May 1894

1 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Commenced to Storm a little towards night. I had men working on water ditch. I sold hay to Sundry persons. Had Joseph Henson transplanting poplar trees from the farm bought of B. L. Bowen to my City lots I & George helped him in afternoon. I spent the evening in writing. Collected from Droubay $106.75 & Sent to Mother. Sent check of 7.70 to State Bank for deposit.

2 May 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I sold hay and assisted in taking an inventory and appraising Sister Phisters Property. Made out my Monthly report &c.

3 May 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I examined Mrs Volenviters home lots [p. 284] at request of A. F. Doremus & wrote him as to the condition I found things in and enclosed to him water transfer & April report. I worked on the appraisement of the Phister property. Sold hay, looked after the water, &c I took the whole family to the depot & Alice & the 5 girls went to Salt Lake & from there will go to Farmington. Spent the evening writing. Issuing bills to parties owing the Ranch &c.

4 May 1894 • Friday

Tooele Pleasant weather.

I hauled some of old sheds away, finished the Appraisement of Mrs Pfeester’s estate. Took team & family conveyance and went to pasture. Had Estella Maud Hammond & the three boys with me. Took saddle & caught Josie mare & drove the band up. Engaged two men to help brand horses next day. Repaired pasture fence &c. Bro. Craner called in the evening and about 10 P.M. we were serinaded by the Mandoline Clubb band. Mamma & little girls away on a visit to Farmington & City.

5 May 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

This day there was held at Grantsville the Regular Stake Priesthood meeting and at Tooele the Annual or the first Co. Trustees Convention, both of which I [p. 285] would have very much liked to have attended but was unable to do so. I had the horses here and had two men here helping me to brand & dock their tails and in the afternoon took them up Settlement canyon. Georgie, Lone Gowans & arthur Hammond went with me. I used the kelsey water & the Cemetery water. Telephoned to Dr. S. L. R. about Legrand & tried to reach Abram to talk with him for Geo. Deitman but failed. A Gentleman from Deep Creek camped here.

6 May 1894 • Sunday1

Tooele Weather very pleasant. I got up early, did my work, shaved, shingled, wrote to Alice at Farmington before school. Attended Sunday school & afternoon meeting, offered the benediction in both. I confirmed Sister Griffiths & Prest. Gowans confirmed Bro. Griffiths both of whom had just been re-baptized. Read the paper between school & meeting time and after the meeting consulted with a number of the brethren about organizing a Farmers association. Horses came out of Canyon just as I was going to the evening meeting and thus prevented my attendance at meeting. Spent the evening at home reading & retired early. [p. 286]

7 May 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather very warm.

In forenoon I sent small load of hay over to Bro. Lymans, sold large load hay to Joseph Henson, castrated four horses, sent Geo. & Legrand by train to depot & to Salt Lake Alice & little Girls are visiting at Farmington Took the horses up in cañion again most of them having come out the night previous & this morning. Alonzo Gowans helped me take them up & I helped him bring his team & pony down. Attended School Trustee’s meeting in the evening.

8 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather very warm.

I did the chores, sold hay to Wm Vowles & Thomas Horman. Rode Sorrel Brandy horse up in South field to see how young lucern is coming & how young trees are doing. Also rode him up to my bench farm to see wheat & to my Bowden farm to see lucern & to my Bowen farm to see plowing. Went and engaged Kirk to plow. Called on T. Horman & sold him a load of hay. Offered him $1.50 cash per acre to plow on H. Larson 80. Pocock finished setting the posts on my farm the Larson farm. Received a letter from Alice all well. Received a letter of Proposition from W. G. Crabb of his one [p. 287] half interest in the Hause Larson 80 acres & one acre of water for $220.00 I looked at the records & found the title all O.K. & instructed the Recorder to make a deed of the property to send to him for execution. Wrote Crabbe accepting his offer. Spent the evening at home. Did some work on sheds in afternoon, repaired yard door had a horse shoed &c. While passing John A. Bevans was called in to administer to him he having a very lame back. This I did at his request.

9 May 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I was riding after horses and taking them in the canyon nearly all day. Took folks for a ride Stella & Joel the others being away on a visit. Attended a public meeting to consider the fruit spraying business in the evening.

10 May 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant I worked on sheds removing poles, posts &c. Attended Beesleys concert & theatre in the evening.

11 May 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I used the water from City stream all day on lot & it being the first watering took most of my time. I did some work [p. 288] removing shed debris. Talked with Dr. J. S. R. through telephone. Retired to bed early.

12 May 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Some wind. I met Alice & children at Depot. Went down to E.T. & got six head of horses that Georgie saw going north as he came along on train. Used Cemetery water & went down to Basin & got four more head of horses that came out of canyon. Bathed and retired to bed.

13 May 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather windy & dusty all day.

I accompanied Prest. H. S. Gowans to E.T. where we put up team at Sister Fellers & took dinner with her. Attended School & meeting & spoke in both. S. S. Supts. Johnson & Anderson were present at School & meeting & spoke briefly at each. Prest. Gowans reconfirmed Bro Jas. Yates & I his daughter. Prest. Gowans was mouth in pronouncing a blessing upon Bro. Maxwell. <I offered closing prayr at meeting.> Returned home O.K. about 7 P.M. Spent the evening at home & retired to bed early. Mercer brought home 11 head of our horses came out of canyon. George got my horse Arab in evening near Frasers. [p. 289]

14 May 1894 • Monday

Alices birth day. <Alice is 30 yrs old today>2

Tooele Weather still windy. I used the Kelsey water, large stream, Took horses up in canyon greased my saddle &c. Had E. Green plowing.

