October 1907

1 October 1907 • Tuesday


I had an attack of LaGrip working on me and was quite sick but managed to attend the [p. 11] Quarterly conference of the Twelve from 10 A.M. until 4 P.M. Had an enjoyable meeting. Went home and without eating took Salts & went to bed. Put a pack on my nect [neck] and a wet cloth around my head. I had a good sweat and a fair nights rest and am improved.

2 October 1907 • Wednesday

Stormy weather

improved in health & went to Council meeting fasting. Remained in meeting from 10 A.M. to 3:30 PM. Broke fast at temple.

Geo. & Edith left for Chicago on Noon train. Alices Sister called anna & husband & two children came in the evening last evening. Estella Called to-day. Attended Circle meeting in the evening, ten present.

3 October 1907 • Thursday


We are all tolerably well.

I went to Farmington and attended a reunion of the Hess family and Spoke to them on Temple work.

4 October 1907 • Friday

Home. Weather fine. Health good.

I attended the forenoon and afternoon meetings of 78th Semi-annual Conference and a conference of the Seventies held in the [p. 12] Assembly rooms in the evening. Present 638 of the Twelve, Pres. F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, Geo Albert Smith & myself. Pres. B. H. Roberts did the speaking and stated that this is the first Seventies Conference held for 60 years. They will likely be held annually hereafter.

Speakers at Forenoon meeting were the Presidency in Afternoon Pres Lyman, J H Smith & H. J. Grant.

5 October 1907 • Saturday


I attended forenoon meeting of the conference. Speakers wer[e] Elders Rudger Clawson, Hyrum M. Smith and Geo. Albert Smith.

At afternoon session I was first speaker and was given 30 minutes and occupied 25 minutes. I made the people hear and spoke with spirit & freedon [freedom] Subject. Occasion for thankfullness to the Lord on part of the individual member & the whole people and occasion for encouragement. Growts [Growth]. 8th in America quoted from a Chicago Synosure [Cynosure] clipped from the News.

Elder O. F. Whitney occupied 75 minutes answering Bishop Spaulding of the Episcopal Church by special request of Pres. Smith previously made [p. 13]

I attended a general Priesthood meeting at the Large Tabernacle in the evening. Received the appointment to preside at the Overflow meeting tomorrow, Sunday, morning at the Assembly hall.

6 October 1907 • Sunday


Rained during forenoon.

An overflow meeting of Conference was held in the Assembly hall and in the forenoon and I presided.

The Speakers were Pres. Jos. E Robinson Pres. German E. Ellsworth, Pres. Jos. A McRae and Pres. John G. McQuarrie each talked about 25 minut[e]s and all spoke well.

In afternoon meetings were held in Assembly Hall & Barrett Hall. I attended the meeting in the Large Tabernacle. Pres Bennion of the Central States mission occupied about 17½ minutes followed by Pres. B. H. Roberts who dealt with the mali[g]ners and persecutors of our people & the retrobution which followed them. The Subject was treated in a masterly way, which called forth the complements of Pres. Jos. F. Smith

The Authorities were presented and Sustained. Bro. Anthony W. Ivins was sustained to fill the vacancy in the Quorum of the [p. 14] Twelve occasioned by the death of Bro. Geo. Teasdale. After the meeting the Presidency and the Twelve with Pres. Ivins repaired to the BeeHive where Bro. Ivins was instructed by Pres. Francis M. Lyman at the request of Pres. Smith the latter adding a few words which in Substance is as follows. The Twelve are the Special witnesses of Jesus Christ & Should be able to testify that he lives even as if he had been seen by them. Bro. Ivins was asked by Pres. F M Lyman if he was willing to accept of the Calling, which he by up lifted hand signified his willingness so to do.

All the Twelve were present except Elder Charles W Penrose who is in Europe presiding over that mission. We all put our hands on the head of Bro Ivins and President Joseph F. Smith with one hand only on his head ordained him an Apostle. In the evening I attended a conference of Sunday schools in the large Tabernacle.

7 October 1907 • Monday


I attended a special Priesthood meeting held in the Assembly Hall at 10 A.M. This day Frank [p. 15] D. Steed of Canada was operated upon at L.D.S. Hospittal and his appendix was removed.

