January 1915

1 January 1915 • Friday


Some snow still on ground

Thaws some in daytime and freezes hard at night. Sun shining brightly All usually well. I am very happy in the comforts & blessings of life we enjoy as a family.

I spent the day until about 3:00 P.M. at home reading & Studying and then with the family went up to George & Edith’s to dinner and we staid the evening. Returning home about 10:30 P.M. we found Clarence Silver with Mamie. They have been going out to-gether for about two years. Clarance indicated a desire to talk with me, so Mama & I and he & Mamie had a talk in which he asked permission to marry Mamie. Mother & I after a talk for some time gave our consent and the time talked of and while not definitely fixed for the marriage [p. 186] was talked of the latter part of June next. Mamie will be twenty June 8th next. Clarance will be 20 in May.

2 January 1915 • Saturday


All usually well.

Beautiful Sunshine.

I spent most of the day at my desk and reading. Issued checks in payment of current bills as is usual each month. I spent the day and evening at home. Made short call on Joel & wife & Geo & Wife.

We invited the folks to spend the evening with us and we had sherbert & cake. Joel & Georgina excused themselves, on account of the baby, for not coming.

I accepted invitation to Speak in West Jordan ward tomorrow night in Monthly Conjoint mutual meeting.

3 January 1915 • Sunday


All usually well.

Beautiful winter’s day.

Mama, Sarah & I went down to the temple to attend 10:00 o’clock fast meeting but were about 12 minutes late & found the door locked so we returned to the 27th ward S. School in time for its opening at 10:30. By request I spoke to the school while the sacrament was being passes upon the Subject of the sacrament. I also bore testimony in the Parents class. There was in Parents Class A non mormon lady who spoke and after meeting [p. 187] as I was waiting for Mama this lady came up to me and introduced her self as Mrs Kelling of 80 Q. St. having heard me spoken of as an apostle. I introduced to her my wife and we walked home to Q. corner conversing on the gospel. She thinks her baptism should stand if she were to join this Church as she says when she was baptized she had a most heavenly feeling which convinced her that it was acceptable to God. We invited her to call on us & she extended a like invitation.

At fast meeting Mrs. Kelling was present and as the people seemed slow in answering the invitation to bear testimony I took the Stand and occupied about 40 minutes in bearing testimony and referring to convincing evidences which any might have by investigation. I had in mind while talking, Mrs. Kelling and her kind and felt free & assisted by the Lord. May his name be praised.

Elder Charles Price lately from N.Y. Where he has been studying for two years took supper with us & after meeting returned to our home with Sarah & Spent the evening.

I went to the Salt Lake & Utah Ry Station to take 6:30 train for West Jordan as directed by bro Roscoe Eardley and found that the time of the train had changed & I could not get a train until 8:45 P.M. [p. 188] I phoned Bp. Gardner who thought it would be impossible to get there for meeting which was appointed for 7:00 P.M. so I returned home and went up to George’s & Joels. Joel’s baby is ill and Mama was there.

I regret the disappointment to the So. Jordan ward people in my not getting their to fill my appointment.

This day my wife lost her gold watch somewhere in her rounds. I had adds put in the Herald & in the Tribune advertising lost watch.

4 January 1915 • Monday


All usually well at home.

I called at Joels & Georges and as Joels wife was not feeling very well we administered to her.

I spent an hour hunting for the lost watch. I went down town & bought at Keith OBriens a $3.50 umbrella on sale for $1.00. I also bought a $3500 blue black suit for $21.95 their sales price. Bought at the Faultless Clothes Shop; Left my gloves at the Elite to be cleaned.

The weather moderated during the night and at about 9:00 A.M. commenced to Snow and continued all day.

Mama Ray & I accompanied Rega & Lucena to the depot on their way home to Logan on 4:15 P.M. train. After seeing them on their train we did some shopping up town and reached home about 6:30 P.M. [p. 189]

In the evening I wrote a four paged letter to my son LeGrand and made a copy of his account as it appears in my ledger to Jan 1st 1915. and enclosed to him.

5 January 1915 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Cold last night. Clear.

I attended quarterly meeting of the Twelve two sessions forenoon & afternoon and assisted in setting apart a large company of missionaries. I set apart the following—

1. Louie Orlene Thomas of Lehi, Ut. to E. States.

2. Erastus Nephi Jenson of Smoot Wyo. to N. S.

3. Grover Andrew Thorup of S.L.C. to S. States

4. Charles Mayhew Astle of Pocatello Ida. to E. S.

During the forenoon a phone was received from room 103 Covey Apartments saying Alice’s watch lost last Sunday had been found by a member of the family and was there for us I called there and got the watch in tack and gave them $2.50 for finding it. I called at Tribune & Herald offices and pa[i]d the advertisements and was happy in the knowledge of another honest family. The name of the family is Mead I think.

