March 1910

1 March 1910 • Tuesday

Mesa, Ariz.

Pres. McMurrin and I left mesa for Binghampton in the morning. Karl Lesueur with his Auto drove us to Tempe and from there took train to Maricopa where we met East bound train on which was Pres. Jos. E. Robinson. We went with him to Tucson where we were met by Bros. Nephi Bingham & Bro Farr We rode out to Binghampton 4 miles N.E. from Tucson where we spent the night, looked over a part of the [p. 88] ranch, spent a pleasant evening talking over the proposition these people Eight or Ten families have undertaken.

Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin and I occupied the same bed at Nephi Bingham’s & Pres. Robinson stayed at the old lady Binghams.

The weather was hot in the day time but cool at night.

On the train at between Maricopa & Tucson Pres. Robinson and I had an interesting talk with a gentleman Named Stevenson from Los Angeles Subject. Religion.

2 March 1910 • Wednesday

Binghampton, Ariz.

We spent the day looking over the lands and water courses & sources of our people and at night held a public meeting at which the attendance was 55, a majority of whom I think were babies & children. The speakers were in order as follows. Elder Richards Pres. McMurrin & Pres. Robinson about 30 minutes each. An interesting time was had.

Elder McMurrin & I occupied the Same bed at Nephi Bingham’s at night.

3 March 1910 • Thursday

Binghampton, Ariz.

Heber Farr Branch Prest, Nephi Bingham Prests McMurrin & Robinson drove over to Tucson in the morning where Mr Allison was in waiting with two conveyances and took us up over his ranch to the source of his water supply nine [p. 89] miles above Tucson. A memoranda of what we found I have kept in a Vest pocket memoranda. We returned to Tucson about 12 (noon) o’clock and took dinner with Bro. Leonard Pace and family whose home is at Thatcher but who are engaged in business here for a season. We took train at 2 P.M. for Benson and from there by other train to St David 6 miles off main line where we put up with Sister Goodman & family and attended a public meeting in the evening. The meeting house was well filled, chairs having to be taken down from the Stand to seat the people. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Jos. E. Robinson, Pres Jos. W. McMurrin and myself each occupying about 30 minutes. Our visit was very much appreciated by the people.

4 March 1910 • Friday

St. David, Ariz.

Prests McMurrin, Robinson & I went from St David to Thatcher which took us from 7 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. including stop at Benson. We were met at the Station by the Stake Presidency also Leroy C. Snow. Jos. E. Robinson went with Pres. Nash, Bro. McMurrin with Pres. Chas Layton and I with Pres Kimball. I spent a couple of hours or more cleaning my clothes, taking bath &c. Pres Nash & Robinson came down and Pres. Kimball and I joined them in Arranging our itinera[r]y for the first few days of next week. [p. 90]

I received a letter from Moroni Snow Secretary of the General Board of Young Mens Mutual Improvement Associations dated Feb. 23rd My 49th birth day making known the fact that I had been sustained by that Board as one of its members.

I also received letter from home saying that My daughter Alice M. Tate is having further trouble with gathered breast and had had it lanced the second time also that my son Oliver 5 yrs old was taken sick Saturday night or Sunday Morning and was quite sick when letter was finished Mond. A letter from my son LeGrand dated Feb. 22nd at Portland stated that he had blessed their baby at 8 days of age and named her Ina Mercedes and were calling her the latter.

5 March 1910 • Saturday

Thatcher, Ariz.

I wrote letters to my wife, to Moroni Snow answering his of 23 ult. & to my Son LeGrand at Portland.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting of Conference The Religion Class pupils 134 strong did the singing. Total attendance 415. Pres. Andrew Kimball made a few opening remarks, Bro John Bilby Stake Supt R Classes reported 17 organizations, 75 instructors and 1100 enrolled. Some of the 17 wards had the grades & a good work is being done.

I occupied about 40 minutes, read the Introductory to Outlines RC 1909–1910 [p. 91] which required 25 minutes, commented some & told the children the story of Berhardt the German Shepherd boy. Bro McMurrin occupied about 30 minutes, the children sang songs between and a profitable service was held.

At close of the services we administered to a sister Marshall from St. Johns here for her health. Pres. Kimball anointed and I sealed the anointing.

