August 1907

1 August 1907 • Thursday


I in company with Pres. F. M. Lyman left Salt Lake on R.G.W. 7:30 A.M. train for Wayne Stake to attend conference to be held at Loa. We quit the train at Richfield and were met by Pres. Wm H Seegmiller and his Counselor Robt D. Young with two separate buggies. I went to Bro Youngs after riding about town an hour. Spent an hour or more at Pres. Seegmillers in evening. Had a good night’s rest at Bro. Young’s.

2 August 1907 • Friday


I took breakfast at Pres. Seegmiller’s and with Bro. John Riley Stewart of the Presidency of the Wayne Stake, Pres. F. M. Lyman & I left for Loa at 7:15 A.M. We reached Burrville before noon and took dinner with Bro. Burr’s family. We administered to Bro [blank] Smith (Patriarch[)] [p. 142] as he lay in his bed in his carriage on his way home his wife & 12 yr. old son accompanying him Pres. Lyman was mouth.

It rained some in the forenoon and much in the afternoon. We were about four hours going from Burrville to Loa and I stayed at Bro. Eckersley’s and Pres. Lyman staid at Bro Blackburns.

3 August 1907 • Saturday

Loa, Utah.

I called on Charley Brown & family. Inspected Stake house. Attended A.M. Meeting. Pres Lyman, Pres. Bastian & Pres Stewart spoke and I took remaining time 3 minutes. Subject. Acquaintance, development of the Country & beautifying homes. Obedience to the gospel to, simple things shows our spirits.

Visited with Pres. Lyman at Bro. Blackburn’s between meetings.

At afternoon meeting Pres. Eckersley’ and Pres. Lyman occupied the time the latter occupied 75 minutes Pres. Lyman & I took supper at [p. 143] Bro Eckersley’s Concert at evening and Priesthood meeting was dispensed with to allow the fixing up of the hall. Our conference was held in School house.

4 August 1907 • Sunday


Attended 10 A.M. meeting fasting. Occupied about 40 minutes. Subject duties of parents to Children. Compare care of Children physically, with the care we should give them Spiritually. What assistance should the Auxiliaries give? Harmony between auxiliaries and parents.

Broke fast at Bro. Blackburns (Patriarch) At Afternoon meeting Pres. Lyman asked me to take 40 minutes which I did to the minute with good liberty Subject. Marriage. Why marry in temple. Preparations necessary. Marry only those of your faith. Also made a plea for help in the Tabernacle. A common cause. If one shirks the other has double load. All should be placed upon the altar. [p. 144]

After meeting, Pres. Bastian took Pres. Lyman and me from Loa 20 miles to Koosharem where we held meeting in the New Brick building. there were present about 165 and a good Spirit prevailed. I followed Pres. Lyman who occupied 40 minuts and occupied 30 minutes with freedom. Gathering & Temple work.

At noon hour at Loa Pres. Lyman & I set apart several brethren. I was mouth in setting Bro. Heber J. Wilson apart a High Counselor and Bro. Ephraim Blackburn 1st Asst. Stake Supt of S. Schools.

This day Sunday between the hours of 2 & 4 P.M. at Koosharem, 12 yr old Lyman Hatch accidentally, while hunting shot his 12 yr old cousin through top of head & killed him.

We slept at Bp. Andrew C. Anderson’s.

5 August 1907 • Monday


Bp Anderson took Pres F M Lyman & me to Richfield 6 A.M to 10:15 A.M. [p. 145]

We took train at Richfield for home. Found Pres. Jos. E. Robinson on cars returning from Kanab. Had a good visit with him. about 10 miles out of Provo our engine broke down or became disabled and we had a wait of three or four hours. Arrived in Salt Lake at 9:40 P.M.

On reaching home, Sarah informed me of the death of Geo. Arnold and that Mama & Nerva had gone out to Tooele on the 7:40 A.M. train to-day.

I tried to reach George by phone but failing I got Peter Clegg & he sent word to George that I would go out to Tooele to-morrow Pres. Jos. E. Robinson came home & staid with me.

6 August 1907 • Tuesday


I took train for Tooele and attended the funeral Services of my GrandSon George Arnold Richards held in Relief society [p. 146] building which was well filled The Speakers were as follows, Bp Silas C. Orme, C. R. McBride and MySelf. Services occupied only about 115 1 hr 15 min. I dedicated the grave and after the funeral took train for home Salt Lake City.

Ruby Lucena & Nina went out with me and remained there intending to return tomorrow.

George & Edith stand their trouble well.

Thundered & Rained in evening.

7 August 1907 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting at 11 A.M. in temple. Regular time here after 10 A.M. Received the appointment to Bannock Stake for next week and to the four Southern Stakes for the 17th Panguitch, Kanab, St. George and Parowan. Pres. Lyman has same appointment. [p. 147] I attended to some business down town. Wrote to Pres Baxter of Woodruff about land purchase. Attended my Circle meeting at temple 16 present. and good spirit prevailed. We carried our cabinet from down stairs in temple up the Steps to 4th floor. Received letter from LeGrand.

George & Edith, Alice, Nerva and the other girls who were at Tooele came in this evening. All usually well. Pres. Robinson who staid with us a couple of nights left for Los Angeles this evening.

8 August 1907 • Thursday


I went down and brought my mother up to our home where she staid all day & night. George & I cut & raked the Lawn &c

I agreed with Albert Lee to pay him $21.00 to paint [p. 148] the Shingles on my house and porches two coats, I to furnish the paints.

Cousin Levi W Richards and his wife Lulu called on us in the evening. We had water mellon & Canteloops.

Pres. Baxter phoned from Woodruff and I made an appontment for Pres. Lyman & I to meet him in Salt Lake Tuesday 13th inst.

9 August 1907 • Friday


I spent the forenoon at home and at 1 P.M. left Salt Lake for Central, Gentile Valley, via. Oxford. Reached Oxford at 6 P.M. & was met there by Pres C H Hart who had come up from Logan on an earlier train also by Bro Mendenhall of the Bannock Stake Presidency; who drove us over to Trout Creek ward to his home 25 miles which we reached at 9:45 P.M. Staid at Pres. Mendenhall’s. [p. 149]

10 August 1907 • Saturday

Trout Creek

Attended Bannock Stake Conference at 10 A.M. at Central School Building. Reports for one hour & Pres Hart & I each Spoke about one half hour. My Subject. [Scraped?] acquaintance with the people. One reward for all who are equally faithful. No respecter of persons is God. Something on authority and causes for revelation. The mind should be fertil even as was Joseph’s who the Father & Son appeared to him.

We took lunch in basement of building. Had a good social time.

At Afternoon meeting I occupied 10 minutes showing what kind of a report I would like to hear and then Bro Jos. Pond Counseler in the Presidency of the Stake made a good report. The President said to give him three months in which to prepare. A [p. 150] A recently returned missionary Joseph Perry, spoke, sang, Pres Hart spoke 30 min and I about the Same. Subject. How to increase attendance at meetings directed to Bps & Ward Teachers and Care of the Boys. Prepare them for the priesthood, and for promotion. Begin when they are 8. yrs. & baptized.

I attended mutual meeting in the evening and occupied about 30 minutes principally on Subject of marriage, Celestial marriage. Marrying those of our own faith.

Staid at Bro. Wm. H Mendenhall’s A cold night. Weather pleasant in day time.

11 August 1907 • Sunday

Gentile Valley, Trout Creek

I attended 10 AM session and occupied about 55 minutes on Gospels Origin. Different periods of the world the Gospel was on the earth. A falling away pre[p. 151]dicted. A falling away came. Evidences of same. Restoration can only be maintained after falling away is maintained. Without the Apostasy there could be no restoration.

Between fore & after noon meetings I met with the Stake Presidency & High Council Selected counselors to Bp. Nathan D. Thatcher. On my suggestion what was known as the Central School building was changed (i. e the name) to Stake House and the location called four points This action was later ratified by the Conference.

