. I followed relating my impressions in relation to the Country the Reserve 20 A and meeting house site &c. Left my blessings with the people. After meeting Called the land committee together and recommended that 10 A of [p. 53] the Reserve 20 A that on the North side be sold to the Branch for meeting house and other purposes and the remaining 10 A with the improvements which are rendered more valuable because of the prospective public buildings, be sold for all it would bring and all over the purchase price be paid on the 10 A the Branch buys thus cheapening to them the lot by several hundred dollars. Asked if they were agreed. All assented though Bro. Dewsnup felt a little reluctant I thought.

2 May 1907 • Thursday


Left Gridley at 8 AM & reached Sacramento about 11 A.M. I studied during the afternoon at Hotel Turclu. Attended Meeting in evening in hall Present about 45 I occupied 1 hour subject Apostacy & Res[p. 54]toration. Prest Robinson followed for about 35 minutes. I blessed Joseph Myron King an infant. Had a gospel talk with an out sider Mr. Bancher.

I took train for home about 11:40 P.M. Pullman.

3 May 1907 • Friday

On train.

Left Sacramento after 12 o’clock last night and at this writing am at Winnamucca Nevada 7:50 PM about 2½ hrs behind Had poor night’s rest last night Have done some studying to day and feel well to-night.

4 May1 1907 • Saturday

On train from California S. P. Route. Arose from bed before 6 A.M. Arrived in Ogden about 9:30 A.M.

Met and conversed with one Mr Edward Wiest & wife a new<ly> wedded couple who occupied a birth across the isle from me I committed to memory several [p. 55] passages of scripture enroute. Our train was divided and my Nephew Eugene D. Robinson and Elder Swallow took the other division in order to take a Tourist.

At close of our evening meeting at Sacramento Elder E. D Robinson re. a telegram stating that his mother is very sick & for him to hasten home. His baggage was checked for Salt Lake City & he had his ticket for that point so came on.

Reached Salt Lake 12:30 P.M. Called at President’s office and had a brief interview with the Presidency. Trimmed my beard, bathed &c. Met the evening train which was belated from Tintic, Nerva Came from Tooele. Folks well. Weather Cold.

5 May 1907 • Sunday


Fasted and Alice & I attended the temple fast meeting and I bore testamony. Attended My Circle meeting, also [p. 56] Ward Fast meeting 27th Ward. I assisted in blessing children, confirming members & consecrating oil. I was mouth in blessing Vera Miss Mills. And in Consecrating oil. I also spoke about 15 minutes.

Attended evening meeting 27th ward. Prof. Wm M Stewart lectured. Visited with Mother at her home after meeting; Alice & nerva with me. Phoned to Joel.

6 May 1907 • Monday

Took my Suit to tailors for repairs. Wrote to George & LeGrand Sent $50. ck. to George. Did other writing & reading. Had a brief visit with Pres. Lyman in the evening and reported my findings at Gridley Cal.

7 May 1907 • Tuesday


I went out to Tooele. Joel met me at Ry Station and with horse & buggy I accompanied [p. 57] him & he me to field & inspected lucern & from there to Lake View and from there to Erda & Saw the woods Bros. & back to Lake View & saw the Adamson Bros. about horse sale. Offered to Edmund Leaver my 120 A lucern farm for $2400 Cash and gave him until next Saturday to decide. Took dinner with Estella & Hyrum Lee Joel with me. Returned to Salt Lake in evening.

8 May 1907 • Wednesday


Remained home in forenoon In afternoon I attended a meeting of the Religion Class Board & received an appointment to Nephi to attend a Religion Class Convention next Sunday.

I attended to some business down town. Bought $7.00 worth of rose bushes and two Poplar trees.

I called & saw my mother for a short time.

Studied Scriptures & outlines [p. 58]

9 May 1907 • Thursday

Home. I attended Council & Prayr meeting in temple from 10 until 1:30 Prayed at A. Reported my findings at Gridley Cal.

My Appointment is to Nephi for next Sunday and next Tuesday I leave here 11:45 P.M. in Company with Pres. F M Lyman for the Big Horn stake. Will likely call at Anaconda and decide as to whether or not we will buy a house & lot for meeting purposes same having been offered us for sale.

I had a man bring some trees and bushes and a load of dirt and do some work, making flower mounds &c. I assisted him and in the evening attended Circle meeting and at close I gave to Bp. Tingey of the 17th Ward a blessing at his request. Alice & I attended the theatre which I failed to enjoy “The Cabbage Patch” I feel as if I would not want to go again soon. [p. 59]

10 May 1907 • Friday


I spent part of the day planting flowers &c and the remainder reading and studying. Called & visited a short time with my mother in the evening. Alice & Nerva with me. We called at Knotts drug store & got refreshments. I wrote several letters &c.

