February 1908

1 February1 1908 • Saturday

at Holden, Utah.

I attended 10 A.M. Con. meeting. Many reports were made and Pres. Lyman conclud<ed> with a 20 minutes talk.

As Father Stephensen came in meeting (aged 82) I told Pres. F. M. Lyman that man looked like an a Patriarch. It followed that he was selected and after afternoon meeting Pres. Lyman and I interviewed him.

At afternoon meeting many reports were made and I concluded with a 35 30 minutes talk. Subject. Reports. Effect of hearing accomplishments of others. Honor the Lord by honoring his priesthood. Attendance at the Sacremental meetings and payment of fast offerings. Pres. F. M. Lyman left for Fillmore after afternoon meeting learning of the Sickness of his wife Susan. [p. 109]

In the evening I attended the Stake Sunday School Union meeting and occupied about ten or fifteen minutes in conclusion. Training of children. Pres. Lyman gone to Fillmore.

2 February 1908 • Sunday


I fasted and attended the A.M. meeting of conference. I did not have to speak. Pres. Lyman present but did not talk.

At 1 P.M. we commenced the afternoon meeting. The Authorities were sustained and Andrew C Thomas Christian Stephenson was sustained to be ordained a Patriarch. I suggested that he be ordained so after the meeting I had the honor of Ordaining him a Patriarch while at Bp Stephenson’s home, his son, Pres Lyman & Pat

Pres. Lyman occupied 65 min I followed for 30 minutes. Subject. The strength of the Church and of the individual members is due to the activity of the members. Give the Deacons & Priests & teachers some [p. 110] work to do. Do not rob the Priests of their rights in the Priesthood by having Elders & H Priests administer the Sacrament and do the baptizing. Women save your husbands or you you are lost. Teach your children to pay tithing and give gifts by asking their indorsement of what you do in that line. &c.

At the Bp’s home we administered to a 15 years old girls who has symptoms of Epelepsy. Her name Tamsan Marinda Jones I anointed and Pres. Lyman Confirmed the anointing.

Attended the Conjoint mutual meeting at 7:30 P.M. I occupied 30 minutes with freedom leaving 25 minutes for Pres. Lyman who occupied about 12 minutes. My Subject. Extend usefulness of the mutuals to those not now members. I being a son of God have a right to aim to become like Him. That means aim at perfection. We are to perfect the attributes of Diety in us implanted. Jesus commands it. “Be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” Jesus set the example and by object lesson showed us the way. [p. 111] The knowledge obtained here is good for this life and for the life to come. Pres Lyman offered Benediction. At conclusion of the meeting Pres. Lyman & I shook hands with the people who seemed to appreciate the privilege young & old male & female. A splendid spirit prevailed and in my talk I had good liberty, spoke deliberately and in Pres. Lymans talk he characterized my talk as superb. May the Lord be praised. After meeting at Bp. Stephenson’s Pres. Lyman ordained Bro. Simeon Stephenson an High Priest, I assisting. Between afternoon and evening meetings I visited Sister Lillian Smith formerly from Tooele. While here in Holden at least three persons have asked me for Patriarchal blessings including the Bishop witho whom I am staying but I am instructed to not officiate in the office of Patriarch.

A splendid spirit prevailed in the Conference. The President expressed pleasure at the termination of the Conference. Slept at Bp. Stephenson’s. Retired at 10:40 P.M. Health good. [p. 112]

