November 1914

1 November 1914 • Sunday


All usually well

Pleasant day.

I had an appointment with Pres. S. B. Young to Summit Stake Conference to be held at Kamas yesterday and to-day but owing to the death of Dr. Jos. S. Richards and his burial to-day I was excused and Jos. F. Smith Jr. was asked to take my appointment.

Alice and I went to temple fast meeting at 10:00 A.M., thence to Dr. Joe’s funeral, then to 27th ward Sacrament fast meeting and in the evening 27th ward Conjoint M.I.A. meeting at which Sister Mary Connely related her experiences and observations in her recent trip to European countries. She occupied 64 minutes. I offered the benediction at 2:00 P.M. meeting.

The funeral services consisted of a brief prayr by Elder Heber J. Grant at this home and a prayr of dedication at the grave by Prs. C.W. Penrose. I rode to Cemetery with Richards Smith.

A full day which I hope is acceptible to the Lord.

The funeral I consider inadequate and farcical excepting the prayrs. The [p. 150] floral tributes were beautiful & profuse. I sent a spray of roses about 20. I was called in by Pres. Lyman to administer to his wife who is very seriously ill. He anointed and I sealed the anointing and was blessed in So doing and dedicated her to the Lord. The Lord was good to us and gave her the best night’s rest she has had in a long time.

2 November 1914 • Monday


Ray has taken cold.

Others well.

I spent some time working on the lawn, in the cellar, moved 1500 lbs of potatoes &c. Put a board on front porch post, got paint down town and painted same. Spent the afternoon at my desk, mailed checks to pay taxes &c. While down town in forenoon, called on Pres. Smith and consulted him in behalf of the Primary officers as to the advisability of the Primary General Board contributing to the sufferers of Europe from their funds. It was advised against at this time. No objections to individuals doing so.

In the evening Sarah & I went to the Gym and engaged with other Gen. Bd. members of the M.I.A. in dancing lessong. We walked home, Sister Mary Connely accompanying us.

3 November 1914 • Tuesday


Excepting colds, we are all well.

Beautiful weather. I spent most of my time reading. Seven of my family went to the poles together & voted. Attended M.I.A. meeting [p. 151] in our ward and participated in the discussions of the Senior Class.

After mutual I went up to my Son Joel’s and assisted him in blessing and naming his baby Ray Felt.

4 November 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Beautiful day. Dressed as in summer and no need for over coat. We have had just such weather for about four weeks.

This day I spent the forenoon at home reading, Studying &c and at 2: P.M. went down town and attended to some items of business and attended Religion class General Board meeting, Y.M.M. General Bd. meeting and my Circle meeting in the temple. Read the bulletin boards before returning home and the paper after supper. I wrote a letter to my son LeGrand in Holland.

5 November 1914 • Thursday


All usually well

Weather the Same.

I attended weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. till 3:00 P.M.

My daughter Nerva, her husband & three children came in from Tooele on the forenoon train. The election returns show that Sen. Reed Smoot was re-elected to the Senate He has served twelve years in that capacity. An able senator, one who is in complete touch with Pres. Smith.

In the evening Mama & I accom[p. 152]panied our daughter Sarah to the Lion House where we attended a banquet given by the L.D.S. School faculty. A nice time was had. Plates 50¢ ea.

6 November 1914 • Friday


I have bad cold.

Pleasant weather.

In company with Pres. J. G. Kimball, I took D. & R.G. Ry train 8:05 A.M. arrived in Price at 1:40 P.M. We hired a man named J. H. Redd to take us to Cleveland 22 miles south of Price at a cost of $4.00 each. We arrived in Cleveland at 3:00 P.M. Pres. Kimball was taken to a Bro. Johnson’s where he made headquarters and I went to Pres. Lars P. Oveson’s. From there I went to a meeting of stake & ward officers meeting of the YM & Y.L.M.I.A. and addressed the meeting. After the meeting several new dances were taught them by a brother Willey, Stake Supt M.I.A. In the evening a mutual dance was held commencing at 8:00 P.M. and closing at 11:00 P.M.

I spent an hour looking on. A model dance was held under the management of brother Willey who taught them the correct position to take upon the floor and taught them some new dances.

7 November 1914 • Saturday

Cleveland, Emery Co.

