1 October 1910 • Saturday


Nina and I went with Edna Moselle to the Large tabernacle faunt where she with others was baptized by Robert Cameron. Was there from 10 to 10:45 A.M.

Attended a meeting of the Twelve in Council Chamber of Bps. building from 11 to 1:30 o’clock at which [ecclesiastical title and last name redacted] was examined. Attended a second session from 3 to 3:45 P.M. at which [ecclesiastical title and last name redacted] of Bountiful was examined.

My Son LeGrand & wife and babe arrived about 6 P.M. from Portland having come home to Stay. They with George & Edith spent an hour or so with us in the evening.

I called and saw Pres. Smith and obtained authority to Solemnize the marriage of Marcia Knowlton my niece and Dr. Howels in the temple Also spoke to him about letters sent by Pres. Ballard asking that the mission of my son Joel be changed from Great Britain to N.W. States. Pres. Smith said if I would assist Pres. Ballard to get a good bookkeeper [p. 11] and succeed, it would be all right. My health good. Alice is much improved. Others well.

2 October 1910 • Sunday


I attended temple fast meeting in the morning and after meeting I invited Elder Heber J. Grant to accompany me and we went to 212 E.S.T. St. to see and administer to Bro. Alma Larson. He happened to be out having gone to the Doctor’s for treatment of his eyes so we did not get to See him.

I called on my way home and saw my mother who has been feeling poorly for a few days but who is now feeling some better.

I attended to my fast and gave offerings both at temple and ward fast meetings. At ward fast meeting I bore testimony. At this meeting I confirmed my daughter Edna Moselle a member of the church. I met the bishopric of the [ward name redacted] ward with brother Edward T. Ashton of the Salt Lake Stake presidency at the ward house at 6 P.M. and considered with them the case of Elder [blank] who had recently returned from Scandinavia and who was cut off by Elder Clawson & others for committing fornication on his own confession. I [p. 12] learned that at the fast meeting this day he voluntarily made full confession of his guilt and was excommunicated forgiven by the people and nearly all the people of that meeting shook hands with him after the close of the meeting. According to instructions given me I instructed the Bishopric to baptize him and I would confirm him and seal upon him all his blessings & ordinations lost through excommunication which pleased all present.

I attended the Conjoint mutual meeting in 15th ward at 6:30 and by appointment occupied the time of 10 one hour. Subject. The making of the man and the development of character, touched athletics.

After meeting I went with my Son LeGrand & wife & babe to Bro. Ashtons & spent about an hour and LeGrand & Ina drove me home in a buggy.

Folks well & weather fine.

3 October 1910 • Monday


Franklin D. Steed my brother-in-law came to my home before 9 o’clock and counseled with me in regard to his affairs and the ad[p. 13]visability of his taking a short mission. I told him that if his health would admit of it that I would indorse and recommend it. He left it with me to investigate further what the doctor would recommend & where his services could be best used.

I solemnized the marriage of my niece Marcia and Thomas Joel Howells in the Salt Lake temple at 10:15 A.M. There were quite a numbe[r] of friends present.

At 10:30 I met with the Council of the Twelve in the temple and heard the [last name redacted] case to conclusion and we excommunicated him, [ecclesiastical title and last name redacted] for performing plural marriages and him self taking a wife since the declaration of Pres. Smith of Apr. 1904.

LeGrand & Ina called in afternoon & Staid over night. LeGrand & I went out looking for a place to rent for him. We found a house on 4th & U St. & later LeGrand, Ina, Geo & Edith, Joel & I went up to look at it. We visited until late retiring at 12 o’clock.

Weather cool.

4 October 1910 • Tuesday


I did some studying during the forenoon and in the afternoon [p. 14] I went with my son LeGrand to see some houses for rent. Saw mission presidents Callis and Bennion and talked with them about F. D. steeds condition and both said they would welcome him to their mission for six months or longer as he may be able to remain.

Folks usually well. Weather cool.

5 October 1910 • Wednesday


On account of the Conference commencing Thu., our council meeting was held this day and not completing the business in forenoon, an afternoon session was held until a late hour and important business was transacted. Pres. Lyman and I went from our council meeting after 8 P.M. to Democratic Campaign opening in the theatre and did not get out until about 11:30 o’clock.