3 February 1908 • Monday


I left Holden at 6:20 A.M. with Pres. F. M. Lyman, Pres. Hinckley and Bros. Badger & Stake Clerk for Deseret via Mellville. We visited the Mellville dam & reservoir and reached Deseret at 2 P.M. where we met the Priesthood and at 7:30 P.M. we met the people in public meeting. Some good missionary work was done at between meetings. At evening meeting I occupied 30 minutes Pres. Lyman attended to the business and occupied a few minutes. I spoke with much freedom but very deliberately. Referred to the Bee hive engraven on the front of the pulpet. The Deseret. The contemplated plan at one time to have our terretory enter the Union under that name failing to succeed it was apropriate that some important division of the then territory should have the name. You are the fortunate ones. Was it inspirational? Is not this to be the hub & Metropoles? Referred to the dams & Reservoirs and prospective development of this country. I referred to the hymn sung “Come oh thou kings of kings &c” page 209 and “We thank thee oh God for a prophet.” pag[e] 166 and com[p. 113]mented on same. Do we mean what we so vigorously sing. Encouraged the Saints to follow the lead of the Prophets & heed what they say. Sustain those called to preside as you would be sustained and help make them what you would have them become.

The Bishopric was reorganized with Jos. W. Damron Jr as Bp. ordained Bp by Pres Lyman; and Nels L Peterson first Counselor Set apart by G. F. R. John L. Weston 2nd Counselor set apart by Pres. F. M. Lyman.

Bro. Samuel W. Weston was sustained as Choir leader and I set him apart. We took supper at Bro. John L. Weston’s home.

We were driven to Oasis after the evening by Bro. Albert Hales. Bro Craft with us.

There was one opposing vote against the Bishop that of Peter Black because of personal differences.

4 February 1908 • Tuesday

Arrived in Salt Lake from Millard at 6:30 A.M.

Posted books & accounts, Paid bills &c. Spent a couple of hours with my mother and my Sister Asenath. [p. 114] I administered to the latter She being sick in bed.

On reaching home I learned that my Son LeGrand had landed at Portland Maine Sund. 10:30 A.M. Feb. 2nd. Later Alice and I went down to Sister Asenath and visited an hour.

5 February 1908 • Wednesday

Home. I attended Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. until three P.M. Attended to some business down town and made ready to leave for Chicago to meet my Son LeGrand and visit with my son George & wife.

A telegram received at 10 o’clock last night from George announced the arrival there of LeGrand at 9:15 P.M. I wired answer that I would be there Saturday AM next. Sister Asenath better to-day. Others usually well.

I left Salt Lake City on O.S.L. Ry. 6:15 P.M. bound for Chicago.

6 February 1908 • Thursday

On train U.P. for Chicago. This is LeGrand’s 22nd birthday. Am now at Larame 12:50 P.M. Nothing of importance transpired thus far on the trip. [p. 115]

7 February 1908 • Friday


Arrived here at 10:15 Eastern time. 9:15 A.M. Mountain time. On time. Have had a pleasant trip and have read the books of Matthew and Mark and several chapters of Luke besides other reading while enroute. Weather here much the same as in Salt Lake with about the same amount of snow. My train leaves for Chicago at 6 P.M. Eastern time I am well and happy.

While waiting in the Omaha Station reading the Testament One Elder Redd approached me not knowing who I was, offering me a Book of Mormon and asking if I had ever seen that book. By this means we discovered one another and there were three other Elders present plying their trade to others

I took train for Chicago at 6 P.M. and arrived in Chicago next day at 11:30 A.M.

8 February 1908 • Saturday

Chicago Ill.

Arrived in Chicago at 11:30 A.M. 3 hours late. Was met at the Depot by my sons George & LeGrand who had been waiting at the Station about three hours. A happy meeting. We went directly [p. 116] to the place where George is living & after dinner we went down town the three of us and arranged the baggage transfer and return transportation & Pullman. Visited the Auditorium House a Business house and went to the top floor nineteen stories and looking down on the people they appeared as mere black objects. Could scarce discern them from any other moving black object except for the movements of their legs.

We visited George’s School, The Chicago North Western. Returning to George’s home we spent the evening most pleasantly retiring late. George & I occupied the same bed. Weather beautiful but cold. All well.

9 February 1908 • Sunday

Chicago Ill.

With George, Edith, LeGrand and Evan Richards I attended Sunday School. I visited the departments four in number and spoke briefly to each except the Theological. Spoke to the School and at Meeting from 11:30 to 12:30 LeGrand & I spoke. He about 15 minutes & I about 25 min. about 38 Students & 24 Elders present.

