May 1910

1 May 1910 • Sunday


A beautiful morning, my health good & spirits also may the Lord be praised.

I attended the conference meeting At 10 AM the attendance was 1247 The sacrament was administered and the speakers were in order as follows. Pres. Joseph E. Cardon, Bro. Linford and myself. I occupied 30 minutes subject. Attendance at meetings, Example before the children, planning our work so as to attend to all religious duties. At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 1773. The authorities sustained with no dissenting vote.

The speakers were in order as fol. Prof. <Jno A> Widstoe, Pres. R S. Wells & myself. I occupied about 25 minutes. Sub. Force of example & temple and genealogical work.

After meeting we ordained or rather set apart two high Counselors and the presidency of the [p. 134] High Priests quorum & Secy.

I set apart Wallace W. Roundy a High Counselor and Benj. M Lewis the President of the High Priest’s quorum.

I went to supper with Pres. Isaac Smith and broke fast about 5 P.M.

Attended the evening Conjoint meeting. Attendance 1297.

The two Superintendents reported. Bro Frederick Scales retiring from the Stake Superintendency spoke and Sister Vernon read a paper “Good Books” I spoke about 15 minutes and Bro. Wells about the Same time.

2 May 1910 • Monday


I returned from Logan arriving in Salt Lake about noon, read the Era & the Juvenile on train.

Worked on temple records in the afternoon & evening. Called and spent about three hours with my mother who is confined to her bed.

3 May 1910 • Tuesday


I spent the time with my mother from 10:30 AM to 6 P.M. and worked on temple records while there.

4 May 1910 • Wednesday


I spent the forenoon home studying and at 12 o’clock was in attendance at the funeral services of President Nephi Pratt. Pres. Seymour B. Young offered the opening prayr and Pres. John Henry Smith the closing prayr. The speakers were, Pres. Jos F. Smith, [p. 135] Pres. Francis M. Lyman and Melvin J. Ballard. The services were held in the 17th ward chapel.

At 2 P.M. attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex and assisted in setting apart missionaries. I was mouth in setting apart

Bengt. Johnson Jr. of Provo to Sweden

Joseph Nels Larsen of Hyrum to "1

Eric Ludvegson, of Sterling, Ut. to Scandinavia

Anthon Wilford Nielson of Hunstsville to "2

I also blessed a sister who was going to Wales for genealogies &c.

Attended Gen’l Board meetings of the Religion Classes & Y.M.M.I.A. at 4 & 5 oclock and my Circle at 6:15 P.M.

5 May 1910 • Thursday


I was in attendance at a regular meeting of our council from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. received appointment to Cassia. Attended a meeting of the Twelve at Pres. Lyman’s office from 3:30 to about 7 P.M. We had Patriarch Judson Toleman before us.

Attended a reception at the home of Bro & Sister Beebe given in honor of the 60th anniversary of the birth of the Gen’l Primary President Sister Louy B Felt. My wife was with me and we had a pleasant time.

6 May 1910 • Friday


I attended to some business down town and spent two or three hours with my mother, wrote to LeGrand Recorded minutes of a meeting [p. 136] of the Council of the Twelve of yesterday

Studied & wrote &c & made ready to leave for Cassia.

Took train at about 10 P.M. went to bed. Arrived at Milner, Ida. next day 2 P.M.

7 May 1910 • Saturday

On train.

Arrived at Milner at 2 P.M. about three hours late and one hour after the train had left Milner for Oakley which bore Pres S. B. Young who had arrived in Milner the previous evening. A Mr Miller and a Mrs Adamson were disappointed as was I. We engaged a livery team & driver to drive us to Oakley where we arrived at about 5:30 A Clean pleasant ride. I staid at Pres. Jacks Attended Conjoint Mutual conference in the evening and addressed the meeting.

8 May 1910 • Sunday

Oakley, Ida.

I attended 10 AM and 2 P.M. meetings and spoke at both with good liberty. In forenoon I spoke upon a proper observance of the Sabbath day, deprecated the disposition on the part of many to play ball & take Ry excursions &c on the Sabbath. Talked of the responsibility resting upon us in connection with the preaching of the Gospel, how that men called by their bishops should feel they are called of God for that is his way of calling [p. 137] We need more experienced Elders, One experienced with three unexperienced. In afternoon I occupied 40 minutes Subject Genealogies & temple work. Took train from Oakley to Milner at 6:15 Took sleeper at Milner for home.

