September 1901

1 September 1901 • Sunday

With same team carriage & company as yesterday I went to Grantsville & attended S S Con. Spoke in Afternoon meeting. Returned home before dark. Fasted until after meeting & took dinner with Prest. Anderson.

2 September 1901 • Monday

Made Aug. report to U L Co. & issued ck to cover sales & collections. Issued bills &c. Made ready & went with George to Town by train where I started him to School at S. L. B. College. He & I by Courtesy of Prof. Nelson slept at Boarding house

3 September 1901 • Tuesday

Completed arrangements for school. Secured a boarding place for George at 3.00 per week at Mr. Richardson’s between 4th & 5th South 2nd West. He & I slept at Sarah’s.

4 September 1901 • Wednesday

Returned home from City by train in A.M. Had a couple of shoes put on my horses & hauled a load of straw from W. field.

5 September 1901 • Thursday

I took 8 sacks wheat to Mill & got chopped Took black Cow & twin calves to canyon & drove others farther up. Returned & brought cracked wheat from mill. Finished work on Switch wheel at Shop & put it on header & sent header to field for winter by Joel. Legrand & Joel has been plowing at W. field all this WK.

6 September 1901 • Friday

Windy. I pulled weeds. Sold peaches, Sold to John England all our pigs for 105.00 Figured with F. D. Horman on wire fence Geo. Horman called to See about buying an attachment.

7 September 1901 • Saturday

Took team & carriage & went to Grantsville & attended Stake Priesthood Meeting & High Council. One Mr. [blank] of G. Was cut off Church [p. 81] for apostacy. I made opening remarks at Priesthood Meeting. Prest Gowans & his daughter Betsy & B. L. Bowen rode with me & we put up & C L Anderson’s.

8 September 1901 • Sunday

Took my team & Prest. Gowans with me & we went to St John where we attended School & meeting & a council meeting with Bishoprick & Bro Draper. I spoke at each & between School & Meeting administered a blessing to Sister Hooper Bro. Larkin scribe. Returned home in dark arriving near eleven oclock P.M.

9 September 1901 • Monday

I delivered to Jno England Jr. with his help 30 pigs sold him. Hauled straw from west field.

10 September 1901 • Tuesday

Got Bummer shoed & went to Canyon. & gathered up our cattle all except Duke & took them up into Left hand Kelsey near the Head. Peter Clegg, C. R. McBride & Alex McLaws were along. U. S. Cline staid with us over night.

11 September 1901 • Wednesday

I delivered lumber to Garvin & to Town Trustees at Stockton & hauled load of straw from west field. Did some writing in the evening.

12 September 1901 • Thursday

I wrote letters, sold lumber, showed up Attachments, got two shoes put on Paddy horse Ordered Car of lumber also by Kirk extras for O C plows. Took Mama to dentists & for a ride. Called on Aunt Alice Watt at Aunt Polly’s. Collected on Droubay Bros. note 32.50 & collected accounts.

13 September 1901 • Friday

Hauled straw & attended to Sundry odd jobs Attended theatre in evening. Geo & Willard S. came on wheel.

14 September 1901 • Saturday

Sold lumber & fruit. Went to dentists with Alice & spent 3 hrs there. Hauled a load of straw & went to the theatre at evening [p. 82]

15 September 1901 • Sunday

Home I made ready & went to Mercur by team Prest. G. & Nerva accompanying me. Attended School & spoke there, attended evening meeting & spoke each 30 min. Between we administered to a little girl having st. vitus & to a his mother & to a little boy having Inflamitory rheumatism. Staid at Jos. Lees.

16 September 1901 • Monday

Returned home in morning time 2¾ hrs. Helped move things, went to field & filled ticks &c preparing for boarders Mr. Ridges & Miss squires.

17 September 1901 • Tuesday

Got Dick horse shoed new all around. Sold three attachments as follows. to Geo. Horman $10.00 cash 10.00 worth Drilling 25 A., to Geo Remington 20.00 Worth drilling 50 A, to Thos Horman 20.00 worth work carpentering building fence &c. Bought some vegetables &c sold lumber to Sund. Persons.

22 September 1901 • Sunday1

Took my team, accompanied by Prest. Gowans, B L Bowen & My Son Legrand went to Grantsville & attended two conventions of Y. M. M. & a lecture by B. F. Grant in evening & returned home later in evening.

28 September 1901 • Saturday

Attended Priesthood meeting at Tooele & Presided. Prest. Gowans & Anderson not there. Had a good meeting. Richards & Sarah Smith visited us. Bp Stookey took dinner with us.

29 September 1901 • Sunday

Having neglected my Journal since 17th inst. I now write what intervenes since that date. During that time I have worked in the lot weeding & caring for fruit &c. Sold an attachment to Wm Sharp & one to Alvera Lindholm. Sold lumber & Sundry odd jobs. Folks well & happy. Have Miss Squires & Bro. Ridges with us as boarders since Sept. 16th. @ 3.50 each pr week.

30 September 1901 • Monday

Worked in garden pulling weeds.

Made monthly report to Lum. Co. Issued bills to parties owing &c. [p. 83]

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September 1901, George F. Richards, accessed February 13, 2025


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Thu” before crossing it out and writing “Sunday”.