December 1906

1 December1 1906 • Saturday

Cowley Wyo.

At Prest Jesse W Crosbeys home.

My health good, Spirits good.

Attended AM meeting

President Sessions reported the Stake Presidincy thoroughly united. They had had a thorough over hauling and were going over the other presiding authorities in same way. Many away from home. 165 present at 1st meeting.

I occupied 25 minutes complimenting and encouraging the saints. Care for farm implements & make them do more work by owning same conjointly and save money. You need to practice econemy which you can do if you live in love together so you can trust one another. Sustain and pray for your brethren. Bro. Jos W McMurrin occupied 20 minutes with freedom [p. 64] Dinner at Bro Jesse W. Crosby’s Afternoon meeting Present 287 Prest Chas. A. Welch spoke 30 min. Several reports made and Prest Jos. McMurrin spoke 25 minutes Subject Sustain the Authorities &c.

I occupied 25 minutes same subject. If we repudiate the Authorities, then we repudiate the Authority which gives us our wives & husbands and all the ordinances of the Gospel and thus makes vain our faith and renders powerless to save, the Gospel. Those who do find fault are on the road to apostacy there is no surer evidence of the fact. If the Bp is not what you think he should be, pray for him & help him. Defend your brother in his absence when his character is assailed. You can not do less. justice demands it. Note the course of the boy who departs from the faith of his LDS Father it will be one of downward rather than upward. [p. 65]

General Stake Priesthood meeting 4:30 P.M. Large Attendance.

Prest. McMurrin & I gave instruction and both were inspired and the Brethren were fed.

After meeting Prests. Sessions, McMurrin & I went to supper with Bro. Welch. Spent a few hours visiting. Slept at Prest. Crosbys Am well

2 December 1906 • Sunday

Cowley Wyo.

Weather fine, my health good. Fasted Attended A.M. Session of Conference S. Schools reported in good condition. Religion Class Supt reported three organizations in the stake. Primary President reported six organizations. We preached religion class work with good effect as steps were immediately taken to organize in other ward and Branches. Prest McMurrin occupied 25 minutes and I occupied 25 minutes. Present 471. Subject. Symmetrical development of the Child necessary & as the Religious part of the [p. 66] childs nature can not lawfully be developed in the District school. it is needful that we have the religion classes & other auxiliaries and we should be loyal to these organizations.

At 12 noon attended a meeting of the Seventies. 19 seventies present I occupied a few moments by the request of Prest. McMurrin. Subject. Necessity for missionary work at home. Who will do it if not the Seventies. Convert your own members. Raise the standard of your quorum and its dignity that a membership may be desirable.

Afternoon meeting 469 present Authorites sustained.

Prest. Sessions paid a tribute to his Counselors and both Prest McMurrin and I did likewise by him.

I occupied 30 minutes. Subject. Sacrifice expected of us. The purpose of our coming on the earth was not merely to live. That is the incident. Our Parents Adam & Eve through transgression were cast out and [p. 67] had to earn their bread by the Sweat of the brow. That was a mere incident. We the world make it the it the purpose. We should be willing to lay at the feet of the Bishopric our substance, our time for the up building of the Kingdom We have already Covenanted that our all if necessary shall be so used. You can trust your Bishopric. I by request offered Benediction

After the meeting we reorganized the Elders quorum. I was mouth in Setting apart Elder Richard C May President of the 1st quorum of Elders in Big Horn Stake. Syrus S. Robinson Robertson was set apart 1st Counselor by Bro Jos. W McMurrin and Frederick H Ostler set apart 2nd Counselor by Prest Byron Sessions

I took supper with Bro King & family.

Evening Conjoint Mutual meeting. I occupied 40 35 minutes. Subject. Mutual Improvement. Aim high. We are [p. 68] the offspring of God. made in His image and possessed of like attributs. Our aim should be to perfect these attributes. How do it Ex Perfect love by showing affections as the Swedish husband shows his affection for his wife when a meal is over by a kiss thus love can be courted and can be cultivated &c Now to mutual improvement Learn from all good books under the direction and inspiration of the Holy Spirit Learn by prayr and anxious thought. The Glory of God is inteligence. &c Lights went out and I preached for perhapse 15 minutes in dark ness.

Prest McMurrin followed for about 15 minutes.

Spent the night at President Crosbey’s.

