August 1913

1 August1 1913 • Friday


I worked on trail for several hours. Alice & Ray & I came down on 1 P.M. train from Canyon and after cleaning up went to the Drs office with our boy Ray & Drs Gill & Wilcox pronounced his trouble Shingle and painted the parts.

I was quite sick at night but made ready and took 11:45 P.M. train for Oakley, Idaho, in Company with Bro. R. Clawson.

2 August 1913 • Saturday

Arrived at Oakley at noon and up to that time was quite ill but began to feel better about that time. Attended the afternoon Conference meeting at Oakley. Attendance 492 and I was one of the speakers, occupying 25 min. Subj. purpose of our mortal existance, not chance, Faith, repentance, baptism & H. Ghost necessary also patience virtue temperance Godliness, brotherly Kindness and Charity. A perspective of the attributes of Duty in us implanted &c, Our future depends upon the present.

Attended Conjoint Mutual in the evening. Attendance 442. I was one of the speakers and occupied 25 minutes on Mutual Subjects viz. Testimony, practice in public speaking, Manual work, Missionary work, Era, Friend, &c. [p. 147]

3 August 1913 • Sunday


Very warm. Am feeling some better. Attended 10 A.M. Conference and occupied 30 minutes. Subject Love of God and Christ and of Parents for us and what that love has led them to do for us. We should love them in return and manifest it by obedience to them & kindness to others. &c Attendance 750, many children.

Sacrament administered and the authorities sustained.

At close of morning meeting I attended a meeting of Mutual officers and a meeting of the Stake Presidency High Council & bishops and addressed the latter on call of missionaries. Went home with L. J. Robinson Jr. to dinner and after dinner went with him, his father & his brother Frank to their store to buy a duster and when I found one that suited they insisted on my having it without pay.

At afternoon meeting I occupied about 35 minutes. Subject. The Gospel the Law by which all are to be judged hence must go to all. One gospel, its origins, this is the true Gospel & proved it by scripture. The Church Authorities are the examplars of the people and if the people are in accord with them they will also be in accord with the Lord. If you do not pay your tithing you are not in accord with these but out of harmony. [p. 148]

Attendance was reported 795.

After conference we took train for home. At Burley we had an hour’s wait and we visited a sister Barrus, wife of a son of O. H. Barrus of Grantsville and administered to her.

4 August 1913 • Monday


Arrived in Salt Lake at 7:30 A.M. Joel only at home, the other folks up in the Canyon. He & I got our own breakfast & I went to work on my books & correspondence, bills &c. I mailed to Pres Wm T. Jack a leaflet “A Bird with a broken pinion,” with the hope that it will find its way into the hands of his daughter Mary who is of an incorrigable disposition.

I went down town and attended to some business. Went up Emigration Canyon and accompanied my folks home. Alice and I went to the Lake and had a bath getting home before 9 P.M.

5 August 1913 • Tuesday


Am well.

Went down town and attended to some business. Settled with C. A. Woolley for building Canyon house and took his receipt for same.

Settled with Geo Romney Lumber Co by giving my note for $475. and my check for small amount [p. 149]

6 August 1913 • Wednesday


I went out to Tooele and spent the time while there at Nervas and returned on train arriving at 6 P.M. and attended my circle meeting at 6:30 P.M. Sister Sarah Richards Robinson called on us in the evening.

7 August 1913 • Thursday


I attended weekly meeting from 10:30 to about 2:30 P.M. I went up to L.D.S. Hospittal and saw my Nephew Lot Smith who is dieing of cancer.

8 August 1913 • Friday


Weather warm. All tolerably well.

I issued checks in payment for bills. Read & studied and in the evening Alice & I visited LeGrand & family at their home.

9 August 1913 • Saturday


Weather tolerable. All usually well.