11 May 1907 • Saturday

Home Did some reading, writing &c Made ready and went to Nephi on the train leaving at 4:50 P.M. Was met by Elder Miner Stake Supt Religion Classes. Went to My Nephew Roscoe Grovers where I staid all night. Rosco did not return home from Sanpete until the following evening.

12 May 1907 • Sunday


I attended a Religion Class Officers meeting from 10 until 12 o’clock. Bro James E. King [p. 60] was present having arr[i]ved on the mid night train. This I think will prove a proptable [profitable] meeting. I attended the meeting of Gen’l public at 2 P.M & addressed the meeting on the Subject Religion Class work. Took dinner with Bro. Miner. Attended evening meeting & spoke 25 minutes subject Obedience to Gospel Law & the commandments of the Lord. Applied especially to word of wisdom.

13 May 1907 • Monday

Nephi. I had a two howers [hours] talk with Bro. Ebenezer Tanner who called to see me at 6:10 A.M. Left Nephi at 8:30 A.M. belated train. Pres. Lyman & Elder H J Grant were on same train returning from Millard stake. In afternoon I attended to some business down town at Pres. Office, Bank, Ry [techns?] office, Barbershop, stores &c. [p. 61]

14 May 1907 • Tuesday

Home. I received letters from Joel & My Bro. Fred. Wrote to both of them & to George at Chicago. Mr Candland agt for the Colorado National Life insurance Co Called and I took out a $5000. Policy under the Special contract or Advisory Contract system. Was examined by Dr Beal in afternoon Wrote letters to Pres. Pratt and Pres. Chas D White of Beaver last night. Read to Pres. Lyman Took 11:45 P.M OSL train for Big Horn via Butte. Arrived in Butte about 430 PM Wed

<My wifes 43 Birth day>2

15 May 1907 • Wednesday

On train to Butte.

Pres. F M Lyman & I read the papers in the case of Burnham Pres & Stake Presidency, Bp. Jolly & High Council. &c which took more than three hours. When we reached Butte about 4:30 P.M. we found [p. 62] the Elders head quarters and Staid until about 9:40 P.M. when we took train (Sleeper) for Billings on the way to Big Horn.

16 May 1907 • Thursday

On cars from Butte to Billings, arrived in Billings at 12:20 PM Three hours late and 50 minutes after out Toluca train had left & had to remain in Billings until 11:45 P.M. We staid at the Northern and while there wrote up my journal for two days, wrote letter home &c. Studied scriptures & Scriptural quotations.

Wrote a 6 page letter to my son LeGrand in Holland. Took train, chair car, for Toluca at 11:20. Train left Billings at 12:45. Arrived at Toluca about 2:30 A.M.

17 May 1907 • Friday


Pres. Lyman & I arrived here at 2:30 A.M. took rooms at hotel [p. 63] Breakfasted at Toluca & left for Cowley at 7:40 A.M. <Friday> Good health. Arrived at Cowley 2 P.M. Met at depot by Pres. Sessions and C. A. Welch. Went to May Lymans to dinner with Pres. Lyman. Then went to Sister Crosby’s where I staid with Pres. Lyman and Jos. W. McMurrin. Have taken cold some way. Some wind and threatened storm.

18 May 1907 • Saturday

Cowley. Pres. McMurrin & I rode with Pres. C. A. Welch from Cowley to Lovel. At Lovel we attended meeting at 10 A.M. 2 P.M. Priesthood at 4 PM and a council meeting at Bp. Jolly’s at 6 P.M. Trouble between members of Lovell Bishopric the meeting adjourned until 12 noon to-morrow. I spoke at 2 PM meeting about 40 min. Again at Priesthood meeting 25 or 30 minutes. Subjects. Lodges, Missionaries and [p. 64] High School & Church School patronage. Related how my boys obtained their education what they have & how the boys figure on mission work. Pres. F M Lyman, Jos. W. McMurrin and I ordained 16 Elder Seventies and set them apart members of the 139th Quorum of Seventies. I was mouth in ordaining the following.

John Franklin Meeks.


Jeremiah Johnson


Richard Freddie Harnson


Wm Henry Lynn


Jacob A McArthur


Launts M Sorenson


I went home with Bro. J. M. Grant 3 miles from Lovell. I prayed with the family at night. Pres. Sessions and I occupied the Same bed at night.

19 May 1907 • Sunday

Lovell Attended Sunday A.M. Meeting Present 847 Shook hands at close. Pres. Lyman occupied about [p. 65] 60 minutes. I occupied 30 minutes closing at 12:03. Subject. Parent’s duty to Children. Familly weekly meetings. Teach children 1st principles & ordinances before they reach 8 yrs of age. Spoke with freedom and free use of language. Good voice medium speed.