9 May 1910 • Monday

On train.

Arrived home at 10:30 A.M. and found an appointment for me with Pres McMurrin to Canada & Bighorn to leave Salt Lake Wed 2:15 P.M.

Alice and I spent an hour or more with my mother. She is so far towards recovery as to be sitting up.

While in Oakley Yesterday I attended a conjoint officers meeting of the YM & Y.L. I asked if they would indorse what I had said in the morning meeting and use their influence to carry it out. The vote was unanimous in the affirmative.

I assisted in ordaining and setting apart the Bishoprick of the Oakley Second & the Mountain View wards. I ordained John A. Elison a Bp. and set him apart to preside over the Oakley 2nd Ward.

I ordained Jesse Cornelius Reeder an High Priest & Bishop and set him apart to preside over Mountain View ward, Cassia Stake.

10 May 1910 • Tuesday


I spent a couple of hours with my mother. Read to her manuscript [p. 138] of a sermon I preached in the Large Tabernacle at the Liberty Stake tabernacle Conference. Apr 24, 1910.

I spent two or three hours down town attending to business.

I attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex, addressed the missionaries and set apart

<1> Wm Jack Baxter of Spring City to Western States

2. Orvy J Davidson, Canada to " "3

3. Lawrence Wm Larsen Mammoth, Ut. N.W. "4

Wrote letters to J C DeLaMare and G. E. Hellewell of Idaho answering questions on Genealogy & Temple work.

Made some preparations for Starting to Canada to-morrow.

I called and saw Elder Geo. Albert Smith who returned last Friday from St. George where he has been for about six months.

Alice four of the children & I attended a ward theatrical. Very tame. in the evening.

11 May 1910 • Wednesday


Weather warm.

Drs Stephen & Gill called to see Alice and pronounced her trouble Sciatica and prescribed for her.

I called on my mother who is sitting up, much improved.

I made ready to start to Canada train leaving at 2:25 P.M. I am well.

12 May 1910 • Thursday

On train.

Arrived at Butte, Mont. 7 A.M. and left Butte for Gt Falls 8 A.M. Arrived at [p. 139] Great Falls at 3 P.M. We got rooms at Hotel Fair where we were comfortable. Wrote home, read &c.

Elder McMurrin & I went to the Gerald restaurant to supper and then took a stroll about town walking probably 20 or 25 blocks. We went to the theatre The play “Two Nights in Rome,” was well presented and taugh[t] a good lesson. The way of the transgressor is hard. The commission of sin destroys ones influence and power for good.

The follies of youth fetters ones hands in after years. Should one aspire to fame in later life and succeed, his former acts may prove his shame and undoing though thoroughly repented of.

13 May 1910 • Friday

at Hotel Fair Great Falls City, Mont.

The weather is ideal. My health is good and I am happy, may the name of the Lord be praised for ever. He is my everlasting friend. Pres. J W McMurrin and I left Gt. Falls on 10 A.M. train and arrived at Sterling Canada, at 7:05 P.M. We were met at the station by the Son of Pres Brandley and driven to his home. After Supper I went down to Merlin Steed’s where I spent the night.

14 May 1910 • Saturday

Sterling, Canada.

I rode over to Raymond, 9 miles, with Merlin Steed and took up quarters at Pres. S. H. Allen’s where I was made [p. 140] welcome and comfortable. Attended the 10 A.M. Conference meeting which was well attended. The speakers were in order as follows.

1. Pres S. H. Allen, Bp R. A. Van Orman <of Tabor>, Bp. Wm S. Johnson of Leonard, Chas. McCarty Sen. Pres. of Seventies and Pres. J. W. McMurrin.

At 2 P.M. meeting increase in attendance. The speakers were Pres. Theo. Brandley, O. A. Woolley Pres. H Priests quo. Sister Russell of Reliefsocieties, Zina Y Card and myself. I occupied about 40 minutes Subject, the sacrifices the Saints are making in payment of tithing offerings, donations &c Mission work abroad and home ministry work &c. Sacrifice required also self denial but the reward is ample referred to Mark 16:28, Luke 14:26–33 & D&C 103:28 fair liberty.

After meeting I went with Henry Smith whom I had known in childhood and visited Edward Smith adopted son of Pres Jos. F. Smith who is sorely afflicted and has to be fed in bed. I administered to him before leaving assisted by brother Henry Smith.

