February 1898

1 February 1898 • Tuesday

Home. Jos. Tate & I went up in the Canyon and got lode of mohogony wood & in afternoon I went to the mill, put a tung in the Sleigh, repaired flour bin &c.

2 February 1898 • Wednesday

Jos. Tate & I went to Canyon & got a load of mohogany wood for him.

3 February 1898 • Thursday

Jos. Tate & I with my team went to the Canyon & got a load of mohogany wood for me. [p. 215]

4 February 1898 • Friday

Jos. Tate & I with my team went to Canyon & got a load of wood for him. My son George met the train & met Lucy Clark Alices niece

5 February 1898 • Saturday

I cut wood in the morning and attended Stake Priesthood meeting where my hat was taken & an old one left for me. The boys hauled manure Bro C. L. Anderson took dinner with us. In the afternoon I took Mama & children Lucy & Estella sleigh riding.

6 February 1898 • Sunday

By request I went to Stockton A. Bevan accompanied me where we held funeral service over the remains of a little child of a young Bro. Lunds & wife from Sunshine. Mrs Bush & several members of the Choir also went over & sang. I offered the opening prayr Bro. Bevan spoke first about 25 min & I followed him 30 min he offered the closing prayr & I dedicated the Grave. Attended Schoole here & offered the opening prayr and attended evening meeting. Snowed on us while going to the Cemetery & while there.

7 February 1898 • Monday

I took horses to Canyon. Jos. Tate went with me. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Irrigation Trustees. Choir Concert this night Stormy day and evening.

8 February 1898 • Tuesday

I presented my claim to Co. Commissioners for transcribing record & was allowed $99.00 for same. Paid bills & debts & cut wood. Prepared to go to S.L.C. [p. 216]

9 February 1898 • Wednesday

Weather cold. I went to Salt Lake City by team & carriage Did most of my business, put up my team at Sheets Bros. & staid all night at Sister Sarahs. Administered to Sarah

10 February 1898 • Thursday

S.L.C. Sarahs.

This day 15 min. to 1 A.M. Sister Nerva had a girl baby 9 lbs. I got started for home at noon & got home soon after 6 P.M. with 29 yds carpet, Office Chair & 9 others, Sack of sugar box soap Stove furniture &c. Kirk came ahead of me & brought my set of books XX vols. Spent the evening reading books.

11 February 1898 • Friday

The boys & Nerva have German Measles I did the chores except milking, extended the pavement in Stable stalls, repaired brake on bobs & put plate of iron on side of wagon box to prevent wear, repaired fork & rake Cut wood &c. Spent the evening home reading papers, writing &c.

12 February 1898 • Saturday

Tooele Weather moderated Snow going, freezes at night. I did some choring about home and took Nell & Madam to Canyon. George went with me. Good sleighing up the Canyon. Studied the Bible in the evening. & wrote letters.

13 February 1898 • Sunday

Prest. Gowans took my team and went to E.T. to meet Prest. Anderson there. I remained home & at 11 A.M. Attended the Services of Father Dick at meeting house & occupied 40 minutes Discoursing on the Resurection from the Bible. Attended [p. 217] the S.S. Review in afternoon & meeting Offered the opening prayr at the former & spoke a short time. Between the meetings I gave blessings to Charles Bollschweiler & Maria Bevan my son Geo. scribe, Lucy Clark Hyrum Lee & Estella ate Supper with us.

14 February 1898 • Monday

Valentine Day.

I hauled manure all day and in the evening I solemnized the marriage of Alma Tanner and Agnes Dick at J. M. Isgren’s residence where a reception was holding. Lucy Clark returned home Estella Accompanied her. George took them to Station & Hyrum returned to Mercur.