On invitation I with a number of the brethren attended the Rex theatre and saw the revised “One Hundred Years of Mormonism[”] at 10 A.M. It is a good show. I made ready to take the 4:50 train with Elder J. E. Talmage for Nephi to attend Juabe Stake Conference, the first session being a meeting of the priesthood and stake & ward officers this evening. [p. 150]

Arrived in Nephi about an hour late for meeting. On the train was Supt H. H. Cummings who assisted us with the conference.

At the evening meeting the attendance was 282. Elders Talmage, Cummings and I each addressed the meeting. Ward teaching claimed our attention. I staid at Amy Grover’s.

10 August 1913 • Sunday


Warm day. Am well.

Oh! I had a horrible night. Bugs2 Attended prayr circle at 9 A.M. and conference meetings at 10:00 A.M. & 2:00 P.M. and a priesthood meeting at 4 P.M. and a conjoint M.I.A. meeting at 7:30 P.M. I talked at each meeting. Attendance as fol. 10 A.M. 586. 2 P.M. 555. At 10 A.M. meeting I told the story of Gerhardt the Shepherd boy and applied same to children and teachers in business & religion.

At 2:00 P.M. I occupied 25 min. Subject. Obedience. Follow the general authorities as examplars and their teachings and be in harmony with them and the Lord.

At Conjoint meeting I told the story of a mother to her son & Read from P. of G.P. showing that we are here because of our having kept our first estate and here we prepare for the next world. We must learn to govern ourselves and be our own masters & obey law & authority. Vice & immorality are deadly and block the way to happiness here & hereafter and is followed by remorse, sorrow & condemnation [p. 151] We have the honor of fathers, mothers, our kindred & the Church in our keeping. I feel that we had a good conference.

11 August 1913 • Monday


Left for home at 6:40 A.M. & arrived in Salt Lake at 10:10 A.M. Called at the Opticions and ordered a lense for my glasses which broke yesterday.

All usually well at home.

I got new lense in my glasses.

Went to the hospittal and with the Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith administered to Lot Smith. Alice & I called on George & Edith in the evening.

12 August 1913 • Tuesday


I arose early and cut the lawn and watered it. Blacked my shoes, bathed shaved &c. Wrote letters to Pres Paxman and Amy Grover on same subject temple work. Attended a meeting to investigate the Nebo stake presidency as to their attitude towards what is known as the dream mine located within the confines of their stake and towards the Bishop who promoted same from 10 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Took 2:35 P.M. train for our home in Emigration Canyon, Mama & the children having gone up on an earlier train.

13 August 1913 • Wednesday

Emigration Canyon

All well. [p. 152]

I spent the forenoon reading leaflets and took 2:23 P.M. train for Salt Lake. Attended Y.M.M. Gen. Bd. meeting at 5 P.M. and my circle at 6:30.

Mama & Ray having come down the with me, we went to the Empress in the evening.

14 August 1913 • Thursday


All usually well.

I attended regular Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 A.M. to about 3 P.M. At this meeting all of the First Presidency, the Twelve & Patriarch were present except brother Smoot who is in Washington.

After the minutes and reports were disposed of Pres Lund arose and said we are in need of presidents to replace those in New Zeland, Australia, South Africa, Netherlands, Samoa & more particularly the European mission and said that at the time bro Clawson was called to preside over the European mission it was said that it should be Hyrum M. Smith’s turn next and that he thought Hyrum M. the right man. Bro Lyman said he had been sure of it for a number of months and had the President asked him he would have told him. It was moved & seconded and carried unanimously that Hyrum M. Smith be called to fill that vacancy.

Pres. Smith asked me if LeGrand was fixed so that he could go and preside over the Netherlands Mission [p. 153] I told him that I thought he could & would and perhaps better now than at a later period as he was contemplating going into business with other parties and it would probably be better to go now than after he had obligated himself with others in a business. It was then moved seconded & carried that LeGrand Richards be called and appointed to preside over the Netherlands mission. It was reported by Pres Lund that the present president in charge could remain in charge until about the end of the year if desired. Pres Smith gave me the liberty to tell my son LeGrand what had taken place, accordingly after meeting I went over to the Go Range Co. where LeGrand is employed and told him about it. He had been expecting it so many had told him he was going to be called.

