March 1892

1 March 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather windy & <Cloudy> I assisted Miss Millie Atkin in commencing school by getting for her a chart & counting board. I attended to some business at the Court house and wrote letters to W. J. Robinson, Emma Monteith and mailed two other letters to A. F. Doremus Also made and posted bills to several parties owing. James Wrathall and Elijah spray came home with me to dinner. Balanced up my book accounts for the month of Feb. 1892. In the evening I attended the Lesser Priesthood meeting and talked to the young boys. Had the assistance of the Spirit in doing so. Georgie went with me. I was mouth in ordaining John Alexander Bevan a Deacon.

2 March 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine part of the day. a shower of hail came about one P.M. I sold a load of hay to Dr F M Davis per Barber. Laid off land in South field and plowed. Went to Store in the early evening and got weigh receipts of Hay [p. 252] Remained at home in the evening and wrote and read.

3 March 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cloudy.

I sold a load of hay to Marshall. Fasted until after noon, plowed in South field sage land and turned the Kelsey water on next to East field. &c. Attended the Y.M.M.I. Ass. in the evening and was called to lecture of the Gospel next week. After meeting I studdied my subject.

4 March 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed in the South field and Sold a load of hay to Huff Bros. Spent the evening at home. Received for County Schools as Co. Treasurer $6840.83 from Territorial Auditor

5 March 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to some business at the Court House and plowed sage land in South field. Had two men piling sages. In the evening I wrote letters shaved and bathed Folks usually well. Joels throat is a little swollen. [p. 253]

6 March 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cool. I rode down to Grantsville with Bro. Gowans and attended Sunday school and Ward Con. Spoke in both school and meeting with freedom and spirit. Took dinner with Pp. [Bp.] James L. Wrathall. Returned in time to attend the evening meeting Conjoint meeting Alice, Georgie and Nerva accompanied me. After meeting by request I accompanied Andrew Gowans over home where I assisted Prest Gowans and J. W. Delamar in administering to Barbary Bowen who was passing a gall stone. J Delamar anointed & I confirmed which seemed to have the desired effect and was followed by relief and blessing from the Lord.

7 March 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed all day in South field. Had two men Nels Johnson and Adam Heggie piling sages. In the evening I wrote several letters. Sent papers to Fred. [p. 254]

8 March 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I repaired barn yard fences, set two posts; went to the Station and got my Mosler Safe weighed it and found its weight to be 1690 lbs.; put it in place in the house. Did some business at the Court House. Turned the Kelsey water in East field and in the evening I attended a committee meeting appointed to revise the Bylaws of the Tooele Irrigation District. Was elected Secretary of the Committee.

9 March 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant, ground dry. Alice, the three girls & I went by train to the City. Attended to some business there and went down to Stephen’s in the evening. Staid with Willard The others staid at Stephens. Mother was there

10 March 1892 • Thursday

Salt Lake Weather pleasant.

I took Alice & children up Town Mother accompanied us. Had Sarah’s & Amy’s photos taken together. Attended to divers business & returned to Sugar Ward where we staid all night as the night previous. [p. 255]

Paid Tithing As Follows.


Paid in full



Paid in full


[5 lines blank]


Paid Fast Offerings



" " "1


[4 lines blank]


Paid Temple Offerings



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[8 lines blank] [p. 256] [end of second volume]

Book III

March 11th 1892.


June 25, 1894

3This is the Property of

George F. Richards.

Tooele City, Utah.

Handle with Care and Return to Owner.

Library Book No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [p. [0]]

[2 blank pages]

11 March 1892 • Friday

Tooele City

Positions of Trust held by me this date.


Second Counselor in the Stake Presidency.


County Treasurer of Tooele County.


A member of the County Board of Examiners of Teachers.


A member of the Board of Directors of the Tooele City Water Company and Treasurer of the Company.


A member of the school board and chairman.


Vice President of the County Republican Committee and of the Rep. Club of Tooele City precinct.


Am in the employe of A. F Doremus @ $75.00 per month and conveniences of the place.