Attended 2 P.M. Meeting and occupied 30 minutes. Subject The Gospel. Touched Apostacy Present 782. Between meeting at noon hour I attended council meeting at home of Bp. Jolley where we took dinner. At close of A.M. meeting I joined Pres. Lyman and Pres McMurrin in Shaking hands with the people. Present 782 At 4:30 P.M. opened meeting of young people. Present 334 I occupied about 15 minutes in conclusion. Pres. Lyman 1st Speaker occupied about an hr. After meeting I accompanied Pres. Lyman to See [p. 66] Bro. James Leathead and we laid our hands upon his head and I pronounced a blessing upon him. Rode to Cowley with Bro. Welch and took supper there. Slept at Pres Crosby’s

20 May 1907 • Monday

Cowley. I issued Certificates of ordination to the Six brethren whom I ordained Seventies on 18th inst and left with Pres C. A. Welch for distribution.

Attended general meeting at Cowley at 10 A.M. Speakers Jos. W McMurrin myself & Pres. Lyman. Present.

I occupied 35 minutes with freedom My eye was badly swollen so that it somewhat embarrassed me. Result of cold taking. Took dinner with Bro. Welch. Met with the Brethren of the Stake Presidency and High Council and Pres. Lyman & McMurrin for the purpose of settling a matter of difference existing between Bernham Bros. and the Lovell Canal Co. Were in session 4¾ hours when the [p. 67] parties were through with the case. Appointment was made with the High Council for 10 A.M. next day. We took supper at Bro Chas. Lyman’s, then drove to Lovell Byron where we held meeting. The Speakers were Bro. Jos W McMurrin, myself and Pres. Lyman. We each occupied about 20 minutes. It was 9 PM when we began & closed soon after 10 P.M. By invitation went down to Pres. Session’s where we had Ice cream & cake &c. Then went up to Bro. Emanuel Thomases where I staid all night. At the meeting last night I had the pleasure with Pres. Lyman & McMurrin of shaking hands with the people as they passed out. Was introduced to Mr Grudell, State Senator from Montana who said he enjoyed our remarks. Weather pleasant health good except for slight cold and a swollen eye. Spirits good. The Gospel is still true. [p. 68]

21 May 1907 • Tuesday

Byron. Pres. McMurrin & I went from Byron to Cowley with Bp Koles and Pres. Lyman with his Bro Chas. We met the Stake Presidency and High Council at meeting house and while in Session from 10 A.M. until 1 P.M. considered the Burnham Bros Case decision and decided to interpret the decision to mean that the Burnham Bros. have their choice of six 40 A after town site is laid off and before classification be made. Took dinner at Pres. Crosbey’s and left for home on 4:50 PM train. Pres. Crosbey accompanied us as far as Franney (12 mi.) We reached Toluca soon after 9 P.M. and had a wait until about 12:30 AM. Took train for Billings & Got sleeper there for Butte.

22 May 1907 • Wednesday

On train between Billings & Butte. Pres. Lyman arose about 6 AM and went to breakfast on diner and was cut off our train at Logan [p. 69] and was attached to train for Helena and he was taken via Helena to Garrison where he had to Lie until 10:30 PM. and did not get in to Butte until 12:20 A.M.

Bro Jos McMurrin & I reached Butte at about 11:30 A.M. & found Elders Clawson, and Smoot and Sister Anderson who had just arrived from Canada. We all went up town called & Saw the Elders at 606 Wyoming street thence to Cafe & got dinner none of us having had breakfast.

Bros Smoot & McMurrin & Sister Anderson who had been to Canada in interest of primary work left for home on 4:05 P.M. Train. Bro Rudger Clawson remained with me in Butte and filled the appointment at meeting. We had a good congregation. I occupied 67 minutes on the Gospel including temple work and [p. 70] gathering. Bro Clawson followed 35 minutes. Stories from the Old Testament showing the worth of the book.

After meeting we went to depot and watched for Pres. Lyman. Several of the Elders & one Bro Cragon from Ogden were with us. After Pres. Lyman’s arrival we took Sleeper for home at 1 A.M. While at Butte Elder Gardner handed me a letter from Pres. Pratt saying he could not be with us and that he had no property to show us at Anaconda as he with the Elders had decided that the property about which he had written the Presidency was not in a suitable location so I did not go to Anaconda.

23 May 1907 • Thursday

On train from Butte to Salt Lake.

Reached Pocatello at 11:40 A.M. where we had an hour’s [p. 71] wait and here I wrote up my journal & did other writing Wrote to Pres. Nephi Pratt & to the Burlington Passenger Agt at Butte about receipt for full fare paid by Pres. Lyman from Toluca to Billings. We arrived in Salt Lake at 8 P.M. Folks well at home. Rain fall at night

24 May 1907 • Friday


Folks well. Weather threatening. My brother Fred came to our home having come in from Tooele with Stallion last night.

