The Church Historian's Press

March 1902

9 March 1902 • Sunday

20th Aniversary of our Marriage Wrote T. B. Clark On account of Eczimic sore on neck I remained home all day.

16 March 1902 • Sunday

During the past week the weather has been stormy & disagreeable. Joel & I unloaded a car of 13000 feet of lumber & 25 M. shingles and did some work at field. My neck is improved since a week ago but still has to be bandaged. Excused from trip to Clover on that account.

17 March 1902 • Monday

Sold plow & $20.50 worth lumber. Attended fore & after noon meetings of Relief Aniversary meetings & at former spoke about 40 30 minutes Subject Object of organization, Violation of 1st great command. Back biting, fashion & its evil effects &c. Attended School meeting in evening.

18 March 1902 • Tuesday

Wrote letters, sold lumber, cared for animals wrote up accounts Journal &c. Attended theatre in evening by Grantsville troup. “Down the Black Canyon.[”]

I this day started Joel to drilling lucern the first of the Season.

19 March 1902 • Wednesday

Stormy day. Made lumber & Imp. sales &c

20–21 March 1902

" "1 Plowed & harrowed front for lawn planting. Did other odd jobs.2

22 March 1902 • Saturday

" "3 I met Geo. at Station & brought him up also Prest. Gowans & Wife. Cared for animals &c. In evening I attended lecture of Prof. Stewart

23 March 1902 • Sunday

Attended School & offered opening prayr. Attended meeting where Prof. Stewart & Bro. Robinson preached. I offered closing prayr. Attended Circle &c. Wrote in journal, Wrote to Legrand


24 March 1902 • Monday


25 March 1902 • Tuesday

Stormy Hauled dirt on lawn.

26 March 1902 • Wednesday

"5 Hauled dirt on lawn & helped Jos. Tate stretch wire.

27 March 1902 • Thursday

Fixed fence on west & north sides of lot to keep chickens out of lot. Took George to Station [p. 99]

28 March 1902 • Friday

Stormy. I hauled canyon dirt & put on lawn.

29 March 1902 • Saturday

Hauled dirt on to front for lawn. Attended Stake Priesthood Meeting at Tooele.

30 March 1902 • Sunday

Set apart as Fast day on account of First Sunday in Apr. being Conference. I fasted 26 hours, paid 50¢ offerings, attended School & meeting. Bore testamony in Theological Class Sunday School, Offered opening prayr at meeting and blessed Jos Kirk Jr.’s baby and christened it Rolo. Jr. Wrote letters to Mother, Alice & others.

<Weather clear all day but quite cold.>6

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March 1902, The Journal of George F. Richards, accessed July 27, 2024