June 1899

1 June 1899 • Thursday

Got Plow attachment repaired at shop also got gang Land side plates repaired and Wagon, fixed. I plowed on bench with gangs & Geo plowed at west field with Oliver & attachment. Put in my bid on lumber &c for Tooele Creamary for $670.00 Administered to J. P. S. Skelton.

<Rained Some.>1

2 June 1899 • Friday

Rained part of the day & most of Fri. Night

Home I went on bench to plow but the weather was so stormy I did not get much done. George did some plowing in the lot. I set out some tomatoe plants in the evening Bathed at night & played with the children. [p. 314]

3 June 1899 • Saturday

Tooele Heavy rain last night and during the day. The street is made a river of water. I attended a meeting of the share holders of the Tooele Creamery Co. at 10 A.M. Attended Stake Priesthood meeting at 11 A.M. visited J. P. Skelton who is sick with Typhoid fever also S. W. Lee’s baby who has long been sick. Copied blessings & sent to Sisters Mary Ann Hunter & <Louisa> Hale of Grantsville. The boys went hunting towards evening.

4 June 1899 • Sunday

Weather cool.

Tooele I attended School, called on J. P. Skelton & with Prest. Gowans administered to him. Attended Fast meeting and confirmed Margaret McLaws a church member. Wm Vowles funeral service at 3:30 P.M. at Meeting house, I occupied 35 min & Prest Gowans about 25 min. by request. Mailed blessings to Jos. Yates for his wife & Mother-in-law Sister Maxwell.

5 June 1899 • Monday

Weather cool.

Home I Got gang plow from bench & took it to west field & plowed. Wm Robinson Came from Farmington on wheel.

6 June 1899 • Tuesday

Weather pleasant, nats thick at field.

Home Plowed all day at west field with gang.

7 June 1899 • Wednesday

Plowed at West field in forenoon, moved up on to [p. 315] bench & tried to plow in afternoon but the ground was too wet. Brought gang home and took Alice & the little girls for a ride up to Cemetery & over to field. Rec’d half Doz plow lays from Town. Wm Robinson went home today.

8 June 1899 • Thursday

Weather warm.

Home I cleared corn ground of Sages & harrowed same with boys help. Geo continued the plowing

9 June 1899 • Friday

Continued work of yesterday, Weather warm.

10 June 1899 • Saturday

Continued same work until noon, then I quit came home & went to Lake View where I attended ceremonies of laying corner stone to their new meeting house. I made a short talk and then the honor of laying the corner stone was accorded to me. I placed in a cavity of the rock made for the purpose a qt. glass jar filled with newspapers, a history of the Lake View Ward organization & officers &c This was cemented in & at 4 P.M. I laid the corner stone on Northwest front corner.

Took Alice & children for a ride.

11 June 1899 • Sunday

Home I staid home with Mama in the forenoon while the children went to School. Attended meeting & Circle & Spoke in former. Administered a Patriarchal Blessing to Ada Dunn [p. 316]

12 June 1899 • Monday

Weather fine.

Home I plowed all day at west field.

13 June 1899 • Tuesday

Plowed at west field breaking

14 June 1899 • Wednesday

" " " " ".2 Folks well.

15 June 1899 • Thursday

" " " " " " 3 Signed temple recommend for Josephine Droubay.

16 June 1899 • Friday

Sunday school excursion up canyon. I hitched up bay mare, took grain to mill went over to Caldwells’ & to see farm. Children had two teams up canyon. I took Alice Lucena & Mamie up Canyon towards evening, called at Peter Gillespies.

17 June 1899 • Saturday

Joel & I with two plows plowed on west field. Geo & Leg. got out mower & rake & prepared to commence haying.

18 June 1899 • Sunday

I attended School & meeting & after latter blessed Sidney Vowle’s baby Cecil Vienna. Spent a few hours at home reading &c.

19 June 1899 • Monday

Weather clowdy

Tooele Commenced cutting hay. Joel plowed on bench

20 June 1899 • Tuesday

Continued cutting hay & plowing.

21 June 1899 • Wednesday

" " " " "4

22 June 1899 • Thursday

" " " "5 Fin cutting 38 acr[e]s

23 June 1899 • Friday

Plowed on bench with 4 horses & broke plow beam.

24 June 1899 • Saturday

Made ready for hay hauling, hauled small load. <Heavy wind.> [p. 317]

25 June 1899 • Sunday

Heavy wind.

Home I spent the forenoon at home. Geo. & Nerva went to Grantsville to Young Folks Conference. Prest. Gowans took my team. Our little girls & Joel & Legrand went to school. In afternoon Attended Meeting and circle Offered closing prayr in meeting. Read back numbers of Juvenile.

In the evening I attended meeting where Elders Leroy Snow & Bro Hull spoke I talked a short time until they came

26 June 1899 • Monday

Weather warm.

Tooele Commenced hauling hay. Hauled four loads & unloaded & then took Alice & little girls down to west farm Geo. Went along with gun & got a rabbit.

276 June 1899 • Tuesday

Weather hot.

Home We continued hay hauling. Joel plowed on bench.

28 June 1899 • Wednesday

Continued haying & plowing with the boy’s help.

29 June 1899 • Thursday

Finished hauling hay, put wires over Stack, took down ropes & put away with Slings & pulleys, went up canyon with M. B. Nelson & P Clegg as a committee on water matters.

30 June 1899 • Friday

Hauled 200 bu. of Wht. to mill for McBride. Repaired gates & fences at field & turned [amends?] in lucern field. [p. 318]

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June 1899, George F. Richards, accessed February 9, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1899/1899-06


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 1 June entry.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Plowed at west field breaking”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Plowed at west field breaking. Folks well.”

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Continued cutting hay & plowing.”

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “Continued cutting hay & plowing.”

  6. [6]Richards originally wrote “26th” before writing “7” over the “6”.