October 1914

1 October 1914 • Thursday


Warm & pleasant.

All usually well.

A cable gram received this morning from Pres. H M. Smith Liverpool Eng. by the First Presidency reads as follows:

“Most of President Valentine’s missionaries here in Liverpool, safe: All Continental missionaries released: All well.” This we interpret to include Holland so suppose LeGrand & family will soon be leaving Holland for home or some other mission.

I attended weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 3:15 P.M.

Estella R. Lee came in from Tooele in the early evening.

I issued a number of checks in payment of bills &c.

2 October 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

Windy day.

I spent the day at my desk.

Retired at 10:00 P.M.

Estella & Mama away all day at Relief meetings.

3 October 1914 • Saturday


All usually well.

Rain fall most of the day

I attended a meeting of the Twelve & Mission Presidents in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. [p. 132]

This evening Alice’s Sister Sarah Jane Dunn & her husband Wm Dunn came from Georgetown, Bear Lake Co. Idaho, their little girl Izola with them. Ella Hammond Campbell from Providence, Cache Co., took supper with us. She is Alice’s cousin. She & her husband staid the night after the show they attended.

4 October 1914 • Sunday


All usually well.

It rained during the night and early morning but cleared up before 9:00 A.M.

Attended conference at 10:00 A.M. The large tabernacle was filled to overflowing and an overflow meeting was announced to be held in the Assembly Hall. I was called to preside assisted by Prests. Charles A. Callis of the Southern States mission, Pres. Walter P. Monsen of the E States. Mission & Prs. Willard L. Jones of Moapa Stake. The Emerson ward choir was in attendance in large numbers and did excellent singing. I spoke first & occupied 33 minutes. Bro. Monson occupied 34 minutes. Pres. Callis offered the opening prayr & Bro. Jones the closing prayr. A good meeting.

I bid the people welcome in behalf of the Presidency & ourselves and spoke of the truth of the gospel, the necessity for obedience to the ordinances, the good features of the work. If it prove that what we believe is correct how much better off we will be than those who do not believe & do not obey. Bore my [p. 133] testimony to the truth of the work & the saving power therein &c. The building was fairly well filled.

Attended afternoon session in the Tabernacle and from 4:30 to 6:30 a meeting of the Seventies in the Pres. Bishops building assembly hall, a large and interesting meeting. At 7:00 P.M. I attended Sunday School Union Conference in the large tabernacle. An account of these meetings will be of record in Conference pamphlets bound.

This has been a busy day.

5 October 1914 • Monday


All usually well.

Clowdy but no rain.

I attended a meeting of the Mutual Stake & Ward officers & General Board at Bps. Building from 8:30 to 9:30 A.M. Attended the Regular Conference meeting and was one of the speakers limited to 20 minutes, I think I kept within the limits and spoke with freedom & ease. Subject. In considering my feelings I may properly consider myself a type of my fellows who under same circumstances will feel much as I do. I have been very happy in my associations with the Saints in the various sessions of this conference in the worship of the Lord. Occasion for happiness & occasion for sorrow on my own account and an account of others. Because our wrong doings make our presiding officers grieved & the Lord also we do not support them well when we yield to wrong doing. Every evil deed will have to be settled for & none [p. 134] can afford to pay the price &c.

Attended 2:00 P.M. meeting and with my daughter Sarah walked home. Called in drug store & had Ice cream. Wrote up my journal, read papers &c. Attended evening Priesthood meeting in the Large tabernacle.

6 October 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Pleasant weather.

I attended the 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 PM conference meetings a record of which will be of record in the Church Conference pamphlet.

7 October 1914 • Wednesday


Attended Special priesthood meeting from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.

My son Joel & I went to the fair in the afternoon. I attended my circle meeting at 6:30 and a social in Bps. Bldg. at 7:30 tendered the bishops & their wives & others by the Presiding bishopric & First Presidency, Alice with me.

8 October 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

I attended weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to about 3:00 P.M. I worked at my desk remainder of afternoon and in the evening. Mama & I attended a banquet in Utah Hotel in roof garden, given by Bp C. W. Nibley & wife to General Authorities of the church. A very pleasant affair. The men folk were each asked to give a sentiment limited to 2 minutes When it came my turn, I thanked the [p. 135] host & hostess and congratulated the company wishing them many happy returns. At close of the banquet Bp Nibley referred to the practice of Pres Winder & wife after each conference and said he & his wife would try and have these together once each year. The banquet was of a number of courses.