I have quite a hoarseness growing out of my cold.

Attended 10:00 A.M. Conference meeting. Attendance, 204. I occupied about 30 min. Sub. Faith, works &c. very hoarse. At afternoon meeting I was too hoarse to speak in Conference. Attendance 275 [p. 153] Attended stake Priesthood meeting at 4:20 P.M. and I addressed the meeting at short range for about 25 minutes, of 99.

8 November 1914 • Sunday


Voice lost by cold.

Fine day.

I was unable to speak in conference on account of my hoarseness but we had good assistance from bros. Hickman & McQuarry from Emery Academy. Attendance 382 & 368 Good meetings. I met the bishops & counselors between meetings and talked to them Found two using tea. Had promise of one to quit & promise of the others to try to do so. Met the High Council members & revealed to them the fact that seven of them had paid no tithing the first nine months of this year notwithstanding they had promised the Stake Presidency they would pay as they receive or monthly.

At the afternoon meeting closes the conference, Pres. Kimball & I left at 4:00 P.M. in, O. Sorenson Jr’s. Car for Price to catch 5:16 P.M. train for home. Pres. Oveson & Bp Larson of Cleveland rode with us and we drove over in 1 hr 16 min. Pulled up at the crossing by the Engine just as the train started. The engineer seeing us running for the train started slowly and we got aboard while the train was moving and got home before midnight.

9 November 1914 • Monday


A number of the family have colds. Mine about the same. Some improvement in my voice. [p. 154] I spent most of the day at home. Made a trip down town to attend to some business and in the evening Alice & I and our daughters Nerva, Sarah & Nina went to the L.D.S. Gym in the evening to take part in the M.I.A. dance.

10 November 1914 • Tuesday


My cold but little better.

Others same.

I spent the forenoon at home and in the afternoon I took Mama, Ray, Nerva, Alice & Joel Tate to the Orpheum and later we with other members of the family took supper with Geo. & Edith & some of us spent the evening there. Some days ago I sat for a picture at the Phots Arts Co. and to-day got the negative and a finished picture from this Co. and took the negative to Ralph Savage who is going to make an enlargement 20 x 24 for the temple annex to take the place of one I had taken while I was wearing a beard. Wrote LeGrand & Rega.

11 November 1914 • Wednesday


My voice returning.

Others about the same.

Spent the forenoon at home at my desk. Accompanied my daughter Nerva and her children to the Ry station and helped them on the cars. Called at Pres. Lyman’s office at his request and had a talk on my appointments to San Luis and Young stakes.

I took D. & R.G. train 4:50 P.M. in company with Elders Geo. A. Smith & C. H. Hart for San Luis Stake Colorado. [p. 155]

12 November 1914 • Thursday

We arrived in Pueblo at 4:10 P.M. to-day and remained in town until Midnight when we left Pueblo for Alamosa & S. Luis. While in Pueblo, we staid at the Vail hotel, proprietor Mr Keith showed us through the hotel kitchen, bar &c. Went to bed in a standard pullman car at 10:00 P.M. On the train I read papers and magazines, visited with missionaries to the Central & Southern Stakes &c.

13 November 1914 • Friday

Arrived at Alamosa at 7:15 late. Left Alamosa at 7:45 A.M. and arrived at Romeo about 8:30. We were met at the Ry Station by Pres. E. S. Christensen with Auto. We were driven to Bp. Jackson’s where we had breakfast. I shaved, changed linnen &c

At 11:00 A.M. the Stake presidency met us at Bp. Jackson’s where we held council, investigating Pres. E. S. Christensen’s finances, listing his resources & his Liabilities with a view to advising him in financial matters and if possible aid in extricating him from his financial entanglements for which he had asked assistance from the Church and to better determine whether or not we should retain him as the Stake President.

Arrangements made for Elder G. A. Smith & me to remain at Bp. Jackson’s and Pres. Hart to go to his Son’s home, Sam’l Jackson Jr. [p. 156] At Pueblo I wrote & mailed picture cards to my son Ray at Salt Lake & my granddaughter Thelma Tate at Tooele.

Between sessions of council, I wrote up my journal Sins Wednesday. I took supper with Pres. Sam’l Jackson Jr.

14 November 1914 • Saturday

Manassa Col.