Left Chicago with my Son Le[p. 117]Grand at 6 P.M. By mere incident I had told Pres. McRae of Western States Mission that I read the Book of Mormon through within a week and during that time I attended eight meetings and one entertainment. He tested it by reading it in 33 hours reading & told Pres Ellsworth of our accompleshments. The latter issued a circular letter to his 170 Elders requesting that they all read it through during two succeeding months. The results are that 170 Elders read the Book of Mormon through since Christmas.

10–11 February 1908

Monday, Feb. 10, 1908. On train from Chicago. Reached Omaha about 9:30 A.M. We were met by Elder Redd who accompanied us to a hall where about 20 Elders were assembled in Class meeting. I addressed the Elders for about 30 minutes. My Son LeGrand & I left Omaha about 4 P.M. Without any particular incident worthy of mention we reached home Wed 8:30 A.M. the 12th.

<Administered to Elder A. W. Ossmen.>2

On the way to & from Chicago I read eight of the Books of the New Testament commencing [p. 118] with Matthew.

12 February 1908 • Wednesday


My son LeGrand & I reached Salt Lake at 8:30 A.M. from Chicago. Joel met us at Station.

I attended Council meeting from 10 AM until 3 P.M. Attended a committee meeting with Pres. Lyman having been appointed by the President to consider an application of the Mellville Irrigation Co. to the Church to guarentee them for $10,000. at the Bank. We reported recommending favorably to the granting of same. Attended Circle meeting also a part of Religion Class meeting. Visited Aunt Seney and LeGrand Joel & I administered to her.

13 February 1908 • Thursday


I wrote up three pages letter paper instructions to missionaries by request of Pres Lyman & gave to him. I wrote letter to my Son George.

Visited with my Sister Nerva and with her went over and visited with Mother & Asenath. Attended a missionary meeting at the temple where eight [p. 119] missionaries were set apart & instructed.

I was mouth in setting apart the following.

John C. Larsen Jr. of Lewiston to Gt Britain and My Nephew Albert Zebriske Richards of Sugar, to Gt. Britain. I also was mouth in blessing Bro. Edward Ottley who is going to Gt. Britain to meet his Son & also to procure geneologies &c.

Called on Dr. Gill. And with my son LeGrand called on the Church Presidency & Pres. Bishopric, also at Historian’s office.

I was mouth in instructing the missionaries.

14 February 1908 • Friday


I wrote my niece Nina <Grover> a six paged letter. Did some other writing, went down to Asenaths. and from there to Post office

And in the evening I accompanied Pres. F. M. Lyman to the 19th Ward where we attended a Ward Priesthood meeting. Pres Lyman occupied 60 minutes and I about 15 minutes. Subject. Reduce number of members living in ward without recommends. 1/3 of all population are such [p. 120]

Following is copy of letter to my niece Nina Grover.

1010. 3rd Ave. S. L. City. Feb. 14, 1908

Miss Nina Grover

Salt Lake City. Utah.

My Dear Niece: –

For some time I have had a desire to communicate to you some of my thoughts and to-day I have that desire more than ever.

It does seem strange that your widowed mother, your sisters, brothers and kindred desert and antagonize you, a virtuous, pure minded, dutiful daughter and sister and near relative; and yet it would appear that such are the facts, if it so be that your ideas are correct and that you have not been undutiful, unkind and mistaken or deceived.

Be that as it may, there is an estrangement existing between you and your family, a strained condition which no one of them can satisfactorily account for and which is not only greatly deplored by us all, but is cause for much mental [p. 121] and physical suffering on the part of your mother. I can hardly think that you are so heartless as to take satisfaction in the knowledge of these facts, even though you may feel that you have not had proper treatment from her and that your feelings have been outraged. However this may be the fact remains that you have it in your power to relieve your mother of much mental distress and aid in her recovery to health.