At 6:30 P.M. attended general Priesthood meeting. The Speakers were Pres Allen Pres J W McMurrin and myself. I spoke of Church Schools generally and the one about to be established here in particular After meeting I accompanied Pres. Allen to a local concert given for the benefit of the Academy building at which about $125.00. was raised. Retired to bed after mid night. [p. 141] The wind was blowing when we reached Sterling and this morning it commenced to rain and rained off and on during the day and the weather was cold.

The stake population is 3600

Attendance at 10 A.M. Meeting 327

Attendance at 2 P.M. meeting 437

15 May 1910 • Sunday

Raymond, Canada

I had a good night’s rest and as the weather is windy, stormy and cold and I have only my light summer suit and light weight underware with me, I put on two suits of underware and two pairs of socks so that I made myself comfortable.

Attended Sunday School Session of Conference at 10 A.M. Attendance 447 Sacrament administered.

SS Supt Allred reported schools in good condition. Bro. Fisher reported Religion Classes. Pres. W. A. Redd spoke briefly. I occupied remaining time. Told story of Napoleon & Wellington & English Farmer & the boy engineer. Courage.

At 2 P.M. meeting the Authorities were sustained, the Speakers were in order as follows, Pres. S. H. Allen, Pres McMurrin and myself. Each talked on beet raising and I also spoke on genealogy and temple work. We should bear in mind the object of the Canadian Government in giving $250,000.00 bounty the object the Trustee in trust; Bro Knight and others had in its establishment. [p. 142] what the factory would mean to us if dry seasons made the growing of wheat unprofitable or cheap wheat. With the limited supply of water we could by growing beets furnish ourselves employment &c.

After meeting I administered to Sister Covey. At Conjoint evening meeting the attendance was good, the programme occupied 1 hr. 45 minutes and was interesting, reports showed the associations in good condition. I made a five minute talk of a commendatory character.

Weather has been stormy and unpleasant.

During the night I had an attack of disintery.

16 May 1910 • Monday

Raymond. Canada.

Weather clear but a cold wind blowing With my book upon my knees wrote my journal for yesterday and also wrote home. At about 2 A.M. I was I am feeling some better than yesterday taken suddenly and from no cause I could assign, with disintary and naucia. I ate but little breakfast. Called on my cousin Phoebe Evans but was so ill I had to be down. I explained to her what I have been doing in the matter of genealogy and temple work and what is being accomplished on those lines, obtained from her a list of names of her brothers and sisters and their addresses that I may mail to them circular letters. [p. 143] Pres. J. W. McMurrin, Prests. Allen & Redd and I took train at Raymond at 1:40 P.M. for Tabor via. Lethbridge arriving about 5 P.M. Sister Mattie Clark came from Sterling to Sing for us. Attended special meeting 8 P.M. Pres. McMurrin was first speaker and occupied about 45 minutes and I followed occupying about 50 min. had good freedom and taught much good doctrine. We should follow Jesus & become joint heirs with him. His lead. We may have faith by seeking & knowledge by doing and by the power of the H. Ghost we may know the truth of all things &. Miss Clark sang two hymns. Before the meeting we administered to Sister Van Orman who had five weeks ago met with an accident by which her knee was badly injured and she was confined to her bed. I sealed the anointing administered by Pres McMurrin.

After meeting I went to Bro. S. J Laytons where I spent the night in comfort.

17 May 1910 • Tuesday

Tabor, Canada.

Weather pleasant except for wind. I think I am feeling some better than yesterday. I wrote up my journal for yesterday, looked over the papers &c. Rode down to the Belley River with the brethren and across the bridge. On our return we called at Bro. Stringhams and [p. 144] administered to Sister Stringham. We were aboard the train at 12:20 for Magrath. Had about 2 or 3 hrs. lay off at Lethbridge and by previous arrangement we went to Sister Gordons to dinner and a very excellent dinner it was. We arrived in Lethbridge in good time for meeting.

At the meeting there were 305 in attendance. Pres Allen expressed the wish that we Pres. McMurrin & I occupy the time which we did.

I spoke first and occupied 60 min. with unusual liberty in a deliberative argumentative manner & had good use of words & language the time was about equally divided between two subjects, Home manufacture & feet beet raising and Church School building and church schools. Pres. McMurrin followed for 45 Min. on necessity of the people acting upon the advice of the Servants of the Lord & Marriage. A good meeting.

