December 1913

1 December 1913 • Monday


Snowed a little during the night & threatening today.

I left Moab about 10:30 with Ray Johnson by Auto & Arrived in Thompson 1:20 P.M. Before leaving Moab this A.M. I ordained John Peterson of Moab an High Priest and set him apart an Alternate member of the High Council of San Juan Stake.

I took train at Thompson at 2:30 P.M. and arrived in Salt Lake about 5:30 A.M. We were delayed about 6½ hours on account of a wreckage of freight cars near Mapleton.

2 December 1913 • Tuesday


Arrived home about 6:40 A.M. from Moab.

I wrote up my journal from memorandas. I went to the temple and was baptized for 87 males which finishes the baptisms for all the males of whom we have a record. I assisted in instructing a company of missionaries at Temple Annex.

Issued checks in payment for a number of bills &c. Attended Y.M.M. of 27th Ward in the evening.

About 9:30 P.M. I received telegram from Pres. Jos E. Robinson of the California Mission saying that he & Pres. Francis M Lyman had accepted invitation to accompany Pres. Jos. F. Smith and party from Mesa to the Roosevelt dam Friday the 5th and for me to take the No. 19 train tomorrow 8:45 A.M. for Los Angeles, thence to Mesa. I answered by telegram that I would follow [p. 210] instructions given by telegram. I had received the appointment three months previous to accompany Pres. Lyman on this trip to visit the Maricopa & St. Joseph Stake Conferences and the Arizona wards and branches of the California mission. I should have left home with Pres. Lyman for this trip on Friday Nov 28th but on account of so many conferences on for Sat & Sunday 29th & 30th and so many of the brethren being away I accepted an appointment to Moab to attend San Juan Conference and Pres Lyman left same day to attend meetings in Los Angeles Sunday thence to visit his California relatives & friends until I should overtake him. Pres. Smith & party left Salt Lake for Snowflake Monday or Tues. of last week primarily to attend to the dedication of the Academy building at that place Thu. 27th Thanksgivings day and later the Stake Conference Sat. & Sund. 29 & 30th. This party consisted of Pres. Smith & Wife Edna, two daughters, <Pres. G. A. Smith> Bp Nibly & wife & Geo Albert Smith. They were met at Snowflake by Jos. F. Smith Jr, Patriarch Hyrum G. Smith and Supt H H Cummings.

From Snowflake Pat. H.G. Smith returned via Los Angeles, the Pres. Party went to Mesa including Jos F. Jr and Supt H H Cummings followed later. The two houses at Mesa 1st & 2nd wards costing about $13,000 each were dedicated Thu. 4th by Pres. Jos. F. Smith the Governor of Arizona being present.

3 December 1913 • Wednesday


Weather cold. Am well.

I took No. 19 at 8:45 A.M. for Los Angeles. [p. 211]

I spent the day pleasantly reading.

4 December 1913 • Thursday

I arrived in Los Angeles at 10:00 A.M. Was met at Ry. Station by Pres. J E Robinson & Patriarch H G Smith with Auto and driven to mission headquarters 152– 25th St. or 153 Adams St. the Elders Address. Pres. R’s son took Pat. Smith, his aunt and me for auto ride. Took dinner at mission house and entrained on S.P. 3:00 P.M. for Tempe & Mesa Arizona Pres. J E Robinson & I.

5 December 1913 • Friday

Arrived at Tempe 7½ miles west of Mesa at 6:30 A.M. and were met by Pres. Allen of the Stake Presidency & Wallace McDonald with Auto and driven to Mesa where we breakfasted, picked up Supt H. H. Cummings at Bro Frank Pomroys and went to Roosevelt dam & reservoir. We over took the party on the way which consisted of six Auto loads besides ours. In the company were Pres. Joseph F. Smith & wife Edna & two daughters, Pres. Anthon H. Lund, Bp. C. W. Nibley & wife, Geo. Albert Smith, Jos F. Smith Jr, H. H. Cummings, members of the Stake Presidency and a number of others men & women, in all about thirty. Pres. Lyman did not go as he had been there & seen the dam & reservoir before & had no desire to make the trip of 120 miles.

We took luncheon on the bridge all our Autos lined up there on and remained there about one hour.

Returning our car kept the rear and when about 8 miles from Mesa and [p. 212] at 6:15 P.M. we ran short of gasoline and were detained 1:15 while Bro Allen walked about 3½ miles & got 4 gal. oil & some help by way of an auto ride back.

I spent an hour with Pres Leseuer and Pres Lyman at the former’s home and made our plans and then returned to brother Allen’s where I stayed the night.

Our plans are for Pres. Lyman to remain at Mesa with the other brethren to attend the conference which includes a Religion Class Convention & organizing of Chandler branch into a ward. They are to go from here to Thatcher & hold conference Tuesday & Wednesday next thence home via. Los Angeles. Pres. Jos. E. Robinson and I to leave Mesa tomorrow morning to visit and hold meetings in the Arizona wards & branches of the California mission thence to join Pres Lyman’s party home. Starting home next Thursday morning.

6 December 1913 • Saturday


Cold weather for this country. Am well.

Pres. J. E. Robinson and I left Mesa at 6:00 A.M. in Auto with Wallace McDonald for Tempe 7½ miles. Took train at 6:25 A.M. for Maricopa where we had close connection with train on main line for Tucson, Ariz. arriving at 10:30 A.M.

We went to Hotel Heidel across the street from the Ry Station where I wrote some letters, wrote up my journal from Tuesday last &c while Pres Robinson was attending to his business pertaining to our trip & the return trip of the President’s party &c. I wrote home to Mama, to my son LeGrand in Holland [p. 213] and to Portland Cement Co of Oswego, Ore

We took train at Tucson at 2:20 P.M. and arrived at Douglas about 7:00 P.M. and put up at Gadsden hotel. On the way from Tucson I read from “The Master Christian.”

7 December 1913 • Sunday


Wind & dusty. Am well.

Attended Sunday School service. Attendance 112 of a population of L.D.S. Souls. After opening exercises including sacrament, Pres. Robinson occupied 23 minutes on subject, Fast and feed our spirits. Two sides of us. I followed occupying 35 minutes taking up the physical side of us for which we are indebted to our earthly parents under God as for all they have done for us which we can scarcely understand. What made them do this for us? Love. What should we do in return? Love them. How show it? By obedience also by being good and kind & loving one another. Quoted Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Love brings love and hate brings hate. Good liberty. Walked to meeting & back about two miles. This being Fast Day I took no dinner. Did not think about its being Fast day until after I had breakfasted & got to S. School.

Was taken from Hotel to afternoon meeting and from meeting to train by Auto.

<We blessed four children I blessed one of them.>1

At 2:00 P.M. meeting Sacra[p. 214]ment was administered. Attendance 129. I spoke first and occupied 50 min following Subject of the morning. Love of God & of the Savior for us. What they have done for us. Why we should love them and how manifest it &c. Pres. Robinson spoke 25 min. on Sacrament.

We took train for Bisbee at 3:35 P.M. arriving at about 5:30 P.M. Were driven by auto to Bp. Warren’s hom[e] where we took supper & spent the night. Had a talk with brother John McRay and quieted him. He promised to be quiet and be in harmony with his brethren.

Attended evening meeting, attendance large. The main hall filled and 15 in reer room. I spoke first and occupied 65 minutes. Subject, The Origin & Oneness of the Gospel. Of all the religious organizations only one can be true & that one is the C. of J.C. of L.D.S. Proof. Pres. Robinsons followed.

8 December 1913 • Monday

Bisbee, Ariz.

Pres J. C. Robinson & I left Bisbee on 8:25 A.M. train to for Fairbanks arriving about 10:30 A.M. We were met by Joseph Curtis who took us 9 miles to San Pedro where at Bp Curtis’ home I wrote up my journal and wrote a letter to Pres. F. M. Lyman at Thatcher.

Attended a meeting in San Pedro ward at 2:00 P.M. Attendance 36 from San Pedro 13 of whom were outsiders and 17 from St. David total 53. Pres Robinson spoke first and I followed occupying 40 Min. Subject. Obedience. Necessity for faith [p. 215] necessity for knowledge but obedience to the laws & ordinances as necessary, not only ordinances but all the commandments. Temperal & spiritual for all are spiritual with the Lord. I had good liberty but spoke with deliberation & had much satisfaction. May the Lord be praised. We sustained Alfonzo Christensen as S. School supt. of San Pedro ward & Pres. Robinson set him apart.

Attended evening meeting at St. David attendance good. I blessed a baby Marjoy Lorane Smith. I was the first Speaker & occupied about 45 minutes. Subject. The gospel is one of Sacrifice, self denial & service. I here treated the last phase Service. Advantages of public service to those who serve & to those who are served. Duties of officers in the quorums & auxiliaries. Ward teachers work & willingness to labor a necessity. Avoid cowardice.

Pres. J. E. Robinson spoke on Priesthood. Read from 94th section D&C. & quoted from 121 sec. I spent the night at Bishop Goodman’s. Joseph Curtis of San Pedro brought us over from San Pedro to St David.

9 December 1913 • Tuesday

St. David

Cold weather. I slept cold during the night Am well. & feeling well in Spirit.

Wrote up my journal for yesterday after noon & evening. Administered to Francis Goodman. Bro. John Merrill took us in Auto from St David to Benson in forenoon. Here we rec’d word from Pres. Smiths party now at Thatcher that they would be at [p. 216] Tucson & Binghampton Wednesday instead of Thursday as we had understood. Pres. Robinson decided to go to Tucson of 3:[blank] P.M. train to make preparation for the Presidents party and I volunteered to fill our appointment which I did at Robinson branch in the evening. Attendance 168. I occupied 80 min. Subject. Gospel one one & its Origins.

Sacrifice our lot. Patience & trust in God necessary &c. I rode from Benson to Robinson 4 mi. & return with a Brother [blank] Slept at Benson Hotel.

<H. O. Post set apart ward clerk by Pres Jos. E. Robinson.>2

10 December 1913 • Wednesday


I took the 45:55 A.M. train at Benson

1 hr 40 min late for Tucson arriving at latter place 9:30 A.M. Here I met the Presidents party & went with them in Autos provided by Tucson City officials to Binghampton 5 miles north where we held meeting 292 in attendance. The speakers were in order as fol. Pres Lund, Pres Jos F. Smith, Bp C. W. Nibley, Geo A Smith & Jos. F. Smith Jr. I offered the closing prayr. We drove back to Tucson in Cars and banqueted at Alta Club at 12:30 and then went up to the Old mission church & back & to the University buildings and took train for home at about 5:30 belated train.

11 December 1913 • Thursday

Arrived at Pomona about 7:30 A.M. Elder Jos. F. Smith & I detrained & waited until No 20 from Los Angeles arrived about 10:30 AM & took that [p. 217] train for home. The Presidents party went on to Los Angeles.

12 December 1913 • Friday


Arrived home at 12:45 P.M. one hour late. Found all pretty well, On the train I read “The Master Christian.” I wrote up my journal & did other writing & read letters &c.

Traveled 3026 miles making the trip. I wrote to LeGrand & Sent $5.00 for Xmas gifts. Repaired toilet & did work on Swing door. Lock broken.

13 December 1913 • Saturday


All tolerably well. Cold weather. Bare ground

I spent the forenoon home and in the afternoon Alice & I went shopping and we with Geo & Edith went to the Matinee at the Utah. “Because I love you so.”

14 December 1913 • Sunday


Clowdy. All usually well.

I attended Ensign Stake Conference. The forenoon meeting held in 21st ward. The afternoon meeting in Large Tabernacle Dr E. G. Gowans the Speaker in the afternoon. Attended meeting in 27th ward in the evening. Primary meeting.

15 December 1913 • Monday


All usually well Weather same.

Received letters from LeGrand & Ina first from Rotterdam, Holland & dated Nov. 30th all well.

I this day borrowed of my sister Minerva one thousand dollars [p. 218] and applied same on my note at the Utah State National Bank.

Alice & I went down to my sister Nerva’s. I did not remain long but Alice remained there after I left.

I attended Ensign Stake Priesthood Meeting held in 21st ward at night.

16 December 1913 • Tuesday


I have contracted a cold but feel well. Cold dry weather. Ground bare. Heavy frost every night.

I put a new hinge on swing door. Recorded temple work, did some studying and with Mama, Ruby and Ray went to the Orpheum Matinee.

Attended to some business down town. Received Xmas card from Elder H. M. Smith, Liverpool and wrote him a few lines in return.

17 December 1913 • Wednesday


All usually well.

I wrote to my son LeGrand & to my daughter Lucena. Read some from “The Master Christian.” Went shopping in the afternoon with Alice & bought her a coat for Xmas present.

At 5:00 P.M. attended a meeting or reception of the YM & Y.L.M.I.A. Board members at Bee Hive house wher[e] Pres Jos F. Smith was presented with a gold badge the first of the kind made Talks were made by B H Roberts, Geo. Brimhall, Sister Tingey, Junius F. Wells & Pres. Smith. Light refreshments were served and the badge which cost $120.00 [p. 219] was inspected and the members of the Y.M.M.I.A. Bd. privileged to pay $2.80 each to meet the expense.

On reaching home I was called to administer to Sister Timms. A Bro. Hutchings who with his wife is staying at her home assisted me and we consecrated a bottle of oil and anointed her & administered to her I was mouth in each instance.

In the evening Pres Rulon S. Wells called me over the phone and told me of an appointment made last Thursday for himself & me to Duschesne Stake for next Sat & Sund. I phoned Bro Geo. F. Gibbs and learned that a letter had been received from Duchesne but he did not know its contents but would phone me in the morning.

18 December 1913 • Thursday


All usually well. It snowed about 8 in. during the night and continued to snow most of the forenoon but the snow melted about as fast as it fell. On account of the snow I was excused from going to Duchesne Stake for next Sat. & Sunday. Attended weekly Council meeting from 10:30 to 3:00 o’clock. Received the appointment to Alpine ward of Alpine Stake for next Sunday to ordain and set apart a bishopric &c.

I called on cousin Levi W. Richards who has been in bed since his operation in July 1912—17 months. I administered to him before leaving him. [p. 220] I spent the evening home working on temple records, recording temple work done and listing names for sealings, husbands & wives & children to parents so that all work is listed as for as can be until endowments are done for others.

I called at temple & Recorder Christenson complained at my having employed brother Joseph Morgan to work for us in the temple on the ground that he is a regular proxy for the temple so I engaged Robert Wills to do some work for me, in the temple.

I want to keep one man working steadily for us on endowment work and as fast as the endowment work is done I want to do the sealing of husbands & wives & children. The endowment work for females is done far in advance of that for males.

19 December 1913 • Friday


Snowed much of the day accumulating about 10 or 12 inches and turned off clear & very cold at night. I remained home all day reading. Read aloud to Alice while she was quilting. Retired about 11:00 P.M.

20 December 1913 • Saturday


Much snow and cold. I have a cold.

Called on my sister Asenath. Went down town shopping and put in most of the day & evening. Among other purchases I bought an Edson Amberola with five drawer cabinet to match and twenty Steel records for $110.00 terms [p. 221] $15.00 down and $10.00 per month without int. until paid. At Consolidated Music Co.

21 December 1913 • Sunday


I have cold. Mama & Ruby d[itt]o. Very cold. Good sleighing.

I took 7:35 train for American Fork where I attended the 2nd Ward S. School. An Xmas service. I occupied 25 minutes on subject of Xmas & gifts &c.

Prests. Clark & Evans & I went to Alpine ward in buggy and attended meeting. The bishopric was reorganized. I ordained James W. Vance a bishop and set him apart to preside over the Alpine ward. I also set apart Joseph F. Marsh First Counselor. Prests. Clark, Evans & I addressed the meeting. Returning to American Fork I had to wait 3½ hrs on delayed train reaching Salt Lake at 10:00 P.M. Took dinner & supper with Pres Chipman who being under the weather with LaGrip did not go with us to Alpine. Bro Vance had been previously presented to the people & the vote for bro Marsh was unanimous.

22 December 1913 • Monday


Snowed during the day.

I remained in all day and read &c In the evening Alice & I went to the Utah theatre. Willard Mack & Co.

23 December 1913 • Tuesday


Stormy in forenoon. My health good excep sleight cold.

I spent the day & evening home [p. 222] excepting an hour or two spent in going down town, attending to a few odd jobs. Alice has severe cold.

24 December 1913 • Wednesday


Wintry weather. I made two trips down town. Alice, Geo., Edith & I went to the Matinee in the Salt Lake theatre, “Within the Law.” We were up until about 1:00 A.M. fixing Xmas tree & other things. Geo & Edith & Joel & Georgina slept at our home.

25 December 1913 • Thursday


Weather Ideal. Lots of snow & still snowing.

We arose at 5.00 A.M. and showed the family a good time. Christmas tree and many nice presents. I remained home all day except that I went to the Large Tabernacle and attended a meeting from 11:00 AM to 12:30 P.M. I presided and offered the benediction. Elder O. F. Whitney was the Speaker and Elder J. E. Talmage offered the invocation. This Christmas was for me one of the best ever. The Christmas meeting; the New Ambrola & loving family members contributed to my happiness thank the Lord.

26 December 1913 • Friday


Stormy. All tolerably well.

I went down town and returned eight of the twenty records sent with the Ambrola and selected others in their stead and an additional eight.

Spent the remainder of the day at home [p. 223] Geo. & Edith spent the evening at our home taking supper with us and Joel & wife called in the evening.

27 December 1913 • Saturday


All usually well.

I never left the house all day. I spent the time reading, studying and listening to the Ambrola play.

28 December 1913 • Sunday


Weather same. All usually well.

Having appointment with Levi Edgar Young to attend Salt Lake Stake conference, I attended the first session held in 16th ward house 10:00 A.M. and spoke briefly. Attended 2:00 P.M. meeting in Large Tabernacle and occupied 40 min. Subject Christ our Savior & Jos. Smith our Prophet. During past week we have celebrated the anniversaries of two of the greatest characters ever born on this earth Jesus Christ our Savior & Joseph Smith the great prophet of the nineteenth century & the <Dispensation of the> fullness of times. Our minds are in a frame to consider these characters at this time. We love the savior for what he did for us and because he loved us. If we are in harmony with the Spirit of this holliday season we feel to say “Glory to God in the highest and an earth, peace, good will towards men. We love Joseph Smith for the same reason that the Saints in the world love the missionaries, because he brought to us the gospel which we [p. 224] love better than life &c.

In the evening I attended 27th ward meeting the speakers were Bella Gibson & Thomas Hull. Geo. & Edith spent the evening with us after meeting.

29 December 1913 • Monday


Weather same. All usually well.

I remained home all day, reading, writing and choring about.

Alice and four youngest visited Dr Birds family all the afternoon.

30 December 1913 • Tuesday


Cold weather. All usually well.

Alice & I attended the funeral services of A. C. Nelson held in the Assembly Hall at 12:30 P.M. We later did some shopping and went up to 15th East and visited with Aunt Zina Y. Card. From there we walked down to 9th So. & 11th East and visited with my Sister Minerva.

I went down to 917 S. 10th E and Saw D. Ray Shurtliff who is sick and administered to him at his request. After spending about an hour with him I returned to my sister’s home and Alice & I left there for home at 9:20 P.M. In going & coming I read the papers. Account is given of the death of one of Orson Pratt’s widows.

Retired at 11.30 P.M.

31 December 1913 • Wednesday


Milder weather. All usually well.

I attended meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 4:00 P.M. and a meeting [p. 225] of the members of the Y.M. & Y.L. Gen. Bds. of MIA work at the Bp.’s building at 5:00 P.M. Attended to some business between. In evening I made up my accounts for the year and sat up until after the New year was rung in & the old out.

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December 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically along the left margin of page 214.

  2. [2]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 217.