At afternoon meeting the Authorities were sustained, The New Bishopric for Thatcher ward was sustained as follows

Nathan D. Thatcher Bishop

George Anderson 1st Counseler

James Ellsmore 2nd "1

The Report of the Committee on Central School building was submitted by Bro Mendenhall [p. 152] and approved and the Committee were released after which I offered the dedicatory prayr, dedicating the house to the Lord. In this duty I was well sustained of the Lord. Pres Hart spoke about 40 minutes and by request of the President S. S. Pond. I offered the Benediction.

At close of meeting we ordained & Set apart officers.

I was mouth in ordaining Nathan D. Thatcher an High Priest and a Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Thatcher ward also Ordained S. D. Kendall an High Priest and set him apart to preside in the Bishopric of Central ward as Second counseler to Bishop Jorgensen After this meeting we drove to Pres. S S Ponds & had supper & thence about 25 miles to Bancroft & filled appointment with the people then previously made. Bro. Geo. H. Fisher was sustained [p. 153] and by myself ordained an High Priest & a Bishop and Set apart to preside over the Bancroft ward which we first by vote decided to organize. Pres S. S. Pond ordained Bro. Jacob Jepson a high Priest and set him apart 1st Counselor to Bp. Fisher. The second Counseler & teachers to be chosen later. Pres Pond & his brother Jos. Pond, Pres Hart & I each spoke. I advised the Buying of the School house offered the ward for $1000. and recommended that all have an oppertunity to contribute that all may share the blessing. Advised the Young men & and to be chaste & pure, to marry & raise families. To marry in the Church &c

After meeting we took a freight train and rode to McCammon where we got passenger train at 2:15 A.M. for home arriving in [p. 154] Salt Lake about 7:40 A.M. Our evening meeting closed at 11 P.M. Just before meeting Closed my head commenced to ache and rapidly grew worse and I became sick at my stomach and suffered considerably until probably 3 A.M. when I got easier and slept some & was improved.

On my Arrival found Joel in addition to George & Edith & Nerva who were here when I went away Our Conference commenced with an attendance of 85 and at the Concluding meeting we had 442 present. A successful Conference.

12 August 1907 • Monday

Arrived home this A.M. from Bannock Stake. Sick. Slept an hour or longer and cleaned up and felt better. Did some writing & reading & [p. 155] in the evening Alice, the two babies & I went down and visited Grandma. Joel here. Joel has decided to commence school at L.D.S.U. in September and has given his employer notice to that effect.

13 August 1907 • Tuesday


I accompanied Mama, Geo., Edith and Nerva to the Temple. Showed them paintings up stairs by consent of Pres. Winder. Witnessed their baptism for 16 women and 1 21 men.

Obtained other names from Record and spent the afternoon at home. Called on Pres. Lyman in the evening. George spent several hours trying to make my fountain pen to write well and finally substituted another gold pen which I have had for years used in a common holder and it is with it I am now writing It is finer but it writes every time apparently. [p. 156]

I still have a hoarseness and otherwise cold.

Oliver had a fall from the reer porch to the pavement and for some time could not recover his lost breath. Before this happened, he played mischivious by running several times through our mound of Geraniums mashing them down frightfully. I took him & his mother to see same and talked to him not in a fit of madness.

We had a shower during the day.

14 August 1907 • Wednesday


Pres. John M. Baxter from Woodruff called about 8 A.M. and we had an interview with Prest F. M. Lyman, he & I having been appointed by our Council to confer with him as to purchase of a 2400 acre tract of land 3 miles east of Woodruff ward offered for $30000. Later we presented the matter to the Council [p. 157] of the Presedency & Twelve who agreed to assest Woodruff people by assisting them to get a loan if they desire to buy the property. Pres Lyman & I met Pres Baxter at the Pres Office at 2:30 and explained the action of the Council to him Pres. Baxter went home with me to-dinner.

I met with the Gen’l Board of Mutual workers at 5 P.M. and with my Circle at Temple at 6 P.M.

Alice, George, Nerva & Edith did temple work this day. and later with the rest of the family went out to the Salt Air Beech. I still have severe cold & hoarseness.

15 August 1907 • Thursday


I worked hard all day until about 2 P.M. when I received a phone call to Pres. Office where I met with the brethren and Considered Several important questions. [p. 158]

16 August 1907 • Friday


Geo, Edith, Alice, Nerva & I went to the temple and had work done, endowments & Sealings.

I spoke at the Services. Had good liberty and was sustained of the Lord. Dr Stephen & Louise & Grandma & Nina & Katie Grover called towards evening & we had ice Cream.

I made ready to start south for a month to visit the Panguitch, Kanab, St George & Parowan Stakes. Leave here to-morrow. My mother, Bro. Stephen & his wife called on us.

17 August 1907 • Saturday


I left home with Pres. Lyman at 6:45 A.M. for Panguitch Stake. We arrived at Marysvale at 6:30 P.M. We were met by Bp Allen of Kingston who took us to Junction Pres. Lyman’s daughter Amy joined us at Mount Pleasant to make the trip. It rained on us between the Vale and Junction. We staid with them Bp. Morrell’ over night. My cold troubled me. [p. 159]

18 August 1907 • Sunday

at Junction, Utah

I attended meeting 10 A.M. at Junction. After Pres Lyman and his daughter had spoken I occupied 35 minutes. Subject. Value of our children. Our duty to them. Effect of environment. Extremes of either good or bad may be altered; invironment of home, of school buildings & surroundings; of meeting houses, of companions, of books. Improve meeting house. &c.

Attended meeting at Circleville at 2 PM. I was the first speaker and occupied 35 min Subject. Congratulations. Encouraged the people to aid to the extent of their ability. Would you give up turn your back on the church after all the gospel has done for us? Have you lost your first love? Would you prove Jos. Smith a false prophet and the Gospel un[p. 160]true? To what would you return To a belief in hell, a bottomless pit of burning brimstone into which is cast all who confess not Christ for any cause what ever including babes & the Heathens &c to a heaven where all who confess Christ go even the murderer & other criminals, to a belief in the distructibility of matter: to a belief that all ends at this life’s ending, &c. After having seen the light of the gospel & had our eyes opened through the medium of the Holy Ghost. No we have nothing to return to.

At close of meeting I rode with Pres Steel from Circleville to Marion (Coyote) ward about 25 miles distant and put up with Bp King. Pres. Lyman rode with one Whitaker.

Attended evening meeting and after Pres. Lyman had Spoken I occupied 35 minutes Spoke deliberately, had good broad field of thought, good [p. 161] use of language and satisfied myself perhapse as thoroughly as at any other time in my experience in preaching. The audience was very attentive and I felt a good spirit prevailed. Meeting in the new building. Subject. Complements on new building; large enough that in the dancing the young folks will not need to get so close together as they dance some places I have been. Be virtuous and happy. The opposite brings remorse & sorrow that can not be out lived or forgotten. The responsibility devolving upon us who are the Chosen seed as effecting the ministry abroad, the work at home and the redemption of the dead: Cost of conducting the mission ministry. $1356,000 per annum. Basis 1800 missionaries @ 15.00 Exp. or $180. per annum & 40.00 per mo for each Elder with $60.000 mission maintainance. May the Lord be praised. [p. 162]

While at Junction, we administered to Sister Cook also to a small girl Sarah Ellen Flanders daughter of Sister Will by her first husband. Also to Eliza Lavern Collins another small girl. At Merrion, we administered to a boy about 2½ yrs old whose mother is dead. His name is Ira Walker.

19 August 1907 • Monday


Had a poor night’s rest. Bugs. Left Marion at 7:40 A.M. for Escalante. I rode with Pres Steel as far as Sweet water. Pres Lyman rode with Pres Cameron and Amy Lyman with Pres Bastian At Sweet Water we roomed and dined with the Adair family the parent’s being away from home. Here Pres. Steel left us for home Panguitch. and from there to Escalande I rode with Pres Cameron and Pres Lyman & daughter Amy rode with Pres. Bastian in two seated carriage. We were [p. 163] three hours & a half from Marion to Sweet Water and 5½ hrs from Sweet water to Escalanta. arriving at 7:30 P.M. Rough roads. Feeling pretty well. It rained some in afternoon and was cloudy & cool. We Pres. Lyman & his daughter & I staid at Bp. Scow’s Andrus P. Schow 2nd family.