A beautiful day.

I am feeling well in Spirits & in health but have not fully recovered my voice. It is just a week since I lost it. I dreamed some queer dreams.

As I lay in my bed this morning, the window up & a cold breeze blowing in I turned my thoughts toward the Lord in prayr, silent & secret, no words spoken but merely thought. I felt when that prayr was finished that it was an acceptible prayr then I thought about as follows. If the Lord knows and considers these prayrful thoughts, and if not, then all such prayrs are in vain, then he knows also all our thoughts the impure & vicious as well as the good, and if the latter receive His consideration so will the former. If I am to be judged by the good thoughts as well as good kind words & deeds, so I will be judged by the opposite and my conclusions were that I must govern my thoughts and entertain only the good.

Elders Smith, Hart & I met in council at 9:00 A.M. and at 10:00 A.M. we went to Conference meetings. The speakers were Pres. Wm O Crowther, the bishop of Richfield, Shawcroft, the Bp. of Sanford, Jensen, and Geo. A. Smith.

At the afternoon meeting the attendance was 252. The Speakers were, Pres. Sam’l Jackson Jr. [p. 157] Elder Jensen a recently returned missionary, myself & Pres. Hart. My voice served me well and the Lord helped me. I occupied about 40 minutes. Subject tithe paying and paying as we receive means on products, advantages in so doing. Authorities placed in the church to lead the people &c.

Between meetings we administered a blessing to father Hance Christian Heiselt aged 80 yrs of age. I was mouth. In the afternoon, 4:15, we held a priesthood meeting at which there was a good attendance. I by request of Elder Smith spoke to them briefly on the importance of making a proper record on the subject of payment of tithes in season.

Elder Smith presented the business. The Stake presidency by vote was released and a written expression of the brethren was taken as to their choice of good men for the New presidency. 82 men handed in Slips with names on, three on each slip. In the evening Elders Smith, Hart & I tabulated these names. I suggested to the brethren the Name of Hyrum S. Harris formerly in the presidency of the Juarez Stake who is here principal of the academy to be the President. We sent for him & had a lengthy conversation with him & found him ready to be used where wanted but did not think to make this his permanent home. Had thought to remain here about two years if all should go well. We took the matter under advisement for the night. Concluding our work at 9:30 P.M. [p. 158]

This day a letter came from Pres. Herrick of the Western States mission asking us missionaries to call at Denver on our return trip Monday and attend a Priesthood meeting, a part of the Denver Conference. We agreed that I should go that way & fill that request and Pres. Herrick was so notified by telegram.

15 November 1914 • Sunday


Am well & my voice improving.

Elders Smith, Hart & I met at 8:45 and decided to nominate for the stake presidency, Bros. Hyrum S. Harris, Wm O Crowther & Sam’l Jackson Jr. At 9:15 brothers Crowther & Jackson were called in and indorsed our purpose and assisted us in deciding to relieve three of the High Councilmen on account of age & infirmities and in selecting men to fill their places, brother Harris having signified the evening previous that should he be presented as president, brothers Crowther & Jackson would be agreeable to him as counselors and because he was not handy to get and the time was limited.

Attended 10:00 A.M. conference meeting and was one of the speakers & occupied about 25 minutes with good freedom on Subject of, Honor father & mother earthly & heavenly. Recited “A Mother to her Son.”

Took dinner at Sister Daltons.

At afternoon meeting the business was presented by Elder Geo. A. Smith & the voting was unanimous. The speakers were Elder Hart, myself & Smith G. A.

Above written on moving train.

At afternoon meeting I occupied [p. 159] 25 minutes with good freedom. Read from First John 1:6–10; 2:9–11 & quoted from B. of M. “Charity is the pure love of Christ.” What Christ’s love is & how manifested. Related the Circumstance of the woman & her accusers. Read the hymns, “Should you feel inclined.” &c. & “Truth reflects upon our senses.” Also Matt 6:14, 15 and commented.

After this meeting we set apart the newly chosen officers Elder Smith set apart Pres. Hyrum S. Harris & bro. Sam’l Jackson & others I set apart Wm O Crowther First Counselor to Pres. Harris. I set apart Jesse B. Hutchens a High Counseler and ordained John B Reed a High Priest & set him apart an High Counseler.