I prepared to leave in company with H. H. Cummings this afternoon for San Luis Stake via of U.P. & Denver 6:45 P.M.

It is quite a relief to me to know that H. M. S. is going to Europe and he seems satisfied. I am not sure but that it would have been a disappointment to himself & family had the call passed him by.

My Nephew Lot Smith is dying of cancer at the hospittal. [p. 154]

H. H. Cummings and I left Salt Lake via of O.S.L. & U.P. Ry at 6:45 P.M. this Thu. Aug 14th and went to Manassa, San Luis Stake arrived in Denver about 6:30 Fri 15th and got train out of Denver at 7:20 P.M. for Alamosa. Arrived in Alamosa Sat 6:30 A.M. and got train out of Alamosa at 7:15 A.M. and arrived at Manassa 8:40 about. We were met at station by Pres E. S. Christensen with Auto and I was taken to Bp. Jacksons where I made headquarters and where I staid at night. I took dinner Sunday with Bp. Jackson’s son a member of the Stake Presidency and with Pres. E. S. Christensen took supper Sunday.

16 August 1913 • Saturday

Manassa, Col.

Am well Weather not so warm as in the North (Utah).

Attended at spoke at each of the two sessions of conference and attended a concert in the evening Y.M. & Y.L. M.I.A. members. Bp. Jackson paid my way.

17 August 1913 • Sunday


Am well.

Attended two regular sessions of Conference, the Conjoint Mutual at 4 P.M. and a special meeting of the Presidency of the Stake, the High Council & Bishops and gave instructions. I talked at all the meetings except one. [p. 155]

Subjects treated, 15 min. Statistics, tithing &c., 42 min. Tithing, ward teaching, prayr, word of Wisdom, testified to the valor of the Church Authorities. Civil & temple marriages, Lesser Priesthood 36 min on M.I.A. work. 25 min. Sund A.M. Honor Father & Mother, How? Honor God, How. a Obedience, b. be good, c. Do good to others.

I left Romeo on 7: P.M. train, got Standard Pullman out of Alamosa 8:45 P.M. and arrived in Denver 6:45 A.M. Mond. Took 9:00 A.M. R.G.W. train for home and arrived home Tues. Aug 19th. Distance travelled 1917 miles.

H. H. Cummings remained a day or two to assist in getting out school catalogue &c. After arriving home, on invitation of Joel, Geo. LeGrand & I went to the Lake and had a bath and witnessed the wrestling match between Champion Jordan & Parker of Pitsburg the former won.

20 August 1913 • Wednesday


Warm day. All well.

Last Friday while I was away Lot Smith died at the hospittal.

This day I attended a meeting of Pres. Lyman, R. Clawson & Prests Jack & Harper of Cassia Stake and considered the matter of dividing Cassia Stake; and agreed to recommend its division into three.

Alice, Ruby, Edna, Oliver, Ray & I went out to Salt Air and all but Oliver & Ray went in lake. I returned [p. 156] in time to attend my circle in the evening.

21 August 1913 • Thursday


Warm day. All well.

I called on my sisters Alice Ann & Asenath at the latter’s home. Attended weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 3 P.M. I accompanied my folks up the Emigration Canyon where I staid over night at our Canyon home.

22 August 1913 • Friday


Alice, Oliver, Ray & I came down from the Canyon on train leaving at 2:23 P.M. Geo. LeGrand & I went out to 11th East & 12th South St to see some property LeGrand has been buying for a lumber yard & business.

I received permission of Bp. Miller & Jas Keddington to get 12 x 15 sq yds of lawn by the Lion House for taking it up & hauling it away, this for our back yard. As I have to go away from home in the morning I will leave this business with my son LeGrand to look after.