6 October 1910 • Thursday


My brother-in-law Frank D. Steed called on me at my home for counsel and I counseled him to take a mission to the Central States on conditions that he could pass a satisfactory medical examination which he later did and I handed in his name for a six month’s mission. [p. 15]

I attended the conference meetings at 10 and 2 o’clock. T[h]e attendance was large and all of the First Presidency and ten of the Apostles were present. Elders Clawson & Geo Albert Smith being the absentees. The presidency were the Speakers in the morning meeting. In the afternoon meeting the speakers were Prests. Chas. H. Hart, Jos. W. McMurrin, R. S. Wells and Seymour B. Young.

After the meetings and during the meeting evening we had our family all together including Hyrum & Estella Lee & baby Vanice, my sister Minerva and Alice’s brother Loren. We had a nice supper at two sittings and later in the evening had ice cream & cake. Sarah, Ruby & Lucena went for an Auto ride with Elders Wesley Smith and Alonzo Hyde and after their ride they came in and spent an hour or so. Weather fine.

7 October 1910 • Friday


Folks well, weather Ideal.

I attended the forenoon meeting of conference. The speakers were in order as follows; J. G. Kimball, B. H. Roberts, Jos. F. Smith Jr. & A. W. Ivins. The brethren were limited to 20 minutes each. After meeting I went [p. 16] with my son George to his home to dinner and from there to his office where he trimmed my hair.

<I blessed F. D. Steed at his request.>1

At the afternoon meeting the attendance was large and the speakers were in order as follows; Elders David O. McKay, Orson F. Whitney and Geo. F. Richards. I occupied the 20 minutes alloted and closed at 3:40 P.M. Had good liberty. See Conference minutes for sermon.

After meeting my son Geo. & I called at his office where he waited upon several patients after which we went up to my sister Asenaths & visited with my mother, Aunt Ann Whitney, Sister Alice Ann & Pauline.

Took supper at home and attended general priesthood meeting in the evening 1700 present. Our President Jos F. Smith absent on account of ill health.

8 October 1910 • Saturday


My brother Wilford called at our home and we together went to the Special Priesthood meeting held in the Assembly room. At this meeting a copy of a letter by the First Presidency to be sent to all the presidencies of stakes was read. [p. 17]

This letter instructs all Stake Presidencies to notify all the people of the contents of the letter and to instruct the Bishops to deal with offenders of the rule of the church. President Smith made clear his attitude on the question. He said, “There is not a man in all Israel who is authorized to perform plural marriages. If any man shall say there is tell him he lies. The Lord has revealed that there is but one man at a time who has that authority. Any man who assumes that authority is a falsifyer and trying to injure me and the church and should you knock such an one down I shall not feel badly about it. Now is this clear? Do you see any loop hole? If so tell me. If there is any way to make it plainer I wish you would tell me how to do it.[”]

Pres Bluthe of North Weber Stake presidency asked if the letter with reference to dealing with people referred alike to those who contracted such relations before Apr 1904 & Oct. 1890 and those since Apr 1904. President Lund said the letter is clear that it refers to those who have violated the rule to which a penalty is affixed. The letter was indorsed unanimously [p. 18] by those present.

After meeting Pres. Lyman and I administered to Alma Larson at the former’s office. We as a council of Twelve decided to Summons Bro. [last name redacted] before us Wednestay next at 10 A.M. to show cause why he should not be excommunicated from the Church for marying a plural wife and performing plural marriages since the Declaration of Pres. Smith of 1904.

I took dinner this day with my son George, Pres. Melvin J. Ballard of N.W. States present. Returned home about 2:30 P.M. wrote up my journ<al> for the past four days from notes, attended to correspondence &c. Wrote to Orlando Barrus & wife of Roddy S. C.

My son have rented a house on 4th St. No. 1216 within 27th Wd.

9 October 1910 • Sunday


Attended the forenoon and afternoon services in the Large tabernacle. There were services also in the Assembly hall both afternoon and evening and in the afternoon services on the grounds. This has been a glorious conference. Read the Conference proceedings. [p. 19]

Alice commenced to feel poorly in the forenoon and at noon I phoned Dr. Stephen. I got excused from attendance at evening Sunday School Union meeting and was busy preparing for Alice’s confinement.

Called and say [saw] my mother in evening & arranged with Alice Grover to come up to-night.