Feelings have become so strain<ed> between you, that I scarcely hope you have the courage to act according to you own hearts impulses, should they constrain you to make reconciliation, and that they will so constrain you I have equal reason to doubt. If I could but place the matter before you in such a light that you could see yourself as you are seen by your friends, then I might hope for such reconciliation.

I am pleased to note that your mother is feeling a [p. 122] little stronger to-day and has deliberately discoursed to me upon your virtues from childhood, the attachment which has existed between her and you as mother and daughter, your selfsacrificing nature, your faithfulness as a member of the Church and the blessings which have come to you through the Gospel; and to reconcile all these conditions with <your> what seems to us all, strange conduct, is an utter impossibility.

Have you ever, Nina, thought that the treatment your mother has given the people with whom you live, if that treatment has been other than what you think proper, is the result of her love for you and the feeling she has entertained that they have while posing as your friend been your worst enemy and hers? If she cared nothing for you, do you think she would be so much concerned and so solicitous for your welfare and comfort? In casting about to discover if possible the cause of what seems to us strange if not un[p. 123]natural conduct on your part, various ones have suggested what seemed to them a likely cause.

First. It is suggested that as a result of the company associations you have chosen (people are known by the company they keep) you have lost your faith in the Gospel which fact is, to your friends, a source of great regret and sorrow. That to return home now would subject you to more or less humiliation and a fear on your part that you would be unduly pursuaded and that our views would be unduly forced upon you.

Second. It is suggested that some hypnotic influence is exercised over you from which influences it is impossible for you to extricate yourself.

Third. It is suggested that you have been led to commit yourself in some way, known to these people and not to your own folks and that you through fear of exposure, are subjected to the humiliation you now seem to be enduring. You will think the last an uncharitable view [p. 124] but, Nina, you must consider how unnatural and unreasonable your conduct does appear to your friends and that some reasonable cause must be assigned.

The first cause named seems to me <to be> most reasonable but not in itself sufficient and must have some other cause associated. Whatever may be the real cause, the reality can be but little worse than the Suspicion and if such should be the case, I would advise that you break the fetters which bind you, which is in your power to do and make a full confession and thereby receive forgiveness of the Lord and of your family and kindred who will willingly under such circumstances help to carry your load and assist you into the favor of the Lord and of all good people.

No person can come into the kingdom of God who has sins unforgiven for the Glory of God consumeth all dross. And there is no forgiveness of sins except through humiliation and repentance, and the longer humiliation and re[p. 125]pentance is deferred, the greater will be the humiliation will be. I suggest that now is the time to make peace with the Lord and to make right all wrongs done to others. If you, Nina, allow your mother to go down to her grave without your putting forth an effort to effect a reconciliation, you will have sorrow all your days and finally be humiliated as it were in the dust of the earth to a degree beyond your powers at present to comprehend.

Of your present course, your people are mortally ashamed believing that it is wholly unjustifiable. Should you retrace your steps, you would be received by them with open arms.

Now, Nina, I warn you in all kindness, that it is impossible that you have that you have committed any sin of which you can not be forgiven and be saved when you have sufficiently suffered according to the justice and mercy of God, but murder and suicide can never be forgiven in this world or in the world to come, so see to [p. 126] it that your hands never be stained with blood what ever your troubles and sorrows may be.

The Lord has power to control circumstances and influence the minds of men & women and to open to any of his children an avenue of escape from trouble and sorrow. Seek him in earnest prayr often and be courageous to do the right as He may give you to See and understand what is the right.

That you may seek and find what you most need I most fervently pray.

Affectionately Your Uncle

Geo. F. Richards

<Delivered 2/16/08.>

<Recd answer dated. Feb. 20th. on my return from Mex. 3/14/08.>

15 February 1908 • Saturday


I visited my Sister Asenath who is very much improved and read to her and my mother the letter written to Nina of which the above is a copy and both indorsed it. I have this day copied the letter as above and seek opportunity to get it into her hands.