Alice & I met with the Presidency and the Twelve & their wives at Pres. John R. Winder’s. I offered the closing prayr. The Tabernacle Choir serinaded him. Letters from LeGrand.

8 October 1907 • Tuesday


I attended a meeting of the Twelve and mission presidents from 10 A.M. until 2 P.M. and a missionary meeting from 2 until 4 P.M. I was mouth in setting apart the following:

Sister Lillian Vary Jones

Southern States

Bro. Heber L Layton


Wm Perkins


Edward Webb


Jos. Black

Central States

I attended a meeting of the Presidency & Twelve with Josepha [Iosepa] Colony People H. P. Richards John T. Cain, Wm Ferrill, F. S. Richards & Elmer Caldwell at Presidents office from 5 until 6:30 P.M. considering the proposition to pipe the waters of that Colony.

Folks pretty well. Letters from George

9 October 1907 • Wednesday


Attended Council of Presidency & Twelve in temple from 10 until 2 o’clock. [p. 16] Attended to some business down town. Called on my Mother. Attended my Circle meeting in temple at 6 P.M. 16 present. Alice & I attended a social at Elder Heber J. Grant’s where all the Presidency & Twelve were present except Elders Penrose Smoot & McKay, their wives & others. Pres. Smith dedicated the house Lunch was served and a good time generally was had until after 11 o’clock. Mailed letters to George & LeGrand.

10 October 1907 • Thursday


Weather pleasant. Folks moderately well. I remained home all day and read, wrote letters &c. Moved desk into dining room. Paid off bills &c. In the evening I attended the theatre an opera, with my wife.

11 October 1907 • Friday


Went down town and sent $20. to LeGrand. Spent most of the day at home.

12 October 1907 • Saturday


I took train L. A. S L & S P. Ry to Provo. Was met at Station by Lafayette Holbrook of the Utah Stake Presidency and went direct to tabernacle where Conference was in progress. Bro Brimhall was speaking, Bro. S. O. Bennion of the Central [p. 17] states being in the Congregation, was called to stand & he occupied about 30 min. I concluded with a talk of about 30 minutes, Subject. Order of authority in the church and necessity for reformation with the Authorities

In afternoon Bros. Keeler & Duffin and I were the Speakers. I spoke last & followed up my subject of the morning. Reformation from both ends. Commencing with those in authority and with the little children and work both ways. Necessity for good example by Authorities &c.

I returned on R.G.W. train in evening.

13 October 1907 • Sunday


I returned to Provo on AM R.G.W. train and attended a meeting of the Presidency & High Council at 9:30 & spoke to them. Advised them as to how they Should fill vacancies.

Attended 10 AM Conference meeting Pres. Jos. F. Smith & John Henry Smith were present. Elder Geo Albert Smith came in late. Pres. Smith spoke about 60 minutes Subject Resurrection & immortality of the Soul. Bro John Henry occupied about 10 minutes & the meeting closed.

At 2 P.M. meeting Bro Geo Albert Smith & I and Bro Holbrook did [p. 18] the Speaking. I had good liberty & occupied about 35 minutes Bro. Smith occupied about 15 minutes.

My Subject. Reference to Pres. Smith’s talk. His reading of the bible by the Spirit by which those wise sayings were spoken.

At Evening meeting of Mutual Bro Smith & I occupied most of the time. I spoke last and occupied about 35 minutes Subject Marriage. Bro. Smith’s Subject was Fashion. I attended Elders meeting & spoke.

I spent the night at Bro L. Holbrook.

14 October 1907 • Monday


I attended the B.Y.U. with Bro. Geo Albert Smith and we each addressed the Students. Bro Holbrook & I visited the Asylum. Returned home on evening S.P. train.

Sarah has been in bed most of the last two days with Lagrip. Others usually well.

At the Conclusion of the Mutual meeting Sunday night Bro Brimhall gave Bro Smith & me a high compliment. He said the School faculty had the previous night paid a lecturer $150. for delivering a lecture which was well worth the money but that our talks were of more real worth to the people than was the lecture referred to. [p. 19]

15 October 1907 • Tuesday


I worked all forenoon cleaning leaves off the lawn & irrigating same back and front. Met my sister Sarah Robinson at temple gate office at 1:25 P.M. and had half hour’s conference with her on a business matter & later She spent the evening at our home where the matter, her trouble, was further considered.

