March 1899

1 March 1899 • Wednesday

Attended to Legislative work and in the evening at 6 P.M. Took Supper with C. O. Whitehouse & the Republican Legislators at the Alta Clubb. C. R. McBride & Peter Clegg Spent the evening with me considering bills especial attention given to the land bill.

2 March 1899 • Thursday

Attended to legislative work

3 March 1899 • Friday

Attended legislative work. Alice came in to the City in the evening and we with Bro C. R. McBride & Wife went to the Grand Theatre Mikado. [p. 287]

4 March 1899 • Saturday

Attended to legislative work in forenoon and talked with George at home. All well. Alice & I went with Legislative train to Logan where we visited the Agricultural Colleges & Returned to Salt Lake at 1:30

5 March 1899 • Sunday

Alice & I attended Catholic Church at 11 A.M. Bro. & Sister McBride Spent the afternoon with us in our room at No. 10 Whitehouses.

I wrote to Mother & wrote up my Journal from Feb. 23 <attended christian Sciense meeting in evening.>

6 March 1899 • Monday

I took Alice to Station, Attended to my legislative work. The McCune, Law Bribery Committee on Investigation made their report, and a hot contest was on.

7 March 1899 • Tuesday1

Continued my Legislative work Continued my legislative work the nature of which is shown in the enclosed attached clipping from the Tribune.2

8 March 1899 • Wednesday

Continued the Contest and legislative work. This day Prest G. Q. Cannon was sprung as a candidate & got 13 votes

9 March 1899 • Thursday

& last day of Joint Session resulted in heated debate & contest & failure at Midnight to elect a senator. Prest Cannon received 23 votes 32 necessary to elect. I this day got my House Bill 135 on assessment & collection of Livestock through [p. 288] the House

10 March 1899 • Friday

The clocks of House & Senate were stopped yesterday & we took a recess until today. This day I got my LiveStock assessment bill through the Senate with but one amendment. Was privileged to Speak upon the floor of the Senate in support of the bill. House concurred in the amendment & passed the bill again. Enrolled & Engrossed.

Invited to dine with other Legislators at the Kenyon this evening. Prest Anderson Spent the evening with me in my room.

11 March 1899 • Saturday

I attended the legislature as usual forenoon afternoon and evening.

12 March 1899 • Sunday

I went to Nephi in the morning and returned in the evening. Apostle Lyman & I conversed on the train and I learned that he & Prest. Gowans had agreed to Go to Batesville 1st Sunday in April & organize the ward. Had a pleasant visit with Mother & Asenath and promised if Mother would come up in another week I would go down after her. She said she would answer later on in the week. I administered a blessing to Sister Emma Charlotte Perkes at Nephi [p. 289] Joel Grover came up to City on same train with me

13 March 1899 • Monday

I attended to legislative work. Alice I went out home and back to the City in the evening, Alice accompanying me to City. By invitation Alice & I attended family supper with Mrs Isabella Brown & her husband Arthur Brown.

14 March 1899 • Tuesday

Bought Carpets at Co-op Fur. Co’s. Attended to Legislative work and at 4:30 P.M. while the House was considering the Gen’l Appropriation Bill believing that that bill was the last to receive consideration and that it would adjourn at night and having written Wm Dunn to meet us at Montpelier I, Alice with me, left on 5:20 PM train for Montpelier. Arrived at Pocatella at 11:30 P.M. and left there for Montpelier at 3:30 A.M & arrived at Montpelier at 7:40 AM Wed 15th Wm Dunn was there to meet us.

15 March 1899 • Wednesday

Pocatella, Idaho Alice & I left Pocatella at 3:30 A.M. & Arrived at Montpelier at 7:45 A.M. by O.S.L. Ry. James Wm Dunn met us with Sleigh. We took breakfast with Wilford Clark and drove over to Alices Sister’s Sarah, J. Dunn. Snow [p. 290] deep. No wagons in use.

16 March 1899 • Thursday

Weather Stormy.

Between Georgetown & Bennington Idaho at Sarah J. Dunns. Sarah J & Husband & Alice & I went over to Georgetown by sleigh. Called on Wilfords Richards wife he being absent from home. He & wife came up in the evening & staid the evening and tried to go home at night but the horse floundered in the snow & the[y] gave it up & staid all night.