20 August 1907 • Tuesday


I attended 10 A.M. meeting. Speakers. wer[e] Geo. F. Richards Amy Lyman, Pres G. S. Bastian, Pres. Cameron & Pres. Lyman. I occupied 40 minutes. Introductry, resources &c. Quoted Eph. 4:11 officers in Church. Took up that feature That they no longer be children tossed too & fro. &c. We are to guard the flocks & feed them. The boys should be cared fore from infancy & promoted when old enough. &c.

Spent the time between the meetings at Bp. Schow’s & [p. 164] had a brief nap. no dinner. At 2 PM meeting Pres Lyman was first Speaker and occupied 75 minutes many Subjects I followed and occupied about 35 minutes. Subject. Comparing reports. Escalante with the other wards of the Stake and this stake with others. Come up to the Standard and above as when the deficits are made up the Basis for the Church will be raised.

After meeting we went home with Bro. Wm Alvey to Supper Pres. Lyman & daughter Amy, Pres. Pastian [Bastian] & Pres Cameron with us. While there we consecrated two bottles of oil Pres. Lyman mouth. Later we consecrated another bottle of oil I being mouth. Three Sisters married women came to be administered to two of them daughters of Wm Alvey. One of thes[e] & the other women have cancers. Pres. F. M. Lyman [p. 165] did the anointing in each case and I sealed the anointing. After just at dusk, Pres Lyman & Wm Alvey & I took a walk out on the out skirts of Town, south & back to Bp. Schows where we spent the night. My Cold better.

Wrote card home.

21 August 1907 • Wednesday


We left Escalanta for Henrieville at 8:40 A.M. Beautiful morning. Warm weather. When we got up into the mountains it got cool cloudy & rained hard. Heavy flood on the Escalanta side but we were above most of the flood waters. The roads on the Henrieville side were in a frightful condition but we got through the 30 miles arriving at Henrieville about 6 P.M. Spent an hour and a half moving while the heavy rain was on. I rode with Pres David Cameron [p. 166] Pres. F. M. Lyman & his daughter Amy rode with Pres. G. S. Pastian [Bastian] I took Supper at Bp. Willis’s and slept at Bro. Moroni Savage.

At the evening meeting there were present 81. I was the first speaker and occupied 35 minutes. Introductry, care of children, advantages of isolation &c. Quiet spirit prevailed I had good liberty. Was followed by each of our party, Pres. Lyman concluding speaker.

22 August 1907 • Thursday


We drove to Cannonville 5 mi. And held meeting at 10 A.M. Population 175 attendance 81. Pres Lyman occupied about 35 minutes. Pres. Bastian 15 minutes and I about 35 min Subject. Stock growing. The necessary paraphanalia for cattlemen. Horse, saddle, shops spurs, lariats Sigarette bottle Sabbath breaking, profanity &c. [p. 167] compared Shepherds of old Such as Jacob, David &c with those of to-day. Cut out those bad habits and introduce into the business, prayr, good language, honesty &c. Beautify your homes and make them desirable that the children will remain home. Invest a part of your means in giving to your children advantages of higher education in our church schools.

We took dinner with Bp. Johnson whom I ordained at Panguitch six months ago.

We drove on to Tropic another 5 miles where we put up at Bp. Copes. The rain & hail storm was just before us and the floods after. A Population of 417. attendance 180. I was first speaker and occupied about 45 minutes with reasonable freedom but deliberate. Subject. [p. 168] Introductry. All spontaneous We should be the Salt of the earth but because we have lost our savour, we have need of being salted hence the forces have to be directed towards us.

It is a common cause.

We are building up the Kingdom in which we hope to receive an eternal inheritance. If we shirk, the greater weight falls on those who shirk not. We can not consistantly expect equal inheritances. We love our children. We desire them to be saved. We are their teachers, Daily our example are object lessons from which they learn. &c.

