The Church Historian's Press

December 1898

1 December 1898 • Thursday

Tooele I hauled fodder & hay over to field & brought straw home. Hauled a load of 3080 lbs coal from Depot. Read & wrote to Mother unto [p. 269] until 11:30 P.M.

2 December 1898 • Friday

I hauled a couple of loads of coal from Depot. Roads muddy & soft. Spent the evening reading Compiled Laws Wrote in my Journal &c.

3 December 1898 • Saturday

I attended to sund. items of business. Attended Stake Priesthood Meeting at Tooele & presided Prests. Gowans & Anderson being absent.

I set James Hutchins apart to labor as a missionary among the young men Prest Gowans assisting at his office. Recorded two blessings.

4 December 1898 • Sunday

Attended School & offered the opening prayr Attended afternon & evening meetings & Circle. Administered Patriarchal blessings to Alice Tate and Marie Brown. Blessed a baby in meeting.

5 December 1898 • Monday

Bought mince meat from Vowles. Took seven head of horses down to Fish & Dairy Pasture Alonzo Gowans went along and took two horses.

6 December 1898 • Tuesday

Weather cold, but little snow on ground In forenoon I bought files & filed cross cut & meat saws. In afternoon killed pig.

7 December 1898 • Wednesday

Worked pole tax repairing ditch in front.

8 December 1898 • Thursday

Continued work in front on ditch in forenoon and in afternoon cut up & Salted down the pig. Spent the evening studying & writing and attended the Elders Quorum & talked to the members for about 30 minutes. [p. 270]

9 December 1898 • Friday

Did some recording & other writing and read & studied from Orson Pratts Works. In the evening I attended the Sunday School Concert.

10 December 1898 • Saturday

Spent the forenoon studying and In the afternoon Prest. Gowans & I with my team went to Vernon. Staid at E J. Behrson’s [Pehrson’s?] and had a pleasant evening.

11 December 1898 • Sunday

at Vernon. Attended School & meeting; occupied about 15 min. in School and 35 min in meeting. Administered a blessing to Sister Pehrson and Prest Gowans & I administered to Elizabeth Pehrson. Bro Gowans anointed & I confirmed the anointing. We left vernon about 4:30 P.M. & arrived home about 9:30 a cold drive.

12 December 1898 • Monday

<I washed and repaired Washer & otherways helped Mama.>1

13 December 1898 • Tuesday2

Weather clear & in the shade, cold. I husked corn all day. Sister McIntosh called & had dinner & I feed fed her team. Spent the evening writing and reading.

14 December 1898 • Wednesday3

Went down to Fish & Dairy pasture & Saw my horses. Traded Browny to Alfred Bell for a 3 yr old horse. He is to keep the horse for until <me until> next fall when we have to commence feeding for $3.00 I copied two blessings, & read eight chapters from the Juvenile for the Children in the evening.

154 December 1898 • Thursday

Hauled wheat to mill (1 load) hauled a load of Straw. Attended Elders meeting and spoke ass[p. 271]isted in setting apart J. G. Damian Coun to the Prest of the Quorum and set apart Brigham Gillet as Secretary of the Quorum.

16 December 1898 • Friday

I husked corn &c. read papers. Wrote letters M.I.A. Missionaries Pearson & Rasmussen staid over night with us.

17 December 1898 • Saturday

Went up to Lees & administered to Estellas babe They having come from Mercur last night. Hyrum Lee, Frank Barber & I & the boys met Bro Stookey at Ry Section house on my land at 1 P.M. and surveyed our land got home in the evening.

18 December 1898 • Sunday

Attended School at Tooele Also. Afternoon meeting and circle In the evening I read to the children from the Juvenile Little Willey & other Stories

19 December 1898 • Monday

Attended Tooele City Water Co. Board Meeting where a dividend of 3½ % was declared. I assisted Prest. Gowans with his Water Co. accounts Paid Warrants &c. Went up to Lees twice & administered to the baby. George with my team took F. Barber and others to Mercur.

20 December 1898 • Tuesday

I paid T. W. Co Warrants. Studied Law <&c>

21 December 1898 • Wednesday

Turned the washer & helped with the <washing>

22 December 1898 • Thursday

Mended chairs and my Desk &c. Studied Parliamentary law &c.

23 December 1898 • Friday

Wrote letters. Did some studying, attended School exercises with the family &c. Elders Duke and Rasmusen S[t]aid over night with us. I attended a meet[p. 272]ing of the Board of Trustees of the Irrigation Dist. in the eve.

24 December 1898 • Saturday

Tooele. I took the children to the Childrens dance. Did some shopping for Xmas. Administered to Sister McLain. Bro McKellar & I. Hyrum and Estella staid here all night and assisted us in preparing the Xmas tree.

25 December 1898 • Sunday


The children were happy but before night Ruby, Sarah, Lucena & Mamie were sick with colds sore throats and fevers. I administered to all of them. They all got pretty good rest except Lucena I attended S. School & meeting and between school and meeting I did some missionary work. Jos. Orme & I went down and talked with H. B. Haynes and afterward to his wife and we think we did some good. Our efforts were to bring about a reconciliatory feeling & action between them. We leave the future to prove the fruits of our labors.

26 December 1898 • Monday

Our children seemed to feel better and I availed myself of the cheap rates and went to Farmington Staid all night at Nervas. Administered to Nerva, Rhoda and Eva Alice. Retired at 12:30

27 December 1898 • Tuesday

Farmington. At Nerva. Called at Maria Clarks & left for Salt Lake on 8:25 A.M. U.P. Ry. At S.L.C. borrowed $150.00 at Zions Savings Bank at 8 % on demand. Did some trading, engaged No. 3 room at Whitehouse for Jan. 7th for $12.00 per mo. Went down [p. 273] to Dr. Stephen’s and accompanied him to the Sugar house Carnival in the evening.

28 December 1898 • Wednesday

Sugar House. Left Sugar on 6:45 Car & S. L. City on 7:45 train Arrived o.K. Sarah was sick with Sore throat & fever & rash Doubtless Scarlet fever. I administered to Sarah and afterward telephoned Stephen & got prescriptions. The other children were better.

29 December 1898 • Thursday

Home. I staid in and waited upon Sarah day and night. Administered to her occasionally. Wrote some letters.

30 December 1898 • Friday

I staid in and read & waited on Sarah who has a very sore throat. Administered to her several times. Mama washed and Legrand helped her. The other boys hauled 90 odd bushels of wheat to J. W. Tates & paid up our account there.

31 December 1898 • Saturday

I went up to Geo. Akin’s by request and assisted in administering to him: Present Prest. Gowans, Bp. Atkin & his two Counselors. I waited on Sarah who seems some better. I attended a meeting of the Social Hall committee at Bro. Craners in the evening.

The boys delivered wheat to England to pay off my account. [p. 274]

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December 1898, The Journal of George F. Richards, accessed July 27, 2024