Elders Hart & Geo A. Smith & I went up to Pres. E. S. Christensen’s home and blessed his wife who is nearing confinement. Bro. Smith pronounced the blessing.

A brother Quinney took us to the train at Romeo, 3 miles, in Auto and we left Romeo at about 7:15 & arrived in Alamosa at about 8:15 P.M. I left the brethren here, they taking Pueblo car on same train. I took Denver Car and arrived in Denver next morning at 8:00 A.M.

16 November 1914 • Monday


Am well.

Cold day.

Pres. John L. Herrick of Western States mission met me at the Station and took me to mission headquarters where I met a number of men & women missionaries and in meeting addressed them for 75 minutes on the Subject of Character and the power of thought. [p. 160]

I took 12:25 P.M. U.P. train for home and without special incident reached Salt Lake at 9:15 A.M. next day. All well. 1684 miles.

17 November 1914 • Tuesday


Am well & my voice has returned.

All well.

I came in to town on O.S.S. U.P. train 9:15 A.M. Attended to business down town before coming home. Among the things referred to I bought at Z.C.M.I. on trial an Auto strap safety razor $5.00 tried it to-day and think I shall like it. After shaving, bathing & cleaning up generally I proceeded to look after my correspondence, write up my journal & others work.

I have learned that the Young Stake conference is to be held at Mancos and I shall expect to leave here Thursday after our meeting and get there for the Saturday afternoon meeting.

My son George & Edith took supper with us and spent the evening with us.

18 November 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

I met Pres. Lyman at his office and assisted him in ordaining & setting apart the bishopric of the Miller ward in Granite Stake. I ordained Rex Parker Winder an High Priest and set him apart First Counselor to Bp. Charles H. Skidmore of Miller ward.

I attended a Reading Course committee and recommended that a book be published of stories of home production and named “A Righteous Woman’s Recompense,” appearing in the Era as a [p. 161] sample and have it adopted as one of the books of the Reading Course. The suggestion met with favor and brother Edward H. Anderson was appointed to make selections as he said he had nine similar stories in mind, and report to this committee.

Attended a missionary meeting at the annex of the temple and assisted in setting apart a small company of missionaries and instructing them. I set apart Roderick Miller of American Fork of Chelley Ida. to New Zealand and Andrew Leavitt Archiball of Cardston to Samoa.

Attended a meeting of the Y.M.M. Bd. and my Circle.

I mailed a letter to LeGrand and wrote to Lucena. Did work at my desk on my commentary, temple record &c.

19 November 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

Still pleasant weather.

I attended weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. I received the appointment to Granite Stake with Pres. Lyman next week. Attended to some business down town & made ready and left Salt Lake on D. & R.G. 4:50 P.M. train for Mancos Col. no companion.

20 November 1914 • Friday

Grand Junction

Am well.

I left my sleeper at 7:30 after having had a good night’s sleep. Took breakfast at Ry Cafe and left for [p. 162] Telluride at 8:30. Changed cars at Montrose where I had a wait from 12:01 to 2:50 o’clock. Changed cars again at Ridgway and arrived in Telluride at 7:40 P.M. 20 min. late. Took room No. 11 at New Sheridan hotel. My rest was disturbed by a dance in the hotel which kept up until 2:45 A.M.

21 November 1914 • Saturday

Left Telluride at 7:00 A.M. on mixed train and arrived in Mancos at 3:30 P.M. Was met at station and taken to our settlement Mancos about 2½ miles. Attended evening session of stake conference and occupied about 45 minutes on the Gospel oneness & truth. Good liberty & good attention. What the Gospel is true & good received attention. Staid at night at Pres. Hall’s. Met with Presidency & Bishopric of Klein ward in Council.

Had a talk with brother Ernest O. Lee of Kline, Col. who was one of the witnesses of Lot Smiths death & the shot by indians which killed him. Other witnesses were Alex. Allen & Stephen Huard. Bro Lee helped with his burial & because Lot had requested it he was buried in a certain spot where in digging the grave they found water about two feet below the surface and buried him in the water. About two years later at request of the church President, Pres Woodruff Bro Lee assisted in his disinterment. He says the bottom board of the casket was all they could remove the other so badly decayed. Lot’s flesh was gone and every joint in his body separated that is the bones were [p. 163] separated. His head had floated around to one side in the water. A few traces of his beard were remaining. of the clothing only a part of the silk of the apron. The bones were gathered up & put in a new casket and set to Utah and buried in Cemetery at Farmington, Davis Co. Utah.

