June 1904

5 June 1904 • Sunday

Have been so busy of late that I have fully & wholly neglected my Journal. Summurizing. The season has been most promising. Good fall good winter & good spring. Business good. My sales the past month have exceeded any thing before. We have just closed another interesting conference of the Stake held at Tooele. At which Prest. C. L. Anderson tendered his resignation which was accepted. I was chosen to fill the Vacancy and C. A. Orme was chosen to fill the position made vacant by my having been chosen as 1st Counselor. I was set apart & blessed by Prest. F. M. Lyman

Farm prospects have not been so promising for many years.

By request of Elder F M Cowley I mailed a check of 25.00 to Prest. McRae of the Colorado mission to assist in the completion of the mission house at Denver and this day received acknowledgments of Same.

Present Visitors at Conference Prest Lyman Andrew Jensen & Bp. Ek. of 25th ward S. L. City.

12–22 June 1904

Wed June 22, 1904

Have not written in my Journal since 5th June 12 My Son George was sustained & set apart to be 2nd Counselor to Bp Hunter of the 8th ward Salt Lake City Liberty stake.

<Geo F. Jr. called to be Bp Counselor 8th ward S.L.C.>1

Mond. 13 Alice & baby Nerva & Geo L & I with a host of others from this place went to Salt Lake & Lagoon on Miner’s excursion and came home after 1 oclock in the A.M. Tues Arriving home about 4 A.M. used up. Bought hay scales while in City and had same put in in front of my place of business. Business brisk. At this writing I have [p. 162] one man & team cutting lucern, two men & a boy with my team raking & making hay two teams Tate & Adamson hauling and one boy & Joel working my team here delivering &c

Sund last June 19 I attended school & meeting here at Tooele & Spoke at meeting Bro Morten occupied most of the time. Prest. Gowans & Prest CA Orme went to Vernon.

It is reported that Apostle A O Woodruff died Sunday at Elpasso Texas from Smallpox His wife preceeded him only a week or so from same disease in Mexica I believe. The Church has occasion to mourn.

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June 1904, George F. Richards, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1904/1904-06


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the portion of this entry corresponding to 12 June.