Did some memoranda writing and studying in evening. [p. 127]

16 February 1908 • Sunday


With Pres. F. M. Lyman I attended the 19th ward Sunday School and occupied about 15 minutes m[a]gnifying the name of the Savior. Attended the 2 P.M. meeting in the Large Tabernacle and offered the opening prayr. Rev. Benj. Fay Mills of Los Angeles was the Speaker and occupied 55 minutes.

In the evening Pres Lyman attended the 19th ward meeting, a ward conference and I there occupied 30 minutes Subject Charity. Suggested by an interview of Sister Empeys as appeared in last nights news and the general hard times. Had good liberty. One of LeGrand’s Holland Lady friends called on us. I also called on my mother in the morn. LeGrand attended the 8th ward S.S. & meeting and made his report.

17 February 1908 • Monday


I spent the day at home reading and writing &c except that I visited my mother & Sister at the latter’s home. Asenath is still bed fast but gaining in health.

In the evening I accom[p. 128]panied Pres. F. M. Lyman to the 16th ward house where we attended the Salt Lake Stake Priesthood meeting. Present of the Priesthood 520.

I occupied 30 minutes with good liberty. Subject. Discover the virtues of the peop<le> and report same. Clean up beginning at head. Recommended monthly Conferences of Presidency & High Council and of Bps & Teachers. Pres Lyman followed for 45 minutes sundry topics.

18 February 1908 • Tuesday


I took my coat over to Taylor Gibson’s for repairs and while there administered to him also to his wife & daughter. Called on my mother and sister in the evening, my wife with me.

I read the New Testament most of the day. Asenath improved in health.

19 February 1908 • Wednesday


I attended Council meeting and received appointment to Panguitch Stake but later it was changed to Maricopa, with Elder John Henry Smith to be succeeded by St Joseph [p. 129] and Juarez Conferences. I made my arrangements to leave home to-night. Attended Religion Class Board meeting at 4 P.M. and my circle meeting at 6 P.M. Called on my mother at my Sister Asenath’s on my way home.

I left Salt Lake one 11:45 P.M. S.P.S.L. & L.A. Train for Mesa via Los Angeles.

20 February 1908 • Thursday

On train between Salt Lake & Los Angeles. I finished reading the New testament and commenced the reading of the Old Testament.

Met Bro W W Riter on train on his way to Los Angeles.

Nothing of importance occurred this day with us. We ran all day on schedule time.

21–22 February 1908

Fri. Feb. 21, 1908.

When I awoke this A.M. we were in the River side district with groves of oranges along side bearing much fruit. We reached Los Angeles at 8 A.M. Elder John Henry Smith and I took car for S. P. Ry. Station where we checked our baggage, thence to up town office where we secured births to [p. 130] Maricopa, Ariz. thence to the Clarendon Hotel to See my Brother S. L. R. but on learning that he had gone to Ocean Park we took short line car and went out there. While on the car about 9:20 A.M. Elder Smith discovered that his purse containing all his Ry. transportation and about $80.00 in cash was missing. He had not been in a crowd and hence concluded that he at the So. Pacific up town office meant to replace it in his inside vest pocket & slipped it out side the pocket. We proceded to Ocean Park and phoned back to Ry Office but could get no trace of it and as it was 12 o’clock noon hour, and the train for Maricopa leaves at One P.M. I took train and left Elder Smith to arrange his transportation & come later. The chief man being out to lunch he could not secure desired transportation for my train. At Ocean park I met my brother S. L. and his wife & son Claud & daughter Grace for a few moments. Called at mission Headquarters on my way in to Los Angeles but found no one at home. I left Elder John Henry Smith on corner [p. 131] of 6th and Spring street and went to depot and took train for Maricopa. Was waked up at 2:30 A.M. and left the train at 3:30 A.M. Remained at Station at Maricopa until 5:45 A.M. when I left for Tempe arriving at the latter place at 6:40 A.M. 26 mi. Took transfer to the Olive Hotel where I got breakfast, wrote up my journal wrote home &c. Arrived at Mesa at 9:40 western time 10:10 Sun time by which these people are governed. Pres Pomeroy met me at station and took me direct to meeting. Present 757 Pres John T. Lesueur reported the Stake & several other reports made and Elder McDonald lately returned from missions spoke. I occupied about 30 minutes in conclusion Subject. Charity, Fast offerings, Care for poor & aged &c. Referred briefly to reports made and to bouquet of flowers & encouraged their growth.

