February 1893

1 February 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cold 3 or 4 in. snow. I sold a load of hay to Jas. James. Went down town & bought a pair of felt boots. Hitched up the team and hauled poles from the Barrington lot stack yard, Took to pieces the Stable which had blown down and hauled most of it over to our yards &c.

In the evening I studied Civil Government and Roberts Rules of Order and read from the Scottish Chiefs aloud. All are usually well.

2 February 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant in morning and windy most all day.

I attended, Fast meeting, spoke and blessed Walter B. Stewart, babe, and anointed and assisted in administering to Sister Sarah Smith, widow, Loaded hay for Wm Green &c. In the evening I read from Scottish Chiefs to a late hour.

3 February 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather cold.

I hauled remainder of Stable and poles from Barrington lot. cleaned out Yard mangers & sheds and manure from the stables. Repaired mangers, hauled hay into yards, filled mangers.

In the evening I attended School Trustees meeting at Co-op Store after which I [p. 96] read aloud from Scottish Chiefs finishing the book of 676 pages.

4 February 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather windy all day.

I attended to the regular work of the Ranch in the morning, shaved and attended the Stake Priesthood meeting at Tooele. Assisted in Setting apart the Home Missionaries, was mouth in setting apart Bro. Stromberg and Moroni England. Bros. C. L. Anderson & Sudworth took dinner with us and I played checkers with them & beat them both.

In the evening I read from “Robinson Crusoe” Studied Civil Government, bathed &c.

5 February 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather windy & snowing.

Ward Conference at Tooele. I attended the school in the morning. Attended the Ward Conference in the afternoon and presented the names of the officers for the sustainance of the people or in other words to be by them sustained. Attended the Joint Session of Young Men & Ladies Association in the evening and gave a twenty minutes lecture on Civil Government which seemed to give general satisfaction. Alice accompanied me to meeting.

6 February 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather reasonably pleasant. I went to the depot & got a large load of coal. Sold a load of hay to James Kirk. [p. 97] Hauled hay into the yards for cattle &c. In the evening, I went over to Geo. Atkins where I spent the evening with Bp. Atkin, Geo. Craner & Bro Beesley of Salt Lake object being to get Bro Beesley come out and live here and lead the choir &c. I proposed to give him the use of my house & lots on Main Street for the season without charge. He took time to decide.

7 February 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I sold two loads of hay and trimmed trees and in the evening I attended the Civil Government Class and lectured on motions from Roberts Rules of Order. After meeting I studied Civil Government lessons for next meeting and read preface to “Thaddeus of Warsaw” wrote to U B & S. Co. S.L.C. for a copy of above named book. My wife had a kind of cramp in the night. Others usually well.

8 February 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather windy.

I spent most of the day in doors it being such bad weather. Went to the store & got weigh receipts In the evening I attended a School Trustees meeting.

9 February 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant in forenoon snowed in the afternoon. I trimmed some [p. 98] trees, sold a load of hay to Thos. Horman

Did some work in the Shop and in the evening I read aloud from Robinson Crusoe.

10 February 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather cloudy but warm. I sold a load of hay to Thos. Horman, trimmed apple trees and went to the Basin pasture to See the animals. Took Alice with me in buggy. Called at Store & Bro. Gowans Office. In the evening I sold to James James 4 acres of water for $300.00. He having called to see me about the matter. I did some writing & retired early Geo. & Estella went to the School party.

11 February 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy.

I hauled manure, sold hay, &c. Got ready and took team & buggy and Prest. H. S. Gowans with me and went to St. Johns arriving there about 6 P.M. Attended a meeting of the Priesthood in the evening which continued until 2 o’clock in the morning. Staid at Bp. Caldwell’s over night and attended Priesthood meeting at 10 A.M. & Conference & [at?] 2 P.M.

12 February 1893 • Sunday

St. John Weather Cloudy & stormy.

Attended Priesthood meeting at ten o’clock and Ward Conference at 2 P.M. Spoke under the influence of the Spirit and I believe to the satisfaction & profit of the people. Returned home at 7 P.M. after a two hours drive 16 miles in a [p. 99] blustering storm. The baby was not very well.

13 February 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather a little stormy. I sold two loads of hay, received letter from Abram Doremus and with check of $75.00 enclosed bought an acre of water of Jas. Tate and had it transferred upon the books of the company and assignment of same recorded. Did some necessary writing, wrote to Abram &c. Sold an acre of water on Ditch no 5 to Ormes Bros. for $75.00, took their note at four months in payment. In the evening Alice, Estella & I attended a theatre by Salt Lake Company. The baby is not well and I have headache perhaps caused by loss of sleep.

14 February 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I trimmed trees all day and in the evening, I attended Civil Government Class meeting. Sent letter & check to Bank for my Feb. assessment on stock in N. A S. L & B Society. also sent letter to Abram. All are usually well.

15 February 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant cold nights. I trimmed trees & in the evening wrote checkers letters, played checkers with James & George Hammond. All well. [p. 100]

16 February 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant. cold nights I trimmed trees, hauled hay into yards to cattle. attended to some business down town. and in the evening I read from Thaddeus of Warsaw just commenced to read it aloud.

17 February 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had J. M. Isgren working on acct. I helped him make gates, repair sheds &c. I cleaned out the sheds in yards. In the evening I went with Alice down to Hammond’s & while there played checkers &c. All well.

18 February 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had George helping me and hauled a load of hay and put in the barn and finished the trimming of Apple trees; bought ten bu. potatoes of F. D. Horman. Spent the evening at home. Shaved bathed & read aloud from “Thaddeus of Warsaw.” Some of the children have colds.

19 February 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather stormy some. I rode over to Lake View with Prest. Gowans where we met Prest. C. L. Anderson. We attended School and in the afternoon held Ward Conference. A good spirit prevailed. After meeting we consecrated a bottle of oil and heard David Adamson’s application for re-baptism. I took [p. 101] dinner with Bro. & Sis. Whitehouse. Spent the evening at home and retired early. children almost sick with cold.

20 February 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I sold two loads of hay to Thos. DeLaMare and loaded them. Subscribed for a book on animals & diseases, of Prince $5.50 Attended to some business at the store &c., Spent the evening at home reading. Amy & Ruby were quite sick & restless all night as a result of their colds.

21 February 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I hauled tree trimmings out into street and put hinges on two yard gates &c. In the evening I attended the Civil Government class. and then sat up with the sick children Amy and Ruby. Doctored Amy for Pneumonia. Studied and wrote up my Journal, wrote to Nerva &c.

22 February 1893 • Wednesday

Washington’s Birth day

Tooele Weather cold.

I having sat up all night with the sick, Amy & Ruby retired to rest at 7 A.M. and slept until 11 A.M Sold and loaded hay for Alvin Walters. Hitched up the team and went down to Nelsons, to James’ & to the Bishop’s on business. I found Bp. Atkin in bed sick & by request administered to him. Received in checks from Swen Nelson on a [p. 102] note $200.00 & sent same to Bank, wrote letters &c. went to Store & made purchas &c. retired at 7 P.M. and slept until Eleven P.M. then watched with the children until morning. They neither seemed so well

23 February 1893 • Thursday

My 32nd Birth day.

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I having sat up with the sick children during the night rested from 7 A.M. until 9 A.M. when I got up, took breakfast & sent for Dr. Davis who said after examination that Amy has Bronco [bronchial] Pneumonia & Amy’s <Ruby’s> lungs are effected. Both are very sick. Received letters from Mother & Nerva. I wrote a letter to Mother and a card to Nerva. Grace McKellar staid the night with us and I got to sleep from 8 or 9 oclock until 3 A.M. The children got better towards morning. Had James Hammond working in my stead.

24 February 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cold I waited on the Sick children reading & studying between times sold hay to E. Green. Sat up with children until 4.30 Am. They are improving. Had James Hammond hauling brush in my stead.

25 February 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy.

I sold hay to James Howell. Waited on the sick children who are improving in health. Sat up with the sick at night &c. [p. 103]

26 February 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. The sick children are improving. I having sat up with the sick during the night slept in forenoon and attended meeting in the afternoon. Bro. Lyman used the time. I offered the benediction. By request of Apostle Lyman, I called on him in evening before meeting to talk over matters pertaining to the interests of the Stake.

Attended the evening meeting and offered the Benediction. Our sick continue to improve. Administered to the Sick.

27 February 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather stormy.

I met Bp. Atkin & others at Geo Atkin’s store to talk over maters of interest to the ward. Attended to other business. Had school Trustees meeting at our house in the evening.

28 February 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I worked on my Ranch Report.

and in the evening, I attended a meeting of the amusement committee at 4 P.M. and Civil Government class at 7 P.M. After meeting administered to Sister Dues’ baby.

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February 1893, George F. Richards, accessed January 25, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1893/1893-02