My Son Geo. & I administered to Alice.

10 October 1910 • Monday


I cleaned the leaves off the lawn back & front. Attended a meeting of the Twelve and the mission presidents in the temple from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Spent the remaining part of the day and evening at home. There was held at the BeeHive a reception for the First Presidency, the Twelve and their wives at 5 P.M. but Alice being ill, I did not attend. LeGrand and wife are cleaning house and arranging their furniture 1216 4th St. just moving in.

11 October 1910 • Tuesday


The all important event of this day about which all my thoughts are centred is that there was born to us at 11:35 A.M. [p. 20] to-day a fine baby boy.

Dr. Stephen L. Richards and Nurs[e] Alice Grover in attendance. This makes our fifteenth child of whom five are boys and ten girls, thirteen living and two gone beyond, three married, Six grand children of whom three are living and three are not. Mother’s age 46 yrs. Fathers age 49 years past. We have great joy in our posterity. May the Lord be praised for ever more.

12 October 1910 • Wednesday


It rained during the night and some during the day.

Mama and baby getting along nicely.

I attended a meeting of our council in the temple from 10 AM to 1:30 P.M. We had before us Bro. [last name redacted]. Testimony was taken and an adjournment had until 4 P.M.

During adjournment I attended to some business at the Bureau of Information and went home to dinner. Returning to meeting I called and saw my mother. Attended to some [p. 21] business at News Office and attended Council meeting of the Twelve in the temple from 4 to 8:40 P.M. Returning home I wrote up my journal for the day and retired. Folks getting on nicely.

13 October 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting of the Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. to about 2 P.M. and after meeting the Twelve met informally until 3:35 and at 4 P.M. I met Elders H. M. Smith and C. W. Penros[e] in committee with R. S. W. At these meetings very important matters were considered. I returned home about 5:30 P.M.

14 October 1910 • Friday


Met Arn<m>ond Moore and [illegible] Nibley at Kneetsford Hotel and underwrote $4000. of bonds in the Portland Cement Co.

Met Elders Hyrum M. Smith and C. W. Penrose at Bps. Building at 10:30 Sister Abby Young, wife of Pres S. B. Young and her mother were before us and in the [p. 22] afternoon we had Pres. S. B. Young before us. I took LeGrand to the Cafatera to dinner.

In the evening I attended the farewell reception of my son Joel who leaves on the 19th for a mission to Gt Britain.

Oliver kept his bed all day having sore throat, fever & cold. Joel & I administered to him.

15 October 1910 • Saturday


I spent most all the forenoon working out doors cleaning the lawn back & front and cutting the grass &c. Repaired my Merrison Chair.

Bro. Frank D. Steed called and saw us and took lunch.

Read papers and worked on temple record in afternoon and evening.

After 9 o’clock I went down to my Son George’s and had refreshments with him and others including Joel & Miss Felt.

16 October 1910 • Sunday


I attended Ensign Stake High Priests meeting in 18th Ward Amusement hall at 10 A.M. The speakers were in order as follows: Jos. E. Taylor on Current events, Pres. Seymour B. Young [p. 23] and my self. I occupied about 30 minutes with deliberation Read statement by Rev. Spaulding in Cincinatti Ohio that the Mormon church is the most perfect church on the earth &c. Spoke of the perfect order of the priesthood quorums. Likened them to the School system of education These High Priests are graduates. These should be skilled in the dividing of the word; in living the gospel law; in making known to others the joys of our religion having been brought up from child hood under these influences We know the effect to of the Gospel and being impressed we are better able to impress others. We are the Watchmen upon the towers of Zion The Lord is sending Israel here to us and he expects us to assist him. What are we doing to & for our nearest neighbors. In the church there are those who have symptoms of a deadly disease, their faith is weakening as evidenced by neglect of meetings, tithings & offerings. Shall we not treat the disease knowing as we do what it means to the patient. When the Dr discovers a sympt[o]m of a dreaded disease [p. 24] he loses no time in applying the necessary remedies.

We should do this by those inside the church and outside alike. 1st to wash our hands clean of the blood of this generation & second because of the love we have for our fellow men. Class distinctions should be broken down in the church. You who have plenty shake the hand of him who is scantily provided for. Inquire about his physical & Temporal conditions and administer unto his needs, then you have his heart and can teach & lead him as you High Priests well know how to do.

