July 1909

1 July 1909 • Thursday


Weather continues warm. [p. 133]

I spent all the forenoon putting up swings for the children. Put up four swings which greatly please the children.

After bathing I did some writing and reading. Wrote C. W. &. M. Co. with reference to a claim of $28:35 due me for error in settlement of my business with theirs. A clerical error and which Mr Wells of that company refused to recognize.

2 July 1909 • Friday


I read from Atonement and Succession in forenoon. At 2 P.M. met with Elder Hyrum M. Smith and the Gen’l Board of Primary workers until 4:15 P.M. Attended a Committee meeting of Richard family organization &c.

3 July 1909 • Saturday


I assisted Alice in moving beds and bedding down & up stairs. Finished reading “Atonement and Succession” Jos. F. Smith’s Jr’s writings. Mailed checks in payment of bills.

I wrote Pres Ben E. Rich of N.Y. asking him about Longstroths in or about Philadelphia.

I wrote Pres. S. O. Bennion of Central States Mission putting him on the track of one Miles Harvey of Iola Kansas whom I met on train between here & Price and whom I gave Book of Mormon and other literature and with whom I have had some correspondence. [p. 134] I wrote Bp. Morgan Richards of Parowan with reference to the case of E. L. Clark an ex-Mormon with whom I had an extended interview while riding with him between Parowan and Lund 35 miles ride.

4 July 1909 • Sunday


I attended the temple fast meeting and offered the opening prayr.

Attended 27th ward fast meeting & offered closing prayr. Attended with Pres. Lyman a meeting in the 19th ward where Bp. Barton and counselors were released and Bro. Osborne Witsoe was sustained and by Pres. Lyman ordained High Priest & Bishop and set apart to preside over the ward. Bro Matthew N. Asper was sustained and by myself ordained an High Priest and set apart 1st Counselor to Bp. Witsoe and Bp. Bartons 2nd Counselor was sustained & by Pres Lyman set apart 2nd counselor to Bp. Witsoe. Pres. Lyman & I each talked after hearing from the retiring bishopric and the newly installed bishopric. Stormed during meeting.

We broke fast about 5 P.M. and My mother and sister Asenath were with us and dined with us.

Weather moderated.

5 July 1909 • Monday


Alice and I took the three youngest children down to 8th South & Main Streets to see the Sells Circus parade and in the evening Alice, Moselle and I [p. 135] went to the Salt Lake Theatre and saw “Polly of the Circus” and enjoyed it.

During the day I studied the Subject of America. Its early peopling by the Jaredites, the Nephites and the Mulekites.

6 July 1909 • Tuesday


Quarterly conference of the Twelve in the Temple from 10 A.M. until 3 P.M. a very interesting session, eight members in attendance. All spoke as they felt and some informal talks were indulded [indulged] in. Adjourned until 9 A.M. to-morrow. I did several hours work on my books, studying and writing and Alice & I walked down to Mother’s in the evening.

7 July 1909 • Wednesday


I attended quarterly meeting of the Presidency & Twelve from 9 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.

Received appointment with Bro. Ivins to Bear River Stake for next week. Wrote letters to Bro. Fred & to Pres. Wm. H. Smart Attended Circle meeting in the evening.

8 July 1909 • Thursday


I spent the forenoon at home studying and in the afternoon Alice and the three youngest children and I went up the Emigration Canyon and back.

Weather quite warm but not so hot as a few days back.

Folks well. [p. 136]

9 July 1909 • Friday


Weather moderate.

Health and spirits good, may the Lord be praised.

I left home with Bro. A. W. Ivins on 4 P.M. train for Garland to Attend the Bear River Stake Conference. Saw Bp. Smith Clark of Fielding and Wm Vanfleet of Garland on train and had good visit. Pres. Oleen N. Stohl of Box Elder Stake joined us at Brigham City.

Arrived at Garland about 7 P.M. We were met by Bro Jensen of the Stake Presidency and driven about the town. Took supper with Pres Jensen after which I went to Bro. Walter Grover’s where I spent the night.

