March 1896

1 March 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather Stormy about six inches of snow fell.

President Gowans accompanied me with my team & buggy & we started out in a heavy snow storm for Grantsville where we attended School & Ward Conference. I spoke at both and after meeting gave blessings to Bro Prouse & wife Leroy Anderson acting as Scribe. Returned home at 7:30 P.M. Lucena was crying with pain from gathering in the head. I administered to her & she went to sleep under my hands, & rested pretty well all night.

2 March1 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather moderate.

I called on Apostle Lyman, wrote my Brother Fred., made Ranch report for Feb. month, sold hay to Kirk & to Haynes &c. In the evening I gave blessings to Susannah Dunn & to John Haynes & son John. Administered to my little girl Lucena she being sick. She seemed to rest well through the night but breathed very rapidly. [p. 39]

3 March 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather stormy

I have a boil on my foot & can scarce wear my shoe. I sold hay, took the tomb stone to Amy’s grave up to Cemetery John Dunn having been gilding it Took care of Lucena she being quite sick. Finished making Ranch report & issued bills to parties owing. Wrote letters to Mother, Stephen & Nerva. Did some recording. Read the News &c. Recorded Alma Lee’s blessing.

4 March 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy all day. Snow & wind. Our little girl Lucena was very sick during the night.

I sent for Prest Gowans who assisted me in administering to Lucena & I accompanied him down to John S. Lee’s where we administered to his wife. Called at Transcript office, store, Post office & Dr. Davis’ office where I got medicine for Lucena fever powders. I held Lucina and read most of the afternoon finishing the Book Mr Durant of Salt Lake By Ben E. Rich. Recorded John S. Lee’s blessing given on 22nd ult. Administered to Lucena & Ruby. [p. 40]

5 March 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather clear snow drifted. I had Ed. Green & James Howell working in my place while I was laid up with boil on foot & nursing our sick children. Lucena is better Ruby about same. Letter from Sister Nerva. I recorded three five blessings & did some reading. Bro Craner called on me. Adminstered to Ruby.

6 March 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather cold, some wind Our children still sick with colds & my foot still painful. I had Edward Green & James Howell working in my stead, hauling manure I read a sermon by Wilford Woodruff, read from Voice of Warning, Ben Herr &c.

Wrote cards to Stephen, Nerva & Fred.

7 March 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

Had James Howell working in my place while I was laid up with lame foot and nursing babies who were sick. Bro. Wm. S. Marks called on us also Apostle Lyman. He informed me that Ezra Richards had to go back to Zea Zea Land [New Zealand?] to take charge of the mission. Also informed me of Apostle Moses Thatcher’s & Prest. of Seventies, B. H. Roberts [p. 41] attitud[e] towards Church Presidency & Twelve which if they do not yield will put them without their Quorums if not without the Church. I read from Voice of Warning & from Ben Her. Administered to the Children.

8 March 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasand [pleasant]. Snowed in the night several inches.

I was laid up with boil on my foot otherwise I should have gone to Mercur to see about organizing a ward with Prests’ Gowans & Anderson. For same reason I could not attend Stake Priesthood at Grantsville the day before. Y.M.M.I. Conference was held here at Tooele in afternoon & evening.

Our children being unwell I assisted in their care and read & wrote all day & in the evening. Baby had a very restless night. I adminstered to her with good effect.

9 March 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I sold & loaded four loads of hay. Went to Mill & got flour & bran. My wife accompanied me & we went up to Cemetery.

I took my family sleigh over to my lots & took box & off & put box trimming gear under granary. Received letter from Nerva ask[p. 42]ing advice in regard to buying land of Stephen on note account & selling to Stephen Charles Miller on 5 year’s time. I answered both in the evening. Babies seem to be resting pretty well this evening 10:45 P.M. C. L. Andersen Called to see me to-day on his way from Mercur where he & Prest Gowans had been to organize a branch of the Church.

10 March 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I sold three loads of hay, got horses Shoe tightened, got potatoes & barley from tithing office & oats & wheat from granary. Assisted in Confirming Alvin Orme about to start on a mission for Australia. Gave a Patriarchal blessing to Rose Feller & recorded the blessing.

11 March 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I had another Shoe tightened on Cloud Hauled a couple of loads of sand into old Cellar, hauled hay into barn, killed Sick cow &c. In the evening I gave a blessing to Mary Adaline Dunn Mailed letters to Abram & to WA McIntosh to-day. [p. 43]

12 March 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I drug cow off. Sold & loaded two loads of hay & hauled five loads of dirt into the Cellar. In the evening I did my usual writing and recorded Addie Dunn’s blessing Letter from Fred.

13 March 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine in morning cold & storm looking afternoon.

I hauled dirt in Cellar. J. D. McIntosh & wife called from train & staid until about 6 P.M. when I. J. Neddor called took supper & took them home. While here I gave him & wife blessings and in the evening recorded both blessings.

14 March 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled dirt & sand & cleaned up stack & barn yards, sold two loads of hay. Attended to Some business with Bp Atkin. Assisted J. A. Bevan in administering to Callie DeLaMar’s baby. Shaved, bathed & read in the evening.