Attended Missionary meeting at temple annex at 2 P.M. and assisted in setting apart missionaries. Pres. John Henry Smith presided. I was mouth in setting apart the following.

Geo. W. Worthen of St George to Central <Western> States

Geo. M. James Southern States

Joseph W. Prince Central "2

LeRoy M. Morris, 11th Ward to California

I occupied about 20 minutes with great freedom instructing the missionaries.

Weather fine. Folks pretty well.

Borrowed 78.00 of Sister Asenath & Sent $75.00 to My Son George in Chicago.

163 October 1907 • Wednesday


I attended regular Council meeting in temple and circle meeting in the evening. Attended to some business in relation to my appointment. [p. 20] I was appointed to attend the San Luis Stake Conference at Manassa Col. Prof. Horace H. Cummings will accompany me. At Circle there were 15 in attendance.

17–18 October 1907


I attended to some business down town. Made ready to start to Manassas via of U.P. Ry. & Denver. Wrote letters to Sister Nerva & Bro. Fred.

Weather unsettled, Some rain. Left Salt Lake promptly at 6:15 PM. We had a wait of about three hours in Ogden, waiting on other trains belated so that we traveled on from three to four hours late time. We breakfasted at Rawlens after 11 A.M. Friday 18th. Should have been there at 8 A.M. Had good dinner at Ry hotel well served at a cost of 75¢. I busied myself reading church works Millennial Stars &c so that the time was profitably spent. Arrived at Cheyenne about 6 PM and had supper a good supper for 75¢. Continuing on, arrived at Denver 10:40 P.M. Learned that there is but one train daily to Alamosa & Romeo and that it leaves Denver at 8 P.M. So I went up to the Oxford Hotel and secured a bed. Had to take a double room i.e. a room with two rooms in the other bed being occu[p. 21]pied by a mining man whose name I did not learn.

19 October 1907 • Saturday

Denver. At Oxford Hotel.

I had a reasonably good night’s rest. On rising in the morning I went to depot 1/2 block distant and secured ticket & birth [berth]to Alamosa, then took breakfast at the Oxford and after breakfast took Denver Auto Sight Seeing trip of about (1:15) one hour & 15 minutes at a cost of 75¢.

Had my baggage moved into another room and there wrote up my journal and wrote Cards, read &c. About 2 P.M. I phoned up to the L.D.S. Mission headquarters, Elder Lamb of Farmington answered phone. Prest. Jos. A. McRae had arrived from the east Kansas City & Independence at 11 A.M. but was away from home. I left word for him to come down to the Oxford hotel which he did later & I accompanied him home to supper. He secured from Mr. Wadleigh of D. & R.G. transportation to Romeo & return. By invitation Pres. McRae accompanied me to Manassa.

Left Denver at 8 P.M. and arrived at Romeo, 3 miles from Manassa at about 9 AM. Put up at Pres. Helms [p. 22] We rode up from depot and back with one Bro. Daniels. We attended meeting at 10 A.M. Sunday school Session of the Conference of the San Luis Stake. Bro. McRae Spoke about 17 minutes and I concluded with a talk on duty of parents & officers to children 30 minutes. Good liberty. Looked through the new Church School building which is a thing of beauty and well furnished.

Attended afternoon meeting and Conjoint Mutual meetings and at both meetings both Bro McRae and I spoke averaging about 30 minutes each. At afternoon I read and commented upon the first verse of the hymn We thank thee Oh God for a Prophet: Page 166. The thought was suggested by a closing remark of Pres McRaes. Also complemented the people on the beauty & substantiality of their bublic [public] buildings & advised that the people follow the example and build nice homes and beautify same with flowers, good dispositions &c to be transmitted to their children &c.

At evening meeting I read the last few verses of Sec 38 D. & C. and commented on same. The young men & old should consider [p. 23] themselves teachers. You get the spirit of the work by working.

Warned the Young people against Sin & consequent sorrow & remorse & encouraged pure living and consequent happy lives and Eternal life in the world to come. Had good liberty & the Assistance of the Lord. We took Supper with Sister Dalton. Train left Romeo at 6:00 6:55 P.M. and we reached Denver about 9 A.M. The U P from Kansas City had also been late but left the Station about 15 minutes before our arrival which necessitated my remaining over until 7 A.M. tomorrow 22 hours with a possibility of being late getting in.

