January 1914

1 January 1914 • Thursday


Weather moderated. Folks all usually w[el]l.

I remained home all day reading &c. In the afternoon Joel & Georgina took supper with us and spent an hour working on drug store accounts. Retired at 11:00 P.M. Alice & I called at my Sister Asenath’s and I administered to Joy

2 January 1914 • Friday


Weather same. I have bad cold.

Made settlement of tithing with Bp. Maxwell. Paid bills &c. Read from “Laddy” & “Modern Chronicle.”

3 January 1914 • Saturday


Weather mild. Thawing. Beautiful Sunshine. My cold much improved.

I spent the forenoon home. Plumber worked on our toilet but did not make a finished job. I went to the Utah theatre in afternoon and saw Willard Mack in “Virginia” which was good. Above the average. Called at my sister Asenath’s.

4 January 1914 • Sunday


Weather pleasant. Am about rid of my cold thank the Lord. Others usually well. [p. 226] Alice & I attended temple fast meeting and sacrament fast meeting in our ward. At latter I assisted in consecrating oil blessing a baby & administering to Sister Guiver and I spoke, relating my experiences at Roosevelt Dam Feb 24 & 25, 1908.

I attended home coming meeting in 27th ward in the evening and took Pres. Lyman’s place on the programme extending a welcome to our friends who have at some time lived in our ward who have returned for this occasion.

I expressed the thought that we welcomed our friends, appreciated their presence by which we are highly honored. All there is of the 27th ward which is desirable or commendible you have helped make it. This beautiful and comodious building which makes us so comfortable. We believe you will find our hearts as large as the meeting house, large enough to embrace you all in our affections. Come often & stay as long as you will. We hope some of you after scouring the country for in pursuit of greener pastures will like the Prodigal son return to the 27th ward for permanent residence &c.

After meeting the Duncan sisters & Lill Maxwell came in and we had a couple of hours entertainment by the Amberola music box.

5 January 1914 • Monday


All usually well.

I remained home reading &c and finished “Laddy” a book of 500 pages by [p. 227] Gene Stratton Porter.

I wrote to Governonr Wm Spry asking for information to be furnished Governor Hunt of Arizona at his request 10th ult.

6 January 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

I attended quarterly meeting of the Council of Twelve in the temple from 10:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. which included lunch in the temple 30 min. George & Edith and Joel & Georgina called in the evening and we talked over business matters. Inquiry having been made concerning Tooele lands with a view to buying, we considered what Geo & Joel would ask for their land of 160 acres each.

7 January 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well. Foggy & cold to-day.

I mailed a number of checks in payment of bills.

Attended Religion Class Board meeting at 3:30 P.M., Y.M.M Bd. meeting from 5:00 to 6:30 and my circle meeting at 6:30 P.M.

8 January 1914 • Thursday


Snowing I have taken more cold.

Attended quarterly meeting of the First Presidency, the Twelve & Patriarch <from 10:30 to 5:00 P.M.> Sacrament was administered as in our Sacramental meetings for the first time, Pres. Lyman & Elder Grant administered it. A number of important matters were disposed of one of which was to build a new meeting house in Independence, Mo.

I received an appointment with Elder Geo. Albert Smith to attend Weber Stake Con[p. 228]ference Sund 18th inst.

Spent the evening at home. Clifford Dunn staid all night with us.

9 January 1914 • Friday


Some snow fell. Alice quite ill with cold Remained in bed during forenoon.

I went down town at request of Pres. Lyman and counseled with him about the proposed division of Burley ward, Cassia Stake.

Attended to several items of business while down town. Worked on my books until after ten P.M. Pres Lyman called me into his home twice today and once down town to his office.

10 January 1914 • Saturday


Beautiful day. Alice up most of the day. Others usually well.

I attended to some business down town. Went to Farmington and saw Bp. J. H. Robinson by request of Pres. Lyman on cases of recent supposed marriages.

In the evening I called on Pres. Lyman and while there we administered a blessing to sister Lyman I voiced the prayr.

11 January 1914 • Sunday


Excepting colds all are well.

Attended a convention of Sunday School workers of the three stakes of Salt Lake, Ensign & Davis held in the Parrett Hall 700 in attendance, S. L. Richards Jr. presided I offered the invocation and addressed the convention time from 10:30 to 2:00 P.M.

Attended the meeting in the tabernacle [p. 229] Elder James E. Talmage the speaker, subject. tithing.

