October 1912

29 October 1912 • Tuesday


I have been out of the house but once since I took my bed Sept. 23d. then I walked up to my son LeGrand’s. I think I have had typhoid along with the return attack of my former trouble, head exhaustion or sun stroke. [p. 296]

My brother, Dr Stephen, waited on me.

During my sickness I was visited at different times by the brethren. Pres. Lyman visited me a number of times and he gave me a good blessing in the early stage. Pres Smith called on me and gave me a blessing. Elder H. J Grant at at other time called & blessed me. Elder Talmage called several times. Pres. S. B. Young called twice. Pat. H. G. Smith called and at my request blessed me. Pres. Levi Edgar Young sent a bouquet of flowers. My Circle members sent a bouquet of roses with their compliments. Many inquiries after me by phone & otherwise.

During my confinement to the house, the Oct. Semi annual Conference has come & gone. Pres. Jos. F. Smith announced my sickness at the Sunday afternoon services & solicited the prayers of the Saints in my behalf.

This is the first writing I have done in my journal since Sept 23, 1912. [p. 297] Yesterday morning my uncle Henry P. Richards was operated upon at the L.D.S. Hospittal for the removal of the Prostate gland. Drs. J. S & Ralph operated. The operation seemed to be successful and he seemed to be doing pretty well until towards evening when he commenced to sink and from 3 AM to 5 A.M. at which hour he passed away he was dieing, his family folks having gathered at his bed side.

Uncle Henry has an enviable record both in & out side the Church. The name of Richards, is very much brighter because of his having borne it. He was a great, good man.

For some months last preceeding his death, he was doing Endowment work for males of the Longstreth family, under my employ. I think this has been a blessing to him.

30 October 1912 • Wednesday


Snows during the night. I am feeling about as usual. I hope a little improved. I did some reading & wrote one brief letter [p. 298]

31 October 1912 • Thursday


Cold & clear.

I am gaining in strength and health each day, may the Lord be praised.

This day 2 P.M. the funeral services of my Dear Uncle Henry were held in 18th ward chapel and his remains were laid away in Mother Earth.

I was not accounted able to attend the Services. Alice & George attended and report a beautiful service. Many floral tributes. The speakers were W. G. Ferril, Geo. Romney, Elders Jas. E. Talmage & Heber J Grant and Pres. Jos. F. Smith Pres Smith said Franklin D Richards was his ideal but also said if he could receive the Same plaudit as H. P. Richards in the end, he would be satisfied. He had to wait on his feelings & referred to himself as a baby.

After the Services, W. B. Richards brought a number of the folks to see me viz.: his son brisky, aunt Lucey, Aunt Charlotte Richards, Sisters Sarah & Asenath.

Elder David O McKay also called. He also phoned from Ogden. [p. 299]

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October 1912, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1912/1912-10