22 November 1914 • Sunday

Mancos, Col.

Am well.

Pleasant weather.

I attended 10:00 A.M. Conference meeting and was one of the speakers occupying about 50 minutes. Read Luke 16:19 to end. Temple & genealogical work, sin of omission, respect of authority tithing, honor father & mother & our heavenly Father how. Recited, “A Mother to her Son.” Sacrament and its proper administration

After meeting with other brethren I sealed the anointing of administration upon Wm. F. Slade Cancer & Sister Mary Halls Brown for confinement. I set apart as High Counselors Wm Grant Black and Wm E. Ellis

At afternoon meeting I occupied about 45 minutes Took the hymn last sung as a text: “Though in the Outward Church below” &c Recited, “So he died for his faith &c” Knowledge ‘necessary to condemnation as well as salvation. Exercise of agency. Examples of its exercise in righteousness & unrighteousness. Earth & man’s existence, fall, redemption & glorification through mans actions & exercise of agency &c.

I took supper with brother & Sister Geo. Halls at their daughter’s home, Sister Stevensons, At evening meeting I occupied about 45 minutes. Subject Character defined. Power of thought in the building of character. I had good attention & [p. 164] good liberty. While in Mancos my headquarters were at Pres. David Hall’s. between forenoon & afternoon meetings or rather between afternoon & evening meetings I assisted in administering a blessing to Pres. Wm. Hall’s married daughter, sister Sarah…

23 November 1914 • Monday

Mancos, Col.

Am well.

I took train at 10:45 A.M. for home, Patriarch Wm Halls returned with me as far as Grand Junction. We got to Telluride about 8:00 P.M. and put up at the Holly house.

24 November 1914 • Tuesday

Telluride, Col.

Am well.

Cold clear weather.

Left Telluride at 7:30 A.M. and arrived in Montrose at 12 noon. Got train for Grand Junction at 2:45 P.M. and arrived in the Junction about 6:30 P.M. Bro. Halls & I went to restaurant & got supper and he went to a rooming house and went to bed with the intention of taking 3:00 A.M. train for Salt Lake. I sat up & took 1:20 A.M. train. Went to picture show. Spent some time at St. Regis Hotel reading paper.

25 November 1914 • Wednesday

Grand Junction.

Am well.

Took 1:20 A.M. train for Salt Lake, arriving at 12:25 P.M. I went direct to the temple and joined the brethren in Council meeting, made my report &c. Left the temple about 2: o’clock went home, wrote up journal &c &c. [p. 165]

Did some work on temple records.

26 November 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

Pleasant day.

Geo & Joel & their families took dinner with us & George & Edith staid the afternoon & evening. Joel & wife & babe left in middle of the afternoon & went down to Felts. A pleasant day & excellent dinner.

27 November 1914 • Friday


Weather smoky.

Ruby has Lagrip.

Alice, Aunt Nerva & I went through the temple this forenoon for the dead & my daughter Sarah for her own endowments. I spoke at opening meeting.

Alice & I were sealed for six or seven couples and would have been for about 26 other couples had the workers had time to wait on us. Being crowded and by request of brother Madsen we postponed our sealing work & I assisted brother Madsen. I married three couples and sealed eighteen couples who are dead. This is my first experience in sealing the dead, wives to husbands but having stood for the dead in sealings so often I was able to perform the ceremony without having a written copy. Received finished, sheet of endowments & recorded the work done, in my temple records.

Letter from Rega & Lucena.

Leaving home at 7:15 P.M. Mama & I visited my nephew Fred Richards at the L.D.S. Hospittal where he has been for two or three weeks with Pneumonia [p. 166] Saw his wife & mother there.

I called on James Dwyer at the hospittal and administered to him at his request.

We called at Aunt Lill Richards’ home & saw her & her daughter Ruth and they showed us through the house. We staid about 45 minutes. We then went up to the Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith’s home & staid about an hour. These all seemed pleased to see us.

I feel like this had been a profitable day full of good works.

I administered to Ruby before retiring to bed.