3 December 1906 • Monday

at Crosby

Weather pleasant, Sun shines ground dry. Health good &c I accompanied Prests Crosby & Welch [p. 69] and Prest McMurrin to Byron & there visited the Byron Oil wells. Took dinner with Bishop Fred Kholer and family Prest Sessions being present. The other brethren took dinner with Bro Easten. We called on Bro Thompsen and administered to his wife. I anointed and Prest McMurrin Sealed the anointing. Riturned to Ry Cowley Ry. Station and took train at 6 P.M. for home Arrived in Butte Mon Tues P.M. 1 o’clock. Called on the Elders

Gardener Taylor Did not see

Walker Sant Elder Walker

and Branch President Benson Took train from Butte 5 4:05 P.M Tuesday and arrived at Salt Lake at 8:30 A.M. Wed. All well. Met Seth Young (Porter) who went with us to Vermont last Dec. His pardner Bud Rice dead. Wrote letters &c after arriving home.

Prepared report of Big Horn Stake. [p. 70]

Big Horn Report.

Presidency of stake have made settlement of all their differences. Have catechised each other and have gone over the High Council & Bishoprics excepting Cowley & are working to gether in harmony. They have put in to effect my advice of 3 months ago in that the wards are all supplied with full set of the Church works. A record of attendance at meetings is kept &c.


We re-organized the presidency of the Elders quorum


Arranged to have a draft made on the Elders quorum for Seventies before next Con.


[5 lines blank] [p. 71]

5 December 1906 • Wednesday


Having been away for more than a week I had letters to read & answer, my records to Complete &c Spent the day at home and Alice & I attended the Salt Lake theatre in the evening. “The College Widow.”

6 December 1906 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting from 10 A.M. until about 2 PM. in temple. Attended to some business and went home. after supper called on my mother and in the evening I attended Circle meeting. Prest Lyman being absent I presided.

After the prayr at Alter we had a good time talking over what the Lord has done for us recently and how he has answered our prayrs. Read from Gems of the Prophet Joseph Smith what he has to say about the Second comforter and stated that we would [p. 72] be justified in aspiring to that condition where we can have with us the Second Comforter. Associated this with the singing of the hymn “I need thee every hour.”

7 December 1906 • Friday


I wrote letters sent $20,00 to LeGrand Did some business down town for myself & for mother visited with mother an hour or two & she gave me two Chairs which I brought home also 5.00 to Send to LeGrand which I made preparation to do & wrote him another letter. Spent the evening studying.

8 December 1906 • Saturday


I left Salt Lake on 8 A.M. D&RG. train accompanied by Prest. Rulon S. Wells for Moroni to attend North Sanpete Stake Conference. We were met at Mt. Pleasant by Prest Sorensen & another brother who drove [p. 73] us over to Moroni seven miles. We took up our abode with Bishop. Bradley Attended afternoon meeting where both Prest Wells and I spoke. Subject, Commenting [Commending] the people. Advised the people to maintain title to their homes & not encumber them & not sell when offered a little more than formerly valued at. The cultivation of beets will enhance the value of farms. Do not be out willed. Secure the Ared lands suitable for cultivation and farm it with profit in the most improved way. &c

At evening meeting of young people Prest Wells & I both spoke. My subject [6 lines blank] [p. 74]

9 December 1906 • Sunday


Attended Sunday School session of the Conference. Speakers. Prest Anderson of the South Sanpete Stake Presidency On[e] Bro. from the Snow Academy and Prest Wells.

Afternoon Session Patriarch Livingston Prest Sorenson, Prest. Wells & I all spoke. I occupied about 30 minutes. Subject Temple work. Geneology of the dead &c.

After meeting Prest Wells went to Mt Pleasant to hold meeting and I accompanied Bp. Larson of Spring City home and held evening meeting there. The house was filled and an attentive audience. I occupied about 1 hr 15 min. with much freedom & ease Subject our duty to our children, to the Auxiliary organizations, lesser priesthood, church schools &c How to bring up our children. Symetrical de[p. 75]velopment. The spiritual the most important and least attention given to it. How to teach the children the principle of tithing so they will pay tithing.

After meeting I had a Couple of hours conversation with Bp Larson and learned from him that he had been Bishop 3 yrs and last winter he and his Counselors with assistants visited the homes of all the LD Saints and nearly all the outsiders with good results. The Bp calls his people to go to the temple and if they have no names of their own dead, names are supplied at the temple. It has a good effect. A splendid example.

All public business houses are closed during funeral sevics [services] when helded in the meeting house

Visiting teachers visit once [p. 76] every three months winter and summer. These visits are of the nature of a Cottage meeting where they sing & pray and use the evening for one visit one family.

