November 1900

1 November 1900 • Thursday

Took top off sheds, straw lumber & scantlings, put in extra posts &c. Attended Rep. Ralley in evening Thos. Fitch speakar.

2 November 1900 • Friday

Continued work on shed, Cut tops out of Poplars to cover it.

3 November 1900 • Saturday

Took my team & carriage & took Prest Gowans, C. R. McBride & Archie Bevan with me to Grantsville where we put up at Prest C. L. Andersons, attended Stake Priesthood meeting & high council meeting. Made opening talk at former by request. At latter The Stake Tithing clerk was allowed 1% of the tithing of the Stake for performing the duties of his office including the making of the Bishop’s books & statements annually.

In evening attended Dem. Ralley Dunlavy speaker. Paid Bro. Anderson $2.50 note & gave my note for $1000 payable in two years with interest of 7%. Redeemed my note of $250 at Zions S. Bk.

4 November 1900 • Sunday

Attended School at Tooele & arraigned Newman Rimington before the School Supt, for teaching false doctrine in the School, & persisting in enforcing it upon the minds of the class members against the decision of the Bp & Councelors & class teachers. Attended Meeting & assisted in bless[p. 32]ing children, confirming baptized members & in administering to the Sick. I sealed the Anointing on Sister Dorman & confirmed John Elmer England a member. Attended Circle & Prayed at Alter, Attended Conjoint mutual meeting in evening.

5 November 1900 • Monday

Weather fine

Home I went to Mercur with team & carriage for Alice & Children. Staid all night. Took Hyrum, Estella, Alice & the children down town in evening to witness Democratic torch light parade.

<Picked up Bro. Latham & hauled from Slag town to mouth of Ophir>1

6 November 1900 • Tuesday

Returned home Estella accompanied us after voting. Cast our ballots here. Attended Y.M.M. meeting & in absence of Bro. Geo. Lyman I delivered his lesson lecture. 4 lessons prepared.

7 November 1900 • Wednesday

Read election news, posted books. Went down on prairie & got 5 rabbits Geo. Assisted me. Sold some lumber, in evening attended Lesser Priesthood meeting <& talked to the boys> Wrote letters. Received notice of 1st payment on land west of Town being due.

8 November 1900 • Thursday

Hauled wet straw off top of stack on to sheds. Made out and mailed to U L. Co. my Oct. Report. Wrote to Grandma &c. Plowed road.

<Paid City Tax $10.18>2

9 November 1900 • Friday

Finished the repairs on road up on to the bench and hauled a load of straw off bench & put on shed. Put a load on stack. &c. Wrote Lumber Co. Obtained School warrants on lumber account with which to pay taxes $57.95

10 November 1900 • Saturday

Settled my taxes & with the boys’ help hauled four loads of straw from the bench.

11 November 1900 • Sunday

With my team Prest. Gowans & I went to E. T. Ward & attended School & meeting and spoke in both. Took dinner with Bp Moss. Bro. C. L. Anderson came to meeting & spoke. We [p. 33] met Bp. Moss & Brigham Gillett after meeting & assisted in bringing them to a settlement of a personal trouble & difference. On my return home I by request got Matt. Speirs to accompany me & we administered to Margaret Bowen Hayne’s baby at Bro Craner’s house. While at E.T. we met with Bishop & counselors & catechised them on their mode of living & gave instructions.

12 November 1900 • Monday

Weather beautiful. Geo. & I hauled a load of straw from bench & put on sheds finishing same. I took young stock from north field to East lucern field. & Brought horses from field. Took box off wagon & with two four horse teams we went to depot & got two loads of lumber two cars having come in to-day. Folks well.

13 November 1900 • Tuesday

Continued lumber hauling. Attended Y.M.M. meeting in evening & answered prepared on all the Lessons.

14 November 1900 • Wednesday

Continued lumber hauling & sold about $20 worth. In evening I made up my accounts wrote to U.L.C. & enclosed ck. of $18.90 full for Relief Society materials. Weather fine. Folks well.