At afternoon meeting the Speakers were in order as follows; Charles Layton of the stake presidency, Elders Norton Jasper Curtis, Mulloy and Pres Joseph E. Robinson. The latter occupied one hour on First Principles and a comparison of our belief and others.

After meeting we had a meeting of the Stake Presidency, Geo. W. Crosby and Pres. McMurrin & I at which I dissuaded the Presidency from what they had contemplated i.e. to release Bro Crosby from his office of Stake Supt of Y.M.M.I.A. We decided to release his assistants and the Board members and chose anew Called to See Father Johnson former member of the Stake Presidency. Drove out for a ride.

I was disappointed in not getting further & promised word from home. Later in the evening I read the papers and wrote letters. One to my mother, one to my brother Fred and wrote a part of a report of our labors to date to be furnished later. [p. 92]

6 March 1910 • Sunday

Thatcher Ariz.

My health is good also my spirits cheerful and the weather is fine.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting, the children excluded for want of room & no Sunday School in Thatcher a very great misfortune. The attendance according to count was 800. The house well filled.

The Sacrament was administered. Pres. John F. Nash, I and Pres. Robinson were the speakers in the order named. I spoke of the fact that the Thatcher children are neither in School nor meeting and the Academy building not in use and recommended that here after on Sunday morning of the Stake Conferences the Academy be used for Sunday School and further It would be much better to use it each Sunday instead of holding school in the Meeting house several departments in the Same room and referred to Tooele & Grantsville where they use the District school with no objections from the non mormons. The Academy is owned by the Church & Saints who can surely afford to be as liberal as the outsider. I also spoke upon the subject of advanced schooling for our children urging the parents to have ambition that their children receive a high school course and that in church school. I also spoke upon the Subject of the duty of Parents to children.

At the noon hour I met with the Presidency & High Council where four High Counselors were released [p. 93] on account of age, infirmities &c I made a talk and the men whose release was proposed were asked to say how they felt about it and they each spoke and gave me the impression that they felt right about it but afterward Elisha. F. Hubbard one of the parties told Pres. Kimball he could take his name off the books where ever it appeared, a disgusting attitude.

At 2 P.M. attended meeting, attendance 925. The authorities were sustained and Elder Webb from Pima recently returned missionary spoke followed by Pres. McMurrin who gave a good Sermon of 40 minutes duration and I followed for 30 minutes. Subject following Pres McMurrins theme individual missionary work.

Pres McMurrin & I went to dinner with Bp. Frank N. Tyler.

At 6:30 we met the officers newly sustained and set them apart, ordained High Priests, Seventies &c as follows;

1. John L. Wilson of Pima ordained High Priest by G. F. R. <self.>

2. Franklin Snow. Thatcher " " "1

3. John H Beal Sen. " " " "2

4. Isaac Follett. Pima " " "3

5. Hyrum Claridge. Clifton " " "

6. Andrew C. Peterson set apart High Counselor by J. W. Mc.

7 John Bilby " " " " "4 And. Kimble

8 Geo. H. Crosby Jr " " " " " C M Layton

9 Charles O Larson " " " " Jno F Nash

10 S Samuel Green. set apart 2nd Asst Stake Supt S Schools.— G. F. R.

11 Geo H Crosby Jr. " "5 Stake Supt Y.M.M.I.A. by J. W. Mc.

12 Jared Taylor Brown 2nd Asst " " " "6 Geo F. R.

13 Edwin S. Davis. Secy. & Treas. " "7 by And. Kimball [p. 94]

14. Elam Olsen. Set apart Stake Aid Y.M.M.I.A. by C. M Layton

15. Geo. W. Williams Jr. " " " "8 by J. F. Nash

16. John M Allen "9 1st Counselor to Bp. Thos Nations of Franklin ward by Geo. F. Richards

17. Eugene Evans of Safford set apart ordained a seventy and set apart 1st asst. S. Supt. YMM by J. W. Mc

18. John F Sherwood of Safford Ordained H Priest by G. F. R.

19. Melvin Montierth. Aid in YMMI by Leroy Snow.

20. D Dudley Jones " " " "10 J W McMur.

21. Mar 7 I set apart David H Claridge an alternate member of the High Council.

I attended the evening conjoint mutual Conference Leroy Snow a Senior member of the General Board presided by my request.

Each association was reported and the Speakers, were in order as follows; Leroy C. Snow, Geo. F. Richards & Joseph E. Robinson. Some good musicals. Attendance 380. I occupied 30 minutes. Referred to the Mutual work of the Sisters, Apostasy, Joseph’s claims must stand or fall upon the truth or falsity of his statement that there had been a universal apostasy. I talked upon the Subjects of Era & Fund for Mutuals which is 50¢ each here, with considerable satisfaction.

This St. Joseph Conference has been a success. The brethren have been inspired and the people well fed.

7 March 1910 • Monday

Thatcher Ariz.

I arose early, wrote letter to my wife and mailed it. wrote up my Journal for yesterday. Attended the missionary class at Academy at 9 A.M. and [p. 95] spoke to them briefly on the Subject under consideration (The Holy Ghost) Attended the School Devotional with Prests Kimball, McMurrin and Robinson and each of us addressed the School.

Attended a meeting of the Religion class Superintendency and Board members including four local workers 14 in all of the Board. Received good reports and instructions given by Pres. McMurrin and my self.

I issued certificates of ordinations to those whom I yesterday ordained.

Bro. Geo. W. Williams Jr., lame, came in and we administered to him, I anointed and Pres McMurrin sealed the anointing Pres Jos. E. Robinson assisting.

I finished a letter of report addressed to Pres. Jos. F. Smith & Counselors started yesterday. Attended priesthood meeting in the early evening & theatre in the evening. “Merchant of Venice” by Mr Dodge. Bp. Tyler gave me my ticket.

8 March 1910 • Tuesday

Thatcher, Ariz.

Having finished our mission in Thatcher we leave on the 9:30 A.M. train for Benson. Arrived in Benson about 5:30 P.M. having had a three hrs. wait at Bowie. Distance from Thatcher to Bowie 45 miles and from Bowie to Benson 66 miles. I staid at Father Cosbys over night at Benson. We met in Cottage meeting capacity at the home of Elder [blank] Kimball in the evening. [p. 96] There were in attendance about 25 more or less. The speakers were in order as follows. Pres. Joseph E. Robinson, Elder Richards G. F. and Pres. J. W. McMurrin. The other speakers occupied about 25 minutes each and I about 40 minutes. All spoke well The Lord blessed us abundantly.

I spoke of our belief in the three forming the Godheat [Godhead] The necessity for this belief. The first principles of the Gospel &c.

9 March 1910 • Wednesday

Benson, Ariz.

Prests Jos. W. McMurrin & Joseph E. Robinson and I left Benson on the 5:05 A.M. (P.T.) train for Bisbee 66 miles. Arrived there about eight or nine oclock and were met at the Station by Bp. Warren and four traveling Elders of the California mission. We went to the Copper Queen Hotel where we three took rooms. Bp. Warren gave us a pressing invitation to stay with him but he has measles in the house and we thought wise to not accept. After visiting with the brethren an hour or two they with Pres Robinson left the Hotel and Pres McMurrin and I remained I phoned down to Bp. Buttler of Douglas inviting him and his people up to Bisbee to attend the evening meeting.

I wrote Pres Kimball reporting our meeting of last night and advising that a Branch be [p. 97] organized at Benson and that they be instructed to hold Sacramental meetings and Sunday School and until they can provide a more suitable house in which to meet they might meet at the homes of the Saints alternating between those homese [homes] which are suitable and accessible.

I wrote sister Richards. After dinner I sent my suit out to be pressed and got them back in about an hours time. I slept while they were out. I washed up, trimmed my beard, put on clean clothes, wrote up my journal &c Had a restful time.

We called on Bp. Warren before meeting. Attended evening meeting 66 in attendance. The Speakers were in order as follows; I occupied 45 minutes, Pres. J W McMurrin 35 minutes & Pres Robinson 15 minutes. The Lord helped us and we had a good time. a profitable meeting. I Spoke upon the Necessity for faith in God & the Son & the H. Ghost. First principles, example &c.

I wrote up my journal and retired at 11:30 P.M.

While I was taking a nap I dreamed the water was flooding the house in which I was and I opened a door to go into the part where the water seemed to come from and there I saw the basement was full of water and it was rising into the room and I heard my little boy Oliver crying as if [p. 98] in great distress and as if he could scarcely cry he was so weakened. I was considerably disturbed when awakened because of the dream.

10 March 1910 • Thursday

Bisbee, Ariz.

Pres McMurrin and [I] left Bisbee on 7:50 AM train for El Paso Texas via Douglas 247 miles and arrived in El Paso at 4:05 P.M. Mountain time. We took rooms at the Sheldon. I cleaned up and wrote in my journal Wrote a letter to my daughter Nerva and cards to Moselle, Oliver & Estella. a letter to LeGrand and one to my wife. Pres. McMurrin & I went out to the Cemetary and saw the grave of Elder A. O. Woodruff, returning we went to the Vaudeville show. A Brother Johnson came in later and presented a matter He had discovered that the Mexican Government had 37500 A of cultivated lands with good water right. New Canals and latterals about 450 miles East of here 20 miles from the boundary line and like distance from the Rail Road which they want to sell at $40.00 per acre, terms, one tenth down and balance paid in eighteen semi-annual payments deferred payments drawing 6½% int. with a provision that if the interest be not paid when due then 7% will be charged. Bro Johnson wanted us to go see the land. He wants to sell the land for the Mexican people and wants the indorse[p. 99]ment of the Church officials. It sounds like it would be a good thing barring the Mexican Government feature i.e. if it were across the line & in U.S.

I retired to bed after 12 o’clock.

11 March 1910 • Friday

El Paso, Texas.

Pres McMurrin & I visited two principle book stores and I bought five of Conklins Vest Pocket Books each different from the others and which I prize far above the purchase price 25¢ each. I went up to S.R. Ry Office and made reserves of Standard births on No 1 of Wed. morning 6:20 to Los Angels. We went across the line and took train at 12:35 P.M. at Ciudad Juarez for Dublan and arrived there at 6:30 were met at Station by Pres Junius Romney & Bp Thurber I went to the latters home and Pres McMurrin went to his sisters home, Sister Booths.

I took a bath and retired early. The weather at El Paso was much colder than it had been in Arizona and I took some cold.

12 March 1910 • Saturday

Dublan, Mexico.

I had a good night’s rest last night but have more cold and a lame back this morning. The weather here about as at El Paso. I could have stood an over coat but for the looks of it. Called on Bro. & Sister Boothe formerly of Grantsville before going to 9 o’clock meeting of the Presidency. [p. 100]

Pres. McMurrin and I met the Stake Presidency at 9 A.M. The propositions 1st of using the Saturday forenoon of the Quarterly stake Conference for meetings of the auxiliary officers and Bishops 2nd Holding an extra annual meeting of the Auxiliary workers at some other time than Stake Conference

3rd Appointing two members of the stake Presidency to act as a committee on Amusements for the Stake they to choose others including the Superintendents of the Mutuals to make the committee.

At 10 A.M. meeting the attendance was 322 with a stake Pop. of 4000.

The Speakers were in order as follows:

1 Hyrum S. Harris of the Stake Presidency

2. Guy Wilson about 30 or 40 min.

3. I occupied about 40 minutes.

4. J. W. McMurrin 15 "11

I took dinner with Bro. Naiglee

At afternoon meeting the Speakers were two recently returned missionaries The Senior president of Seventies and J W McMurrin. I took supper with [blank] Romney.

Attended Stake Priesthood meeting in the evening. Considerable business was attended to and I occupied 40 minutes on care in recommending men to receive the Priesthood; what qualifications are necessary and the honor of holding the Priesthood. The care Bps & Ward teachers should give to the young boys to prepare them for the Priesthood &c Pres. McMurrin occupied about 15 min. Attendance 189. [p. 101]

13 March 1910 • Sunday

Colonia Dublan, Mex.

I attended Sunday School from 9 to 10:30 A.M. and addressed the School. Attended Conference meeting from 10:30 to 12 noon and addressed the conference. At close of this meeting I met with the Stake Presidency and a number of brethren whose names had been presented to and sustained by the Stake Priesthood Meeting to be ordained to offices in the Melchesidek Priesthood. I interviewed them and found three men recommended to be ordained High Priests who are users of tobacco. I refused to take the responsibility of their ordination. The Stake Presidency said they would bear the responsibility so they were ordained. The members of the Presidency of the Stake and the Presidency of the High Priests quorum assisted me and we I ordained nine High Priests and four Elders. I took dinner with Bro. Ammon Tinney. At afternoon meeting the Sacrament was administered, the Authorities sustained and the Speakers were Ammon Tinney, Junius Romney & Pres J W McMurrin. The latter delivered an impressive discourse

At close of this meeting I met with Pres McMurrin & the Seventies where three Presidents of the 99th quorum of Seventies were set apart and ten ordained to the office of Seventy, of these I ordained five for names of those ordained by me see my Record of [p. 102] ordinations. I set apart Richard T. Haag and Jesse W. Richins and Pres McMurrin set apart H. E. Boothe Presidents of the Council of the 99th quorum of Seventies.

Pres McMurrin and I took supper at his sisters, Sister H. E. Boothe and after Supper we laid our hands upon Sister Hillton according to her request and gave her a blessing she being in a delicate condition approaching maternity.

We attended the evening Conjoint Mutual conference meeting in the evening which was well attended. A good programme was rendered and Pres. McMurrin & I each spoke.

At the close of this day and evening’s work I was pretty well exhausted having had a strenuous day & suffering some from cold.

All the meetings of the conference were well attended, a good spirit prevailed, good reports, good instruction, good singing, the house in excellent condition and a satisfactory conference had.

No word from home for two weeks the last word being that my daughter Alice M. had suffered a relapse and had her breast lanced the Second time and that my son Oliver was quite sick with high fever, vomiting and sore throat. I was promised a letter or card next day but the failure It I attribute to the washed out R. Roads which interferes with the mails. [p. 103]

14 March 1910 • Monday

Colonia Dublan <Mex.>

My cold about as yesterday.

Weather pleasant.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday and issued Certificates of ordination to nine High Priests, five Seventies and four Elders ordained by me yesterday and did some reading. Pres. McMurrin & I took dinner with Brother [blank] Call and spent several hours with him and family and while there administered to Brother Call’s mother who was in her bed having cold &c.

We went with Brother [blank] Payne on to his farm and there from a mound dug some [Oyes?] or crockery vessles which evidently were buried with the dead many centuries ago. The bones were so far decomposed as to be almost impossible of identification as bones. The[y] leave a white streak in the dirt I had a job of an hour or two cleaning my clothes and shoes.

Last mail arrived and none for me.

15 March 1910 • Tuesday

Colonia Dublan <Mexico>

I arose early and spent most all the forenoon formulating an address to the descendants of Stephen Longstorth Setting forth the principle & necessity for temple work and informing them of what has been done by us to date and asking for further assistance

Ammon Tinney called & spent about an hour with me.

Bro. McMurrin and I left Dublan [p. 104] at 12:20 P.M. and arrived in El Paso at 6 P.M. I went from Hotel Sheldon where we put up, to S.P. Ry. office and arranged for our births on No. 1 tomorrow morning 6:20 o’clock for Los Angeles. We took supper and after Supper we ordaind to the office of Seventy in Room 110 Sheldon Bros. Arwell Lee Pierce and Benj. Ammond Moffett of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. I ordained Bro. Bierce [Pierce] and issued to him certificate of same.

16 March 1910 • Wednesday

El Paso, Texas.

Pres. J. W. McMurrin and I left El Paso on 6:20 A.M. No. 1 train and arrived in Los Angeles the following Morning at 8:30 I spent most all the day reading from Church History vol 4.

17 March 1910 • Thursday

Los Angeles. Cal.

Pres. McMurrin & I arrived at 8:30 from Mexico. We were met at the train by Pres. Jos. E. Robinson who took us to the Ocean Beach and returned in time to take 2:35 P.M. train for San Francisco, Pres. Robinson accompanying us.

18 March 1910 • Friday

On train at San Jose, Cal

I left the train at this point and went direct to Oakland when I met No. 4 west bound and took it at 9:50 for Salt Lake

19 March 1910 • Saturday

On train

I read from Church History vol 4 and this day finished it all [p. 105] during this trip south. I have also read “As a Man Thinketh.” by James Allen and considerable of Conklin’s works.

I arrived home safely at about 7:30 this Saturday evening and found my folks usually well.

Pres J. W. McMurrin remained in California for a visit and sent for Sister McMurrin to accompany him home i.e. to join him there.

20 March 1910 • Sunday


Alice and I called on my mother in the forenoon and also went to See Aunt Mary Ann Richards, Uncle Samuel’s widow who is sick and while there I administered to her.