At close of the meeting we administered to a lady 82 yrs old. <Smith.> Pres. Lyman anointed & I was mouth in sealing the anointing.

I took supper at Bp. Copes and then went down to [p. 169] Bro. Jolley’s where I spent the night.

Attended a meeting at 8 PM called for the Beaver Branch Educators Hickman & Maesar to talk education. Present 104. Both talked and their talk was good. I was especially interested in Bro Hickman’s talk. Obtained some new ideas from him. I had a wretched night. The bed was good but the bugs were the worst yet.

23 August 1907 • Friday


We left Tropic about 8:30 A.M. and arrived at Panguitch at 2:45 P.M. a distance of 30 miles Called on the divide at the Tropic water Spill out of the way about two miles. I rode with Pres. Cameron. Pres. Lyman his daughter Amy and a Miss Adair rode with Pres. Bastion It commenced to rain just as we reached Panguitch. [p. 170]

24 August 1907 • Saturday


I wrote a short letter home. Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting. Attendance 208. House well cleaned Pres. Cameron reported and I followed. Took the hymn just sung Earth with her ten thousand flours <&c> Subject. God is love. Occupied 25 minutes with freedom. At close of meeting at Pres. Camerons we administered to a sick child of Sister Smiths from Tropic named John Earl Smith. Filled my pen fountain and read the News &c. At afternoon meeting there were 265 present. The Speakers were Prests. Steel and Houston, Pres. G. S. Bastian and Pres. Lyman. At close of this meeting, we held a general Priesthood meeting at which I occupied 20 minutes on two Subjects viz. Missionaries & Fast offerings. Pres. Lyman followed on subject of missionaries &c. At conclusion, Pres. Lyman and daughter & I went to supper at Pres. Stut’s. Attended [p. 171] a M.I.A. Convention in the evening at which the lectures were given by those to whom they had been assigned and Pres Lyman made a few concluding remarks. I wrote to my wife at S. L. City and to my sons Geo & Joel at Tooele. Received a letter from home in the evening.

25 August 1907 • Sunday


I wrote to my mother and to my Brother Fred.

I attended Sunday School Session of Conference 10 A.M. Present 333. Speakers. Sisters McCune and Romney and Bro Reynard Maesar and Josiah Hickman. Good meeting.

I went home with Pres Houston and with him and two others went to the home of Sarah Ellen Lee who has been sick three years.

At afternoon meeting I occupied 60 minutes on Apostasy, & Restoration. <Present 375.> Pres. Lyman fol[p. 172]lowed 60 minutes various subjects, Attended a meeting of the Presidency and High Council at the Bishops Storehouse where the house was dedicated by Pres F. M. Lyman I offered the opening prayr of the meeting.

Pres. Lyman & his daughter Amy, Pres. Bastian, Bro. Hickman & Maeser went to Bp. Heyward’s to Supper. At evening meeting Conjoint Convention. Present 332.

Speakers. Three sisters. Bro. Hickman I and Bro. Lyman. I spoke upon the Subject of missionary work among the young. Care not Look after those not identified with the church Association &c Had good freedom. Between the meetings Pres. Lyman and I called with the Bp. on Sister [blank] and administered to her as she was sick in bed.

Our Conference work is now concluded at Panguitch and we have had a good conference. That expression is universal. [p. 173]

Bro. John E. Steel was released from acting as Stake Supt. of Mutuals and Bro John M N. Henrie was chosen to take his place and Pres. Lyman set him apart. Wrote card home.

26 August 1907 • Monday


We left Panguitch at 8:30 and Arrived at Hatch ward 18 miles distant at 11 A.M. Bp. James Bascom Burrows met us and cared for us. Our company consists of Pres F M Lyman, Pres G. S. Bastian, Amy Lyman & my self. Attended meeting at 11 A.M. Pres. Lyman occupied 40 minutes Amy 12, Pres Bastian about 13 min and I about 30 minutes in the order named. My subject was. The Gospel as a school My experiences as a student &c. We blessed two babies and two grown people at meeting. Pres Lyman blessed & named Lailovi Workman and I blessed and named Raymond [p. 174] Elder. I blessed aged Bro. James Dutton and Pres Lyman blessed Sister Parmelia S. Hatch. We took dinner with Sister Mary Hatch the Bps mother-in law. After dinner we went to the homes and administered to Precilla Riggs daughter-inlaw of Father Riggs of Henrieville and Mary Burrows wife of Bp. Burrow. Pres. Lyman was mouth in former and I in latter case.

