The Church Historian's Press

June 1896

1 June 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant in morning, threatened storm in evening I administered to Ruby in the Morning & Mamie in the evening she having come down with measles. I plowed at field all day & had Tom. Remington planting corn. Wrote to Mother in evening.

2 June 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed all day. Children sick with measles.

3 June 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I plowed all day. Administered to sick. Consecrated a bottle of oil. [p. 75]

4 June 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed in lot in the morning, then shaved & went to Fast meeting. Spoke there & blessed John Marsden’s baby girl Anointed Sister Wm Dunn. Plowed in afternoon. Wrote Abram.

5 June 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant in forenoon rained in afternoon. I plowed all day at field. Children improving.

6 June 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I attended Stake Priesthood meeting & plowed in garden in forenoon and in afternoon went to field & plowed.

7 June 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I did the chores, shaved & bathed and wrote letters to Mother, Alice Ann, Nerva & Fred. Did some reading, Attended meeting & Circle meeting.

8 June 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather very warm. I plowed all day. & retired to bed early.

9 June 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I plowed all day. [p. 76]

10 June 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm

Plowed all day. Arranged with Geo. Rimington to plow 12 A. for Nig1 horse. Trustees meeting <in evening.>

11 June 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm.

I continued the plowing with four horses & gang plow. Bro Rimington commenced plowing for me.

12 June 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather continues warm. I continued the plowing. Arranged with Jos. Tate to build me a hay derrick for $10.00 & furnish the materials. Folks well. Wrote to Doctor Stephen about boys to help me in haying.

13 June 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm. I continued the plowing. Bought Big 4 mowing machine & 12 ft. rake of J. W. Tate for $82.50 here or less freight in S.L.C. Found mistake quotation was on Osborne.

14 June 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather hot.

I took my team & Prest Gowans accompanied me to Lake View when we attended School & meeting, took dinner with Wallace [p. 77] Sagers & gave blessing to his wife after meeting also administered to Bro Sheets at his home.

15 June 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended Dist Court & applied for release of Agent for Farmhouse Name. Taken under advisement. Plowed in afternoon

16 June 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather hot.

Continued plowing.

17 June 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I continued the plowing.

18 June 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm.

Finished the plowing late at night. <attended R.R. meeting in evening.>

19 June 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

Went to Town by team, Joel accompanied me. Bought Mower, Rake &c.

Staid over night at Dr Stephens.

202 June 1896 • Saturday

SL City. Weather hot.

I loaded & got started home at 11 A.M. Steve accompanied me home Arrived [p. 78] home at 11 P.M. All well.

21 June 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

I went to Batesville, Alice accompanied me. I wrote letters &c. Administered to Widow Smith.

22 June 1896 • Monday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

I set up mower & Rake, went to field & commenced mowing at 4 P.M.

23 June 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather unsettled. I mowed lucern all day. Received a letter from Nerva & answered it.

24 June 1896 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I mowed lucern to 4 P.M. & came home & Did some Ry. Committee Work & attended a R.R. meeting in the evening.

25 June 1896 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I mowed lucern all day.

26 June 1896 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I mowed lucern all day & finished about 7 P.M. [p. 79]

27 June 1896 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant I made a hay rack, reach &c & the boys went to Salt Air & got load salt Attended a meeting of the School Trustees in the evening.

28 June 1896 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm. Alice accompanied me to Clover where we attended meeting & called at Sister Burridge’s at St John & with President Gowans & wife took dinner or lunch. Called on Abram & Polley at ranch in the evening.

29 June 1896 • Monday

Tooele Commenced to cut my volunteer wheat for hay & cut about 8 acres.

303 June 1896 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm & windy. I mowed & put up 8 acres or more of volunteer wheat & finished. Attended Trustees meeting in evening.

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June 1896, The Journal of George F. Richards, accessed July 27, 2024