At afternoon we had <Present 336> some reports and Elder Richins recently returned from Independence spoke. I concluded with a 35 minutes talk answering some of the claims of the Reorganites as evidence of our claim. viz. Persecution; gathering; Ephraim to crown the [p. 132] Lost tribes, where is Ephraim? They are here being gathered for that purpose & others. Temples & temple work, the Spirit of Elijah abroad & temple work accomplished. &c.

Met with Stake Presidency & H Council at 4 P.M. gave some instructions to Presidency after on disciplin[e] & order in the church.

I stayed at Pres. John. T. LeSueur’s Weather most beautiful and the temperature just right.

23 February 1908 • Sunday

Mesa Arizona.

This is my 47th birth day. A beautiful day and I am well and happy. Elder John Henry Smith arrived about 9 A.M. Attended S S. Session of Conference Present 652. Bro. J. H. S. occupied principal time. I spoke about 15 minutes in conclusion & told the Story of the Bunnies & the Snake. Lesson obedience.

At afternoon meeting there were present 754. After presentation of authorities I by request of Elder Smith spoke He suggested that there were strangers present and for me to take all the time I needed & preach the gospel. I occupied about 60 minutes with good freedom. I spoke upon the Subject of faith. Read most of 11th Ch. of Heb. Works necessary and will follow a [p. 133] living faith. What we believe in God & his Son our savior as a basis for faith. Repentance natural fuits. Baptism an evidence of faith & Repentance Holy Ghost follows. Jesus lived an abject life before the world and his mission is to save all men the dead as well as the living. &c.

Elder Smith followed for about 30 min. Subject. Salvation of children and woman’s mission.

After meeting we visited and administered to a number of the Sick as fol.

LaRea Kinman by J. H. S. & G. F. R.

Effa Hibbert "3 G. F. R. & J. H. S.

LaRhu Hebbert " J. H. S. & G. F. R.

Zula Pomeroy " G. F. R. & J. H. S.

Sister Russell Teasdale G. F. R. & J. H. S.

Don Elbert Pack J. H. S. & G. F. R.

I was mouth in blessing and naming the infant child of Bro. & Sis Stewart. It was born on 22nd Washingtons Birthday and I blessed it & named it George Franklin on 23rd my birthday. [First, middle, and last names redacted] of Phoenix who had been cut off at Losangles [Los Angeles] and later baptized at Mesa had his Priesthood (Elder), sealings & blessings resealed upon him. Elder John Henry Smith being mouth. He had spoken to Elder Geo Albert Smith about it three mounths [p. 134] since and now comes forward with recommendation of Bishop and the President of the Stake.

Jos. A Stewart set apart High Counselor by G. F. R.

Wright P. Shill ordained High Priest and Bishop and set apart to preside over the Lehi ward by Elder J. H. Smith former Bishop moved away.

Geo. S. Rogers set apart 1st Counselor by G. F. Richards. Second Counselor absent.

At Conjoint mutual meeting in the evening. Present 648. Elder Smith occupied most of the time principle subject. marriage & virtuous living. I occupied the few minutes remaining about 15 min. following up same Subject.

24 February 1908 • Monday

Mesa, Ariz.

Elder John Henry Smith and I took Stage from Mesa 60 miles to Roosevelt fare $6.00 each.

On board the Stage were three ladies Mrs Reed wife of the Tonto Forest Reserve agent, Mrs Green & Mrs. Tyler. A gentleman who rode with the driver and the driver Jos. Phelps of Mesa.

We saw the Superstition Mts. Black gulch. Boulder creek, Fish [p. 135] Creek, Fish creek mts. & Fish Creek Canyon and took dinner at Fish creek hotel Miss Edmunds Proprietor Saw here a young man named Leaviatt, grand son of Pres Collins Hakes now of Blue Water.