I attended the Sacramental meeting in our ward the 27th Home missionaries were present and occupied the time. J H Moyle and Bro. Geo. Sears.

My daughter Alice Minerva and her husband and Children came in from Tooele on noon train and my Son George & his wife came up and we had a nice visit and a good supper together.

21 March 1910 • Monday


I went to the temple and handed in record for baptisms tomorrow 20 males for me & 20 females for my wife to do for.

I called at Pres Winders to see him but as he was dosing [dozing] and is very weakly I could not see him. [p. 106] I went with Alice, Geo. L. and Nerva to Z.C.M.I. where we bought carpets, rugs &c.

I spent the afternoon in writing up my journal Since Leaving El Paso Wed. attended to mail; and other records and listed temple work i.e. names & date for Sealings &c. Put in about 6 hours work on temple records.

22 March 1910 • Tuesday


Alice and I went to the temple. At the opening services I spoke. We were each baptized for twenty after which we were sealed for twenty-seven couples. We then went through the temple to see the rooms on the various floors. I spent about two hours on the temple records in afternoon.

I spent about an hour visiting with my Mother at her home, my wife and daughter Minerva were with me. In the evening I prepared reports which I will be expected to make of my Southern trip, to my Council, to the Gen’l Bd. of Y.M.M.I.A. and Genl Bd of Religion Classes.

It has been pleasant weather for some time but this afternoon the wind commenced to blow and at about 8:30 P.M. the rain commenced to fall profusely.

Folks well.

23 March 1910 • Wednesday


I spent the day the forenoon at home reading. Read “Plain Talks For [p. 107] Boys” also read what the Improvement Era has had to say on Mutual Improvement in the 13th vol. &c

I attended to some business down town, called at Primary Office & talked over Primary Convention work &c and gave a sentiment for insertion in Souvenir.

Attended General Board meetings of Religion Classes and Y.M.M.I.A. and Prayr circle. At latter meeting it was decided to Sell to Dr Geo. F. Richards Jr., my son, the Cabinet owned by the Circle for $10.00 A list of 13 names which I presented to the First Presidency to be approved & which were approved by them from whom we could select five to fill the vacancies in our circle were submitted to the Circle and approved by them and I was authorized to consult these or at least select five of these who are eligible for membership. I took supper with my son George.

24 March 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. I reported my labors and visit to the Stakes of Maricopa, St. Joseph and Juarez.

I did some writing, phoning and other business. Folks well.

Weather pleasant.

Am happy in the love of the brethren [p. 108] and the knowledge of the truth.

25 March 1910 • Friday


I spent the forenoon at home in preparing a greeting to the Longstroth family on temple & genealogy work to be printed & circulated among the family members. I left same later in the hands of the Magazine printing Co., David R. Lyons, and ordered 200 printed.

I spent some time calling upon individuals whose names had been suggested to fill vacancies in our prayr circle. Bros. J. P. Jensen and Wm A Morton are members of a Circle. John Henry Evans and Stephen L. Richards accepted, Dr John H. Taylor Bps. O P Miller & David A. Smith took it under consideration. Five is the number required to fill the vacancies and make the Circle full.

I attended a meeting of the Genealogical Society of the Richards family from 3 to 5 A P.M.

26 March 1910 • Saturday


I spent the forenoon at home reading. Attended a meeting of the Genealogical Society or Committee of the Richards family from 2 to 3:30 P.M. I spent several hours of the afternoon and evening preparing some information pertaining to those who have occupied offices in the quorums of First [p. 109] Presidency, the Twelve, the Presiding Councils of the Seventies and of the Bishopric for my Commentary.

27 March 1910 • Sunday


This day seventy four years ago the Kirtland temple was dedicated. This day set apart to fast on account of the General conference coming on the First Sunday of April. I fasted and Alice and I attended the Fast meeting in the temple also fast meeting in our ward the 27th at each of these meetings we gave a dollar for fast offerings. At ward fast meeting I confirmed Frederick Leroy Clements a member in the church. We broke our fast with a splendid dinner at about 5 P.M.

I had an invitation to be present this evening at the 3rd ward tabernacle opening but owing to its being our ward conference this evening I did not accept the invitation but attended our ward conference.