10 July 1909 • Saturday


I was in meeting with Stake Presidency from 9 to 11 oclock and with High Council from 11 to 1 o’clock. Called in meeting of Relief society meeting and addressed the Sisters at 12:50 o’clock.

At 2 P.M. met 185 of the Priesthood Spoke to them about 20 minutes Subject Ward Teacher’s duty and individual missionary work. Spent an hour & a half reading Church History while waiting for Pres. M. D. Welling with whom I rode to Fielding a distance of seven miles where I visited with my Sister Alice and my Bro Fred & family. Slept at Freds Home.

On our way from Garland to Fielding Pres Welling and I called on my Bro. Myron J. of River Side [p. 137] and consulted him about taking a mission to South Africa to preside over that mission as a successor to Pres Henry L. Steed was necessary and I had been instructed to look for a man. I did not require an expression from him upon the Subject then but gave him what information I could with respect to the work required & condition of the Mission and left it with him to consider over night.

11 July 1909 • Sunday

Fielding, Utah.

I went with my brother Fred to Garland where the Stake Conference was continued.

My brother Myron J. came to me on the Stand and reported that he and wife could go to South Africa and be ready to start on short notice this resulting from our conversation of the evening previous.

At the 10 A.M. Session I occupied 40 minutes. Subject Sacrifice, Sacrament, types, symbols &c good liberty. I took dinner with my Nephew Calvin W. Richards Jr.

At afternoon meeting the Speakers were in order as follows. The Stake Presidency, Hansen, Jensen & Welling, Bro Ivins and myself. I advised caring for conference visitors, observing the Sabbath day to keep it holy, the necessity for our exercising properly and promptly our franchise & overcome the Liquor traffic [p. 138] We ought not to so amend the provision the Lord has made for our salvation that it will be necessary to strike out the enacting claws of our salvation.

Elder Ivins and the Stake Presidency and I set apart two officers for the Stake YL Mutuals. Treasurer by myself and Class leader by Elder Ivins after which we sat in Council for perhapse an hour & a half.

At evening meeting I spoke upon the Subject of the Eternity of the Marriage Covenant. Elder Ivins also spoke at this and all the other meetings.

After meeting I rode to Fielding with Pres. Welling and staid with my brother Fred over night.

12 July 1909 • Monday


I arose at five A.M. and wrote up my journal for the day previous. Had an interview with Bro Calvin W. Richards. Rode to Collinston with my brother Fred and wife on their way to Logan. Took train at Collinston at 9:15 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at noon. Bathed read papers, wrote to George and LeGrand and Called on my mother and spent an hour with her.

13 July 1909 • Tuesday


Read morning and evening papers and study all day, working on Commentary and studying subjects. Alice and Moselle went [p. 139] to Farmington on 11 A.M. train and returned on train arriving in Salt Lake at 10 P.M.

14 July 1909 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting from 10 AM. until 2 P.M. in temple. Reported the name of Bp. Myron J. Richards of River Side for a mission to South Africa to preside over that mission also his wife to accompany him. Both having been consulted and having expressed a willingness to go. Taken under advisement. Finances the only question raised.

I received the appointment with Pres. Rulon S. Wells to attend the Beaver Stake Conference. A new bishopric is to be installed at Miner’sville and a new Stake Supt. of Sunday Schools is to be selected & installed.

My Son George returned from his southern trip to-day.

Weather Sultry and close.

At the Council meeting this A.M. Pres. Smith appointed Pres. Francis M. Lyman & Elders John Henry Smith and Heber J. Grant a committee to investigate the matter of recently reported plural marriages. To call into council any of the brethren suspected of having been encouraging this thing and if it can be learned who are doing it then to deal Summarily with them. I suggested the mode of procedure. [p. 140] This committee is authorized to call in any others or all of the Twelve to assist them. I received an invitation to meet with the above named Committee after my prayr Circle meeting the hour 7 P.M. in the Temple.