I assisted Pres. F. M. Lyman & Jos. W. McMurrin in formulating a decision in the case of Burnham Bros vs. Lovell Irrigation Co. Big Horn which case we heard on the 22 20th inst. Went down to the Pres.’ Office at Request of Pres. Lyman & Signed up several copies of decision or Advice in relation to same. [p. 72] In the evening, Alice my brother Fred & I went over to Asenath’s and visited an hour with her & Mother. Had a bath before retiring to bed.

25 May 1907 • Saturday


I attended the Granite Stake Priesthood meeting held in the Granite Stake tabernacle, a part of the Stake Conference. Bros. Hyrum M. Smith and O. F. Whitney were present. Each of us occupied some time. I occupied about 20 minutes Subject. Amusements on Sabbath day. &c.

Spent the afternoon at home Wrote letter to Geo. Jr. at Chicago, wrote other letters.

Pres. Lyman called and informed me that I am expected to be at the tabernacle at 2 P.M. tomorrow. I face the task with great fear and trembling.

My Brother Fred & my wife Alice attended the theatre in the eve. [p. 73]

26 May 1907 • Sunday


I studied the scriptures Attended my Circle meeting at 1 P.M. in Temple & was mouth in administering to Bro. Jos. H. Felt.

Attended Afternoon Services at the tabernacle and occupied 45 minutes. Subject Apostacy from the primative Church with a few introductry remarks and a few concluding remarks touching restoration.

Pres. Lyman followed for 35 minutes. Read from Bk. of Mormon.

Attended evening meeting in 27th Ward and occupied 30 minutes. Subject Restoration and gathering. Thos. Callister preceded me for 30 minutes. My health good. My spirits good. The Lord hath wonderfully sustained me this day & I am made to rejoice exceedingly in His mercies. [p. 74]

After the evening meeting, Alice and I took Moselle Oliver & Estella and went down to Grandma’s and spent about 3/4 hour with her.

27 May 1907 • Monday


I went down town with my wife. Inspected work of L.D.S. H School students. Manual training & Domestic Science. We did some business & shopping. Bought $5.00 worth of flowers &c Spent some time with my Bro. Fred. Thos. Horman called in evening.

28 May 1907 • Tuesday


Planted out some flowers.

Attended missionary meeting at Annex where 21 Elders were set apart for missions and about 18 others blessed who were going abroad to get genealogies &c. I was mouth in setting apart three missionaries and one of these I ordained a Seventy under the direction of Elder Teasdale. I also gave instructions. [p. 75]

Following are the names of those whom I blessed & set apart.

Nephi W. Hansen to Scandinavia

Victor A Liljenquist

Andrew Anderson <to Sweden> ordained Seventy

Jos. W Murray Switzerland & Germany

I blessed Thomas Ogden who is with his wife going to England to obtain geneologies &c

I blessed Sopha Valentine who is going to Scandinavia to visit her father & obtain geneologies.

I called on Doctors S L & Gill Called and saw bro Willis who is preparing a record of our dead. Instructed him to prepare lists of men whose wives have been endowed that I may have work done for them.

In the evening Alice and I attended the Commencement exercises of the L.D.S. High School.

My Brother Fred left for home with the horse Teddy.

Called & Saw my Mother. [p. 76]

29 May 1907 • Wednesday


I spent all the forenoon writing letters, fixing up my accounts &c. In afternoon I attended a meeting of the Gen’l Bd. of Religion classes. At night Alice and I attended the theatre, by U of U Students. “The Milk Maids.”

30 May 1907 • Thursday


I attended council meeting in temple from 10 A.M. until 1 P.M. when the members of the First Council of Seventies came in and we continued in session until 5:45 P.M. When I got home, found my mother here. After Supper I visited with my Mother a short time and took her home between 8 & 9 P.M. Alice and Sarah went to the theatre. I remained home with the Children.

I received no appointment for next Sunday as I expressed a desire to remain near by that I might go out to [p. 77] meet my son George who with his wife & boy are expected home next Monday.

31 May 1907 • Friday


I attended a council meeting in the temple with the Presidency & Twelve & 1st Council of Seventy at 10 A.M. until about 2 P.M. We there agreed that the Seventies should have Sunday morning throughout the Church to meet. They would have a regular out line of work and course of study.

We concluded a consideration of the article by B H Roberts on the manner in which the Nephite records were translated. Were a greed that his theory is most nearly correct of any considered if not perfectly correct.

At close of the meeting I received an appointment to Box Elder Stake Conference and left on 4:10 train for [p. 78] Brigham City. Was met at the Station by Pres. Oleen Stohl and taken to the home of his father where I remained during my Stay at Brigham except that I ate at other places once or twice. In the evening Fri. I attended the Commencement exercises of the district schools. Bro Hinkley of Salt Lake was present and gave an address.

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May 1907, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Apr.” before crossing it out and writing “May”.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 14 May entry.