6 January 1915 • Wednesday


All usually well.

I attended quarterly meeting of the Twelve in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 2:20 P.M. Attended Religion Class General Board Meeting from 3:30 to 5:00 P.M. and Y.M.M.I.A. Gen. Bd. meeting from 5:00 to 6:30 and Circle from 6:30 to [p. 190] 7:30 P.M. My son Joel attended the Circle meeting for the first time and was voted in by unanimous vote of the sixteen present.

I bought 500 lbs of high patent flour to-day @ $2.85 per cwt.

7 January 1915 • Thursday


All usually well.

Mama does not get relief from her skin trouble which has pestered her for several months. I have some cold & hoarseness.

I attended quarterly Council meeting fasting from 10:00 to 2:00 o’clock. Sacrament administered.

No assignments made for the brethren to State conferences next Saturday. None being held. I have no appointment for the week following to conferences.

I anticipate a visit to Tooele with my wife this week or next, not yet decided when.

I wrote letters to the following persons from whom I received Xmas or N.Y. cards. Mr & Mrs Charles J. Ross of Ogden, Miss May Anderson of Primary Board, Pres. Walter P. Monson of N.Y. and LeRoy R. Clark at Independence, Mo.

8 January 1915 • Friday


All usually well.

I spent the forenoon home reading, studying &c. In the afternoon I went through the temple which required the time from 12:30 to 4:30 I met Alice Ruby & Ray at Dr Richard’s office at [p. 191] 4:45 P.M. and consulted Drs Richards & Snow about Alice’s eczema. Dr Gill prescribed for her. We did some shopping and then went to the Broadway theater & saw Cinderella in moving picture.

I wrote to my son LeGrand in Holland, in answer to one received of 24th ult. Recorded temple work done and retired after eleven o’clock. Aunt Maria Clark staid with us over night.

9 January 1915 • Saturday


Snowing lightly all day.

My son Joel is in bed to-day with cold & Lagrippe. I went up and saw him and administered to him. He said he felt better before I left him. I called on Dr Stephen and consulted him about a minor operation which he advised to have attended to, the removal of an external pile I am to call him next Tuesday morning and arrange the time to attend to it.

Alice & I spent some time in the evening with Joel & family & George & family.

10 January 1915 • Sunday


Joel improved

Others as usual.

I attended Ensign Stake High Priests meeting in 18th Ward. Pres. Lyman occupied about 35 minutes. I by request offered the benediction.

I attended the funeral services of J. M. Christensen a member of my circle held in 15th ward meeting house. The speakers were in order as follows,

Elder Heber J. Grant, Pres. C. W. Penrose, Edwd. [p. 192] H. Ashton, myself & Pres. Nephi L Morris. I occupied about 12 min. Spoke of the several kinds of tributes to the dead, honor respect & love & to the living love, sympathy & condolence. Kind. Presence here, flowers, songs, testimonials &c. Better to go to the house of mourning than to the house of feasting. Why. Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted. The comforting by this spirit brings us nearer unto God. &c.

I attended evening meeting in the 27th ward. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Religion classes and Elder Jos. J. Cannon & [blank] King were present from the General Board and talked and the children sang, recited gems &c. and did the praying. George & Edith with their children called in after meeting & staid awhile.

I visited my son Joel at his home. He has not been out of the house for two or three days. Has what seemed to be tonsilitis.

11 January 1915 • Monday


Joel improving others as usual.

My son George called in on his way to work as usual and while shingled my hair. I read some from “Mother Home and Heaven” and from “The Royal path of life.” two splendid books.

At Pres. Lyman’s phone call I went to his office down town at about 1:15 P.M. where I considered with him as a committee from the First Presidency a matter of difficulty and differ[p. 193]ence between Smoot Brothers of Provo and some of our brethren of the Big Horn Stake and after we reached a conclusion as to what we would recommend, by request I wrote out the decision or our recommendations as attached to this leaf and without change of a word it was typewritten and a copy sent to the First Presidency and a copy reserved in Pres. Lyman’s office.

With Elder Ivins A.M. I met the officers of the Primary General Board at their office and inspected a painting by Ramsey of the visitation of the Angel Moroni and deliverance of the plates to Joseph Smith or the finding of the plates by Joseph. We were asked as advisors of the Primary Board to say whether or not they should buy the picture for $150.00 We advised against it and our advice seemed to be satisfactory.