I walked home from the 18th ward house and found awaiting me, Bp. Bowd and counselors of [ward name redacted] ward and Bro. [last name redacted] and his son [first and last names redacted], the latter had been excommunicated in England for an offense confessed by him, he had confessed all, been forgiven by the people of [ward name redacted] ward, and under instructions from Pres. Lund through me had been baptized and now we laid hands on him & I was mouth in Confirming Bro. [first and last names redacted] and sealing upon him all his former blessings lost <to him> through [p. 25] excommunication.

A letter received from Bro. L. J. Robinson of Oakley enclosing a check of $6.00 $5.00 for Joel & one for the new born boy. I wrote Bro. Loren in answer to his & thanked him. I attended the evening meeting in the 27th ward where my Son George filled his appointment as a home missionary. He occupied 30 minutes, Subject. Obedience. I occupied 30 minutes on same subject with good liberty.

Geo & Wife, LeGrand & wife called after the meeting and remained for an hour or more.

A good rain storm this evening. Sick folks improving nicely.

17 October 1910 • Monday


I spent most all day listing names of dead for baptism and endowments. Attended Ensign Stake Priesthood meeting in the evening and occupied about 20 minutes in conclusion. Subject. Regretted the necessity for excluding the the Deacons from these meetings. There being a number of Deacons here I desire to address my remarks to them especially as I may never have in this capacity another oppertunity. We are all children— [p. 26] these members of the Lesser Priesthood are little men. We grown ups are big boys. The difference being that we have largely formed our habits, moulded our dispositions and our characters. These are in course of development. All learn more or less from example. We irritate others (here told of trimming nails on street car and a lady & gentleman followed the example) These younger ones especially learn that way. It is good to form habits if only of the right kind. Here we have a model of a meeting and the boys who attend learn how to conduct themselves in meeting. Boys need the gospel influence in their lives. It becomes as a hedge or wall about them (Job) Boys not of the church have sufficient incentive to do good and sufficient to restrain them from wrong doing but these members of the Church and bearers of the Priesthood have double incentive, a two fold restraining influence. There are some things these boys can do as well as can their fathers. They can be honest, trustworthy, pure minded & genteel. I here told the story of German [p. 17] shepherd boy Gerhardt. The Junior mutual boys have been studying the biographies of great & good men. They should place their aim high. Have high aspirations and labor constantly & zealously to that end. If a boy smokes a sigarette it shows himself a weakling. The Evil one knows it, that he is shiftless a dont care sort of a fellow who can be led into most any kind of mischief. On the other hand when we deny our selves and resist the tempter after a while he passes us by. Suppose there to be a light fingered boy in the community, he is well known as such. People lock up all their belongings and if any thing should be missing it is laid upon that individual. On the other hand a person whose character is above reproach is never suspicioned & should he be charged with an offence, the public would refuse to believe it even if the circumstances pointed to his guilt and only would they believe it when it was proved beyond question.

I had good liberty and was thanked by several after meeting. May the Lord be praised for the insperation

After meeting I walked down [p. 18] with my son George to Eagle gate in a rain storm, each had an umbrella, where I took car for home. My daughter-in-law Ina was at our home and I accompanied her home in the Storm and spent about 20 minutes with her & LeGrand, had pie, grapes &c.

Folks usually well. I have some cold.

18 October 1910 • Tuesday


Weather cloudy & cold.

I spent the forenoon home studying and writing. Attended missionary meeting in temple annex and assisted in s<e>tting apart the missionaries and in instructing them. I set apart the following.

Robt. Guy De La Mare, <Marion> Ida. to Netherlands

Joel Richards, my Son, to Gt Britain.

Carl O. Peterson, City to Sweden

Orval Loy Thomas E. Bountiful to Gt. Brit<ain>.

I called and visited with my mother I have quite a cold. Administered to Bro. Dalquist of Oakley, Idaho at temple annex.

19 October 1910 • Wednesday


I met with the members of our council in the temple from 10 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. adjourned until 2:30. [p. 29]

At the morning session Dr. [blank] Cuttler of Preston, Ida. was before us. I went home to dinner.

Attended council meeting in the afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30 o’clock. A Bro. Hart of Preston was before us.

I went to train and saw Joel off on his mission to Great Britain.