17 March 1899 • Friday

Alice & I left Sarahs for home. She & Husband took us to Montpelier wher[e] we boarded the train soon after 1 P.M. and arrived at Farmington about 7 8 P.M. Staid all night at Monas.

18 March 1899 • Saturday

Visited part of the day and evening at Minervas and in the evening I gave her baby Eva a blessing. Slept at Mona’s.

19 March 1899 • Sunday

I went to Salt Lake on 8:28 A.M. train and attended tabernacle meeting.

Met train for alice in evening & we put up at the Whitehouse.

20 March 1899 • Monday

S. L. City Left Town for Tooele on 7:45 train Arrived O.K. & found folks well. Went over to Lakeview & administered a blessing to Bro David G. Adamson & administered to him he being sick. Alice accompanied me. In [p. 291] the evening I attended a School tax payers meeting where it was decided that the Trustees should levy a 6 mill tax only.

21 March 1899 • Tuesday

Tooele I went up on the bench to see if land was in a condition to plow & found it too wet. Got my Gang plows from Larson field &c

22 March 1899 • Wednesday

Mr Schramm from Salt Lake came out and disinfected our house. It cost me $6.90 including train fare. I repaired wagons made singletrees &c Sold McBride 50 bu. of wheat @ 50¢. & Geo. Delivered it Geo. Harrowed <Lucern>.

23 March 1899 • Thursday

Hauled straw sacked & loaded 100 bu of 90 day wheat to take to City. Geo helped me. J. B. Gordons team was loaded with 50 bu & Geo. took 50 bu. Got 62½ ¢ per bu in Salt Lake & paid Gordon 7½ c for hauling his load.

24 March 1899 • Friday

Tooele Geo. Went to City with wheat and I went to Grantsville and got 70 bu. of barley @ $1.20 per cwt.

25 March 1899 • Saturday

I borrowed Jos. Tate’s Corn Sheller and Joel Legrand and I shelled corn. I went to the field and got box load of straw. I sold cow to Vowles for 50 bu. wheat & Sold the wheat to McBride for 50¢ pr bu. Legrand went [p. 292] with team to meet George left here about 5 P.M. Commenced to rain about 6:30 and continued until about 11:30 P.M. when it commenced to Snow & continued until 2 or 3 A.M. The boys not having come home at 9 P.M. I saddled a horse and went to See where they were and met them at 8 mile pose [post] from Tooele. Got home about 12:30 Storming all the time.

26 March 1899 • Sunday

I took my team and buggy Prest. Gowans accompanying me and went to Lake View where we held Ward Conference. I spoke both at School & Meeting.

27 March 1899 • Monday

George brought home from Town 430 ft of lumber Cost $8:50 and today I commenced to build a Chicken house 8 X 12. I bought of Eugene Woolley by phone a thoroughbred Jersey cow for $35.00 new milker and a Durham & Jersey Cow which will calve in May, for $35.00 payable in 60 days.

28 March 1899 • Tuesday

I finished my chicken house and bought 3 hens (Plymouth Rock) of Wm Cassidy @ 50¢ each. Later bought a rooster for $1.50

29 March 1899 • Wednesday

Snowed all forenoon. I did some choring in forenoon and in afternoon Geo & I went down to West field & marked off street through [p. 293] my land east & west & broke moldboard to plow.

<(Attended a meeting in the evening & subscribed (5 shares of $10.00 each to the Creamery Co.>3

30 March 1899 • Thursday

Tooele George & I with 7 horses went to west field and did our first days plowing there Broke doubletree & plow lay. Brought Drill from Cleggs field on our way home.

31 March 1899 • Friday

Drilled at Bowen field (barley). Geo harrowed lucern.

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March 1899, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Wed. 8” before crossing it out and writing “Tues. 7th” above it.

  2. [2]See “Reports Not Considered,” Salt Lake Tribune, 8 Mar. 1899, 1, 3. There are pin holes in the top of the page, but the clipping is no longer attached.

  3. [3]This insertion was written at the top of page 294.