I was a candidate on the Republican ticket for Representative to the late Legislature but was defeated by the Democratic Candidate Arnett from Bingham.

[7 lines blank] [p. 1]

11 March 1892 • Friday

Salt Lake Weather pleasant.

I staid at Willard Richards over night, Alice and children (3 girls) staid at Stephens where Mother. was also staying. Aunt Lou (Willards wife) was very sick during the night. We left Stephen’s on the first car 6:50 A.M. and boarded the 7:45 A.M. Utah Nevada train for home. Arrived home O.K. about 11 A.M. Edward Green met us at Station with my buggy. He rode up with Frank Horman I took team and buggy and went out to try and get a man to work next day. Attended to some business at Court House, did some writing at home and in the evening I attended a Democratic Rally where McCuistion occupied all the time reporting his labors in the Legislature. written on 19th

4Rally was Monday 14th

I attended a Committee meeting to Revise Bylaws Water Co.

12 March 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Y.M.M.I. Association Conference at Tooele. I sold hay to Phelps in forenoon and his team ran away while loading prevented me from attending Conference in forenoon. I cleaned myself up and went out to Conference in the afternoon. After meeting I arranged a place for Bennion Bros. from Vernon to Stay at Jno. McKellar Jr’s Looked over my McKendrick lots with McKellar giving instructions what trees I wanted removed and other work I wanted done on the place. Spent the evening at home. Estella went to the theatre with Charlie Beauregard. Written up on 19th [p. 2]

13 March 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended Sunday School in the forenoon and Conference in the afternoon. J. D. McIntosh took dinner with us. I took Alice & babies for a ride towards evening while I was looking for hands for next day. We engaged Miss Taylor to help in a week. I attended meeting in the evening. Bp. Atkin and Father Meiklejohn occupied the time. Written up on 19th

14 March 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Some rain.

I bought seed Lucern at stores and hauled it home with team. Sold a load of hay to Wm McLaws 1½ tons and a load to Alf. Hanks. Repaired Barrington fence. Attended the Democratic meeting and heard A. J. McCuistion report his legislative labors. written on 19th

15 March 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I sold two loads of hay one to T. Gollaher and one to R. Lougey. Bought more lucern seed. Attended to sundry little Jobs and in the evening attended a Rep. primary and acted as Sec of the meeting. Was elected a Delegate to the County Rep. Convention for the 22nd. Remained and attended Methodist services, call at Lesser Priesthood meeting for Geo. & Legrand and offered the benediction also brought Estella home from Choir practice.

16 March 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I repaired Acme harrow and harrowed twice [p. 3] over the land bought of B. L. Bowen for Lucern, <& planted & harrowed again> Spent the evening at home.

17 March 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Relief society Jubilee Aniversary of its 50th year I attended meetings in forenoon and afternoon Spoke for a short time in forenoon meeting. Attended dance for married folks in the evening Alice attended both meetings and the party. Received list of Apportionments from Co Supt. Robinson and made checks to the different Dests [Districts?] for the amount their due and by request mailed them to Supt Robinson. went Riding.

18 March 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I burned sages all day. Cow calved.

In the evening I attended a trustee’s meeting.

19 March 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather Windy all day and snowed at night.

I pulled and burned sages all day. Sent 594 lbs dried apricots to Town by James Martin to Genl Tithing Store. In the evening I bathed and remained at home. Wrote up my Journal from memory from the 10th inst. We are all well.

20 March 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant interspersed with showers. I sold hay to Thos. Nix and Thos. DelaMar, fixed up my book accounts. I attended [p. 4] the meeting at Batesville with Prest. Gowans. Took dinner with O. P. Bates and spent the evening at home reading and writing.

21 March 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather stormy & fine alternately. I sold a load of hay each to T. Nix & T De La Mar. Settled for lucern seed &c. at Droubay’s. Attended to some business at the Court House as County Treasurer. Fixed up my book accounts from memorandas. Sent bills to Barber & Nix. Received $80.00 interest from Paul Droubay. Attended a committee meeting on Water Bylaws in the evening. All are usually well. I loaded a load of 2500 lbs. of hay for Stockton.