Attended evening meeting in 27th ward and was the speaker occupying 50 minutes. Subject, Our spiritual and religious work symbolized by our Temporal work our vocations & profession. We count the cost in either and aim at success. It means success or failure. Success means to meet every demand attend to every detail. The serious effect of neglecting to do certain of the detail work in season or neglecting to do it at all. The first time I ever talked thus and had good liberty.

12 January 1914 • Monday


Folks well excepting colds.

I spent most of the day home reading. Went down to 9th So & 11th E. towards evening and saw my sister Nerva and attended to some business. Made loan from her of additional $200. and made new note for $1200. redeeming note of $1000.

In the evening Alice & I attended an evening’s entertainment in honor of Pres F. M. Lyman on this the 74th anniversary of his birth. An enjoyable affair, at P.B. Bldg.

13 January 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well. Weather moderated.

I spent the day with my brethren of the Council of Twelve at Bps. Bldg hearing the case of Joseph W. Silver charged with unchristian like conduct in having entered into polygamous relations with one [Joura?] clark Cook of Farmington. Case not finished. [p. 230]

I took up balance of my note of $1500.00 at Utah State Nat. Bank by paying bal. of princpal $250. and 7.9% interest.

I took Bp. James H. Robinson & Frank J. Steel to Scraces to lunch at noon.

14 January 1914 • Wednesday


Mild weather. My cold still on.

Attended a council meeting of the Twelve at Bps. building from 10:00 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. where the case of Joseph Silver was concluded and he excommunicated from the Church for insubordination to the government and disciplin of the church, having taken a plural wife during the past year, given him by Pat. John Woolley of Centreville.

Attended M.I.A. Bd. meeting and my Circle meeting. Joel & Georgina called in the evening also my Son George.

The ward teachers also paid us a visit.

15 January 1914 • Thursday


Rained & Snowed. My cold very troublesome.

Attended regular weekly council meeting from 10:30 to about 3:00 P.M. Important business transacted. After meeting I entertained my brother-in-law L. J. Robinson who spent the evening and night with us. Geo & Edith spent a couple of hours with us.

16 January 1914 • Friday


Mild weather My cold still troublesome. I staid in all day & evening and read the papers & studied gospel subjects.

Walked up to Joels with Alice in evening & back [p. 231]

17 January 1914 • Saturday

Attended Utah theatre Matinee with Alice, Sarah & Ruby & later Alice & I went to the concert by Consolidated Music Co.

18 January 1914 • Sunday1


Wintry in forenoon & snowed in afternoon & evening. My cold better.

I accompanied Elder Geo. Albert Smith to Ogden leaving Salt Lake at 9:00 A.M. to attend the Weber Stake Conference.

We were met at station by Pres. Watson & a brother Fred Taylor in Auto & taken to the Ogden tabernacle where we attended the 10:00 A.M. meeting. Attendance 772 Speakers: Presidents Middleton & Watson, E. Taft Benson and Elder G. A. Smith, the latter occupying 25 minutes.

We took dinner with Pres Watson.

At Afternoon meeting the attendance was 1091. Authorities sustained.

Pres. Shurtliff spoke briefly. I occupied 50 minutes with good liberty. Subj. Ward teaching, public service. Statistics &c. My Bro C. C. Richards & Thos. E. McKay of the Stake Presidency of Ogden Stake were present and C. C. spoke briefly & latter McKay offered the benediction. Elder G. A. Smith occupied 7 minutes. Sister Smith was with her husband. We were taken by same auto to dinner and return and to D. O McKay’s to call on his wife.

Took 5:00 P.M. train for home and arrived safely home about 6:30 P.M. Wrote up my journal &c.

19 January 1914 • Monday


All fairly well. About a foot of snow fell during last night & yesterday afternoon.

I wrote a letter to my son LeGrand this morning and while writing, a [p. 232] letter came from Ina dated Jan. 4th Alice, Ray & I took 11:00 A.M. train to Farmington. Went to her Sister Mari’s & after spending a couple of hours there we went in sleigh up to her sister Anna’s where we spent the remainder of the afternoon & evening and took 8:34 P.M. train for home.

We found Alices brother Loren at our home on our return from Farmington and sat up with him until 11:00 P.M when he left us to take train for his home in Oakley Idaho. Joel & Georgina returned from Logan just before Loren left and staid until nearly 12: o’clock.