Attended Circle meeting, ninteen members present. My Son LeGrand was admitted to membership and to take the place he formerly occupied in the Circle before he moved to Portland a year and a half ago.

My son George and Edith came yesterday to stay and Edith to nurse Mama. Tonight Geo & I blessed the baby he being eight days old. We gave him the name of Ray Longstroth.

20 October 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting from 10 AM to 1:45 P.M. Received appointment to Wasatch Stake with Levi Edgar Young for next Saturday & Sunday.

Alice and babe getting on nicely I have quite a cold.

I wrote up my books to-date, read my conference sermon with a view to correcting for publication but made no corrections. [p. 30]

21 October 1910 • Friday


Except to call on my mother I spent the day and evening at home studying &c.

My cold about as for several days. Alice improving and others well.

22 October 1910 • Saturday


With Levi Edgar Young I left Salt Lake on D. & R.G. Ry train 7:50 A.M. and arrived at Heber City after 12:30 noon. We were met by Pres. Murdock at Ry Station and taken to his home where we were made welcome during our stay in Heber. We attended the afternoon Conference meeting. Attendance 359. Stake population 4250. I occupied 25 min. Subject, Temple marriages vs civil marriages. Causes for such large percentage of the marriages being Civil. Commendations.

After meeting Prests. Young, Murdock & Clide and I went over to Midway about four or five miles and saw the fish hatchery and brought some fish back.

Attended concert in the evening Bro. Reese Singer & Miss Edmunds accom[p. 31]panist.

23 October 1910 • Sunday

Heber City.

I attended prayr circle & Council meeting from 8:30 to 10 A.M.

Attended 10 AM Session of Conference. On my suggestion the Children met with us and they were seated in the auditorium and the grown ups in galary. Attendance 960. I advised that this plan be followed as the rule. I occupied 20 minutes with good liberty. Subject. Lessons to be learned in S. Schools. Self Denial, be good, do good &c.

At 12:20 held a meeting of the Presidency & H. Council a continuation of the former meeting. I addressed them for about 30 minutes.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting and spoke We know the gospel is true and can prove it by witnesses. The witnesses to the Book of mormon are witnesses that Joseph is a true prophet for if he had not been the lord would not have entrusted to him the bringing forth of the Book of mormon. Had his story of his first vision not been true the same would have followed.

At 4:20 Attended a Seventies meeting and addresssed them on their duties for about 30 minutes. [p. 32]

Attended Conjoint Mutual meeting in evening and spoke about 30 minutes. Subject Era, fund, Development of character.

This has been a strenuous day but we feel that the Lord was with us and we had a profitable conference.

24 October 1910 • Monday


Pres. Levi E. Young & I met with Press Murdock & Jensen and considered some matters pertaining to improper relations reputed to be existing. Pres Young & I attended the High School and addressed them.

We left Heber at 1:40 P.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 5:45 P.M. Folks usually well. My daughter Nerva and her children came in from Tooele this day.

I spent the evening reading the papers and writing up my journal from notes for past three days.

25 October 1910 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon at home studying and writing.

Attended a missionary meeting in temple annex and assisted in [p. 33] setting apart and instructing missionaries also offered closing prayr. Elder Heber J. Grant presided. I blessed and set apart the following.

1. James Lorenzo Prince, New Harmony, Iron Co. Ut. to Eastern States

2. Lewis Albert Haws, Vernal, Utah to Northwestern States, I also ordained him a Seventy.

3. Erastus James Curtis, Moroni, Ut. to the Southern States. I also ordained him a Seventy.

4. Frank Fillmore of Lawrence, Utah to Southern States

5. Joseph W. Hess of Plymouth to S States.

I issued certificates of ordination to those whom I ordained.

Worked on temple slips, recorded baptisms, &c.

With my daughter Nina’s assistance I finished listing and kept a copy of 155 names of males to send to my Uncle Wm Longstroth at his request to have endowed for.

26 October 1910 • Wednesday


Remained home in forenoon studying

Attended the Th[e]atre Matinee with members of my family (The Fortune Hunter) Geo & Edith, Nerva & Geo. L. Sarah, Nina & Edna Moselle.

Attended the meeting of the [p. 34] General Board of M.I. Associations and my prayr circle meeting.