The speakers were, the stake Presidency members, Pres. Francis M. Lyman and I. I occupied remaining 15 min. Subject Ward Teachers & the people. We should sustain the officers & let nothing they may do or neglect to do stand in the way of our attending to our religious duties. Geo & Edith called. This night 7:20 o’clock Pres. John R. Winder died at his home unexpected in view of the report made in the morning Temple fast meeting [p. 110] by Dr S. B. Young that this morning his pulse & temperature were normal and his respiration only two or three counts above normal.

28 March 1910 • Monday


Stormy in forenoon. I went down town twice. Met with Presidency and members of the Twelve & others and appointed a committee of five to look after & arrange for the funeral services with power to call to their aid any whom they might desire to aid their Committee Personal. John Henry Smith C. W. Nibley R. W. Young, Fred Grant & Judge Chas A Smith.

I spent hours of the day and evening in Corralating dat[e]s of the Councils of the General Authorities of the Church from the Commencement of the Church organization. There have been 6 Presidents, 7 First Counselors, 9, second counselors, 48 members of the Council of the Twelve, 5 Presiding Bishops, 4 First Counselors, 7 Second counselors, 34 members of the First Council of Seventies and 5 Presiding Patriarchs. I read for about two hours from the Historical Record Church Encyclopidia the experiences of the Prophet Joseph while in the hands of Missouri Officers Reynolds & Wilson, The three witnesses and J. C. Bennetts infamy. Prepared for bed at 10:30 o’clock. My work and reading of this day has been intensely interesting. Obtained valuable Knowledge from Pres F. M. [p. 111] Lyman’s journal which I will record in a book for items of special importance. Folks well.

29 March 1910 • Tuesday


I was taken sinck [sick] in the night last night with a chill, fever, headache, nausea &c and had a bad night. I arose as usual in the morning and attended a quarterly conference meeting of the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. I had a severe headache nearly all day. I talled [called] at my Son George’s where Alice and my daughter Nerva were visiting and lay down until about 8 P.M. when we went home. I soaked my feet, took salts and went to bed & had a good sweat and felt relieved.

30 March 1910 • Wednesday


On account of Pres. John R. Winder’s funeral services having been set for to-morrow our Council of the Presidency and the Twelve met to-day fasting and we partook of the sacrament. I attended to some business pertaining to the prayr Circle over which I preside. Called and saw brother John Peterson a Son of Canute Peterson, formed his acquaintance and invited him to become a member of our circle which he cheerfully accepted and was with us in the evening. Bp David A. Smith [p. 112] Stephen L. Richards, John Henry Evans, John H. Taylor were also admitted as members bro Smith being present. After circle meeting my son George and I called on Bro Andrew John Gray a member of the Circle who has been neglecting his circle meetings. He being behind with his tithing did not feel like asking for a recommend until such time as he could pay up back tithing but his prospects are good for selling some property when he will do those things and then join us in circle. Bro John Gray has a large family, a son on a mission and has been out of employment but just now has found employment with Selves brothers at common labor.

My health is very much improved

I this day attended a meeting of the General Board of the Y.M.M.I. associations, a meeting of the General Board of Religion classes and since there are six or more apostles, members of the R.C. Bd. it was thought one of them should speak of Religion class work in the General Conference and I was asked so to do.

31 March 1910 • Thursday


Weather pleasant.

I attended the funeral services of Pres. John R. Winder held in the Tabernacle. The building will [well] filled & many standing. The services were superb. Account given in the [p. 113] Des. News of this date. I rode to the cemetery in a carriage with Elders Grant, Clawson, & H. M. Smith I attended to some business down town. My health good again.

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March 1910, George F. Richards, accessed February 4, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “ordained High Priest by G. F R.”

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Thatcher ordained High Priest by G. F. R.”

  3. [3]Ditto marks here and in the following line for “ordained High Priest by G. F. R.”

  4. [4]Ditto marks here and in the following two lines for “set apart High Counselor by”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “set apart”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “Stake Supt Y.M.M.I.A. by”.

  7. [7]Ditto marks for “Y.M.M.I.A. by”.

  8. [8]Ditto marks for “Set apart Stake Aid Y.M.M.I.A.”

  9. [9]Ditto mark for “Set apart”.

  10. [10]Ditto marks for “Aid in YMMI by”.

  11. [11]Ditto mark for “minutes.”