I attended my Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M. in Temple and at 7 P.M. met the above named Committee and Bros. Clawson and Ivins associated. Each expressed his feelings and attitude upon this question of recently contracted plural marriages.

15 July 1909 • Thursday

Home. <Hot weather.>

I was in committee meeting in the temple from 9 to 11 and from 12 to 1 and from 2 to 3:30 where Bp. Jos. Christensen of 10th ward, Patriarch Martineau, Benj. Goddard, Charles Martin and Henry Tanner were examined to learn what they knew of recently contracted plural marriages with a view to putting a stop to the same.

I took dinner with Elder H. J. Grant between the hours of 1 & 2 P.M.

My Son George & I called on my Mother & Sister Asenath at their home in the evening. My wife went up to the Canyon, the Old Arm Chair with my sister Sarah E. Smith in the morning taking with her Estella and Oliver; Sarah, Ruby & Lucena being up there having gone up a week [p. 141] ago. Alice & babies returned home about 10:30 P.M. and I left home about 11:10 P.M. to take train to Beaver via Milford.

16 July 1909 • Friday

On train for Milford, weather hot.

Pres Wells & I reached Milford at 8:25 A.M. Took stage to Minersville where we got dinner at Bp. Marshalls and were met by Pres Tolton who took us to Beaver. Had a meeting with the Stake Presidency in the early evening and later went to an out door entertainment on Meeting house grounds by the Y.L.M.I.A.

17 July 1909 • Saturday


Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting in tabernacle. Attendance 126 Speakers were in order as follows. S. O.White <Jr> of Stake Presidency, Bp. Parkinson of Beaver [blank] ward, Jacobson, Wells. & Richards. I occupied about 25 minutes. Subject. Example.

At 2 P.M. meeting the Attendance was 175. The speakers were Jacob T. Tanner of the Stake Presidency, Ex. Pres. Chas D White, Richards & Wells. I occupied about 25 minutes following up & enlarging upon the remarks of Jacob T. Tanner restoration. Referred to Dan 2:44. Rev. 14:6 D.&C. 133:36; 109:72: 27:5.

Weather very warm.

Met in Council with the Stake [p. 142] Presidency at 4 P.M. Considered a successor to Bro Maesar as Stake Supt. of Sunday Schools. We met later in the evening and discussed the above proposition further and decided on Bro. J. G. McQuarry for Stake Supt of S.S. with Robert White and Geo. Murdock Jr as assistants.

18 July 1909 • Sunday


Attended conference meetings & Council meetings between.

At 9 AM met Stake Presidency and Bro J. G. McQuarry and arranged Satisfactorily with him the above named Superentendency of Sunday Schools. At 10 A.M. Conference com[m]enced in the Opera house, present 340. Sacrament was administered and the speakers were in order as follows; J. G. McQuarry, Robert White and Rulon S. Wells. Bro. Wells and I went home with Ex Pres. Chas D White to dinner. I staying place is at Pres. Toltons.

At 2 P.M. meeting <attendance 465> the General and Stake Authorities were sustained and the Speakers were in order as follows; Pres. J. F. Tolton, Supt. Horace H. Cummings and myself. Bro. Cummings just reached Beaver at Noon. My subject comments on improvements in Beaver, notably new opera house, paved walks, preparation for grading streets &c. Referred to liberal sentiment among Learned men & educaters. Referred to [p. 143] arrangements having been made with a leading magazine at Washington D.C. for the publication of Church History to appear in articles written by B H Roberts. Of the many ideas set forth by the Educaters of today which are called new there is no doubt much of chaff but some wheat the wheat will be extracted and the chaff will be blown away as all error must fail and all truth must prevail. We have the truth and truth must tryumpth [triumph].

At the evening Conjoint Mutual meeting held in the Opera House the Speakers were in order as follows. Sister White sister of Robert White and assistant Supt of Y.L.M.I. of the Stake. Bro. Wolfenden, myself and Pres. Rulon S. Wells. I occupied about 20 minutes deliberately. Subject. Continue to work. Be missionaries Bring in to the Assoceation new members, lead boys away from their bad habbits & learn early to be missionaries. Learn the lessons so you can tell it to others and tell it to others. That will suit it on your minds &c.

We had quite a nice rain storm during the day.

We have arranged a Sunday School convention for 10 A.M. tomorrow, a conference with the Beaver Bishops on religion Class work at 9:30 and a public meeting [p. 144] in Milford at night.

19 July 1909 • Monday


Pleasant morning, my health good, spirits good.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday before taking breakfast. Rawlin Tanner took Bro. Wells & me up to the Murdock School to See what has been done on the new building.

We met at meeting house the Religion Class Supt. & the two Beaver ward Bps. at 9:30 and S.S. workers at 10:30 in Convention. I talked to the Convention and before the close of the meeting the new Supt were set apart. I blessed and set apart J. G McQuarry SSSS. Bro. Robt. B. White was set apart 1st asst. by H. H. Cummings. Geo. C. Murdock Jr. set apart 2nd Asst. by R S. Wells.

Pres R. S. Wells and I left Beaver with Pres. Tolton & wife and two small girls for Milford at 2:30 and arrived at Milford at 6:15 P.M. Went into Council with the brethren and arranged the business to be presented to the evening meeting. Bro Wells & I took supper with Bro Pitchforth.

At meeting the following officers were sustained after releasing the Bishopric & set apart

Wm. J. Burns Bp. by G. F. R. ordained.

Stephen H Fotheringham 1st Con by J. F. Tolton

Edward H. Bird 2nd Con. <& H Priest> by Jacob T. Tanner

John Arrington Clerk of Ward by R S. Wells.

Bp E. Tanner, J F Tolton & myself were [p. 145] the speakers.

We took train at 9:35 P.M. for home.

20 July 1909 • Tuesday


I reached Salt Lake from Milford at 6:30 A.M. found the family usually well. I read the papers, repaired the garden hose, bathed &c.

Attended a missionary meeting at the President’s office where about fourteen Elders were set apart and instructed. I addressed the missionaries and was mouth in setting apart the following.

Hans Christian Peterson, Kanesville Ut. to S. States

Wm R. Riggs J. Hatch, Ut. Cent. States.

Thos. F. Sevy of Panguitch to Nor. "1

I spent a couple of hours with my mother in the evening. Had a pleasant conversation with Pres. F. M. Lyman on church matters.

21 July 1909 • Wednesday


Attended regular council meeting of Presidency & the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.

Attended special meeting of the Twelve in the temple from 4 to 8:15 P.M. We had before us Bro. F. F. Hintze first and after had Bro. Joseph Musser. We are trying to learn who is getting people into trouble in the Church by putting them in opposition to the President of the church on the question of the practice of plural marriage, The President being determined it [p. 146] shall discontinue. As I have been appointed to keep a minute of the proceedings of these investigating meetings I have some extra writing to do at night.

22 July 1909 • Thursday


I was with my brethren of the Twelve in council from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. except a recess of a couple of hours at noon. We were investigating conditions to learn if possible who is responsible for these reported plural marriages since Pres. Smiths declaration of Apr. 1904.

At 6:35 I took train to Farmington where I went to assist my wife and Sister Asenath home with fruit. We returned on train leaving Lagoon 8:40 P.M.

23 July 1909 • Friday


Attended council meeting of the Twelve in the temple from 10 to 2 o’clock, investigation.

Pres. Tolton, wife & two little girls called on us and spent a couple of hours. Alice, Geo., Edith, Joel & I went to the Bicycle races in the evening.

24 July 1909 • Saturday


Excepting Oliver’s lameness which has not improved of late, the family are all well.

I left Salt Lake on 9 A.M. O.S.L. train in company with Elder Rudger Clawson for Wellsville, Cache Co. where we went to attend the Hyrum Stake Conference. We reached Wellsville about 1 P.M. and were met at the Station by mem[p. 147]bers of the Stake Presidency and driven to the home of 2nd Counselor W. H. Maughan where we staid during conference. Attended the 2 P.M. conference in the New tabernacle. Attendance 711.