While at Farmington bros. Jos S. Clark & Frank Steed & I administered to Aunt Anna & to her baby which is quite sick. Bro Clark anointed & I confirmed the anointing in both instances. Anna is nearing time of confinement and we blessed her for her special condition.

The day has been a pleasant one for me. It snowed during the day & turned quite cold towards night. I am better of my cold. Others usually well. [p. 233]

[end of sixteenth volume]

20 January 1914 • Tuesday

Geo. F. Richards’ Journal

From Jan 20, 1914


March 1, 1915

No. 17 [p. [0]]

Pythagoras devoted his evenings to solemn reflections of the events of the day.

The writing of a daily journal has the effect of reviewing the events of the day. This review rivutes these things upon the mound.

One should take time to sort his thoughts and label them. [p. [0]]


All usually well.

Pleasant weather.

I spent the forenoon at home studying. From 2:00 to 5:00 o’clock P.M. I sat with the members of my quorum in the P. Bp’s building hearing the Nathan G. Clark case resulting in his excommunication for insubordination to Church government and disciplin in marrying a plural wife within the past year, the ceremony having been performed by Patriarch John Woolley of Centreville.

Attended M.I.A. meeting in 27th ward

21 January 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Weather moderated.

I attended a committee meeting to apportion to the several Church schools the amount appropriated by T. & Trust for the Church schools for their maintainance & was in session from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Attended General Board meeting of Y.M.M. at 5:00 P.M. and my Circle meeting in the temple at 6:30.

This day the News & the Telegram announced the excommunications of Jos. A. Silver & Nathan Clark from the Church. The former in an interview with the reporter of the “Telegram” if correctly reported reiterates his falsehoods and adds others, his purpose in so doing being obvious.

My sister Minerva informed me that she & her daughter Alice were baptized Tuesday (yesterday) for 97 of our ancestors. She asked as to the attitude of the Church in regard to card playing. I gave answer that it is as strong as ever against [p. 1] the practice and called her attention to an article on the Subject by Pres Joseph F. Smith found in Vol. 6. No. 2 of the Improvement Era also an article by Elbert Hubbard on same subject found in the Era Vol. 7 part 2.

James Wood formerly of Erda called me over the phone & asked for information about the legend that two children Romulus and Remus were nursed by a shee wolf. I got the encyclopedia & read to him over the phone what in there recorded.

22 January 1914 • Thursday


Stormy day, rain & Snow.

Our daughter Nina is ill. Came home from school yesterday with sore throat. I administered to her this morning and had her prayed for in our temple meeting to-day.

Was in weekly council meeting at the temple with the First Presidency and the Twelve & Patriarch from 10:30 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. I called in my son’s office and read some magazines for an hour and then returned home and to work.

Joel & wife took supper with us and he & I administered to my daughter Nina. I spent the evening home studying &c.

23 January 1914 • Friday


Pleasant day.

Mama & Mamie poorly.

I attended a special council meeting of the Twelve from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. where the Rheuben G Miller case was inquired into. Hearing completed but decision not reached. Meeting continued from 2:00 to 6:15 o’clock. M. F. Cowley in [p. 2] consideration adjourned subject to call of the President of the Council, case not yet concluded.

Spent the evening at home writing, reading &c.

24 January 1914 • Saturday


Folks improving.

Weather pleasant.

I took 8:05 A.M. R.G. train for Lehi where brother Abel John Evans met me & took me to his home and from there to the Conference meeting where I met Pres Hart he having gone down on S.L. Route train.

Attendance at forenoon meeting 401. Pres. Stephen Chipman had a hoarseness in his voice so had written a speech which was read by the Stake Clerk. Counselor Clark, Bp. Stores, Ezra Walker, Pres Hart & I were the speakers in the order named. I occupied 30 minutes. Subject, Ward teaching work and call men & women into public service, make room for them by unloading some duties from some over worked and reducing the Size of teacher’s districts.

At close of this meeting I attended a seventies meeting and Pres Hart & I ordained five or six Seventies. I ordained the following

Hyrum J. Evans of Lehi, a Seventy

Morgan S. Lott " " "2

Geo. H. Smith " " "

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 498. Speakers were in order as follows, Pres. A. J. Evans, Bro. Anderson of R. Classes, S. J. Russell a ret missionary, Geo. Lamb of Cache, myself & Pres. Hart. I occupied about 25 minutes Subject, example and active faith & missionary work by precept & example. [p. 3] Pres. Hart and I returned home on S.P.S.L. Ry train arriving in Salt Lake soon after 6:00 P.M. Spent the evening home writing, reading &c.