I spent the night at bro. [blank] Woolley’s.

18 May 1910 • Wednesday

Magrath, Canada.

Pres. McMurrin and I parted with Prests. Allen & Redd at R.R. station at 9 A.M. they returning to Raymond and we came on to Cardston 23 miles & were met at station by Pres. Wood and taken to his office. From there I took a walk out and met Patriarch Henry Hinman and [p. 145] walked home with him where I remained for about 30 minutes. Went to the public bath on Pres Wood’s invitation and had a bath.

Went to Pres. Edward J. Woods home and had dinner and a brief but restful sleep and at 5 P.M. we drove to the Glenwood ward on the Cochrane ranch where we held meeting with the Saints I spoke first and occupied about 45 minutes just fireside talk as room was small and about 100 present. Bro McMurrins occupied about 20 minutes. When we left Cardston it was raining and black but soon cleared off and as we were well wrapped, it was a pleasant trip.

The Glenwood ward has been organized but 9 months but there are evidences of its being a live ward and that the town will be built up rapidly.

I have asked Pres E. J. Wood to secure for me if possible a quarter section in this neighborhood.

Bro McMurrin & I slept in same bed at Bp stewart’s.

19 May 1910 • Thursday

Glenwood, Canada.

My health good. Weather Stormy. We drove to Mountain view ward and held meeting with the saints. Pres McMurrin occupied 25 minutes and I about 50 minutes. Subject. External evidences of the Gospel’s truth and of Jos. Smith as a Prophet of God. [p. 146] We drove on to Leavitt ward and met with the ward people in a service honoring Mothers day in which Pres. McMurrin and I participated. and after meeting drove to Cardston. arriving a little before 1 o’clock A.M.

20 May 1910 • Friday

Cardston, Canada.

Weather threatening & some storm. My health good. I received a letter from Mama informing me of her serious illness since I left home, letters enclosed from my bro. Fred & my son LeGrand. I wrote letters to Alice, Mother, Fred., George & LeGrand. Attended Commemorative services of King Edward VII. Attended High Priests quorum meeting and addressed the meeting. Attended Stake and ward officer’s meeting and addressed them with good liberty 10 min: Joys of Religion. A Social function followed for an hour and cream & cake were served. A pleasant time was had.

21 May 1910 • Saturday


Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting Attendance 490 Speakers in order as follows; Pres. J E E J Wood, Patriarch Henry Hinman, James P. Lowe, G. F Richards; & J W McMurrin. I occupied about 35 minutes, Subject Individual missionary work.

At 2 PM Meeting attendance 563 Speakers in order as follows; Bro. Sterling Williams of Stake Presidency, Elders Steed, [p. 147] Duce, Lamb, McMurrin & Richards. I spoke on Church School building and church schools.

I met many friends of former acquaintances. Met brother Hyrum Bowden and considered before him and Pres Wood & Pres McMurrin a grievance against Pres Wood on matter of land sales which we considered unjustifiable.

Attended a concert in the evening

22 May 1910 • Sunday


Am well and happy. Weather pleasant.

Attended S.S. Session of Conference. Attendance 725. Sacrament administered. Recitation by School. Stake Supt. S. Schools reported. Bro Duce of Stake Presidency spoke, followed by myself and Sister Card.

At close of meeting I ordained Thomas Sinnett Gregson a bishop and set him apart to preside over the Kimball ward. Thos Scott Budge Lowe was set apart 1st Counselor by president E. J. Wood.

Attended Elders meeting and addressed them. Advised that they obtain a farm while accessible and thus have a fund to assist missionaries.

Took dinner with my sister-in-law Mamie Robinson Steed.

At 2 P.M. meeting attendance 843 Authorities sustained. Pres. McMurrin spoke 47 min. Priesthood [p. 148] and seventies work. I spoke 40 min genealogy & temple work. Had good liberty and good satisfaction.

Attended Conjoint Mutual in the evening, reports were made by the Superintendents of the two organizations, Sister Zina Y. Card, Pres. J W McMurrin and I were the Speakers. I spoke of the necessity for the removal of prejudices from the mind of the Stranger in order that he may be a competent judge of the cause. What causes these prejudices. Men ought to desire to believe to be true what they would like to be true. The Gospel holds out to us more than other denominations. Marriage considered briefly.