The speakers were in order as follows.

A. M. Israelsen 1st Counselor in Presidency

Peter O. Hansen. Bp. of Paradise.

I spoke about 35 minutes

Elder Rudger Clawsen spoke 35 minutes over running the time 10 minutes.

Bro Israelson having reported an increase in intemperance and a lack of support of the Stake Presidency, I took up these topics with that of obedience and spoke with good liberty and ease. May the Lord be praised.

From 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. sports were indulged in on the public square and fire works displayed. Dance in conclusion. Matched game of ball between Brigham & Wellsville teams resulted in the defeat of the former. Score 7 to 2.

25 July 1909 • Sunday


Attendance about 800 (836)

The speakers were in order as follows.

Wm. C. Parkinson Pres Stake.

I occupied 30 minutes

Elder Rudger Clawson

I spoke upon the Subject of Example and the necessity for applying the Gospel to our business affair in life. Make our lives and the Gospel law conform. Had excellent liberty. May the Lord be praised. [p. 148]

At 9 A.M. we met the Stake Presidency and retiring Bishopric of Wellsville ward and discussed with them the proposed reorganization of the bishopric until 10 A.M. At 12 Noon we met the Stake Presidency and High Council for an hour. At 2 P.M. we convened in Conference again. The sacrament was administered and the Authorities were sustained. The speakers were in order as fol.

Bro Thoreson of Logan formerly connected with Hyrum Stake Presidency.

Elder Clawson occupied 40 minutes

I occupied 25 minutes stopping at 4 P.M. subject following Elder Clawson on the reading of the Scriptures. Had good freedom again. The Lord has been kind to me.

At 4:30 P.M. the Wellsville people convened and were seated in the auditorium and filled it pretty full, while the gallery was occupied with people from other wards. The meeting was of one hour 30 min. duration. Elder Clawson stated the business proposed to be transacted. The retiring Bp. and his Counselors each spoke and pledged their support to their successors. Pres. Parkinsen spoke and Elder Clawson presented the new officers after stating that the Presidency & High Coun<cil> had released the former bishopric and voted appreciation and thanks for their faithful services. The voting was light but no opposition manifest.

The new bishopric consists of the following named brethren [p. 149]

Franklin Lewis Bunnell. Bishop

Peter M. Maughan 1st Counselor

James A. Leishman, 2nd Counselor.

these each spoke expressing a willingness to accept of his calling and labor faithfully therein.

I offered the concluding remarks of about 10 minutes. Called attention of the people to the fact that when Bp Maughan was released about nine years ago the people did not feel like giving him up and did not love their new bishopric then as now. The change was for the best and so it will be in this instance. Those who did not vote to sustain this new bishopric had not done their duty and have cause to repent and in order to do so acceptibly they should redouble their efforts to sustain them by their works & prayrs. When Bp. Owen the old Bishop arose to speak many clapped their hands also at close of his speech and when the new bishopric had been sustained and they were called to speak many arose & went out a very disrespectful thing to do.

This has been a strenuous day but the Lord sustained us marvelously.

While the choir was singing the closing hymn Pres. Parkinson, Pres. Israelsen & I left for Millville where we met the three brethren proposed for the bishopric of that ward before the general meeting commenced. James Jensen had been presiding over the ward for about 6 months as presiding elder since the release of Bishop John E. Roueche. Bro. Jensen had been selected to be the Bishop [p. 150] and Henry C. Henneger and Niels Orson Olson his Counselors. The latter was lothe to accept of the call as he had found himself out of harmony with brother Jensen.

At the meeting the attendance was fair. The ward has a population of 550 L.D.S. souls.

Pres Parkinson and I each spoke and Elder Jensen reported his ward.

I presented the business. The voting was light as was expected knowing the disunion which has prevailed in this ward for years. There was one opposition vote to the Bishop this by an elderly brother King who explained after meeting that he thought a stronger man could have been chosen one who would have more influence in uniting the people.