Before leaving Moroni we administered a blessing to Bro James Blackham at home of Bp. Bradley. I was mouth.

10 December 1906 • Monday

Spring City

With Bp. Lauritz O Larson and Bro. Alred John F. I went and visited Bro & Sister Acord and we administered to Sister Acord. Bro. Alred prayed as we knelt Bp Larson anointed & I sealed the anointing. Visited places of interest in the town and at 2 P.M. left Spring City for home on the D&RG Ry arrived in Salt Lake City at 6 P.M.

Spent the evening home reading and writing.

While at Bp. Bradley’s in Moroni Bro John F. Aldred said that last [p. 77] April Conference time before my name had been presented to the Conference I came along near the tithing office Salt Lake when he and Mat. Thomas were talking and stopping to Speak to Bro Thomas I was introduced to Br Aldred and went on. Bro Thomas remarked that I would be chosen to fill one of the vacancies in the quorum of the Twelve.

<A Prophecy>2

11 December 1906 • Tuesday


I did some writing and reading in forenoon and in afternoon I attended a missionary meeting at temple annex and assisted in setting apart missionaries. I offered the opening prayr and set apart Franklin Thomas Crane a missionary to the Central states and Nathan Henry Stevens a missionary to the Southern states. I also instructed the missionaries. Spent about an hour with my mother visiting. Sister J D McIntosh Called to see me about her [p. 78] Brother-in-law Samuel M Davis who is afflicted with a Cancer under the eye. He, it seems, has repented and wants to get some comfort through the Priesthood. I phoned to Bp. Geo H Taylor of 14th ward who said he would call on him to-morrow and learn what can be done for him. Attended theatre in the evening Alice & I. Sign of the Cross.

12 December 1906 • Wednesday3


I remained home reading writing and studying.

Bro. C R McBride and wife called on us in the evening.

13 December 1906 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting from 10 o’clock until 2 P.M. in temple. Reported my labors of past week and was assigned to the Sevier Stake Conference next Sat. & Sunday I asked the question if it [p. 79] is proper to ordain a man when he is already a seventy and called to be a President of a quorum of Seventies. President Smith answered that it is not. That a man may be a President of Seventy to-day but not to-morrow while once a seventy always a Seventy. The President of the Church is not ordained President but Set apart.

2 I asked the question if a Patriarch moving from one stake to another, in order to act as such in the Stake into which he has moved should be both sustained and set apart. Prest. Smith answered no. All that is necessary is to have him sustained before the Conference.

3 I asked if temple work could be done for one who had committed Suicide. [p. 80] Prest Joseph F Smith answered that it had been ruled that Suicides be not officiated for except where good evidence could be given that the individual was mentally deranged or crazed. Each case will have to be decided upon its merits.

I spent the after noon and evening at home, wrote to George and to LeGrand and sent 20 23 cards to LeGrand.

14 December 1906 • Friday


I left home on 8 A.M. R.W. Ry. in company with Bro Geo. Reynolds for Rich field to attend Sevier Stake Conference. Were met at depot by Prest Wm H Seegmiller’s Son who took us to his fathers home where we staid during the Conference except that I slept at Bro. Jos. S. Horn’s My health good Warm Reception [p. 81]

15 December 1906 • Saturday

at Richfield Sevier Co. Utah. I attended Morning meeting in tabernacle Present 169 I spoke about 30 minutes Subject Bishops influence when well exercised, temple work &c. Missionaries at homes

Afternoon <321 Present> meeting. I occupied 30 or minutes Subject. We show in our Countinacns [countenances] what our lives to those who can read character. When we perfect all the attributes of our Father to perfection then we will be like him and look like him.

We should maintain the dignity of the Church or quorum to which we belong and not let our actions make to appear true the slanders circulated about us.

Sat evening Priesthood meeting present 65 [p. 82] I occupied about 40 min. instructing the brethren as to their duties. Honor every man in his place.

16 December 1906 • Sunday

Richfield Sevier Stake. Present at A.M. meeting 616 including S. S. Children. I occupied 20 min. Subject Duty of Parents to Auxiliary organizations & How to Support them. Told Story to Children Dandeline & Bearing false witness with good effect.

At 1 P.M. met with the Seventies and instructed them I occupied about 20 minuts instructing Priesthood.

I ordained Bro Christian G Neilsen4 an High priest. He was an Elder.

2 PM Meeting Present 719 Authorities presented.

I occupied about 30 minuts Subject tithing & Sacrifices [p. 83] Obtaining a living were incidental to our earthly mission. The Lord should have our hearts & he will then have our substance & [all?].