Continued our journey towards Graham East Side at 3 P.M. Arrived at upper Kanab at 7 P.M. traveled about 20 miles having gone a round about way. We met Presidents Woolley & Chamberlain there.

Attended public meeting at 8 P.M. Bro Bastian occupied 10 minutes, Amy Lyman occupied 10 minutes. Pres. Lyman occupied including the transaction of the business 30 minutes and I occupied 30 <Attendance 84> [p. 175] in conclusion deliberately but with freedom of thought, good language & the best of attention by Audience. Subject. “Adam fell that Man might be and Man is that he might have joy” Earthly & Eternal.

If we would be happy we must be good. Compared one in the church who is refractory to a soldier insubordinate. The results are confusion. Obedience results in order.

Business. Bp. Graham McDonald was released and Bro. Jonathan B Heaton was sustained and by Pres Lyman Ordained an High Priest and Bishop & set apart.

Byron D. Roundy Jr was sustained as 1st Counselor and set apart by Geo. F. Richards.

Graham <B> McAllister sustained as 2nd counselor & ordained an High Priest & set apart by Pres F M Lyman Othello Roundy sustained as Ward Clerk & set apart by Geo F. Richards. Staid at Bro Heatons over night. Attendance at meeting last night 84. [p. 176]

27 August 1907 • Tuesday

Graham, Utah.

Am well and happy. At Bro. Jonathan Heatons upper Kanab. Slept with Pres. Lyman.

We left upper Kanab at 10 AM. and arrived at Glendale 17 miles distant at 1:15 P.M. Pleasant ride. Put up at Bp Cutlers The Bp. Gone to Big Horne with a view to making his home there. Both Pres Lyman and I talking with Sister Cutler advised against it. As they have a good home and good facilities for living. I wrote a three paged letter to my wife. Attended a public meeting at 4 o’clock Bro. Bastian spoke about 15 minutes, I occupied about 40 minutes and Pres. Lyman 40 minutes. My Subject was. Contentment. Example. Duty to the cause of missionary work &c.

After meeting I went with Pres. Woolley & Pres. Chamberlain to the home of Thomas Smith [p. 177] who has been sick with what he calls nervious prostration and we administered to him. Pres. Woolley anointed & I confirmed the anointing.

Pres. Lyman & I had a talk with Pres. Woolley & Chamberlain in the evening about stake affairs at Bp. Cutler’s home where we were staying. We went to bed early and I had good rest and sleep.

28 August 1907 • Wednesday


I got up at 6 A.M. and did some writing, reading &c. We left Glendale at 9:30 A.M. & drove 4 miles to Orderville. I wrote home to Sister Richards, and wrote to my Son in Amsterdam, Holland. Read a sermon by Pres. Smith delivered in Panguitch Attended meeting at 4 P.M. 200 present. Pres. Lyman talked 60 minutes, Amy Lyman talked 10 minutes & I 25 minutes. Subject Compliments for good [p. 178] tithing record made by the ward. Only 4 non tithe payers. Bp. bears responsibility and shares all honors. So all officers.

After meeting I accompanied Pres. Lyman to the home of Sister Esplin Sister in law of the Bp. and we administered a blessing to her mother Sister Allen daughter of deceased Patriarch Isaac Moreley She will be 92 yrs old in Oct next. Pres. Lyman blessed her.