Pres McRae & I called on Mr. Wadleigh of the D. & R.G. also on a couple other friends of Pres McRae’s.

Met Elder Willard McLaws who seems to be enjoying his mission work. Took a bath. Wrote up my Journal from Sat last, read the papers &c. Had nice visit in evening with Pres. Jos. Alexander McRay.

22 October 1907 • Tuesday


Pres. J. A. McRay accompanied me to train bound for home. Left Denver at 7 A.M. Arrived home Wed. Morning 9:53 [p. 24]

23 October 1907 • Wednesday

Went direct to the temple where I met with my brethren of the Presidency & Twelve. Attended my circle meeting at 6 P.M. My health good, also the health of my family. Weather is pleasant.

I wrote letters to my sons George, LeGrand and to my brother Fred.

24 October 1907 • Thursday


I spent the day home except a couple of hours spent visiting my mother. Alice with me.

25 October 1907 • Friday

Home. I spent the forenoon at home Attended a missionary meeting at temple annex at 2 P.M. and assisted in setting apart and instructing missionaries.

I was mouth in Setting apart the following.

Lawrence Ray Peterson

Gt. Britain

John Spackman

Gt. Britain

John Henry Moser

Germany & Switzerland

Robert D. Lowe

Gt. Britain

Met Bro. Wm Seymour Smith at the annex after setting apart missionaries he being one of them set apart. Went with him to make his purchases and took him home with me [p. 25] to supper. It is he who drove me from Glendale to Hatch to overtake the mail wagon and with whom I took up a labor to get him to quit his tobacco. Later I by request of Pres Smith handed in his name for a mission and here he is in answer. Folks well. Weather pleasant. I instructed the missionaries also.

I resolved to read the Church works through Commencing with the Book of Mormon. Have read the Pearl of Great Price through once on way from Big Horn and I do not know how many times before. Do not remember if I have read either of the other books of the Standard works through but have read much of them through many times. Read 20 pages of B. of Mormon this evening 1st 20 pages.

26 October 1907 • Saturday


I read from Book of Mormon in forenoon. Attended Matinee in the Afternoon with Alice & Nina. “The Merchant of Venice.” I enjoyed it emensely. Read papers &c.

27 October 1907 • Sunday


Attended Pioneer Stake Confer[p. 26]ence in Stake hall at 10 A.M. in the Large Tabernacle at 2 P.M. and at the Stake Hall again at 6:30 P.M. At morning meeting the Pres. lift [left] 30 minutes for Pres S. B. Young & me. Bro Young occupied the time At Tabernacle I occupied 40 min. Subject. training of children. Invironment &c At evening meeting I occupied 30 minutes. Subject. The Gospel a common cause. We should be willing to lay our substance at the feet of the bishop, as well as our time. If our life is required it should not be too much to give. Any thing less which may be needed should be given freely.

28 October 1907 • Monday


I this day read 140 pages of the Book of Mormon, read News & Intermountain &c. Folks well. Weather pleasant.

29 October 1907 • Tuesday


I attended Missionary meeting at the Annex of temple and assisted in Setting apart and instructing missionaries. Forty six were set apart. I set apart the following.

Karl N Skanchy.

to Scandinavia.

Rudolph Nels Holmes

"4 Sweden

Lars J. Larson

" Sweden. [p. 27]

John E. Hanks

Switzerland & Germany

Jens C. Christensen


I this day read 105 pages in the Book of Mormon. Also registered at the City Election Reg. Office &c.

30 October 1907 • Wednesday


I attended Regular Council meeting at 10 A.M. Religion Class meeting at 4 P.M. and Prayr Circle at 6 P.M. 16 present at Circle. I read 75 pages in Book of Mormon. Wrote to my Son LeGrand & mailed same.

31 October 1907 • Thursday


I attended a Committee meeting of Monument Vermont Co.

Read 128 pages in Book of Mormon. Visited my mother.

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October 1907, George F. Richards, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1907/1907-10


  1. [1]Ditto marks here and in the next two lines for “Southern States”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “States”.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “15” before writing “16” over it.

  4. [4]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “to”.