April 1904

11 April 1904 • Monday

Sick folks getting on nicely both Mother & Son. I attended to business as usual.

12 April 1904 • Tuesday

Attended to business as usual Wife & baby getting on nicely. Car of Fir lumber came from Oregon. I assisted at this end unloading.

13 April 1904 • Wednesday

Matters going along as usual. Folks progressing nicely.

14 April 1904 • Thursday

Work progressing as usual. Sent ck to T. R. A. Co in payment for last car of lumber.

15 April 1904 • Friday

Attended to business as usual. Folks improving.

16 April 1904 • Saturday

Folks improving nicely. Commenced raining in the latter part of the night and rained continuously for five or six hours.

Joel Worked pole tax. I looked after the business of the place. Attended debate in evening.

17 April 1904 • Sunday

I attended Tooele Ward conference and Circle and spent the rest of the day with my family. Wife & baby progressing nicely.

18 April 1904 • Monday

Weather clowdy. Attended to business as usual. Joel commenced lucern planting. Received load of posts from St. John.

<Blessed & named our baby Oliver L.>1

19 April 1904 • Tuesday

" " " " " "2

Attended to usual business

20 April 1904 • Wednesday

Secured the order for material for Mr Fraileys Store at Stockton. Sold wagon to B L Bowen & Buggy to T. O. Jones.

21 April 1904 • Thursday

Worked on accounts, listed car of material & ordered from Taylor Romney Armstrong Co. by letter. Sent car 4 horse loads of material to Stockton for Fraileys

22 April 1904 • Friday

Ordered car of firs of T.R.A. Co. by mail. Attended to correspondence &c. [p. 160]

23–30 April 1904

Sat. Apr. 30. 1904, Since writing in my journal before I have gone on in about the same old way. I ordered car of pine lumber of T.R.A by phone Apr 28th Sunday Apr 24th I took my team & buggy and went to Batesville and attended Ward Conference there Attended School & meeting and attended to the business of the Conference all of which was satisfactory. Nellie Shields and Hazel Woods rode down to Batesville with me & back also and I also brought Mary Vorwaller home with me to help with the house work. After I had gone to Batesville in the morning George Edith and Legrand came and the two boys had left for Salt Lake before I got home. Edith remained here until Fri. 29th.

Joel & help unloaded car of lumber this week and Joel hauled three large loads of lumber to Stockton to Worden & Smith to be used on Frailey’s house. This day Sat. Apr 30th Joel commenced again the planting of lucern and I planted peas, radishes and Lettuce the first planted this spring which is late. Wrote to Z.C.M.I. about getting Wholesale privileges. Wrote Mother. Alice sat up to dinner table with us for the first time since confinement. Mother & Asenath are talking of soon moving to the City they having bought a home in the City.

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April 1904, George F. Richards, accessed January 25, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1904/1904-04


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 18 April entry.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Received load of posts from St. John.”