9 October 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

Rained nearly all night.

Alice & I went to the temple at 10:15 A.M. & Met Sister Annabella Leonard, Sampson Price by appointment & head her mother Julia Friche Lenord Sampson sealed to my father Franklin D. Richards and herself sealed to her mother & my father this by permission of Pres. Jos. F. Smith.

I worked at my desk most of the day.

10 October 1914 • Saturday


All usually well.

Pleasant, some cooler.

Mother & I took Estella down to the Tabernacle faunt where she & about 40 others were baptized. Estella was baptized by Frederick O. Webb.

Mama went on to Farmington on a visit. I spent the remainder of the day and evening at my desk studying. I wrote out what I designed as my testimony for the Liahona.

11 October 1914 • Sunday


Some rain.

All usually well

Alice & I attended temple fast meeting and I spoke 8 min. Attended our ward fast meeting at 2:00 P.M. [p. 136] I assisted the Bishopric in consecration of oil, administering to sick, confirmations & blessing of children. I confirmed my daughter Estella. I blessed the infant Wayne Briant Sevele. I sealed the anointing of Frank Ford and offered the closing prayr.

I attended the evening meeting in our ward which was a song service conducted by Prof. Call under the auspices of the conjoint Mutuals. The Season of mutual work begins next Tuesday evening.

After the meeting Alice, Ray & I went up to George’s & Joel’s and later Joel & wife returned to our home with us and staid an hour or more.

12 October 1914 • Monday


All usually well.

A pleasant day.

Dr. Jos. S. Richards who was expected to die Sept. 9th and has been very low since, is still living. Two of his daughters returned from Germany on the 10th, Last Sat. The Doctor is not permitted to have visitors or visitors are not permitted to see the Doctor.

I this day wrote a letter of sympathy to Aunt Lill & family. I also wrote to Geo. Hammond inquiring after his brothers & sisters.

I worked at my desk all day and in the evening I attended the Ensign Stake priesthood meeting held in 21st ward house and addressed the meeting, 178 present. [p. 137] Subject. Religion vs. politics.

Encourage departing missionaries and returning missionaries. Warned missionaries against falling into bad habits & habits of lethargy & spiritual idleness. Encouraged local workers to not fear that which never happens. Referred to the fear of ward teaching & my experience. A guilty conscience most to be feared under such circumstances. It makes cowards of us. We call for valient hearted men, who are not afraid to die.

13 October 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Pleasant weather.

I spent the forenoon at my desk.

At 1:20 P.M. Met my Son George & Dr Chas. Bird at Auto garage between 1st & 2nd East on 1st So. St. and looked at some cars for sale. Made some small purchases.

Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex from 2:00 to 4:00 o’clock. I was mouth in blessing & setting apart five Elders for missions. I gave instructions and offered the closing prayr. Following are the names of those whom I set apart assisted by Pres C. H. Hart

1. Alvin Verd Washburn of Duchesne Ut. to Southern States

2. Parley Pratt Merkley of Vernal, Utah to the Northern States.

3. Merlan Grant Shumway of Kanab, Ut to Southern States.

4. Arvil Elton Fullmer of Circleville, Utah to Western States.

5. Clyde Brady of Union S.L. Co. to Northwest. States [p. 138]

I received a letter to-day from my Son in Holland, LeGrand, written Sept. 28th in which he says on telegram from Pres. Hyrum M. Smith he had sent all the missionaries except ten to Liverpool, Eng; reserving two to each branch. That Ina is not in a condition to make the journey home & that they will be obliged to remain in Holland or England for some time.

I wrote my son in answer a two paged letter.

In the evening I attended an opening meeting of the seasons M.I.A. work in 27th ward.

14 October 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well at home. Aunt Lill Richards phoned me this morning in answer to my letter of Monday the 12th and says the Doctor’s condition the past three days has been peaceful or composed. At times he rouses to consciousness and recognizes some of the family folks. She said if I should call at one of these times I might see him. She expressed appreciation for my letter. I attended Y.M.M. Gen. Bd. meeting from 5:00 to 7:40 P.M. these on invitation Alice & I went to the Salt Lake Theatre & Sat in his box. “The Shepherd of the Hills.”

15 October 1914 • Thursday


All well.

Pleasant day.

I attended weekly Council meeting from 10:00 A.M. to 1:40 P.M. [p. 139]

My appointment for next Sat. & Sund. is Hyrum, Hyrum Stake and the week following, Woodruff Stake Conference, Pres. Wells companion.

In the evening Alice & I attended a banquet held in First Ward meeting house tendered the General Authorities of the Church by the Liberty Stake Presidency & other Stake officers & ward bishoprics. The Reliefsocieties & Y.L.M. members furnished and served the victuals. A very enjoyable affair was had. Bishop Edw’d. M. Ashton took us to & brought us home from the banquet.

16 October 1914 • Friday


All usually well except colds, Mama & Ruby have. Beautiful weather.

I spent the forenoon home studying &c. Made ready and took O.S.L 2:05 P.M. train for Logan where I spent the night with Rega & Lucena my daughter Spent a pleasant evening with them.

17 October 1914 • Saturday


Pleasant weather.

I walked eight blocks to the depot and took 9:30 train for Hyrum and got there for the 10:00 A.M. opening of the Convention of the M.I.A. Sister Agnes Campbell represented the Y.L. Bd. Lewis T. Cannon came about 11:00 A.M. and assisted in the Convention work. Pres. J W. McMurrin looked after the Religion Class work.

At 2:00 P.M. the Conference proper opened with an attendance of 290. Bros. Israelson & Maughn of the Stake Presidency spoke [p. 140] also J W. McMurrin & myself. I occupied 35 minutes on topics suggested by the former speakers, viz. Ward teaching, Secret orders & Fraternal Societies &c.

In the evening I attended a social in the basement of the meeting house by the Y.M. & Y.L.A. Played games &c.

I took dinner at Pres Israelsons & Supper at Pres W C. Parkinsons and Staid at night at the home of the Stake Clerk’s, John W. Jensen’s. 4 P.M. Convention.

18 October 1914 • Sunday


Rained during the night, pleasant today.

Attended YM Convention meeting at 9:00 P.M. and assisted with the work. Attended Conference meeting at 10:30 A.M. attendance 4:80. The speakers were in order as follows. Sister Campbell, bro. Cannon, myself, Pres McMurrin. I occupied 45 min with greatest freedom & expression and made one of the best talks, I ever made may the Lord be praised. Subjects. I commenced by reciting the Poem. “A Mother to her Son.” Touched W of W., prayr, Sabbath observance, example &c.

Patriarch Wilson also spoke & Pres. Parkinson occupied about 5 minutes closing. Took dinner again with Pres. Israelson.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was 805. Authorities were sustained. Pres. J. W. McMurrin occupied 45 min, on R.C. work I occupied 40 min. Read Luke 16:19–31 Lazarus & the Rich man. Advised the use of school buildings where necessary for S School purposes as in Tooele, Grantsville & other places. Patronize Patriarch [p. 141] Tithe paying in Season &c. Good liberty. Pres. Parkinson made a few closing remarks. Took supper at Pres. W. C. Parkinson’s and Pres. J. W. McMurrin & I took 6:15 P.M train for home leaving Lewis F. Cannon & Agness Campbell to look after the Mutual Convention & Pres. Israelson the R. Class feature. Arrived home after 10:00 P.M. & found all well.

I think our conference a very good one.

19 October 1914 • Monday


All well.

I wrote up my journal, looked after my mail, &c. Received a letter from my widowed sister-in-law Emily Richards of Paris, Ida. acknowledging receipt of $5.00 a gift. I answered the letter.

I spent the day at my desk and in the evening Alice, Sarah & I attended a dance at the LDS Gymnazium for an hour & a half where members of the two MIA boards & their escorts were taught some principles of dancing preparing them to take part in M.I.A. Socials held in connection with Stake Conventions. We went to the Empress theatre after.

20 October 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well

Pleasant weather.

I remained home in the forenoon. Cleaned off the lawn &c. Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex at 2:00 P.M. and assisted in the setting apart and instructing of about eighteen missionaries. I set [p. 142] apart the following.

1. John A. Carlson of S.L.C. to North western States.

2. Geo. Ellery Hall of Portage, Utah to Western States.

3. Geo. Lambert Woodbery of 7th Ward, City to Northern States.

Pres. S. B. Young & I worked together and he anointed & I confirmed the anointing on a brother Lyons who had his back broken by an accident. I anointed a Sister Mary Richards a daughter-in-law of Silas Richards the first auditor of Utah and Pres Young sealed the anointing. Hers was mental trouble. I attended to some matters of business while down town. In the evening I attended M.I.A. meeting and received a topic to prepare for next meeting.

21 October 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Pleasant weather.

I attended a meeting of the Y.M.M.I. Reading Course Committee from 10:00 A.M. to 2:45 P.M. where Alfred Lambourn read to us his manuscript story. “A Play House,” which we adopted as one of the books or our course for 1915–16.

At 2:00 P.M. I attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex and assisted in setting apart and instructing a company of fourteen missionaries to the islands. I set apart the fol.

1. John M. Murdock of Heber to New Zealand.

2. Clyde Moroni Ferrin of Ogden to Samoa.

3. Walter Thorn Patrick of SL City to New Zealand.

I attended YM Gen. Bd. meeting from 5:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. after which I attended my Circle meeting and the wedding reception of Rudger Clawson’s [p. 143] daughter Joy & a Bro. Bind held at the home of the bride’s parents.

22 October 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

Pleasant dry.

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. All the members of the Council except Hyrum M. Smith were in attendance. The latter is in Eng.

I repaired washing machine and did sundry odd jobs. Filed for endowment work at the temple six sheets each of males & females 240 names. Wrote up my journal for the past two days and worked at my desk &c. Geo. & Edith took dinner with us and spent the evening here.

23 October 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

Fine weather.

I wrote my son LeGrand in Holland & made ready to go to Woodruff, Ut.

Took 12:01 P.M. train in company with Pres. Rulon S. Wells & Sadie Beesley and arrived at Evanston at 4:30. We were met by a brother Ellis of Woodruff with Auto and taken to Woodruff ward in 1 hr. 05 min. Quite cold riding against a strong North wind. We took Supper at Pres. John M. Baxter’s where Pres. Wells & I made our home while in Woodruff sleeping in same bed at night.

24 October 1914 • Saturday

Woodruff, Utah.

Am well.

Weather clear & cool.

Attended 10:00 A.M. Y.M.M.I.A. [p. 144] Convention at 10:00 A.M. and assisted with the convention work in this and other sessions. Pres. Wells looked after the religion class Convention & Sister Beesley the YL Convention work.

Conference opened at 2:00 P.M. with an attendance of 154. I was the 6th speaker & occupied 15 minutes. Recited, “A Mother to her Son.” and spoke upon the subject of example and responsibility to live the gospel law.

In the evening, attended a choir concert. 4:00 P.M. convention work continued.

25 October 1914 • Sunday


Am well & happy.

Attendance 287. Sacrament adm. I occupied 35 minutes on the Subject of ward teaching. This Stake is low in that branch of the work. Conv at 9:00 A.M.

2 P.M. Attendance 383. I did not get a chance to talk. Authorities sust.

7:00 P.M. Conjoint Convention. I took about 25 minutes on topic assigned by Gen. Bd. Social Features.

Between meetings we set apart a number of stake officers, having just reorganized the Stake Primary. I set apart the following,

1. Minnie Bead of Randolph, Treasurer & Aid to Y.L.M.I

2. Charlotte L. McKinnen, Stake Pres. of Primaries.

3. Grace Norris Aid & Journal Agt Y.L.M.I.A.

4. Thos. Martin aid to Y.M.M.I.A.

Attended High Council meeting and catechised them & found three of them using tea or coffee. They promised to quit their use. [p. 145]

26 October 1914 • Monday


Am well.

Fine day.

Administered to Wm Cox for rupture. We left Woodruff for Evanston in A.M. Auto driven by one McQuinney or some such name on our way home at 10:10 A.M. Made the trip 22 miles in 1 hr 15 min. Waited at Ry Station two hours for train Arrived at Salt Lake at 5:30 P.M.

At 8:45 P.M. my daughter-in-law Georgina gave birth to an 8 lb. baby boy. All OK. Alice, Sarah & I spent an hour at the L.D.S. Gym taking dancing lessons, for M.I.A. work. Returning home Alice & I called & saw our new grand Son. Wrote a letter to my son LeGrand in Holland.

27 October 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well except Georgina who is doing well.

I attended a committee meeting at 10:00 A.M. Considering the division of the Granite Stake. Elders Clawson, Smith Geo A, & myself. We invited Pres. Frank Y. Taylor & his counselor John M. Cannon in and discussed the subject and later we all and Pres. Lyman went in Hyrum Silver’s Auto & looked the field over spending about 1¾ hours in Auto.