23 May 1910 • Monday

Cardston. Canada.

Pres. J. W. McMurrin and I left Cardston at 9 A.M. with Jos. M Tanner and went 8 miles east of Cardston on to bro Tanner’s farm to see his domains & growing crops &c. Returned at 3 P.M. and took dinner with his family. We called & saw Mamie Robinson Clar Steed & husband & family. Wrote letters and attended a social meeting of the Stake and ward Primary officers, their husbands and some invited guests at the home of Bro. & Sister Harker. Aunt Zina Y. Card, Pres McMurrin & I spoke and refreshments were served.

I am very favorably impressed with Canada in the southern part from Magrath south. Land which could be bought for $3.00 per acre [p. 149] soon after our folks came here and at $15.00 per A. two years ago when I was here sells at from $25 to 40.00 per acre now and I have no doubt but it will advance $10.00 per acre each year for several years to come if favorable seasons and good prices for products continue.

The officers and people are devoted to their religion and are more settled and contented than ever before.

24 May 1910 • Tuesday

Cardston, Canada.

This is Queen’s day, the anniversary of the crowning of the queen Victoria. Weather cool & clowdy in canada but warmed up as we went south so that it was uncomfortably warm in the car.

Pres. J. W. McMurrin and I left Cardston at 7 A.M. Had a wait of 3½ hrs at Verden the junction with main line of Gt. Northern and reached Gt Falls City, Mont. on schedule time 10:15 P.M. While at Verden I telegraphed Hotel Fair to reserve two good rooms but on arriving were able to get one room with two beds, only.

During the days I read church history vol. V. I must have read 10 hours study. My health and spirit’s are good.

25 May 1910 • Wednesday

Gt. Falls. Weather pleasant

I had a good night’s rest and feel well and happy this morning. I arose about 7:30. We went to hotel Gerald restaurant and got a 35¢ breakfast consisting of strawberries & cream & sugar & bread & butter.

Took Gt. Northern train at 9:15 A.M. for [p. 150] Toluca Mont. arriving at 1015 P.M. and took rooms at the Ry. rooming house.

<This day I finished vol. 5 Church history. Commenced to read it the day I left home the 11th inst.>5

26 May 1910 • Thursday

Toluca, Mont.

Weather pleasant. My health good. Pres. J. W. McMurrin and I took train for Cowley at 7:50 AM. and arrived at Cowley at 12 Noon. Rode up from Station with John Welch and went to J. W. Crosbeys where we made our quarters. We met on the Ry. platform Bro Jesse W. Crosby who boarded the train we left, going down the line to be gone until tomorrow afternoon but he invited us to Stay at his home. We rested and read three papers, Des News, the latest. That of 21 23d inst gave an account of three earthquake shocks felt in Salt Lake in the morning of 22nd and one on 23rd Pres. C. A. Welch called and we visited with him for a couple of hours and then with him inspected the New stone School building cost $15,000, the New Bp’s & Presidencies building, the New two story Reliefsociety hall and the New Crosbey & Welch Store building. Called on several families and returned to Pres Crosby’s where we took supper, wrote up my journal &c.

27 May 1910 • Friday

Cowley, Wyo.

I spent the day until about 3 P.M. studying; then Pres. Sessions & Pres. Crosby came and we spent the remaining time of day & evening in conversation over stake and other matters.

I received letter from home written 25th [p. 151] informing me that my mother is improving in health and that my wife is still in bed and that the doctor says she is to remain there for six weeks account sciatica. She does not experience so much pain as she did a week or ten days previous. I wrote letter home.

28 May 1910 • Saturday

Cowley, Wyo.

Am well: weather windy.

Pres. J W McMurrin and I with Pres. J. W. Crosby & wife went by team to Lowell and put up at the home of Bp. Jolley’s Attended 10 A.M. meeting. Present 294 Stake Population [blank]

Opening prayr by Pres Jesse W. Crosby

Pres. Byron Sessions made opening address followed by Bps Partridge, Jolley and Kohler, myself and Pres. McMurrin. I spoke upon temporalities and local conditions. The object and benefits of increased population and how to obtain it from outside and from within making our homes, towns and surroundings attractive Lands here for want of precipitation has been barren and lifeless. It needs intinse cultivation and fertilization, kinds of fertelizers. Water like strichnine. The later is an excellent heart stimulent but must be handled by one skilled in its use or it becomes dangerous & deadly. Water to the land is necessary, but used to[o] freely it kills. Less water & more cultivation needed. Beets Beet growing has taught [p. 152] two lessons 1. Advantage of intense farming and of fertilization and that alfalfa is an excellent fertilizer & the better if plowed under green and a good growth.