23 August 1913 • Saturday


All usually well. Very warm.

I took 8 A.M. train for Malad, accompanied by Pres J W McMurrin. Arrived there soon after noon. Attended afternoon conference meeting and occupied 40 minutes on what statistics show as delinquents viz. Mission[p. 157]aries, ward teaching, tithing &c. At 4:30 P.M. attended a meeting of the Home Missionaries and addressed them on loyalty to their presiding officers and faithfulness to duty. Attended a meeting of the High Council at 6:30 and a general priesthood meeting at 8:00 P.M. and talked at each. Subject. Ordaining and issuing of Certificates of Ordination, give those bearing the priesthood something to do to magnify their callings.

24 August 1913 • Sunday


Very warm Am well.

Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting and occupied 25 minutes on what has been accomplished by the S School, Self Denial, sacrifice, strait gate, Narrow way. At afternoon meeting I talked 35 minutes, Subj. Obedience.

Held meeting with Bishops & H. Councilors and instructed them in the matter of recommending men for missions & for temple ordinace. Be sure they are clean & worthy. At Conjoint meeting M.I.A. meeting 8:00 P.M. I occupied 40 minutes on the different features of M.I.A. work.

While on Malad I staid at Pres. Wm H. Richards home. Administered to Sister Griffiths.

25 August 1913 • Monday



I left Malad at 7:00 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 11:35 A.M. Went to Bank and paid $50.00 on principal & $28.58 interest and revis[e]d[p. 158] my note for $1250. 6 mo. 8%. I wrote up my journal from notes for past two days.

I later went with my son LeGrand to see Pres. Smith at the latter’s request about going to Holland to preside over the Netherlands. Returned did some work in back yard preparatory to placing grass sod from site of the New Church Administration building next to the Lyon house.

26 August 1913 • Tuesday


Warm day and rain in evening.

I have a great toe sore & inflamed & have to wear slipper in liu of shoe. Spent the forenoon at home and until 4:30 P.M. Alice & I with four youngest children accepted Joel’s invitation to Salt Lake. Saltair where we bathed & had supper & Returned late. Delayed train.

I commenced reading “Curiosity Shop” by Dickens.

27 August 1913 • Wednesday


Warm again.

Bro. Geo. Guyver commenced laying the grass sod at back this morning.

I wrote letters to Pres E. J. Wood of Canada & my niece Amy Grover. Did other writing & studying and nursed my lame toe.

Geo & Edith came out of the Canyon with the baby, Josephine, for treatment. Dr Gill was called and prescribed for her Geo & I administered to her. [p. 159]

28 August 1913 • Thursday


Josephine improving.

I got excused from attending meeting on account of a sore & inflamed toe which made it impossible to wear my shoe.

I read from “The Old Curiosity Shop.” Administered to my Grand child Josephine with Pres Lyman & my son George.

29 August 1913 • Friday


Josephine improving My lame foot improving but can not wear shoe. This day Geo Guiver finished putting down lawn grass sod at back and out side front. Charged $18.00 taking up & putting down. Paid $11.25 for hauling the sod from Lion House here five or six loads. I spent hours sprinkling the lawn Read from Curiosity Shop &c.

30 August 1913 • Saturday


Josephine improving.

A few days ago I offered our Canyon home to Wm Atkin for $900.00. I this day wrote him that the offer holds good only till Monday Sep 1st. I spent the day home reading studying &c.

31 August 1913 • Sunday


Weather cooler and rain, thunder & lightning at night. I attended 27th Ward Sunday School and meeting in the Large tabernacle [p. 160] in the afternoon. Later Alice and I went down to see my sister Nerva 9th South, 11th East. On our return we called at the home of my sons Geo. & LeGrand. Josephine improving.

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August 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “July” before crossing it out and writing “Aug.”

  2. [2]“Bugs” is underlined three times.