In the evening I attended Ensign Stake Priesthood meeting in 21st ward meeting house. My brother Franklin S. was the speaker and occupied 62 minutes Subject priesthood, Offices & his experiences as Church Lawyer showing the inspiration of the Spirit in his professional work as well as in other lines.

12 January 1915 • Tuesday


Weather milder

All usually well.

Joel returned to his work this morning feeling much improved.

I made an appointment with Dr Stephen and met him at his office between 11 & 12 o’clock and had [p. 194] an external hemorrhoid removed. Went to Z.C.M.I. shoe factory and had some repairs made on my shoes. Worked at my desk what spare time I had.

13 January 1915 • Wednesday


All usually well.

Snowed in forenoon.

I went to Pres. Lyman’s office and assisted him in setting apart four missionaries to the Hawaiian Islands and one to Samoa Islands. I set apart the following:

Abigail A. Hintze Florence, Holliday, Utah to Hawaiian Islands with her husband.

Willard Lisbon Smith of Leavitt, Canada to Samoa.

Alice & I attended the “Captain Scott Expedition to South Pole[”] moving picture show which was interesting & instructive Attended my Circle meeting in the evening. Geo & Family spent the evening with us from 8 to 10 o’clock.

I worked at my desk a part of the day.

14 January 1915 • Thursday


All usually well.

I attended regular weekly Council meeting at the temple from 10 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Came home and went to work at my desk. Wrote an Article on “Mormonism a Positive Religion—Those opposing it are negative.”

Alice & I and Sarah with Chas. Price attended a social & banquet in the Bishop’s building in the evening. [p. 195] The Y.M.M.I.A. General Board entertained the members of the Y.L.M.I.A. Board and their escorts on both sides. A splendid affair.

15 January 1915 • Friday


All usually well.

Mama is getting better again of her eczema troubles. It is to be hoped it will be lasting and permanent cure this time.

Some snow fell last night. Coasting is good and many indulge in the passtime. Last evening a 13 yr old girl named Jensen was killed and a number of others injured. This is the second death from same cause here in the City this winter and more than twenty others more or less injured.

The Utah State legislature has been all the week trying to effect an organization. The fusionists consisting of the Democrats, the Progressives and the Populasts just equal the number of Republicans in House, but one Republican is challenged and the Republicans will not take part unless this member be admitted & permitted to take part in the organization & without the Republicans the Fusionists have no majority in the House hence can not proceed to business. The Senate is Republican.

I spent the forenoon home working at my desk and attended the funeral services of James Dwyer in the afternoon held in 17th ward meeting house Elder Geo. Albert Smith offered the invocation & Charles Felt the Benediction. [p. 196] The speakers were in order as follows: Pres C. W. Penrose, Elders James E Talmage & Heber J. Grant and Prest. A. H. Lund.

Returning home I continued my work at the desk. This is where I do most of my studying, pen in hand.

I wrote to my son LeGrand and to Aman Moore.

16 January 1915 • Saturday


I spent the forenoon at my desk and in the afternoon Alice and the two youngest children and I went out to Tooele. We stayed at our daughter’s, Nerva, & phoned up to Estella Lee and she & her husband came down and spent the evening with us to a late hour.

17 January 1915 • Sunday


Excepting Mothers’ eczema troubles, all are well. I attended Sunday School in Tooele North ward meeting house. Enrollment officers teachers, pupils & parents 313. Total in attendance 252 I addressed the school for about 15 minutes. Subject. Consider well before you speak. The tongue often gets one into trouble & often makes trouble for others. Read the Hymn “Nay speak no Ill” and recited “Don’t look for the flaws,” Which is greater sin to Steal or to bear false witness both forbidden by the Law of the Lord. The latter, Why! Story the Dandilines, the girl & the priest.

I attended theological department, 40 in attendance. [p. 197]

Brother Geo Lawrence & I visited Father Philip DeLaMare who is in his 92nd year and we blessed him and his daughter Lydia who is hands & feet & most every thing else to her father. I attended sacramental meeting in the South ward and was one of the speakers. Thomas Lougry a recently returned missionary being the other. He occupied 15 minutes & I about 45 minutes. There were three wagon missionaries in attendance and I addressed my remarks to them principally. After this meeting the wagon missionaries held forth in same house and I remained with others and heard them.

I called in Sam’l Lee’s home with Hyrum Lee & Geo. L. Tate and with Sam’l we blessed his baby and administered to his sick wife. He blessed the babe and named her Jane & I blessed his wife. I took supper and spent the evening at Estella Lees returning with my wife & children to my daughters to sleep.