Sunday Evening I spoke about 40 minutes subject The Devil our enemy from the beginning seeks our down fall as individuals as a retrobution. We show our agency best by rejecting him and accepting the Lord and his righteousness. A good life brings happiness and a bad life bring Sorrow & remorse It does not pay. Marry early and in the right way do not hide your virtues behind a cigar &c.

Administered to one Sister Brain who was very sick & delirious.

Present 250.

To Richfield & return 336 mi.

Where there is lethargy manifest in a ward I advised the [p. 84] Bp to call more missionaries and urge people to the temple When they return they will have an influence for good also to take up personal labor with the people.

17 December 1906 • Monday


I left for home on 10:40 A.M. train and arrived in Salt Lake soon after 6 P.M. Went directly home and found there my Brother-in law Frank Steed of Canada Came down to answer a call for a mission He staid all night with us.

18 December 1906 • Tuesday


Went down to the Presidents office and there assisted in instructing Elders Allen and Evens who had just been Set apart missionaries to the Central States. Made application for annual &c.

Called on my Aunt Alice Watt and blessed her and [p. 85] spent an hour with her visiting. Called on my mother and visited with her about an hour.

Wrote up my journal from memorandum for several days. Wrote letters to Geo. F. Jr Joel and Joel. Sent $20.00 to Geo. F. 5.00 to Geo L. & Five to Nerva & Thelma.

19 December 1906 • Wednesday


I trimmed up my beard &c. wrote letters to Geo. F., Geo. L. and to Joel. Did other writing.

I by appointment met Claud Richards at Lee Richards’ Studio at 3:20 P.M. and arranged with him to have him paint my likeness life size bust for the Temple & I agreed to pay him $50. in addition to the $125.00 from the Church that being the price at which Bro Hayphen would do the work. I do this because it hath been made to appear to me that [p. 86] Lee Green’s paintings are superior & I want the best and also that he is one of my kinsfolk. Did a little trading &c.

20 December 1906 • Thursday


Attended Council meeting of Presidency & Apostles at temple from 10 until 2 P.M.

Took dinner at Lion House with the Domestic Art dept of the Des. University.

Attended Prest Lyman’s Circle meeting in evening. Folks Well.

21 December 1906 • Friday


I went to Fielding to attend Malad Stake Conference to be held at that Ward. Fred & Carlie boarded the cars at Bighorn City & went home I rode from Station part way to fielding with Bro. Hansen & arriving at his home (Willard Hansen) I got in with my Bro Fred & went home with him [p. 87] and made that my staying place. Attended Priesthood meeting. <& spoke>

22 December 1906 • Saturday

Prest Chas. H Hart joined us. We attended two Conference meetings and Mutual in the evening. I spoke at A.M. Meeting also at evening meeting. At 10 A.M. there were present 12 before Close of meeting 72 present I spoke 37 minutes Subject. A good life brings happiness A bad life brings sorrow & remorse Repentance a blessed privilege & always in order. What repentance is. The life of the Savior exemplified two principles conspicuously viz. Thy will be done and the honor be thine. He is our Prototype our General. We should emulate His example. We should be seeking to know the Fathers will and do it cheerfully.

At Afternoon Meeting 105 Pres. [p. 88] At evening meeting 75 pres. I spoke upon Mutual work Systematic development Religious side of the Childs nature neglected hence the necessity for Auxiliary organizations. &c.

23 December 1906 • Sunday


Attended the AM Meeting and Spoke upon the life of Joseph Smith & my visit of one year ago to the place of his birth, the place where he offered his first prayr, Hill Cummorah, Kirtland Temple &c.

Sund. Afternoon meeting Reports of Committees on Fielding meeting house I offered dedicatory prayr 15 minutes Offered the house as a gift of the people Represents their faith & devotion to the Lord and desire for an holy house to worship in and as the gifts were [p. 89] given freely and ungrudgingly and are of a temperal nature so let the Lord bless the people in their lands, stock & business interest Prayed his blessing to be on the people especially the yound [young] on the house which was builded for a two fold purpose Worship & recreation that the house be not poluted that it stand proof agai[n]st destructive elements fire, lightining or earth quake Dedicated the ground, foundation walls roof floor cieling doors windows, frames locks bolts nails & all hardware, the Stones, brick, lumber, plaster morter and all that enters into its composition to stand for ages a blessing to the people of the ward, their children & their children’s children for generations to to Come &c.