Assisted in Setting apart and instruct a company of about 20 missionaries. I set apart the following assisted by J. W. Mc

1. Fay Leroy Hickman of Reed Beaver Co., to N.W. States

2. Robert Stephen Hillier of Hoytsville Ut. to E."1

3. Joseph Knell Robinson of Calif. Mission to Central states, his father Jos E. Robinson assisted. As I had charge I gave Pres. [p. 146] Robinson a chance to set apart his son but he chose to have it otherwise.

I wrote up my journal from notes from 23d to date.

Attended Y.M.M.I. meeting in the 27th ward at night and gave a topic.

28 October 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Fine weather.

I spent the forenoon at home. I wrote Pres. Chas. A. Orme of Tooele giving him the dates of excommunication of [first and middle initials and last name redacted] Oct. 14, 1899 and Mrs [first and last names redacted] Oct 11, 1899. The former by the Tooele Stake High Council & the latter by the Tooele Ward bishopric. I obtained this information from my journal. I told Pres Orme how to handle the womans case when it comes on for hearing by the High Council. I read the letter to Pres. Lyman who indorsed what I had written. I attended to several items of business down town and attended Y.M.M. Gen. Bd. meeting and my Circle meeting. Wrote to my daughter Nerva thanking her for flowers received to-day by parcel post. Had my hair trimmed at the Lyons barber Shop by a Mr Mork & concluded to not patronize a cheap John barber any more but where convenient have the same barber, Mr. Mork, do it. price 35¢ I had rubber heels put on my shoes at Z.C.M.I. while I waited. I took 20 minutes and cost 40¢ I took my enlarged picture 18 x 22 to Savages & selected a frame to cost $2.75 the picture [p. 147] framed to be given to my son Geo. for a Christmas gift.

I bought 25 bu. of Idaho potatoes to-day from United Grocery Co @ 60¢ per bu. sacked & delivered. They are a fine potatoe. I also had them take to my son George on his request 500 lbs.

29 October 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

Beautiful weather.

I attended weekly Council meeting from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Much important business transacted.

Called on Joel & Wife & George & wife in the evening. Wrote up journal for the day, read the papers &c. The war news of the East is racy. I do not pretend to record the war news as it will be printed as history later. Wrote LeGrand.

30 October 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

Pleasant weather Still.

I spent most of the day at home. Cleaned leaves off the lawn back & front and watered the lawn.

I went down town and attended to some business. Sat for picture at Art’s Studio or Photo Arts Studio a negative 8x10 & one print $3.00 Ralph Savage is from the negative to make an enlarged picture for the temple annex to replace the one taken when I was wearing a beard.

Spent some hours at my desk writing & studying. [p. 148]

At 4:15 P.M. word came by phone from my sister Nerva that Dr. Jos S. Richards died at 3:15 P.M. to-day. I went right up to their home and spent a half hour. Was there in one hour and a half after his death. I did not see Aunt Lill as she was Sleeping under an opiate. I saw Joe, Ralph, Louise Farnsworth, Lill Genter, & others.

I wrote to my brother Fred & Dr. J. A. Widtsoe of Logan. Acknowledged receipt from Dr Widtsoe of a book on irrigation. Had a conversation with Pres. Lyman. Commenced reading “Hugh Winn,” by S Weir Mitchell M.D.

31 October 1914 • Saturday


All usually well.

Weather still fine.

I spent several hours in the forenoon working on the lawn front and back. I went up to Dr J. S. R’s home & saw Dr Ralph who informed me there would be a prayr at the house & one at the grave which would be the extent of the funeral services held. This would be for the immediate members of the family only and be held at the home to-morrow, Sunday, at 1:00 P.M. which would be in conformity with the expressed wish of his father expressed before his death.

I called at the L.D.S. hospital and saw Sister Isabel Gibson of our ward. She was in her chair on wheels in the hall improving nicely.

Had a talk with Pres. Lyman at his home on his request. [p. 149]

Mama & Ruby attended Matinee at Salt Lake Theatre, “The Trail of the Lonesome Pine.”

Georgina and baby getting on nicely. I wrote a letter to my sister Alice Ann Smith at Fielding telling her of the death of Dr J. S. Richards & time of burial.

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October 1914, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1914/1914-10


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “States”.