18 January 1915 • Monday


All usually well.

Cold weather.

I spent the forenoon at my daughter Nervas and at 2:00 P.M. attended the funeral service of Peter Nelson held in the Tooele North ward meeting house and was one of the Speakers and occupied about 30 minutes with good liberty. Bro. Wm Cassity had read from D&C 76: and I showed [p. 198] how brother Peter Nelson’s life conformed to same. It did not say the wealth of this world was a condition neither did it say honor & applause of men was a qualification, nor high Church office. There is no ostentation about the Gospel nor in the life of Christ who is our exemplar. I listed the expressions made by the other Speakers, Pres Orme, Moroni England & Wm Cassity & read them.

After these services I went with Pres. C. A. Orme and inspected the New Administration building which has a steam heating plant which also, heats the Ninth ward Meeting house and heats the water for the faucet. It has a circle room, a room for the Stake Presidency & stake clerk, a room for the bishops of the two wards and a room for the High Council, vaults, toilet &c. An ornament to to those beautiful grounds.

With Bros C A Orme, J. W. Tate & Bp. Edward Atkin I visited the Son of John England home and administer to their sick child Rulen? England. We also visited brother C. R. McBride’s home & with him administer to his sick daughter Sadie. I sealed the anointing in each instance.

I visited Thomas Atkin in his home with his son Willard. I also visited Brother Geo. Speirs & wife at their home. He is 88 and she 86 yrs of age. I visited Sister Isgren widow of Andrew Isgren and blessed her. [p. 199]

I spent the evening at my daughter Nerva’s and Hyrum & Estella Lee came down and spent the evening with us. We had a very enjoyable time.

19 January 1915 • Tuesday


All usually well.

I took 10:37 A.M. train for home leaving Alice & children in Tooele for the day to visit friends.

Arriving in Salt Lake about noon I found I was wanted at Pres. Lymans office and repaired there at once where I was introduced to attorneys Jensen & Cheney a brother Moss and a brother Christensen who with Pres. Lyman, Geo A. Smith, O. W. Ivins & C. H. Hart were considering Erastus Christensen’s case of Manassa, Col. former Stake president now in durancevile having twelve counts charged against him.

I returned home about 3:30 P.M. Wrote up my journal, looked over correspondence &c. Wrote letters &c.

20 January 1915 • Wednesday


Weather moderating

All usually well.

I finished an article for the Liahona published in Independence, as a testimony.

I attended General Board meeting of Y.M.M. and my Circle meeting and after the Circle meeting I had a talk with Dr. Fred J. Pack a member of my Circle lasting about 90 minutes on Evolution &c. [p. 200]

21 January 1915 • Thursday


All usually well.

I attended weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 2:45 P.M. Clothes cleaned & prayed at altar. I reported conversation with Dr Fred J. Pack. His faith is solid and he is devoted to the Church but opposed to the Webb articles published in the Improvement Era.

I have appointment to attend the Pioneer Stake Conference next Sunday with Elder James E. Talmage and the Summit Stake Conference the week following with Pres. J. G. Kimball at Coleville.

Mama and I have about made up our minds to see the Panama Exposition fair at San Francisco and at San Pedro Cal. leaving home Mar. 1st. I this day spoke to Pres. Lyman about it and he gave his permission for my leave of absence for about ten days or two weeks.

I wrote to my daughter Nerva and to my son LeGrand.

Mother & I with Geo. & Joel & their wives attended the Orpheum show at night.

22 January 1915 • Friday


All usually well.

Coldest night of the Season.

I attended meetings of the Committee on Church School apportionment of funds for 1915–1916 from 10:30 to 1:15 and from 2:30 P.M. to 3:45 P.M. Adjourned until Wednesday next 10:00 A.M. [p. 201]

Alice & I went up to Joel’s and spent the evening. Geo. & Edith were there also. We had candy, apples, cake & sherbet and played flinch or rook.

23 January 1915 • Saturday


Very cold

I cleaned the ice off the walks, shut the water off and repaired tap &c. Worked at my desk and in the evening attended a meeting in the Assembly Hall held under the auspices of the vocations Committee of the Y.M.M.I.A. Bp. C. W. Nibley and Mr [blank] Spencer were the speakers, the former on Business as a vocation & the latter on Salesmanship as a vocation.

24 January 1915 • Sunday


Cold still

All usually well.