22 March 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took a load of hay to Stockton to Conner. Attended the County Republican Convention at the Tooele Court House and was elected a delegate to the Rep. Territorial Convention to be held at Provo April 1st 1892. Loaded a load of hay and delivered to Geo. Davie at his home. Spent the evening at home reading and writing.

23 March 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather stormy part of the day. I hauled rock from plowed ground in S Field. repaired fence on North side of small pasture. With team and scraper cleaned up the yards. Spent the evening at home, reading and writing. [p. 5]

24 March 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather stormy part of the day. I put new handles on two forks.

Opened a swollen shoulder for Lucy mare and took her down to Basin pasture. Took Alice and the two babies & Joel with me in the buggy with Vick in the buggy. Called at Terminus and saw E Martin about pasturage. Had Jno. McKellar Jr. digging trees out of my McKendrick lots and plowing them. Engaged Geo. Remington to dig up Locust shade trees on Main St. Engaged Jonathan White to come whitewash.

25 March 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather very cold.

I went down horseback and engaged of Frank Horman Nursery agt. 100 poplar trees @ 20 ¢ ea. Arranged with Henry Marshall to help plant trees. Gave directions for McKellar to take out old trees and prepare the ground for young trees. Attended to some business down Town and in the afternoon dug holes for trees on the Ranch. Attended Johnsons theatre in the evening from Sumpter to Appomatox. Good.

26 March 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled hay into the Stable for Vick. Transplanted Poplar trees, and staked off side walk for trees on Mc Lots.

Attended theatre in the evening Toms Cabin Poor. [p. 6]

27 March 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather very windy.

I took Vick and buggy and Bro Gowans went with me to St. Johns where we put up with the Bp. and attended meeting and spoke with freedom. Returned home at 8 P.M. and retired early.

28 March 1892 • Monday

Tooele Snowed all day.

Put down carpet, sold a load of hay to Mercer. Prepared a Report on By-laws for the evening meeting of Water owners and attended to several items of business down Town. In the evening I attended the Water meeting and read the Revised bylaws which were in part approved but finally s[e]nt back to the Committee on account of the provision to dispense with the services of Water master which the majority ruled against.

29 March 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant but about six inches of snow on the ground in the morning. By request of Apostle Lyman I met with several of the Brethren at his home at 10 A.M. where we considered Geo. Remington’s case. He charged several of the leading brethren with working underhandedly in preventing him from becoming one of the seven presidents of the 43 Quorum of Seventies. The charges were disproven, all that had been said having been said to his face [p. 7] and only that which was right and proper. Apostle Lyman objected to his becoming one of the Presidents of Seventies on the ground that he would not admit that adultery could be committed without spending and instructed the Clerk of Stake (Geo Atkins) to enter the objection upon the minutes of the High Council Records. I sold hay to several parties attended a meeting of the Water Co. Board at 4 P.M. and at 8 P.M. attended a school meeting and presided being Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

30 March 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather windy until about one o’clock P.M. when it commenced to Snow and snowed the remainder of the day. I went to the Station and got a load of coal, moved books, papers &c from new desk in <north> front room to South front room old desk. Put away my Library books in book case, called at store and got weigh receipts of hay. Called at Prest Gowans office and paid for coal and considered the Manifesto and evidence given before the Master of Chancery by Prest Woodroof [Woodruff].

A letter from Mother She being at Stephens in Sugar House Ward Salt Lake Co.

Spent the evening writing & reading. [p. 8]

31 March 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather Stormy 5 in[ches] Snow. I sold three loads of hay and between times made my County Treasurer’s Quarterly Report In the evening I worked on Ranch Report Geo. Complained of having sore throat.

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March 1892, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Paid Fast Offerings”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Paid Temple Offerings”.

  3. [3]The following five lines are stamped in black ink.

  4. [4]The following two sentences are written vertically in the left margin.