February 1883

1 February 1883 • Thursday

Received a letter from Aseneth. [p. 8] Visited with Nerva and Frank. Snowed all day. Wind blew very hard down canyons. Wind blew in the night, very cold.

2 February 1883 • Friday

Cold and clear. Rec’d letter from Steve.

Worked all day chinking up the stable.

Visited J. W. Hess, Jno. Preece & Jessie Smith in the capacity of a Teacher about the proportionment made by Bp. & council for meeting House expense. Posted a letter to

Seneth and card to Steve.

3 February 1883 • Saturday

Cold and clear. Worked on Stable all day. Read the Book of Mormon in evening.

4 February 1883 • Sunday

Attended Teachers meeting in morning.

Took Alice down to Mariar’s in the sleigh before meeting. Brought her home in evening.

Attended meeting in afternoon. Paid to Job Wellings 50¢ towards paying for a horse to be presented to Daniel Tubbs, he having a horse break his leg on the ice. Paid Ally Rose 50¢ to help pay off the mandamus cases expense, There being 3 cases, one at S.L.C., one at Ogden & one at Beaver.

Spent the evening at home.

5 February 1883 • Monday

Clerked for John H. Smith Patriarch at the Vestry. @ $2 50/100 per day. Letter from Arizona [p. 9]

6 February 1883 • Tuesday

Clerked for Patriarch John Smith at Vestry.

7 February 1883 • Wednesday

Took Alice down to Mariah’s in sleigh. and went to the mill. Received a letter from Aseneth. Re-copied patriarchal blessings.

8 February 1883 • Thursday

Settled tithing Cr. f’r 1882 Cash $41.45 Hauled two loads manure <on our meadow>. Took Nerva home in evening and spent the evening there. Read Franks proposition in regard to letting me have his farm.

9 February 1883 • Friday

Received a letter from Steve. Hauled three loads of manure on to the old meadow, met Fred at the depot with the team at 4.30 o’clock P.M. and tended baby for Nerva in the evening while she and Frank attended the Relief society party. Took them home in the sleigh after the party

10 February 1883 • Saturday

Loaded a load of manure, covered the potatoes with hay and wrote to Steve. Rec’d $13 00/100 of Mother on previous loan.

11 February 1883 • Sunday

Rec’d a letter from Alice Ann. Attended the Elders meeting and the ward meeting in the afternoon. Went after Alice in the slay at night. Copied the minutes of Elders meeting in evening. [p. 10]

12 February 1883 • Monday

Farmington Febrary 12th/83

George F. Richards:

I propose to let you have my farm and meadow land on shares for a term of one year on the following conditions, to wit;

“I furnish team, (what time may be necessary for well working and cultivating the place and harvesting and getting up the crops) seed grain, and half of the feed necessary for the team while performing said labor. All small grains to be divided equally as to quality and kind after the thrasher is paid. Also, all corn, vegetables, &c. to be divided equally.

I expect you to perform all the labor in the care of the crops from the time of planting until they shall be harvested and taken care of, except that I propose to husk my portion of the corn after it is gotten up into the stack yard.”

I propose to let you have all my meadow land, the Richards meadow included, on the following conditions: “I am to have two thirds of the hay which is to be divided as equally as may be, regarding Quality. To be gotten up in good shape and in the proper season to secure the best results. You are to give the whole matter the necessary attention for the welfare of the crops; and to apply on the farm [p. 11] what-ever manure shall accumulate on the home place. I am to furnish the mower and reaper, hay rake, plows, harrows, &c. You are also to have the use of the mower and hay rake for harvesting your own crop. You are to leave the land, which is now plowed, in like condition when you quit the business. You are entitled to pasturage for one animal during the season. It is understood that I furnish one team during the haying and what ever time may be necessary during the season’s operations. It is also understood that you are entitled to one-half of all straw and chaff.

B. F. Knowlton

I accept of the above proposition.

George F. Richards [13 lines blank] [p. 12]

12 February 1883 • Monday

Hauled three loads of manure on to the old meadow, and signed the forgoing agreement with B. F. Knowlton to take his farm and meadow on shares. Received a call from F. D. R. and Richard Watt. Staid at home in the evening and copied the above named agreement.

13 February 1883 • Tuesday

Went over to Nerva’s in the fornoon. Hauled one load of manure on to the old meadow. Spent the evening at home reading the Doctrine & Covenants.

14 February 1883 • Wednesday

Valentines day. Attended the funeral of James Roger’s little five year-old girl. Went to the post office three times and to B. F. K’s. twice. Nerva and Frank spent the evening here. Thawing wind all day and wind & snow at night

15 February 1883 • Thursday

Hauled one load manure on to the old meadow and one load on to Frank’s farm. Wind blew and snowed in the after-noon. Spent the evening studying the history of Elijah the Prophet.

16 February 1883 • Friday

Hauled four loads of manure on to B. F. K’s farm. Spent the evening at home. [p. 13]

17 February 1883 • Saturday

Hauled three loads of manure on to B F K’s farm, and went to theatre in the evening. (Octoroon)

18 February 1883 • Sunday

Attended Teachers meeting in morning, and ward meeting in afternoon. Spent the evening at home studying.

19 February 1883 • Monday

Received letters from Alice Ann and Aseneth, hauled two loads of manure on to B.F.K.’s farm, went to see Jos. Barton, and attended the Y.M.M.I.A. in the evening giving a brief sketch of the life of Elijah.

20 February 1883 • Tuesday

Worked part of the day Draining the old meadow, sharpened the shovel and went over to Frank’s towards evening

21 February 1883 • Wednesday

Worked all day on the old meadow, draining. Spent the evening at home reading.

22 February 1883 • Thursday

Spent the evening at home reading as I did the day. Had a touch of sore throat.

23 February 1883 • Friday

My 22nd birth day. Attended priesthood meeting where my name, in company with others, was presented and sustained as home missionary in Davis Stake. Rode Minnie over to Frank’s, & [p. 14] in returning <she> (the mare) fell throwing me head-long into the mud. Spent the evening at home.

24 February 1883 • Saturday

Hauled two loads of manure on to the old meadow, one load of sand on the door-yard and a load of cane stocks on to the shed; also went over to Franks with the team and Bell.

Spent the evening at home.

25 February 1883 • Sunday

Took Alice down to Marear’s in the morning, went to Ward meeting in the after-noon and spoke in the evening meeting.

26 February 1883 • Monday

Worked my pole tax for 1883 and got my receipt. Attended the Y.M.M.I.A. in the evening where I was appointed clerk of the meeting and also as one in the committee on programme’s for the young Mens and also the joint session’s of Young Men’s & Young Ladies.

27 February 1883 • Tuesday

Hauled 4 loads of sand into the street and dooryard and made a place with rock for a bridge across the creek. Went teaching in eve.

28 February 1883 • Wednesday

Hauled 4 loads of manure on to the old meadow and went teaching in the evening. Rec’d a letter from Steve.

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February 1883, George F. Richards, accessed February 6, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1883/1883-02