January 1886

1 January 1886 • Friday

Farmington Spent the day at Mother’s visiting.

2 January 1886 • Saturday

Living at B. F. Knowlton’s place Farmington. Had my Mares shoed shod and Loaded a load of hay at Mothers for S. L. City.

3 January 1886 • Sunday

Took the folks up to Mother’s. Attended after-noon meeting also Joint session of the Y. M. & Y. L. M. I. Association at which meeting I spoke upon the Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon.

4 January 1886 • Monday

Took a load of hay to S. L. City and traded it to Mason & co. for lumber to make a shed for Mother.

5 January 1886 • Tuesday

Helped B. F. K. Jr. butcher a couple of pigs. worked a half day on Mother’s shed putting plates on the posts. Attended Seventies meeting in the evening.

6 January 1886 • Wednesday

Visited withe Peter Barkdall as a Ward teacher all day. Spent the evening at home studying Phonography.

7 January 1886 • Thursday

Attended Fast Meeting gave 45 lbs. flour donation to the poor. Visited J. W. Hess in company with M. S. Hinman & Mads Christensen [p. 99] to administer to him. Paid J. D. Wood five dollars as Temple donations for 1885. Paid Wm M. Miller Six dollars and forty cents on lumber received of J. H. Hess. Cut wood and chored about in the afternoon. spent the evening at home studying.

8 January 1886 • Friday

Spent the day visiting as a ward Teacher with Peter Barkdall.

9 January 1886 • Saturday

Repaired hayrack and visited with Jno. Thornly. Attended Teachers meeting in the evening.

10 January 1886 • Sunday

Attended Sunday School and Ward meeting.

11 January 1886 • Monday

Worked on Mother’s Shed all day attended Y.M.M. Ass.

12 January 1886 • Tuesday

Worked on Mothers Shed all day. Attended Seventies meeting in the evening.

13 January 1886 • Wednesday

Repaired rack and loaded a load of hay for S. Lak City. Visited Oscar Mayfield as a teacher by complaint of G. W. Riggs.

14 January 1886 • Thursday

Snowed in fornoon made paths up Town in the afternoon. visited with O. L. Robinson. &c.

15 January 1886 • Friday

[p. 100] Settled tithing for 1885 Am’t paid $113.07½. Hauled two loads of lucern into the barn. Attended organization of theological class in the evening.

16 January 1886 • Saturday

Piled up the poles and posts around Steve’s lots, bathed, shaved &c. wrote for the young Peoples paper in the evening.

17 January 1886 • Sunday

Took Alice and babies up to Mothers. Attended Sunday school, Ward meeting, & Joint Session of Young Peopl[e] in evining.

18 January 1886 • Monday

Took load of B. F. K’s hay to Town and sold it for $8.10 got home between ten & eleven o’clock at night.

19 January 1886 • Tuesday

Worked on Mothirs shed 1/2 day. Spent the evening at home. Hauled lum. from Whipples.

20 January1886 • Wednesday

Loaded hay for S. L. City Work on Mothers Shed.

21 January 1886 • Thursday

Took a load of hay to S.L.C. & hauled load of lumber back.

22 January 1886 • Friday

Worked on Mother’s shed & loaded a load of Mothers hay for S.L.C.

23 January 1886 • Saturday

Took load of hay to Levi nevada for [p. 101] lumber hauled Lumber back.

24 January 1886 • Sunday

Attended Sunday-school and meeting. Took sick in meeting and had to go home.

25 January 1886 • Monday

Went over and administered to Bro. Udy read Doct. & Covenants. &c. Went to see S. C. in the evening by A’s consent. Billey Johnson came.

26 January 1886 • Tuesday

Repaired hayracks & loaded up two loads of hay for S. L. C. Roads bad.

27 January 1886 • Wednesday

Stormy. Farmington

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January 1886, George F. Richards, accessed January 23, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1886/1886-01