15 November 1900 • Thursday

Finished lumber hauling, checked up the lum. Hauled load of straw from bench farm for bedding. Attended Water Co. Bd. meeting at 5:30 & Elder’s Quorum @t 7:30 P.M. Spoke a few minutes in Quorum meeting. Received letter from Bro. Fred. Posted letters to State Bank Lum. Co. Juvenile Editor.

16 November 1900 • Friday

Geo. & I went to cedars & got a load of wood. In evening I read the News & Transcrip and wrote letters to Mother & to Fred. Geo. Nerva, Mama & Estella went to dance.

17 November 1900 • Saturday

Stormy. All well.

Repaired buggy, pig pen & trough. Fixed up straw stack &c. Prepared to go to Mercur. [p. 34]

18 November 1900 • Sunday

Home Weather windy in forenoon and snowed in afternoon & night.

With my team & carriage went to Mercur taking Prest. Gowans, Estella & babies & Nerva with me. Left home about 7:45 A.M. & arrived at Mercur at 1:45 P.M. Put up team at Barry Bros & I staid at Hyrum Lee’s. Attended evening sacramental meeting & spoke to my satisfaction for about 35 min. Administered to Sister Swenson before meeting & Sister Curtis after meeting. Held counsel meeting with the brethren of Bprick after meeting.

19 November 1900 • Monday

Returned from Mercur at 1245 P.M. afternoon. Put Bottom in bedstead. Went with Alice to the dentists & in evening we attended theatre Ole Olson by the terrible Sweed.

<Attended class school 1st meeting @ 6 P.M.>3

20 November 1900 • Tuesday

Made pig pen, cleaned out pens &c <Attended mutual at evening.>

21 November 1900 • Wednesday

Wind blowing hard all day from South melting most of the Snow. Have all the animals up feeding. I put finishing touches on pen cleaned up about pens &c.

I visited Alma & A[l]bert Lindholm in relation to their duties in Elders Quorum & they promised more faithful attendance. Re[a]d lives of apostles M W Merril J. W. Tayler & Anton H. Lund. Wrote to Mother

22 November 1900 • Thursday

Weather moderated, no wind, snow gone.

I sent animals to field, Black sow had 6 pigs & I put them [in] pen & cared for them, took rack off trucks & put on box, had Geo. Disk the garden over. I repaired gates, sold $32.65 worth of lumber &c.

By request of Prest. Gowans, I went up to Cemetery & dedicated grave & body of B. L. Morgans baby, Attended Elders meeting and spoke a short time. After meeting I accompanied Albert Lindholm down to his Mothers & administered to Charles Lindholm who is sick. Wrote in journal &c. [p. 35]

23 November 1900 • Friday

Weather windy & thawing.

Home Repaired harness, hauled manure on to lot &c. Read the papers &c.

24 November 1900 • Saturday

With the help of Geo. & Legrand hauled 15 loads of manure on to lot. Read & Studied in evening.

25 November 1900 • Sunday

Prest. Gowans & I with my team went to St. John where we attended School & Meeting & Spoke at each. Took dinner with Bp. Ahlstrom. Owen Barrus & Heber Robinson were present in the interest of the Y M. M. I. A. We arrived home about 7:15 P.M.

26 November 1900 • Monday

I went to Mill, called on Bro. Lyman, Saw Bro Craner & tried to lease his lucern grount [ground] for a term of years for pasture but failed. Wrote Utah Lum. Co. and after 3 P.M. George & I went down on prarie & got some rabbits for meat. Studied lecture for Mutual.

27 November 1900 • Tuesday

Worked pole tax for 1900. Hauled gravel. Prepared to go for wood. Attended Mutual & lectured on Object of temples &c.

28 November 1900 • Wednesday

George & I went for stumps (Cedar) to little Mountain & got a large load of good dry cedar Stumps.

29 November 1900 • Thursday

Thanksgivings Day.

I took the family out for a ride Had a good dinner at home. Did some writing & reading.

30 November 1900 • Friday

Geo. & I went to little mountain & got a large load of dry cedar stumps. Read the News in the evening.

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November 1900, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 5 November entry.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 8 November entry.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 19 November entry.