27 October 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly meeting of the Council of the First Presidency and the Twelve & Patriarch from 10 to 2:30 oclock. After the meeting we went up into the upper room of the temple and there decided to clean it up and use it occasionally at least.

I received appointment with Pres. R. S. Wells to Woodruff Stake Conference next Saturday & Sunday <at Randolph> and with Pres. Francis M. Lyman to the San Wan Stake Nov. 12 at Moab.

Made some purchases and spent the remainder of the day at home.

Alice and baby had a poor afternoon yesterday and a poor night last on account of the baby having the colic as we supposed.

Called on my mother.

In a conversation with Pres. Lyman this evening, he told me that he appreciated very much the fact that whenever and wherever I am wanted, I am always on hand. I told him any time [p. 35] he had any hard trips or unpleasant work that he could trust to me, that he need not hesitate in calling upon me.

Pres. R. S. Wells telephoned me that his appointment with me to Woodruff interferes with a former appointment made for him by his council involving a series of Council meeting and quorum meetings of Seventies in Idaho, so I excused him & reporting to Pres. Lyman, he said I was a full team and would have to go alone to which I do not murmur.

28 October 1910 • Friday


I left home on O.S.L. train 7:10 A.M. for Evanston and arrived there about noon. I was met at station by Bp. Brown and went home with him to dinner. Left Evanston with Bro J A Quibell of Woodruff at 2 P.M. and arrived at Woodruff at about six o’clock. A Bro. Martin rode with us. I staid all night at Pres. John Baxters. Evanston to Woodruff. 22 mi.

29–30 October 1910 • Saturday–Sunday


I rode with Pres. Baxter & wife from Woodruff ten miles to Randolph and attended the Conference meetings there Slept at a Bro. Stewart McKin[p. 36]non’s. Stake population. 3200.

At 10 A.M. meeting attendance 86. The speakers were in order as follows.

1. Pres. Arch. McKinnon Sr.

2. Sister Sarah Tyson Stake Reliefsociety Pres.

3. Jos. A. Martin of Pres. of High Priests Quo.

4. Oluf. Larson. Stake Suptcy R. Classes.

5. Self 37 minutes. Subject. Doctrines of the Gospel vs. doctrines of Sectarian denominations. Good liberty.2 P.M. Meeting. Attendance 180 Speakers as follows:

1. Pres. T. J. Tingey, 2nd. Henry Hoffman Sen. Pres. 102nd quorum of Seventies.

3. Bp. John B. Gray of Randolph.

4. Self, 60 min. Subject. Why baptism for little children is not necessary. Genealogy & temple work

7:30 P.M. Conjoint meeting. Attendance 258 Speakers as follows.

1. Thomas B. Brough. S.S. of Y.M.M.I. <Repent>

2. Vilate Peart aged 15. Restoration.

3. Self. 40 minutes. Athletics, Character building & developing. good liberty, good attention.

Sunday 10 A.M. children present. Attendance 372. Sacrament administered. Speakers as follows.

1. Geo. Peart. S.S. S. Schools report.

2. John Peart. recently returned missionary.

3. Concert recitation. [p. 37]

4. Pres. John M. Baxter

5. Self. 22 min. told story of Wellington. Accomplishments of S.S. How to arrange seating of Children in S.S. Session.

2 P.M. Attendance 348.

Authorities sustained. Letter from First Presidency read relation to the practice of plural marriages.

1. Pres. John M. Baxter

2. Self 50 minutes. Subject. Faith. Necessity for faith. How promoted.

I ordained John Sidney Pusey of Woodruff a Seventy and set him apart a member of 102nd quorum. Assisted in setting apart other stake officers.

I rode with Pres. John M. Baxter and wife and Bro. Joseph A. Martin ten miles to Woodruff after 4:30 P.M. Took supper there and after Supper Pres. T. J. Tingeys Son took me, Bro. Martin & Bro Brough to Evanston arriving there at 10:30 P.M. Bro. Brough and I staid at the Smith house.

31 October 1910 • Monday

Home at noon from Evanston. Spent an hour or longer with my mother at her home. By request called in Pres. Lyman’s and spent a half hour with him. Wrote up journal for [p. 38] four days from notes.

Bro. & Sister Johns from Sugar City called and saw me about a missionary call in the evening.

Mama and baby getting on nicely.

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October 1910, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1910/1910-10


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 17.