I made a few remarks [p. 90] at close<ing> of meeting wishing the people good by & complements of the Season.

My brother Fred took me to Train. I gave my Sister Alice $2.00 Xmas. and her daughters $10.00 to help with her house and gave them each also Fred a box of candy Arrived home between 9 & 10 o’clock P.M. Joel had come in to spend the Christmas.

24 December 1906 • Monday


I spent the forenoon at home writing &c. in the afternoon Joel and I went down town and attended to Some business & did some shopping. Sat up late at night making preparation for Christmas.

25 December 1906 • Tuesday

Christmas 1906. Home.

Alice & I spent a couple of hours (about) visiting with My Mother, the remainder of the day was spent at home pleasantly with the family. [p. 91] Doctor Stephen and wife called on us in evening. Folks retired early and I sat up reading Elder’s Journal & Millennial Star &c until 12 o’clock.

26 December 1906 • Wednesday


I posed for painting at Lee G Richards’ art Bazar or galary Spent the remainder of the day at home reading &c. Attended theatre at night. Folks well.

27 December 1906 • Thursday

I sat at Art galary for painting. Attended Council meeting at Temple. Attended Circle meeting. and in absence of Prest Lyman from Circle I presided. Met my brother Fred who came down to put his son Fred in a barber College. Met Elder H. J. Grant who just returned from a mission of 3 yrs to Europe also met Bro. M. F. Cowley.

Received Appointment to Cedar Valley with Prest Lund for next Sunday to organize ward Bishopric. [p. 92]

28 December 1906 • Friday


I posed for painting at 10 A.M. Called on Bro Willis and arranged to have him fix up our temple records. Met him at my Sister Asenaths where we consulted Mother about names of dead on our record placed there from memory of My Mother and Aunt Alice Watt. From index in Historian's office I learned of two Geneological histories in a library in New York which make mention of the Longstroths and I instructed Bro. Willis to write for same on approval to be bought if they contain any information of importance to us. Prices One $5.00 & the other $1.00 My brother Fred called at Asenath’s while I was there and I remained for supper and until after Fred left for the Show. I sat up reading until 11:45 P.M. Rhoda Knowlton staid with us over night. [p. 93]

29 December 1906 • Saturday


I spent the day home did some repairing of furniture, trimmed beard and blacked shoes &c for Sunday read and studied. Read all the 21 chapters of St John in New Testament. Read from Orson Pratts works. Also read from page 268 to 295 in Outlines of Ecclesiastical history Sec 3. The Reformation of the Fifteenth Century.

30 December 1906 • Sunday


I took 8 A.M. Salt Lake Route train accompanying Prest A H Lund to Cedar Valley ward. The Stake Presidency joined us at Lehi Junction and we reorganized the ward Bishopric. Bp Bennet having recently died. Bro Wm Cook was sustained as Bishop, Lysander Berry 1st and James Garn 2nd Counselers. Prest Lund ordained Bro Cook, I ordained set apart Bro Berry and Prest Chapman Bro. Garn the latter was [p. 94] ordained an High Priest the others had previously been ordained High Priests.

The meeting house was dedicated by Prest Lund prayr about seven minutes.

I occupied about 25 minutes Subject teach your children, support Auxiliaries & priesthood quorums. Arrange suitable amusements for young and old. Support the Bishopric & pray the Lord to make up in them the deficiencies you find in them.

Prest Lund spoke about 15 Min recommended to the people my remarks.

We returned home leaving Cedar Fort station at 3:30 and arrived in salt Lake City 6 P.M. I wrote up my journal and did some reading in Ecclesiastecial Outlines.

31 December 1906 • Monday

At home. Weather fine [p. 95] folks well.

I sat from 10 until 12 oclock for Lee G. Richards to paint my likeness.

In afternoon we had a family gathering and served a good supper after 6 P.M. Present

President Joseph F. Smith Sarah, Dr Stephen & wife Uncle Willard. Prest Lyman & wife My mother, Asenath and Nerva.

After Supper we had our house dedicated President Smith offered the dedicatery prayr. A very pleasant evening was spent conversing, singing hymns &c. Nerva K. remained with us over night and we sat up & saw the old year out and the New year in. [p. 96]

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December 1906, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Nov.” before crossing it out and writing “Dec.”

  2. [2]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 78.

  3. [3]Richards apparently started writing “Wednesday” on the line above this date but stopped after writing the “W”.

  4. [4]Richards inscribed a caret here as though he intended to insert some text; no text was inserted, however.