We left Mesa at 6:15 A.M. and reached Roosevelt 60 mi at 5:30 P.M. A pleasant ride & much thrilling scenery. We were met by one Mr. A. L. Harris an Engineer to whom Pres LeSueur had phoned. Mr. Harris provided for us beds and board & gave us every necessary attention. We also met one Mr. Wm R. Smith Jr. of Penn. at the Supper table and a Mr. F Teichman a German and his wife an American or English lady of refinement. I introduced the Book of Mormon and received an invitation from Mr & Mrs Teichman to call in the evening and there found Mr A. S. Harris and a lady named McIntire a Catholic. I read to them from the Pearl of Great Price Extracts from Jos. Smiths History Page 81 to 101 also testimony of the three witnesses and that of the 8 witnesses and talked gospel to them for about three hours. Gave Mr & Mrs Teichmans a copy of Book of Mormon. [p. 136] Our conversations were most cordial & Pleasant. I should say Mr. Teichman is one of the Governments Engineers.

25 February 1908 • Tuesday

Roosevelt. Gila Co. Ariz.

After breakfast at 8 A.M. Elder John Henry Smith and I accompanied Mr. A. S. Harris on an inspection tour of the Roosevelt Dam in the Salt River Just below the union of the former and the Tonto Rivers and the various works which required 3½ hours. The canyon where the dam is being constructed is about 250 ft wide at bottom & will be about 800 ft wide at top of dam. The foundation of the dam is set on bed rock 30 feet below bed of river and is 170 feet wide up & down stream. The dam is built of Stone masonry laid up in Cement and is to be 290 feet high from river bed 16 feet wide on top; two spillways 200 feet wide and 20 ft. below top of dam, one on each side with a bridge over each so as to cross the dam with teams. One tunnel through the dam 10 feet diameter and an[p. 137]other on the Side through the mountain now in use.

<200 men employed by Government and 225 " " "4 Contractors of Roosevelt>5

Power Plant &c connected.

One Mr. J. M. Orourke & Partner have the contract of doing the work. Estimated cost when finished from $4,000,<000> to $5,000,<000>. The two Rivers, Salt and Tonto will be backed up for 12½ miles each. Depth of water at dam 270 feet.

We met one Riggs in the works who spoke to me saying he thought he had met me before. He is one of our people and invited us to go see him in the evening. I told him to come show us the way. We procured transportation to Globe 65 45 miles distant on the Gila River. Fare $4.00 each to leave to-morrow A.M. we having written Bp. Lorenzo [blank] of Globe that we would be there to hold meeting Wednesday night and also having written Pres Andrew Kimball of Thatcher that we would be pleased to meet him at Globe and to be used as he would like while in his stake.

On road from Mesa to Roosevelt the three towns Mesa, Tempe & Phoenix put up $75,000. and it had cost the Government about same. Information by Mr A S Harris. [p. 138]

I spent the afternoon writing up Journal, letters &c. Am well & the weather fine. Later. Read some from the Bible, took a walk up the road about a mile. Went down the mountain to Bro. Rigg’s home and visited an hour with his wife and the two children. Elder Smith & I.

26 February 1908 • Wednesday

Roosevelt. Ariz.

Elder John Henry Smith and I left Roosevelt by Stage for Globe at about 6:40 A.M. and reached Globe about 5 P.M. We were met at the Post Office as stage drove up by Bp. Lorenzo Hunsaker who took us in carriage to his home.

Judge Knave called on us before meeting he having met Elder Smith before and excused himself from meeting. We attended meeting at 7:30 in our own church which seats 150 people. A neat church nicely seated, a good organ, good chorister & Organist and Choir. The house was fairly well filled, about half being non members of our Church. I occupied 50 minutes. Subject Gospel origin & purpose, & Spirit Elder Smith concluded with a 52 minutes talk along similar [p. 139] lines. Excellent order and attention from beginning to end.