25 January 1914 • Sunday


Blustery day & Stormy.

Folks better.

I took 7:35 A.M. S.L. Route train to Lehi and attended Circle meeting at 9:00 AM. and Conference meeting at 10:00 AM. attendance 835. I was one of the speakers & occupied 15 min closing on advantages of auxiliary associations in the church calculated to establish their faith, give them a testimony and prepare them for useful service at home or abroad Our children do not appreciate these advantages & we parents should encourage their enrollment & attendance &c. Sacrament adminstr Took dinner with Pres A. J. Evans

At 2:00 P.M. meeting the attendance was 988. Authorities sustained. Pres. Hart occupied 55 mins. I concluded in 30 minutes good liberty. Subject the sacrifices of the gospel and applied it to local conditions with view to encourage the people to assist in paying off the debt on the New tabernacle. I returned home after the meeting & Pres. Hart & H. H. Cummings of S.S. Bd. remaned to attend a Sunday school meeting in the evening. Spent the evening at home.

26 January 1914 • Monday


All usually well.

Sloppy weather.

I remained home until 2:30 P.M. reading, writing &c. Repaired tap &c.

I went with my daughter Ruby to buy shoes &c and put her on the Cache Valley train for Logan. [p. 4]

Sent flowers by Ruby to Lucena and took flowers to Cousin Levi W. Richards & while there administered to him.

Alice and I went to the Empress in the evening.

27 January 1914 • Tuesday


Weather stormy.

All usually well.

I attended Committee meeting of apportionment of Church School funds from 10:00 A.M. to about 1:00 P.M. I spent the remainder of the day at home reading &c.

28 January 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Cold weather.

Attended Committee meeting from 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Apportionment of school funds and finished our work.

Attended my circle meeting in the evening. Spent some hours at home reading.

29 January 1914 • Thursday


All well.

Very cold weather.

Attended weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 3:00 P.M. At this meeting before the arrival of the Presidency we the members of the Twelve, ten being present, voted the excommunication of Ruben G. Miller for insubordination to church authority & disceplin he having recently taken a plural wife the ceremony having been performed by John Woolley of Centreville who has no authority or business to do such [p. 5] things neither has any one else.

While in council later in reading the minutes of our previous meeting where reference was made to the cases of Joseph A. Silver & Nathan G. Clark where they were recently excommunicated Pres. Jos. F. Smith declared that such marriages are no marriages at all.

A letter from Grant Ivins who is in Japan presiding over that mission announces the fact that five of the elders in that mission had been guilty of visiting and patronizing houses of prostitution in that land one of whom is diseased as a result Confessions had been made of such guilt.

30 January 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

Mama, Ray, Estella and I took 7:30 A.M. train for Tooele. We remained at my daughter Nerva’s until after dinner and then went up to Estella Lee’s. I left Mama & childer there & I returned to Salt arriving at 6:15 P.M. I did some reading & writing. My son George called and we had quite a talk & visit and later took train for Burley Idaho where I went in company with Elder Rudger Clawson to attend Cassia stake conference.

31 January 1914 • Saturday

Arrived in Burley, Idaho at 10:40 A.M. Elders Rudger Clawson & Stephen L. Richards Jr. the latter representing the Sunday school Suptcy of the Church. [p. 6] The Cassia Stake Conference and Sunday School convention held in conjunction at Burley. The 10:00 A.M. Sat. meeting was a conference session. The speakers were Pres Jack, Estella Sudwick, Stephen L. Richards Jr. and myself. I occupied 25 minutes. Subj Requirements of the Gospel are sacrifice, self denial & service more than required by other religious organizations. More of reward is offered. We should have counted the cost in advance Ex. Parable of the builder. Attendance 325.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting attendance was 500. I was one of the Speakers & occupied 25 minutes. Subject. Bible Holy Ghost. Secterian doctrines are responsible in large measure for the unbelief & atheism in the world &c.

7:30 P.M. meeting attendance 411. A Sunday School meeting held in the Opera house. I occupied 15 minutes in conclusion. Subject Social effect of the S. Schools. Recapitulation of the subjects treated. Teacher duties as talents to be improved. Enlarge the circle of usefulness &c. Attended officers meeting 4:20 P.M.

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January 1914, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1914/1914-01


  1. [1]Richards originally dated this entry as “Sat. Jan. 17” before correcting it to read “Sund Jan. 18”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “Lehi, a Seventy”.