Before leaving Glendale Pres Lyman & I blessed the two daughters of Bp. J R. J. Cuttler Lula May and Vennissia, he the former and I the latter. Bp. Henry W. Esplin and his Counselor Charles W. Carroll presented Pres. Lyman and me with a hymn book each. In the evening I had a written conversation with Robt. Hicks a young man deaf & dumb. Remained at Bp Esplin’s and had a good nights rest. Weather good and temperature just right. [p. 179]

29 August 1907 • Thursday


We drove over to Orderville <Mt. Carmel> and held meeting at 9:<30> A.M The speakers were Pres. Gearsen S. Bastian, Amy Lyman & myself and Pres. Lyman. I occupied about [blank] minutes with good liberty. Referred to the report from last year of the Mt Carmel ward which was complimentary to the people. Talked upon the Subject of proper bringing up of the children, in this there is a common cause. Assist one another. Parents be what you would have your children to be. Remember that child may become a demon or an angel. Note the invironments and influences which go to make him what he is. Parents assist one another since your children mingle to-gether in the plays, schools, social & religious gatherings, on the range &c [p. 180] If your neighbor’s boy takes a downward course then your boy is in danger You therefore should check your neighbor’s boy in his down ward course and notify his parents who may be in the dark as to his acts. Then if the Bishop does his duty by that boy and the Ward teacher his and the School teacher his and all the organizations of which he is a member do theirs, how is that boy going to get for wrong. Let every man do his duty by his neighbor. Several spoke to me after meeting saying how appropriate & timely were my remarks. May the Lord be praised for I had no thought in advance of speaking thus. We took dinner with Bp. Sorensen and at 1:40 P.M. left for Kanab & arrived at 6:30 P.M. [p. 181] On our arrival at Kanab, I learned that a letter had been received at the Kanab post office for me and had been sent to Orderville yesterday morning but for some reason I had not received it. There was a card however at the office from Joel written at Salt Lake 8/26/07. 11 P.M. saying Nina had been operated upon at the hospittal at about 9 o’clock that night, Mama & George being present and that she stood the operation fine but had not come from under the influence of the anesthetic entirely at that time. The Card did not say what was her trouble but I suspect it to be apendicitis.

I tried to get a message through to home before 8 PM but could not. Will expect more word to-morrow 10 A.M. We had cool weather and some rain on the road to-day. [p. 182] I wrote home and while writing word came that the Son of Bp. Esplin of Orderville who is in California as a missionary, is dead. Just heard of the drowning of a small boy at Orderville a few days ago.

30 August 1907 • Friday


I wrote to the Presidency by request of Pres Lyman reporting our labors to date. Received a letter from my Son written on the 27th inst 7:15 P.M. Saying nina had suffered a great deal during the night and was not out of danger.

I sent phone message asking for answer and at 1:40 P.M. received answer. Nina not out of danger, when are you coming home?

I consulted Pres. Lyman who advised me to go home.

I wrote Sent message saying I would leave at once and [p. 183] be home Sunday if possible. I learned that Richard Lambert is going to Orderville this after noon alone so I arranged to go with him. Left Kanab with Bro. Richard C. Lambert at 3:10 P.M. went on east road arriving at Glendale at 11 P.M. Got lunch at Bp Cuttlers. By my request Wm. Seymour Smith of Glendale with his team drove me to the Ranch, Bp. McDonald’s, and there we exchanged teams and Bro. Smith continued with me on to Hatch arriving there at 7 AM. Here we overtook the mail team driven by Chas. W. Snyder and with him I rode to Panguitch 18 miles arriving at 9:30 A.M. I took up a labor with Bro. Wm S. Smith to get him to leaving leave off his Smoking. Also with Chas W. Snyder with whom I seemed to prevail as he threw away his pipe going into Panguitch.

Took dinner at Pres. Cameron’s & Left on mail wagon at 11:20 A.M. and arrived at Junction [p. 184] at 9 P.M. A slow and dreary ride. There were in same wagon Bro. Hardy Carrol & his young wife a daughter of Thos. Chamberlain and a Miss Magglebee of Elsinore. Distance 40 miles from Panguitch. Learning of a chance to go to Junction in the morning, I staid over night. At Panguitch, I met Pres. Jos. E Robinson on his way with Body of Elder Esplin who recently died in California.

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August 1907, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “Counseler”.