28 November 1914 • Saturday


Indications of a change soon in the weather. We have had a long spell of dry fine weather & no snow as yet has fallen in the valleys.

At 10:00 A.M. I met Pres. Lyman at his office & brother Nathaniel Jones came in & had a talk with us. We agreed with his permission to drop him from the office of President of the High Priests quorum of Granite Stake on account of his assault upon Elder Reed Smoot as a Senator circulated broadcast in Circular form.

I wrote letters to my son LeGrand in Holland, my Son & daughter Rega & Lucena in Logan & to Pres. D. K. Udall of St. Jonns, Ariz. Also to Pres. E. J. Wood of Cardston Canada.

Worked on temple records getting out lists of sealings children to parents. [p. 167]

29 November 1914 • Sunday


All usually well.

I took 8:25 A.M. car and went to Granite Stake house with Pres. Lyman according to appointment to attend Granite Stake Conference. Pres. Lund H. J. Grant & C. H. Hart were in attendance

We held counsel meeting with the Stake Presidency from 9:00 to 10:00 A.M. Conference priesthood meeting 1166 in attendance until about 11:00 A.M. when the sisters came in making our numbers 1810. The business of deciding the Stake & sustaining officers was presented to the priesthood before the sister came in. It was decided to divide the stake leaving eleven wards in the North division presided over by the present stake presidency & to be known as Granite Stake and the South division having twelve wards & to be known as Cottonwood Stake all new officers. After forenoon meeting Pres. Lyman & I set apart a number of officers in the Granite Stake and the others we set apart after the afternoon meeting which took us until 5:50 P.M. At afternoon meeting I occupied about 25 minutes on the subject of division & work of officers &c.

Pres Lyman & I returned home & Pres Hart remained to evening meeting I was mouth in the following ordinations & settings apart.

For Granite Stake.

1. Heber Bennion set apart High Counselor.

2. Jos. J. Daynes Jr, " " " "1 [p. 168]

3. Henry F. Burton set apart Alternate H. Counselor.

4. Franz Salzues ord. H Priest. " " "2

5. Martin Christopherson, 1st Counselor in Prestc’y H.P. quo.

6. Geo. T. Woolley 2nd " " " " "3

7. Daniel Neff, ord. H Priest & set apt High Counselor.

Cottonwood Stake.

I ordained & Set apart the following.

1. Wm B. Erekson, 1st Counselor in Stake Presidency.

2. James C. Birtock, set apart High Counselor.

3. Thos. Diamond, " " " "4

4. Michael Mauss, " " " "

5. Fred L. Bangerter, ord H.P. & " " "

6. Sam’l A. Cornwall, " " " " "5

7. W. Scott Mackay, " " " Alternate " "6

8. Edgar Hill, " " " " " "7

9. Thelim L. Miller Set apt. Pres. High Priests Quorum.

10. Wm H. Haigh, " " 2nd Coun. in " "8 Presidency

11. Mary E Cornwall, " "91st "10 in Reliefsociety "11

12. Taylor P. Brockbank, " " S. Supt S. Schools.

13. Arthur Welling, " " S. "12 Y.M.M.I.A.

14. Claud Cornwall, " " 2nd Asst. Supt "13

15. Emma J. Webster, " " 1st Coun. in Y.L.M.I.A.

16. Lovina McMillan, " " 1st " "14 Primary

17. Ivy Bennion, " " Secy of Y.L.M.I.A.

18. Joshua Mackay " " 2nd asst. Supt R. Classes

I spent the evening at home & retired to my bed early.

30 November 1914 • Monday


All tolerably well.

I spent the day & evening at home working at my desk. Retired after 11: P.M.

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November 1914, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “set apart High Counselor.”

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  4. [4]Ditto marks here and in next two lines for “set apart High Counselor.”

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  6. [6]Ditto marks for “ord H.P. & set apart” and “High Counselor.”

  7. [7]Ditto marks for “ord H.P. & set apart Alternate High Counselor.”

  8. [8]Ditto marks in this line for “Set apt.” and “High Priests”

  9. [9]Ditto marks in this position here and in the next seven lines for “set apart”.

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  13. [13]Ditto mark for “Y.M.M.I.A.”

  14. [14]Ditto marks for “Coun. in”