15 March 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I went to Lake View & put up team & took din[p. 44]ner with Bp. J. G. Shields, Alice & baby accompanied me. Attended School in morning and Ward Conference in Afternoon. Spoke at both & attended to the Ward Conference business. All passed off smoothly except that in Presenting the Name of H. C. Hansen for Supt. of Sunday Schools School the vote was divided 21 for & 17 against. After meeting I accompanied Bro Walter Adamson home and administered to his wife. Bp Shields anointed & I sealed the anointing. Called on Elijah Spray & looked through his new house. Arrived home at 7 P.M. took supper, got som[e] Hyposulphate of Soda from Drugstore & prepared blood purifying medicine. Wrote in Journal & wrote to Abram. Read a while & retired

16 March 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather clowdy in forenoon & rained most of afternoon. I repaired fences, Went over to my field and loaded hay to Bp. J. G. Shields & measured up plowing. Attended to Some business down town. Wrote to Mother in the evening and enclosed my ck $15.00 for int. from J. B. Bowden. Examined plans for buildng &c. [p. 45]

17 March 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I repaired fence, sold hay and attended to Some business down town. Had a good talk with Apostle Lyman at Prest. Gowan’s Office. Prest. Anderson called & took dinner with us. His daughter Hortense was with him.

18 March 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Cold freeding [freezing] nights.

I repaired finces [fences] all day. In the evening I gave a blessing to Charles Alvin Orme who was about to leave home for a mission to Australia. Also recorded the blessing & wrote letters to Alice Ann, Asenath, Stephen & Nerva asking for family names & geneologies to record in Family record. Administered to My son George for Catarrah Cure. He had immediate relief.

19 March 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I loaded a load of hay for Stockton & sent over by Edward Green. Sold hay to sundry persons, attended to some business downTown. Retired early [p. 46] in the evening having severe cold lame shoulder & boil on the leg all of which made me feel quite miserable.

20 March 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I sold hay, hauled manure, cleaned up stack yards &c. In the evening I attended Alvin Orme’s fare well mission party & made a brief speech. Alice accompanied me. J. A. Bevan & I were called out & went and administered to Sister Susannah Garner who was in confinement.

21 March 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant Clowdy. I repaired fence; grubbed locusts in apricot orchard &c. Abram & Polly came at 7 P.M. Sat up until after 11 P.M.

22 March 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I had an appointment with Wm Spry to preach at Mercur to-day but on learning that abram would be out yesterday, I telephoned Bro. Spry who promised to fill the Appointment. I showed Abram about the place and then hitched up team and took folks [p. 47] to Basin pasture to see the horses. Abram left here about 2 P.M. I bathed, took a nap and attended the evening meeting held under the auspices of the Sunday School. A very good meeting with much Book of Mormon information dispensed.

23 March 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I sold two loads of hay & 1200 lbs baled hay. Repaired stackyard fence on the North Side. Put gates in two of the bins in my granary for drawing off grain. Spent the evening writing. Recorded names of dead & temple work done for them.

24 March 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I hauled wheat to mill in forenoon. In the afternoon I sold three loads of hay at stack & delivered one load to Miller. Recorded names of dead & temple work in the evening

25 March 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Warm.

I sold several loads of hay, measured land, plowed &c. Had several plows running in E. field contract work.

Had shoes put on Clouds front feet. [p. 48]

In the evening I wrote a brief geneology of my mother. J. P. S. kelton called on me.

26 March 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather stormy afternoon & windy in the evening. I sold two loads of hay, harrowed in South field, bought sack of sugar at Vowles for $6.50 In the evening I gave a blessing to John Thomas Murray & recorded it.

27 March 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather stormy. I sold hay, hauled out limbs from apricot orchard; burned brush, harrowed & measured land South field. In the evening I took Bro. Gillespie with me & went down & administered to Bro. Geo. Horman. Consecrated a bottle of oil while there.

28 March 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather Stormy part of the day. I had my boy leveling & harrowing & Legrand & Joel helping Patrick Skelton gather up rocks & haul off lucern grounds. I sold several loads of hay & loaded them. Called on Bro. Lyman & Bro Gowans. Talked up Rail Road meeting for evening & got a banner painted [p. 49] put it on a frame & paid boys for carrying it around the streets. In the evening we had a large attendance at the New School house. I had my say with others & was appointed one of five a committee to look up items of inducement to present to Ry. officials.

29 March 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I took my team & buggy, Prest. Gowans with me, went to Batesville via. Lake View leaving a call for R.R. meeting following evening. Attended school & meeting at Batesville Ward Conference in afternoon. Prest Anderson & Bp. Atkin were present. I occupied about 30 minutes. In the evening I attended the meeting at Tooele under the auspicies of the Dist. Schools & offered the closing prayr.

30 March 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather stormy & Cold. I sold three loads of hay and in the afternoon delivered 102 bu. of wheat to the mill In the evening I took team & C. R. McBride accompanying me went to Lake View & attended a Ry. meeting of the Citizens of that place; returned in a Snow Storm. [p. 50]

31 March 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cold. several inches of snow on ground in the morning. I sold seven loads of hay and made March report. In the evening I attended City Council meeting & drafted a resolution which the Council passed granting right of way through streets & public grounds for depot purposes for the Deep Creek road

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March 1896, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Feb” before crossing it out and writing “March”.