15 February 1898 • Tuesday

Weather warm & snow nearly gone. I hauled manure nearly all day. Ground An A Hand Ax & hatchet. &c. In the evening I read the papers and did some writing. All well Wrote C. J. Stromberg of Grantsville offering him my wheat at 80¢ pr bu. delivered at mill in Milton

16 February 1898 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy looking some little snow. Cold at night.

I worked at Court House all day Proof reading record. In the evening I attended District meeting at Bro. Craner’s. Meeting at our house next Wed. night. I bore testamony. After meeting I read about 20 pages in Orson Pratts Works. [p. 218]

17 February 1898 • Thursday

I worked all day at Court House transcribing proof reading mining record B. In the evening I read the Era. A Sufficient Answer to Josephites by B. H. Roberts I also worked an example which Bro. Geo. Speirs gave to the School Teacher A. Bevan & which he gave to the pupils to work or have their parents work saying at same time that he did not think any of them could do it neither their parents. The example is as follows. “A Square piece of land is inclosed with a 5 stran[d] wire fence. The number of acres inclosed is equal to the number of Rods of wire in the fence. Ans. 64000.1


This day eight missionaries arrived in Town to labor in interest of Mutual improvement. Four go to Grantsville tomorrow.

18 February 1898 • Friday

I worked all day proof reading record at Court House. In the evening I attended a meeting held in the interest of the Mutual 4 Special missionaries being present. as fol[low]s Charles R. Lyman, Elders Boothe, Yound [Young] & Morton, Apostle Lyman was also present having just returned home from a mission to the States.

19 February 1898 • Saturday

I put splint on my horse’s leg Sold my wheat what I can spare to C. R. McBride at 76. cts per bu. delivered at mill. [p. 219] The boys & I cut wood nearly all day. In the eve. I bathed shaved and attended a meeting of the Trustees of Irrigation Co., at Court house to a late hour. Lucena had a fright in the night She imagined she saw bugs & that they were biting her. Letter from my mother Parcel <Socks & mits>

20 February 1898 • Sunday

Attended School, afternoon and evening meetings & Circle where I presided. Attended committee meeting for Sociable Ward.

21 February 1898 • Monday3

Worked all day at Mutual Courthouse And attended the Mutual in the evening

22 February 1898 • Tuesday4

Weather pleasant. I worked at Court House in forenoon proofreading Mining Record B, In the afternoon I attended funeral service of Old lady Pick & Mrs Drexlers baby boy & offered opening prayr With my team took Apostle F M Lyman & his Bro. Chas. R. Lyman up to Cemetary and then up the canyon to Springs from which we get our pipe water <In the evening I went down to Bro Lymans & gave blessings to Elders Lyman & Boothe.>

23 February 1898 • Wednesday

I worked at Court house all day. Bro. Chas. Lyman came home to Supper with me. District meeting at our home in the evening.

<My 37th Birth Day>5

24 February 1898 • Thursday

Finished transcribing proof reading record B.

25 February 1898 • Friday

Legrand & I took two colts up in Canyon & brought Nell mare down. Electric Light meeting I was made Chairman. [p. 220]

26 February 1898 • Saturday

Weather fine The boys & I sacked & hauled to Mill more than 300 bu. wheat.

27 February 1898 • Sunday

I took my team & Bro. F. M. Lyman to Grantsville where we attended school & meeting. At the meeting Bro. Lyman occupied 1 hr & I after him 15 min. Returned after meeting and attended evening meeting. B. L. Bowen lectured on the Resurection & I occupied 15 min on same subject.

28 February 1898 • Monday

Weather fine.

I attended to Several items of business. Traded to Geo Remington My Nell Mare for Chubb. Sorrel mare. Attended Mutual in the eve. I went to field & got straw &c.

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February 1898, George F. Richards, accessed February 10, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1898/1898-02


  1. [1]To the right of this example is a small, hand-drawn square with “3200 RA.” written down the left side of the square, “3200 R” written on the top of the square, and “64000 A” written inside the square.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the example.

  3. [3]Richards wrote this entry after the 22 February entry.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “21st” before writing “2” over the “1”. He also originally wrote “Monday.” before crossing it out and writing “Tuesd.” beneath it.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 23 February entry.