August 1904

7 August 1904 • Monday

Left Salt Lake about 7 PM and arrived home with five buggies between three & 4 A.M.

8 August–18 September 1904

Sunday. Sept. 18, 1904

Not having written in my journal since Aug. 5th I now write from memory some of my history since that date

Aug 24th My wife Alice and I with the three too [two] youngest children went to the City by Ry. I as a delegate to the State Rep. Convention. I was made chairman of the delegation from Tooele Co. and Vice chairman of the Convention. Geo M Cannon Chairman. I supported H M Wells for Governor but was defeated. [p. 164]

Thu. Sept 8th I went to Salt Lake City by team and brought back a string of buggies next day. Ruby & Lucena Accompanied me and we all with Geo. & Wife & Legrand went to the Sanitorium in the evening Thu. Business brogresses [progresses] fine much doing in the lumber line.

Saturday & Sunday Sept. 3 & 4 Attended the Quarterly Stake Conference Present Elders F. M. Lyman & Rulon S. Wells.

<George Returned with me from City Fri. 9>1

Sat. Sept. 10th Geo. & Edith & Legrand came out on the train. We met them and on Monday <same day> all went to the Canyon They brought two Engberg Girls with them also Miss Edmunds. Legrand & Miss Edmunds returned to City on afternoon train and there being an excursion train returning in the evening Legrand returned to Tooele and remained until Wednesday They all spent most of their time in the Canyon and Legrand and one of the Engberg girls returned withe to Salt Lake Wed. 14, 1904. Geo & Edith returned to Salt Lake Sunday Sept 18 1904 This day while at S. School by Request of Bp. Atkin Bro Jos Orme & I went down to Gilletts & I blessed the infant child of Perry Gillett’s Attended the funeral services of its mother and Moroni England and I did the Speaking. I occupied 30 minutes and spoke with much freedom and a good spirit. Press of business caused me to neglect my journal.

<Named the baby Alice Edna>2

<Wrote Geo. & Joel this evening after meeting Sept 18th>3

Joel went to Salt Lake Mond. Sept 12 to attend School and I engaged Geo L. Tate at $45.00 per month in Joels absence 25 cash & 20 on ac’ct until account is settled.

By Way of investments and improvements this season I have taken a $5,000 policy in the Continental Live [p. 165]

Insurance Co. Special Contract


Bought hay press at a cost of


Bought Wagon scales & put same in


Build Hay house approximate


Painted Imp. house & sign writing


Built picket fence on north side of lot and painted same



Bought Piano & paid 10.00 pr Mo. 12 mo


Bought 1 second Hand wagon gear <3½ feet>


Bought 1 " "5 wagon Circf. 3" studed.


Bought 1 second hand double buggy & team


<add to this list.

2 horses.


1 set harness.




At this writing my business is in good condition, am able to meet all my bills and have a good business Credit. My health is good and I am reasonably happy. My Conscience is reasonably clear and my mind at ease. My spiritual duties are pleasant to perform and performing same gives me spiritual strength and much peace of mind & conscience. My Sons and daughters are exemplary in their lives and respect and love their parents and one another My oldest Son George married had a child Ruth at who at the age of six or seven mo. died. Geo is Counselor to Bp. Hunter of the 8th Ward S L City. Legrand is a class teacher in Sunday school a Ward teacher and is called to take the missionary course this winter at L.D.S. College or University which means a mission in a few months.

Nerva married nearly a year since. Others steady and progressing nicely Why should I not be happy?

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August 1904, George F. Richards, accessed January 18, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin.

  4. [4]At some point, Richards wrote “980.00” in pencil underneath the “120.00”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “second Hand”.

  6. [6]At some point, Richards wrote “1112.00” in pencil underneath the “10.00”.

  7. [7]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin.