June 1900

1 June 1900 • Friday

At Sarahs

S. L. City This being Brigham Young’s 99th birth day aniversary I went to the services at tabernacle though I was late and in after noon went to Salt air & attended the Services there. I walked up the Side Walk with Prest. Lorenzo Snow. Asked if a picture of Dr Willard Richards could have place in the temple. His reply was yes certainly. Staid at Sarahs at Night. Had a good visit with Mother & Seney & Saw Sister Nerva a few moments.

2 June 1900 • Saturday

Weather threatening

S L City I came home on morning train & Morgan’s hack did some writing, Went down to my west farm to See the grain & found it suffering from drouth.

Geo. had commenced to Cut the Lucern on Friday June 1, 1900. [p. 10]

3 June 1900 • Sunday

Home I took my team and buggy and Prest H. S. Gowans accompanied me to E.T. where we attended School & meeting and at each spoke to the people present & bore testimony. Between School & Meeting went over to Bp Moss’ & administered Patriarchal blessing to his Grand Son Wm F. Moss. Copied same & left copy with him. Attended Conjoint Mutual meeting in Tooele in the evening. Geo. read the Inteligencer which he had edited & Nerva delivered a lecture on Authority.

4 June 1900 • Monday

Home The boys & I worked in the hay all day.

5 June 1900 • Tuesday

Continued hay making

6 June 1900 • Wednesday

Continued hay making & irrigated lot. finished the cutting & making of lucern hay & brought home two loads in evening.

7 June 1900 • Thursday

Hauled four loads hay


8 June 1900 • Friday


Home I took family up to Angel’s grove in Middle Canyon it being the Sunday School outing. I also took Sister Marks, her Mother & Brother & Florence Fraser up by Special trip. Had an enjoyable time

91 June 1900 • Saturday

Home Weather threatening & some rain but we hauled the 4ore loads of hay just the same.

10 June 1900 • Sunday

Home Weather cool last night pleasant today.

One of our calves died last night. I took team & carriage & went to Batesville Prest. & Bet[sy] Gowans & Mrs James Dunn accompanied me. We attended school & I talked We all went to Bp. Orme’s to dinner by request. Prest. Anderson also was at meeting. I occupied 40 min with freedom. [p. 11]

11 June 1900 • Monday

Cool at night. Warm days.

Home I started George to mowing my wheat on west farm for hay. The other boys & I finished the lucern hauling of which in all we had 15 loads.

12 June 1900 • Tuesday

Threatening weather

Home I hauled two loads of wheat hay from west farm.

13 June 1900 • Wednesday

Rained in afternoon a few minutes

Home I hauled a load of wheat hay from west field & had two horses shoed (Sailer & Pete) Went to mill &c. Irrigated lot & furrowed out potatoes.

14 June 1900 • Thursday

Threatening weather

Home I hauled two four horse loads of wheat hay in basket rack from west field. Legrand & Joel assisted me & George continued the cutting. In the evening I wrote to My Mother & to Dr. H. J. Richards

15 June 1900 • Friday

Home Continued haying.

16 June 1900 • Saturday

" "2 Took a load Of wheat hay to Prest Gowans on tithing acct.

17 June 1900 • Sunday

Home I attended School, meeting & Circle Spoke about 30 min. in meeting Called to see Sister Sarah Adams who is sick, Alice accompanied me Bro. Marks & wife & mother-in-Law called on us in the evening. I accompanied Bp Atkin, by request, to see the Relief hall in view to decide how it shall be repaired whether by plastering or weather board.

18 June 1900 • Monday

Home Hauled hay turned in on tithing 3500 lbs.

19 June 1900 • Tuesday

Continued haying wheat hay.

20 June 1900 • Wednesday

Weather hot.

I used irrigation water from 3 AM. & helped unload hay two loads in forenoon [p. 12] In afternoon not feeling well I let the boys go after hay & I fixed up the mower &c. Went to bed nearly sick.

21 June 1900 • Thursday

Weather very hot 85° in house

Home I not feeling well remained in doors, wrote to Mother, to Bro. Fred & to Bro C. C. The the three boys went after hay with two wagons. tire run off one wagon & broke wheel. &c.

22 June 1900 • Friday

Weather hot

I hauled two loads hay in forenoon with Joel & Legrand’s help. In afternoon Geo McLaws helped me & we hauled two more loads. wheat hay from west field.

23 June 1900 • Saturday

Hauled four loads hay & finished cutting and raking wheat with boys help & Geo McLaws. Paid Jno England $34.00 in hay on account.

24 June 1900 • Sunday

Attended school here in Tooele & meeting at Lakeview & spoke 43 min at latter place. Had good freedom. Prest G. followed me.

25 June 1900 • Monday

Hauled four loads of hay from west field which finished the Wheat hay hauling. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Settlement Canyon water owners at which the board of Trustees were authorized to expend not to exceed $300. what means is necessary to secure our rights in Settlement Canyon.

26 June 1900 • Tuesday

Put header boxes on wagons & brought header & boxes from field & worked on same repairing.

27 June 1900 • Wednesday

Took the irrigating water at 3 A.M. Attended to the irrigating & repaired header.

28 June 1900 • Thursday

Weather extremely warm.

Home I finished repairs on header & commenced heading wheat at my west field. Folks well. [p. 13]

29 June 1900 • Friday

Weather warm.

Home Continued heading my grain

30 June 1900 • Saturday

Weather cooler. Continued heading all day. Uncle Henry Robinson & wife and 3 of their children came by team

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June 1900, George F. Richards, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1900/1900-06


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “6” before writing “9” over it.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Continued haying.”