We set the brethren apart on the stand after each had made a brief talk. I set each apart as follows. James Jensen ordained a Bishop and set apart to preside over Millville ward. Henry C. Henniger ordained High Priest and set apart 2nd Counselor to Bro. Jensen Neils Orson Olson ordained High Priest and set apart 2nd Counselor to Bp. Jensen. Pres. Israelson spoke about 10 minutes and I offered the benediction.

After the meeting we had the Bishopric remain and we instructed them for about an hour after which I returned to the home of Pres. Parkinson where I spent the night.

This has been a strenuous day but the Lord sustained us marvellously. [p. 151]

26 July 1909 • Monday

Hyrum, Utah.

I left Hyrum for Salt Lake at 7:45 A.M. and reached Salt Lake about noon. Found family well except for Oliver’s lameness.

I took a bath, trimmed my beard, and with my wife called and saw my mother and sister Nerva, the latter having come from Farmington and both left in Auto for the Parleys Canyon at 6 P.M. after which Alice & I went down to our daughter Nerva’s and while there took supper. We walked on down town later and attended the Salt Lake Theatre. “The Servant in the house.” A good play and a good moral. It is profitable to do right and produces happiness exceeding that obtained otherwise and if one has started wrong no matter how far he has gone in that road it is profitable to return. Repentance lesson. A good sermon.

27 July 1909 • Tuesday


I wrote up my journal for the past several days, attended to other writing in my records and wrote letters to my Son LeGrand and Pres M. H Welling.

Attended a meeting in Pres.’s office where were Pres. Smith, Pres Lyman Elders John Henry Smith, Rudger Clawson & myself. The presidency of the Pioneer Stake, the bishopric of 22nd Ward, ward clerk & a High Councilman Bro. Erdley. The Bishopric were at outs with one another and Pres. McLauyhtain [McLachlan] had recom[p. 152]mended a change in Bishopric to which Bishop demurred. After hearing the charges & counter charges it was advised that they be given another chance to reconcile matters and if it can not be done then a change will be necessary.

The weather is quite cool to-day. I put on heavier clothing for comfort.

28 July 1909 • Wednesday


Attended regular Council meeting in the temple with the Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. until 1:40 P.M. Attended prayr Circle meeting in the evening. Read Church history &c.

29 July 1909 • Thursday


Alice, Nerva, Ruby and Lucena went to Farmington. I remained home with the other children and studied. Oliver was very much in pain during the night with his lame leg (left). We are wondering if it is Rheumatism.

30 July 1909 • Friday


I spent the forenoon reading studying and writing. Bathed and made ready and left on 4:40 P.M. train for Nephi where I went to attend Juab Conference. Arrived at Nephi at 8 P.M. and went to my Nephew Roscoe Grover’s where I staid while in Nephi. Took a short surray ride with Bro Abner Bigler in the evening. [p. 153]

31 July 1909 • Saturday


Attended 10:30 A.M. Conference meeting the speakers were in order as fol.

Pres. James W. Paxman of Stake presidency

Bp. Thos. H. G. Parks. Nephi 2nd Ward.

I spoke 25 minutes. Subject. God deals in temporal and spiritual things He made the world for us and all that nature supplies. He expects us to beautify it &c but first of all do our religious duties and make our lives conform to the Gospel law.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 184. The speakers were as fol.

Isaac H. Grace of Stake Presidency

[blank] Winters missionary to Manti Temp<le>

Bp. W. H. Pettigrew. Nephi 1st ward.

Bp. James E. Taylor of Levan

Bp. Ephraim Ellertson. Mona

and myself.

I occupied about 50 minutes. Read Luke 14:28–33 & D&C 103:28 Subject Sacrifice.

I met the Stake presidency at their office in council from 7 to 9:30 o’clock this appointment by my suggestion. A profitable time was had.

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July 1909, George F. Richards, accessed January 20, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1909/1909-07


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “States”.