At 2 P.M. meeting <attendance 360> Pres J. W. Crosby was asked to speak but excused himself on account of his artificial teeth. The Speakers were Pres. Chas A. Welch, a Bro. Lorensen a recently returned missionary, Pres. McMurrin and myself. I spoke of the errors made by bible Commentators. Referred to what I read from Bp. Jolley’s family bible on Nebuchdnezzar’s dream & its interpretation and talked on that subject the Gospel and Church of Jesus Christ being the Kingdom spoken of by Daniel which would eventually fill the whole earth. Christ shall come and reign as King of Kings & Lord of Lords &c. I occupied 35 minutes with good liberty. Met many people after meeting some of whom I had met before in other parts.

29 May 1910 • Sunday

Lovell, Wyo.

Attended 10 AM. meeting

Sacrament administered.

The speakers were as follows.

Stake Supt. S. Schools Sam’l R. Wilcock.

" "6 R. Classes M. David Harris

Pres. Jesse W. Crosby, Myself and Pres. J. W. McMurrin.

I occupied about 25 minutes. Subj. Church School patronage &c [p. 153]

At 2 P.M. meeting the authorities were sustained. It was told us by Bp Jolley that all the non mormon residents were in attendance. Pres. J. W. McMurrin spoke first and occupied about 60 minutes with good liberty and I followed for about 35 minutes with good liberty. Subject.

One gospel and that ordained of God from the beginning and for all men who have tabernacles in the flesh.

1. What the ordinances are

2. Necessity for them

3. Necessity for Authority to administer them

4. They must be administered on earth.

5. A vicarious work.

6. Temple building

7. Work for the dead

8. genealogies

9. Testamony.

After the morning meeting I met with the Stake Presidency for about an hour. Discovered that they do not hold regular meetings of Presidency. Do not have regular home missionary days & missionaries and hold a Stake Priesthood meeting but once each quarter and that at time of quarterly conferences. I told them what is being done in other Stakes and advised them on these matters.

After afternoon meeting Pres. McMurrin and I visited the sick and administered to Sister Ostler and Sister Murdock. We took supper at Bro Petersons a brother of Aunt Julia Richards’. [p. 154]

At evening Conjoint mutual meeting Joel Johnson read a paper and Sister Annie Duncan gave a lecture and I occupied the remaining time Subject, evidences of the gospel’s truth and the divine mission of the prophet Joseph Smith. Occupied about 50 minutes with good liberty. Referred to Josephs first vision and the message delivered by the Father & Son on the truth of which depends the truth of Josephs calling &c. The witnesses to Book of Mormon are witnesses to what preceded it. &c. Received letter from home

My health good and the weather beautiful. Am well satisfied with the conference.

30 May 1910 • Monday

Lovell, Wyoming.

Beautiful weather. My health and spirits good.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday and read Juvenile, papers &c. With Bp Jolley and J. M. Grant, Bro McMurrin and I rode out on lovel bench and saw what is being done in the way of farming the lands under the new canal. We saw the 40 A. offered by Lovell people to Church school purposes which is a very desirable site. We drove down to Bro Grant’s home and took dinner and a most excellent dinner it was; fried chicken, mashed potatoes & chicken gravy, fresh asparagus cooked in cream, hot biscuits & butter & Ice cream every thing of the best. We boarded the train [p. 155] at Lovell at 2:50 P.M. and got in to Billings at 9 P.M. We put our grips aboard the sleeper which leaves for Butte at 3:50 A.M. and went out and got supper and walked about for nearly an hour.

31 May 1910 • Tuesday

On board Car for home. We left Billings at 4 A.M. and arrived in Butte at 12:50 Noon. Walked up town and back and got dinner at the cafatera [cafeteria]. Took 4 P.M. train for Salt Lake. My health and spirits good. Weather warm. A pleasant afternoon ride.

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May 1910, George F. Richards, accessed February 8, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “Sweden”.

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “Scandinavia”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Western States”.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “States”.

  5. [5]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 151.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “Stake Supt.”