September 1898

1 September 1898 • Thursday

Wrote up Journal for nearly a week. Wrote letters &c. Towards evening went with Hyrum Lee Frank Barber & others on the bench hunting.

<Administered to Alex Gillespies baby.>1

2 September 1898 • Friday

I went with Frank Barber & Hyrum Lee up the Canyon hunting. Attended to the irrigating of the Lot.

3 September 1898 • Saturday

Went to Grantsville to Stake Priesthood & High Council meetings. Attended the farewell party of Andrew S. Heggie in the Brick Hall in the evening & delivered the opening address. Had an enjoyable time.

4 September 1898 • Sunday

I attended School & meeting & Circle Assisted in blessing the Children & confirming members. Blessed Geo. Hormans baby. Administered Patriarchal blessing to Francis John Barber Attended Con Joint Meeting in the evening

5 September 1898 • Monday

I Administered to Sister Rimington & to Robert McLain, Geo. Speirs Assisted me in latter case. Assisted Prest. H. S. Gowans & John McKellar in blessing one of his Grand Children & two of his Great Grand Children.

Took Geo & Joel to Field put landsides & lays on Gangplow & started the boys to plowing. Made preparation to Go to [p. 255] go to Farmington. Wrote Letters &c.

6 September 1898 • Tuesday

Weather warm & dry.

With my team & carriage Hyrum Lee, Estella & baby & Alice & I & the three youngest children went to Farmington arriving there before dark. Staid all night at Joseph Clarks.

7 September 1898 • Wednesday


Visited with our friends & relatives and Staid all night at Nerva’s Sister Alice was there.

8 September 1898 • Thursday

Attended the funeral services of Prest. Woodruff at Salt Lake City in the Tabernacle. Went by train Took the folks for a ride in the evening.

9 September 1898 • Friday

Took Hyrum Stella, Maria & Alice with team to see the family folks & ate melons & grapes with Mary Wilcox. James H. being away on a mission did not see him. Staid all night at Nervas

10 September 1898 • Saturday

Attended Davis Stake Conference Present of the Apostles H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor & M. F. Cowley. I Spoke in Afternoon.

11 September 1898 • Sunday

Farmington. Attended Conference & offered the opening pray[er] & spoke at the morning session (School) Prest Cannon, Grant & Cowley present.

12 September 1898 • Monday

Came home by team. While gone administered to our baby who had a bad fall from chair administered to Maria Clarks & Nervas babies. [p. 256]

13 September 1898 • Tuesday

Home. I went to field with boys & put new lays on plows. Went with F. Barber, Hyrum Lee & Jos. McKellar to See about land to take. Decided on 160 acres each for F. H. & I.

14 September 1898 • Wednesday

Entered a quarter Section of land on which Section house west of Town stands. Went up Middle & down Settlement Canyons Mr Snyder accompanied me to See a mining claim.

15 September 1898 • Thursday

Took Children in Carriage to See land for Desert entry & in Afternoon went to field & burned weeds

16 September 1898 • Friday

Commenced plowing with new plow & tried to burn Sages. wheat Stubbles.

17 September 1898 • Saturday

I entered 160 A desert land adjoining homestead on South, picked fruit &c. Administered to Bro McLain & Edna Nelson in evening and attended Republican Primary at which I was chosen a delegate to Co. Convention to be held in Mercur Sept. 24th.

18 September 1898 • Sunday

Attended School Tooele & Spoke in defence of Peter. Pharas Dunyon came home to Dinner with me. The Afternoon meeting was given to the East Tenn. Missionaries. Elder Moses Taylor & wife & two children came home with me to Supper & Staid all night. Attended evening meeting. Bro Taylor & I administered to Edna Nelson.

19 September 1898 • Monday

Alice & I attended missionaries enter[p. 257]tainment at Jos. Orme’s. I asked a blessing & administered to John Englands daughter Did work in garden in afternoon & Elder Sloan & wife staid with us all night

20 September 1898 • Tuesday

I picked fruit in forenoon & afternoon. Went up on the bench farm to See how the feed is.

21 September 1898 • Wednesday

Plowed all day

22 September 1898 • Thursday2

" " "3 attended meeting of Rep. Candidates delegates & was chosen by them for Representative to the Legislature.

23 September 1898 • Friday4

I worked in garden, attended to busines[s] down town &c.

24 September 1898 • Saturday

Geo & Nerva with me we went to Mercur & Staid at Estellas. Put up my team at Berry Bros. Attended Rep. Convention at 11 A.M. & 1.30 P.M. I was chosen on first ballot for Representative to Legislature. Result of ballot. Hall of Mercur 13 Ralatz of Stockton 7 Richards 36. By Courtesy of Mercur Delegates we dined at hotels at their expense one meal. Sarah Jane & Esther & children arrived at Tooele this evening while I was away. I had a severe headache in the evening.

25 September 1898 • Sunday

Mercur At Estellas.

I attended School and after School administered Patriarchal blessings to [p. 258] Clara & Flora Gidney & Andrew Peter Christofferson. Attended meeting in evening and spoke 45 min. to an attentive congregation. Prest. Gowans followed 15 min. His request was that I occupy all the time I felt like. Both of us had spoken in School.

26 September 1898 • Monday

Came from Mercur home in forenoon a dirty ride. Nerva had come the the night before with Lee’s folks. Wrote up Journal from memory from 15th Sep. to date. Found Esther & Sarah Jane here on my return home. All well. In Afternoon Recorded four blessings, wrote to Mother &c.

27 September 1898 • Tuesday

I gave Geo. Robinson a blessing. Picked peaches. Recorded blessing &c.

28 September 1898 • Wednesday

George & Legrand went to S.L. City with a load of Tithing wheat & for a load of coal. Joel & I plowed at field. Had tires set on buggy.

29 September 1898 • Thursday

Plowed all day at field

30 September 1898 • Friday

" " " "5

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September 1898, George F. Richards, accessed February 14, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 1 September entry.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Tues.” before writing “Thu.” over it.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Plowed all day”.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “Wed.” before crossing it out and writing “Fri.” above it.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “Plowed all day at field”.