The meeting house is in south end of town and just across the Street from the Bishops home. His Counselors Samuel John Sims and Nathaniel Gains Nelms live near by. We took suppers at the Bishop’s and I slept at Bro. Nelm’s.

Globe is reported to have a population of about 9,000 and the population of our people has as a result of the General business depression decreased from 160 to about 65.

27 February 1908 • Thursday

Globe. Ariz.

Elder John Henry Smith and I left Globe by train at 7 A.M. and reached Thatcher about 9 or 10 A.M. Pres. Andrew Kimball met us at Station and took us to his home where we read the papers, wrote up journal, wrote letters &c.

On train from Globe to Mesa I met Bro Chas. H Wild of Globe who is trying to secure the post master Ship of Globe. Later I accompanied Pres Chas H. Layton to his home where I made my home while in Thatcher. [p. 140]

In the evening I attended a testamonial at the Academy given in honor of Prof. Clothier who has been giving a course of lectur[e]s to the Students on Dairying, Horticulture, farming &c. I was given Miss Miller of St Joseph for a companion to Supper. Ice cream & crackers.

I wrote letters to my wife, to George and to LeGrand and a report to the Presidency of our labors to date Since leaving home. Weather pleasant and my health good.

28 February 1908 • Friday

Thatcher <Ariz.>

I attended Academy devotional and addressed the Students. The choir sang Arizonas Ter. Song and I drew my inspiration from same. Patriotism to Country to State, City, religion & School, home &c & make same all we sing of it & say of it & would have it to be. School is for development.

1. Spiritual

2. Intillectual

3. Industrial

4. Social

5. Mutual

Pres. Kimball & Pres Layton and [p. 141] John Henry Smith & I with team & carriage went over to Centre & to Pima wards, called on a number of people and administered to two sick children one in the home of Thos S. Kimball and one in the home of James Hamlin of Pima. In the latter home they had a 14 yr old son dead and to be buried at 4:30 P.M. We had a fine supper at Bro Chas H Laytons, a number of Prominant people being present. In the evening attended a meeting of the Stake Board of Education or the Executive Board and called at the party a few minutes.

29 February 1908 • Saturday


Beautiful weather. My health good and am happy as could well be and be away from home. My happiness increased by the receipt of letters from home and from my son in Chicago bearing good news of good health.

I attended the morning services but was not asked to occupy anytime. Elder John Henry Smith spoke about 25 minutes. Attended Stake Priesthood meeting where Pres. Andrew took [p. 142] the time of an hour.

At the afternoon session Prof. Forbes occupied 40 minutes on Farmer’s organizations and I followed for 50 minutes a discourse on Gospel. Read from P of G. Price page 84; 15–19 Jos. Smiths first vision and showed that if there is a restoration there must have been a falling away. Showed

1. Precedents for Gospels being taken from the earth in full or part.

a. Enoch & his people translated

b. Noahs people destroyed.

c. Israel deprived of Higher Priesthoo<d>

2. An event of such importance as a falling away would be spoken of by the prophets.

a. Christ predicted it so did Isai[a]h Jeremiah, Amos, Paul & others.

3. It is left for history to show the fulfillment.

a. quoted Moslium, Gahan, John Wesley, Sir Roger Williams, Church of England &c.

4. Those who live while the gospel is off the earth are not neglected.

5. All prophecies of Restoration imply a falling away.

a. Daniel’s interpretation of Neb. dream

b. The prophecy of John Rev. 14:6

c. " "6 of Malachai 4:5 [p. 143]

Took supper at Pres. Nash’s with Elder Smith, the members of the Presidency & their wives, Father Johnson & wife & Bro. Sims of Globe

In the evening attended a social in the meeting house. Elder Smith made a brief talk.

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February 1908, George F. Richards, accessed January 18, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1908/1908-02


  1. [1]Richards wrote “Jan” for the month and crossed it out.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 10–11 February entry.

  3. [3]Ditto marks here and in the two following lines for “by”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “men employed by”.

  5. [5]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 138.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “The prophecy”.