I attended the Pioneer Stake Conference at 10:00 A.M. held in their Stake House. I was one of seven speakers and occupied 20 minutes with good liberty. Subject. Religious convictions tend to restrain men from doing evil and to encourage them to be good & do good. I like to see non Mormons religious Comments on Ward teaching work, tithing & missionary work as it effects the Pioneer Stake.

Pres Lyman & Jas. E. Talmage were present & the latter spoke before me occupying 15 minutes. He & I had the appointment to this Conference & Pres. Lyman would not talk.

At 2:00 P.M. Conference in the [p. 202] Assembly Hall Prests. Lund & Lyman were present but the time was given to Elder Talmage & myself. I spoke first and occupied 30 minutes & Elder Talmage followed occupying 35 minutes. I spoke on the Subject of Example and the perfect law of the Gospel. Had good liberty. Attended evening conference meeting in the Pioneer Stake hall. Attendance 630. I added a few words in Conclusion and recited two verses from a poem by Longfellow to fit in to Bro. Talmage’s talk.

This night about 7:00 P.M. the water was shut off from our house presumably by freezing as Pres. Lymans pipes froze the last two nights.

25 January 1915 • Monday


All well.

Still cold.

Workmen working on our pipe line to thaw out the frozen pipes. Water shut off the house. About 6:00 P.M. we got the water again. I spent most all day studying the bible, its commentaries &c.

About 9:30 P.M. we discovered a leak in the pipe in basement and the coal room flooded. I shut off the hot water and that partly checked the flow. I changed cans or emptied cans during the night. I dare not shut the water off from the house for fear of freezing.

26 January 1915 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Weather moderating

Plumber came at 8:30 A.M. and put our water pipes in repair.

Completed arrangements to go to Provo. [p. 203] With Elders Grant & Ivins. went to Provo in the afternoon and met with the B.Y.U. officials and inspected their accounts and discovered that they have an indebtedness of $89,000. plus & how that indebtedness was incurred covering the period from 1907 to date.

27 January 1915 • Wednesday


Weather moderated.

All usually well.

I attended a meeting of the Church School Apportionment Committee from 10:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.

Attended Y.M.M. Bd. & Circle meetings.

28 January 1915 • Thursday


All usually well

Weather moderating.

Attended weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Received appointment to St John’s and Snowflake Stakes with Pat. H. G. Smith and have to leave Salt Lake Wed Feb. 3rd at 8:45 A.M. over the Salt Lake Route. I go to Summit for this week.

I attended some business at the Hist. Office. Obtained an itinerary of our Arizona trip, reserved births & made other arrangements.

On invitation of my son Joel, Mama & I, Geo. & Edith accompanied him and his wife to the Orpheum theatre in the evening.

29 January 1915 • Friday


All usually well

Weather moderated.

Aunt Annie Steeds daughter Lucy has staid with us the last two nights [p. 204] I made a trip down town. Paid up my Subscription to the Herald Republican for the past week until Jan. 30th and ordered its discontinuance for the present. This by way of retrenchment. Received manuscript of a discourse of mine delivered in the Assembly Hall Jan. 24th 1915. I looked it over and corrected & changed it in preparation for publication in the News.

I spent the entire day and evening at home except about an hour in going down town & back.

30 January 1915 • Saturday


Some snow fell.

All usually well.

With Pres. J. G. Kimball I left Salt Lake on 7:20 AM. train for Coalville Summit Stake to Attend Conference. On the train we met Charles B. Felt & Milton Bennion of the Sunday School Union Board who were enroute to same place to take part in the Stake S. School Conventions being held in Conjunction with the Stake Conference. We arrived in Coalville about 11:00 A.M. and went direct to the Stake tabernacle. Conference in Session. The S. School brethren did not go to the first meeting.

The attendance was light. The speakers were a representative of the High Priest quorum, Bro West of the Seventies & a Bro. Stevens of the Elders’ quorum and myself. I occupied 25 minutes, Subject. Service to our fellow men a part of the Gospel’s exactions upon us & Pure Religion.

At 2:00 P.M. the convention work was [p. 205] attended to. At 7:30 Convention work continued.

I attended a meeting of the High Council between the regular meetings. A busy day.

31 January 1915 • Sunday


Am well.

Attended Convention work at 9:00 A.M. And regular Conference meeting at 10:30 A.M. I spoke 15 min. Subject. Cooperation of teachers & parents.

At 2 P.M. I occupied 30 min. Subject. Necessity of works and there are no works without faith. How promote faith. 4:20 P.M. Seventies meeting We ordained one High Priest and 19 Seventies & set apart four presidents of Seventy. Did considerable counseling between. A very busy day.

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January 1915, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1915/1915-01