15 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather windy & at night rain & snow.

I used Kelsey water and did some small jobs in shop, had horse shoed & looked for horses.

16 May 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather when we got up in the morning was wet there being snow on the trees & ground which all disappeared about 10 A.M. Had Wm. Elkington whitewashing. I went a piece up the canyon to see if horses were coming down. Put down carpets for folks in two front rooms, attended the irrigating & towards evening took the folks for a ride. We all got chilled & retired early to get warm.

17 May 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I attended to the irrigating, hung pictures wrote up my accounts & Journal from 12th inst. Met for a short time with School Trustees. Did some odd jobs. Had F. Barber plowing in South field. All are well. Anointed Legrand’s leg & administered to him. [p. 290]

18 May 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

I had F Barber plowing in South field.

I used both Kelsey & City water, made new doubletree & in afternoon George & I went in to the mountains to look for horses & found all except two that had gone to Fielding 115 miles north.

19 May 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to the irrigating & took horses back in canyon. With Prest. Gowans consecrated a bottle of oil & administered to Bro. Lewis Bowen.

20 May 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather windy.

I took team & buggy & alone went over to St. John’s. Met Prest. Gowans there He & wife having gone on ahead. I occupied 40 minutes speaking to the people Attended a council meeting at Bp. Caldwells, lunched at JD McIntoshe’s & returned home at 8:30 Did the chores & retired early.

21 May 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant clowdy & sprinkling towards evening. I assisted Bp. Atkin in administering to Bro. Gee. Met the School Archetict at school house to examine painting. Settled in full with him by giving warrants payable [p. 291] Dec. 31/[1]894 & part one year later.

As School trustees we decided to engage Mr. Marks to teach as principal of our schools. I sold three loads of hay, repaired fence &c. Had F. Barber plowing Wrote to Abram & to State Bank depositing $73.50 (Vowles Ck.) Had feather beds cleaned @ 10¢ per lb $4.00 Ordered 1200 lbs best galv. barb wire & 50 lbs. staples cost delivered here $45.60 Rec’d letters from W.G. Crabbe & Cuttler & Bro. with samples of home made cloth for suits.

22 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather stormy, nice rain during the night. I repaired wire doors, put steps in kitchen, repaired chair &c. Sold hay to Barber. Went out looking for horses, called at Colemans & McBride’s. Sent letter to J. C. Cutlers S.L.C. ordering suit of home made cloths. Provo cloth.

23 May 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I painted trees in forenoon also sold load of hay to Wm. Vowles. In the afternoon went in the canyon hunting horses, found all but three head, brought one Josie home. In the evening, I attended a meeting to consider the advisability of organizing as a community of farmers & was made Chairman of the meeting. Committees were appointed to draft Consti[p. 292]tution & bylaws & steps taken to permanantly organize.

24 May 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather very pleasant.

I painted trees, talked with Abram through the telephone and towards evening took the folks for a ride, engaged Jos. Henson to irrigate for us next turn.

25 May 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I raked up the rubbish in the yards, took horses up in canyon &c.

26 May 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled rakings of yards in to cow yard, went to depot & got sprayer, used water in South field. Attended two conference meeting of the Stake Sunday Schools in the day & one in the evening. Offerred the opening prayr in afternoon & spoke for 20 min. in the evening. Present from City Bros. Goddard & Reynolds, Also, Apostle Lyman was present. Visitors from all the wards of the stake. Three of Bp Caldwells children & J D McIntoshes sister in law Miss Nay & his two daughters staid with us all night.

27 May 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I attended two Sunday School Con[p. 293]ference meetings, a meeting of the Sunday School teachers & a meeting of the Seventies. Visited the sick, Bro. Gee, Bro. S. F. Lee & Sis. Smith. Wrote in my journal from 24th inst. wrote letters &c.

28 May 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I did some work on ditches in South field. Abram & Willard & Wives came out by team arriving about 10:30 A.M. and we put up the spraying machine and sprayed some trees & looked about the place.

29 May 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I was about with Abram & Willard all day until 4 P.M. when they left for home.

I shaved & took the family for a ride. In the evening I visited Samuel F. Lee & gave him a Patriarchal blessing Robert Shields his Son-in-law wrote for me.

30 May 1894 • Wednesday

<Decoration Day>3

Tooele Weather pleasant I received of Geo. Coleman in forenoon 421 sheep in payment of a Promisory note face value $800, & interest $42.00

In afternoon George & I took the sheep up in Silcox canyon & put them in Alfred Hank’s herd for keeping @ 5¢ per month. Took folks for a ride towards evening. In evening I did some writing in Journal & copying blessing. [p. 294]

31 May 1894 • Thursday

Weather pleasant (shower) Tooele I sprayed trees, got lumber from saw mill &c. In the evening, I attended a committee meeting to draft constitution and bylaws for Farmers organization. Am chairman of the committee. letter from Mother.

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May 1894, George F. Richards, accessed February 10, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Monday” before crossing it out and writing “Sunday.”

  2. [2]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin.

  3. [3]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin.