May 1893

1 May 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather stormy.

I had two men at work. John Lyman aged 13, years came this morning to live with us for the summer if all go well. I took buggy to shop & got it repaired, put in some garden witnessed a matched game of ball between Tooele & Stockton Spent the evening in writing water tickets & April report for Ranch. The folks played checkers. Bought 40 acres land of Jas. Bowden for 400.00

2 May 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cool in storm.

I worked on report, bought two seated carriage & double harness of Thos DeLaMare for $40.00 Took Legrand & wife & Mariar Clark to Station on their way home. Alice accompanied me. I continued the work on Report also in evening.

3 May 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I finished my report and mailed to Abram. Issued bills to parties owing; wrote up my book accounts Journal &c. Sold hay & had several men at work clearing sages.

All usually well. [p. 122]

4 May 1893 • Thursday

Tooele I sold several loads of hay, attended the Irrigating, directed the labors of several men. Fasted, prayed and went to meeting, was mouth in blessing Sister Cassitys baby <boy> & in consecrating the oil.

Met with trustees of M. E. Schoolhouse and assessed damage done by our school. In the evening I did some book work administered to Alice who was not well & retired early.

5 May 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather stormy though not bad. I sold one load of hay & hauled one large load into log barn, sent to Basin and got Jumbo & two mares & colts. Had shoes taken off Jumbo, branded colts & took them with my black colt back to the pasture. John Lyman & George rode the mares & coming back brought up 17 donkeys to the Estray pound. I repaired fence while at Basin. Had buggy & Legrand, Joel & Nerva with me. Took Alice in buggy over to my 40 acre farm near Bowdens where I met Bp. Shields plowing & H. C. Hansen and arranged with the latter to plow for me. Called on Pound keeper, at store & at Prest H s Gowans in the evening & did some writing. All are tolerably well. [p. 123]

6 May 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cool but pleasant I got the work of the Ranch to progressing and then went with Prest. Gowans to Grantsville where we attended Stake Priesthood meeting and by request I spoke with spirit and to my satisfaction The principal subject considered was the commencing of the Stake Academy at Grantsville. The question was disposed of by motion as an amendment made by myself approving the action of the Stake Board of Education in employing a Principal for the school & turning the mater over to that Board for their direction. We took dinner with Prest. C. L. Anderson, arranged our programme of visits to the Wards for the next Quarter (3 months) Listened to music & singing by Jode & Della Anderson & returned home arriving at Tooele about 7 P.M. Spent the evening at home reading & writing. All usually well.

7 May 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

The boys did the chores & I prepared for Sunday school. Attended School & Meeting Present Bro. Jenson S.L.C. & Stake Sunday School Superintendency. Had a conversation after school with A. J. Stookey, Moroni Tanner and A. J. McCuistion about parties & the rules laid down by Amusement committee.

In the evening I attended meeting & arranged [p. 124] with Bishop & committee to have a party Friday night which was announced in meeting.

8 May 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had several men (6) at work clearing land of rock and I sold 8 loads of hay and put wire on fence near Remington’s. Took the folks out for a short ride in evening. Retired early.

9 May 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had several men hauling rock off south field plowed ground. I did some work in my Main Street lots. Had F. Barber there plowing &c. In the evening Geo. Horman called to see if he could get my lots for their care during the Season. I let him have them on those terms. See Cont[ract] (Written May 18th from memory)

10 May 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I had several men hauling off rock & they finished this day. I did some work on my lots and sold several loads of hay and towards evening took the folks in the buggy & went to Basin Pasture. (written from memory, May 18) School Trustee’s meeting in the evening at our house.

11 May 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had W. Henson using the level in South field. [p. 125] I worked on the Ranch choring &c (from memory May 18)

12 May 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I showed Jos. Henson how to use seed sower and got him started to sowing and then harrowed. Children’s dance in the afternoon & adults in the evening. Estella & I attended in the evening. Took the K. water in evening.

13 May 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to the watering & had Jos. Henson & Son J. S. Lee & my boys sowing & harrowing to a finish. (from memory of May 18th)

14 May 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Alice’s 29th birthday. I attended school & meeting. Spoke in both places. Attended the evening meeting. J. C. DeLaMare was speaker.

15 May 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I leased to F. M. Davis M.D. my 40 acres of Bowden land for one year (one crop) for clearing what remains unplowed.

I took Alice & all our girls in conveyance & went over t[o] the farm & stopped J. E. Shields from plowing, measured up plowed ground &c. Moved baler for baling. Sold hay to Vowles & Dr F. M. Davis Irrigated.

16 May 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. [p. 126] I had Jas. Hammond and John S. Lee baling hay. I worked on baler repairing &c. Weighed up hay; used Kelsey water &c.

17 May 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather windy.

I had the weather baling continue.

I got my black & the sorrel colts from the band at James’ in the morning and towards night had them castrated. By request I called at Collin DeLaMares’ and administered to his wife in morning & evening. (gathered breast.) <Mr Eckers & I played checkers at home.>

18 May 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather windy & snow & rain. I used the water; baled a part of forenoon

wrote up my Journal, did some shopping. &c. attended to some business down town. Spent the evening at home writing & reading.

19 May 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to the irrigating & had J. S. Lee & the boys baling. Tried to get a car to load with hay for Abram but could not. Called on Mr Ekker in the evening & played checkers.

20 May 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Continued the baling of hay & Owen Dunn & I hauled two loads to Depot & loaded on car for S.L.C. to Abram.

21 May 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cold & threatened <storms.> [p. 127] I went alone over to Lake View to visit the Ward. spoke in both school & meeting. Bro. Chas. L. Anderson met me there for meeting. I took dinner with Robert Whitehouse.

After arriving home I took supper and walked out with Alice as far as our lots on Main Street. Attended meeting in the evening. John S. Lee occupied the time.

22 May 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I baled hay in fore noon and finished loading car of hay before 2 P.M.

Went upon the Parker bench with C R McBride to look at the land. Looked over the Parker land with a view to buying. Afterwards took Alice & children up above Parkers in the Canyon & on the bench to see land.

23 May 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had Owen Dunn helping me and we repaired the fence between us & Dunn & also that on north of small pasture. Shaved & spent the evening at home writing. Retired early. All well.

Made out Home Missionary appointments for the four months June July Aug. & Sept. & mailed to Prest. Gowans for inspection & distribution. [p. 128]

24 May 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cold.

I had John Lyman & George cleaning up the yard and hoing grapes & I went up to Able Parkers’ and bargained with him for the 80 acres of land west & south of Middle Canyon road consideration to be Eleven Hundred ($1100.00) Dollars. Met Archetect H. H. Anderson in school Trustee’s meeting capacity at the home of J. W. Tates and in that capacity we decided to continue the construction of School house and to advertise for bids on the building & material. Called at Court House & at Warburtons about the parker land & water. Called on Thos. DeLaMare about buggy repairs. Wrote to State Bank enclosing my certificate of ten Shares of State Bank stock to be divided in to two certificates of $500 each, five shares to Abel Parker for $550.00.

Wrote Pp. [Bp.] John G. Shields about doing some plowing for me on the Parker land.

Spent the evening at home.

25 May 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cold & some rain.

I went & arranged with Dr Davis who had rented my 40 acre farm to let me have it back to put into lucern owing to the recent storm. Went over to Lake View and arranged with Bp. Shields to plow on the bench 62.35 A farm & with H. C. Hansen to harrow & pull sages on my 40 acre farm. Went & engaged [p. 129] C. A. Herman to survey the Parker land & make deed of same. Surveyed said land Abel Parker being present. I engaged ten men to work the following day piling sages; I topped some of my Poplar trees Main St. lots Spent the evening at home. Ruby being sick & having no consecrated oil I took a bottle of oil down to Father Robt. Meiklejohn and he having retired early arose and assisted me in consecrating the oil. I administered to Ruby which had a good effect.

26 May 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I had 13 hands besides John & Georgie working for me and also had three teams at work. cleaning sages off & harrowing the 40 acre farm.

27 May 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I had six or seven teams putting in lucern & men piling & burning sages on my 40 A. Also commenced two sulkey plows 3 horses each plowing on my 62.35 acres farm on the Parker bench.

28 May 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended school home i.e. at Tooele & went to Grantsville where I attended meeting and spoke for 40 minutes with great freedom. Bro. Lysander Gee returned with me. My boy George accompanied me. [p. 130]

29 May 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather windy & unpleasant. I had six teams & more men working on my 40 A. farm putting it in to lucern. Finished between six & seven o’clock at night. Paid Bro. Lysander Gee $37.50 for 1/2 acre of water for Abram.

30 May 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

This being Decoration Day Services were held at the Cemetry where I made the opening and Mr Hooper (Methodist Minister) the closing speeches. Large and attentive audiences. Took Alice & smaller children up in carriage All our folks being present, Took the folks for a ride in After noon Mary Hammond went out with us for a while. Went up on the farm where the plowing was in progress. Sent the two colts to Basin pasture. Children’s dance in afternoon. & in evening a dance in each hall. I spent the evening home writing. Was informed to-day that by Prest H. S. Gowans that at a meeting of the Stake Board of Education held at Tooele Yesterday Monday May 29th I was appointed to fill the vacancy in the Board occasioned by the fall of A. J. McCuistion was also elected Secretary of the Board.

31 May 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant

During Wed. Night we had a good rain [p. 131] I sowed lucern seed in East field & George harrowed it it [in?] I worked on my May report, wrote letters &c.

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May 1893, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025