November 1888

1 November 1888 • Thursday

Tooele Fred & I hunted horses on bottoms & in the cañons.

2 November 1888 • Friday

Hunted horses in Settlement cañon

3 November 1888 • Saturday

Hunted horses in Settlement & Middle <Cañon> [p. 154] Sam’l McIntyre sent and got thirty-six Gallaway cattle.

4 November 1888 • Sunday

Tooele City F. W. R. & I took galloway bull that was left behind in mistake and over took McIntyre’s men. F. W. R. drove bull while I went on 25 miles down the valley and brought men back to get bull. Snowed all day & blowed most of the day.

5 November 1888 • Monday

Received a telephone message from Frank Steed of Farmington saying Eugene Robinson is dead to be buried at 2 P.M. tomorrow 6th. Alice, Georgie & Joel went to Farmington on cars to attend funeral. I went up Settlement cañon Right hand Kelsey and got two of our horses and one of George’s Lymans. Got wet through.

6 November 1888 • Tuesday

Took Oren Skelton with me and went into the mountains hunting horses. Talked with Abram through the telephone about price of horses as let to F. W. R.

7 November 1888 • Wednesday

Settled Territorial, School & County taxes. P’d for Co. Script, put in two window lights, repaired roof to cellar, had apples picked. Sent a man to help drive horses for F. W. Richards

8 November 1888 • Thursday

Did the regular chores, Met Alice at [p. 155] the station on her way home from attending the funeral of her brother Eugene who died at West Weber Sunday a.m. Nov. 4th & was buried in Farmington grave yard Tuesday Nov. 6th 1888. Looked over apples, took field glasses home & saw Tyson Gallagher about doing some work on what he is owing us; saw Skelton about Lumber. Arranged with Jno. Icegreen about doing some work for hay &c.

9 November 1888 • Friday

Tooele City Wrote three letters, did the regular chores. Had load of hay taken to Jno. Icegreen. Had brush hauled off from hedge north of Dunn’s. Had poles hauled to fence west of Barn yard and hauled old material away.

10 November 1888 • Saturday

Made fence on west side of yards and took down fence used as a schute. Received letter from A. F. D. with check enclosed for $25.00 to pay debts.

11 November 1888 • Sunday

Sunday, staid home all day, read News paper & Story of the Bible. Started to meeting and turned back on seeing a squaw begging from house to house lest she should go to our house and give the children a scare. [p. 156]

12 November 1888 • Monday

Tooele City Put up fence west of yards, Started two men to plowing sage land in east field. Bought city script at 75¢ on the $100 & paid City taxes

13 November 1888 • Tuesday

Had G. R. Jr. & O. Skelton plowing sage land. T. Horman finished fence west of yards and labored on fences south of yards & East of work shop. Raked up around stacks, repaired wheelborrow & threaded bolts.

14 November 1888 • Wednesday

Put up fence south of yards. Had T. Horman helping me & two hands plowing sage land in east field with four horses.

15 November 1888 • Thursday

Finished chicken coop, caught chickens & put in coop. cleaned up & did the regular chores. Wrote to Minerva.

16 November 1888 • Friday

Arranged to have Jno. Marsden make gates & furnish lumber on account of what he is owing us. Had T. Horman digging post holes and digging up posts. Other two finished plowing between two ditches in east field. I went with Vick & cart up to Parkers saw mill to see about lumber, went to see Jno. Icegreen, put up fence &c.

17 November 1888 • Saturday

Pulled sage, went & saw Jno. Marsden about making gates on account. Had Bill Elk[p. 157]ington look at the house with a view of repairing it, dig the regular chores &c. cut children’s hair and had mine cut by Elkington. stormed in afternoon.

18 November 1888 • Sunday

Attended meeting, spent the remainder of the day and evening at home.

19 November 1888 • Monday1

Met Mother & Aunt Alice at station. Went and saw Martin about buying some land. Went to see about buying c[e]dar post. Took Mother around in the cart to see the place.

20 November 1888 • Tuesday

Contracted for 250 posts @ 15¢ ea. Did the regular chores sharpened saw, started men to plowing & pulling sage in east field.

21 November 1888 • Wednesday

Finished sharpening large saw, set the saw, sawed wood, tore down lumber schute made by Hobbs. Had boys plowing sage land in east field and pulling sage. Mother and Auntie still with us. Weather fine.

22 November 1888 • Thursday

Did the regular chores, pulled & burned sage, Sent a load of hay to Wm Bracken at Stockton: Took Mother and Auntie Alice to the Station on their way home. [p. 158]

23 November 1888 • Friday

Tooele City Did the regular chores and pulled and burned brush.

24 November 1888 • Saturday

Attended to the regular work of caring for animals, cleaned out stables and did regular Saturdays work.

25 November 1888 • Sunday

Tooele Attended meeting and in response to a call by the Bp. occupied 40 minutes talking to the people.

26 November 1888 • Monday

Tooele City Was set apart as a visiting Teacher in the Tooele Ward, at a meeting of the Ward teachers held in the Vestry in the evening.

27 November 1888 • Tuesday

Attended a lecture given by the Rev. Methodist Minister Jayne from Ogden the subject being the True character of God and the abserdities of Infidelity.

28 November 1888 • Wednesday

Having part of the material on the ground, commenced the plastering of the house on outside, Hauled lime sand &c.

29 November 1888 • Thursday

Continued the work of Plastering. Had men at work plowing & clearing sage in east field. [p. 159]

30 November–1 December 1888

Tooele City Had plasterer here, also carpenter putting cornice on house and others plowing sage land. <Dec 1> Received of Jno. Southworth the first sack of 1000 lbs. of flour ordered @ $2.50 per c.w.t. Attended Y.M.M.i.a. and became a member of that association and subscribed for the first set of 5 books recommended to the Young people. <Pd 180 lbs flour Fast donations.>

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November 1888, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]On the previous line, Richards apparently made a false start to the entry, writing “Met”. He did not erase this word or cross it out.