August 1891

1 August 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine

I waited on fruit cutters. Had a man making fruit frames. I shaved, bathed, and attended Stake Priesthood meeting at 11 A.M. Brought Bros. Anderson and Woolley home with me to dinner. Attended a High Council meeting from 2.30 until 7 P.M where [first and last names redacted] and [first and last names redacted] were Excommunicated.

Attended a school meeting in the evening and acted as Chairman of the meeting.

2 August 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

So eager is man to obtain the wealth of this world that he often times sacrifices his good name, his self respect, his honor and character and even his hopes of Eternal life in order to obtain it, which in the end proves to be a mere phantom or shadow i.e. the surplus. Should we be as devoted in our efforts to obtain the Riches of Eternity we would scarce fail in obtaining them. [p. 154]

While we are free to admit that the latter are the greater riches and the labor to obtain them more noble than the former yet we are so inconsistant as to Seek first those comforts or Riches which are nearer at hand and justify ourselves in that thought that the other Riches of Eternity are too far distant. A wise man looks into the future and invests his time and means in that which in the end will pay best. The wise parents use every effort to have their children well educated knowing that the means and time thus spent will in time bring ample reward. while the ignorant person can not see the point cannot afford to lose the time of their children and hence keep them out of the School Room. Who or which class are the good financers? As with temporal things so with Spiritual things.


Seek Eternal Salvation.


Build up a character.


Govern our Selves.


Temper our Dispositions


And by diligent Study and research for knowledge prepair our selves for usefulness.

[p. 155]

To build up a good character is a life long labor while to destroy that work of a lifetime requires but one act. (Disgraceful) Honesty is always the best policy Virtue always brings the most happiness. He that pays his debts always has wherewith to pay while he who avoids paying his debts never has with which to pay. Sunday school time.

2 August 1891 • Sunday

I this day Attended Sunday School and offered the opening prayr and taught A J Stookey’s class A class of young Ladies in the Book of Mormon. I attended meeting in the Afternoon and addressed the meeting. I counseled with Prest. Gowans and Geo. A Remington as to his (Remingtons) family relations. Assisted in ordaining Archibald Bevan to the office of an Elder Prest. Gowans being mouth. Before School I wrote my thoughts in my Journal; between School and meeting read also after meeting from Little World, Contributor and String of Pearls.

3 August 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine. Election Day. [p. 156] My name was on the Republican Ticket for Representative from the 9th Legislative District to the Next Territorial Legislature. It was also upon the County Republican ticket as County Justice of the Peace for Tooele Precinct. It was also on the Municipial ticket as 1st Alderman for the City. During the day I attended to some County business at the Court House Spent some time at the poles, wrote letters &c.

4 August 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine. Rained a little in the evening. I made July Ranch Statement, assisted with the washing, hoed among grape vines. Attended to the regular work of the place. Sent Geo. & Legrand on the horse up to Hank’s Saw mill and then with team in the afternoon after lumber. Engaged Ekenstane to make more fruit frames. Received $26.00 of Harriett Williams to send for a Sewing Machine. All usually well.

5 August 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I made out balance of July Report and mailed it to Abram. Attended to some school Business with J. W. Tate. Weeded in Garden and [p. 157] furrowed out potatoes. Had a call from C. R. McBride and from Fred Oswell of Nebraska.

6 August 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I used the City water from 5 A.M. until 10 A.M. and then went to Fast meeting. At Fast meeting I assisted in blessing the babies and consecrating the oil. I was mouth in blessing Geo. Coleman’s baby and Tyson Gollaher’s baby. I fasted and gave my usual amount one dollar as offerings. Called at the Co-op on my way home and treated to Ice cream in all nine dishes. Plowed a small piece of ground in lot and pruned raspberries and Poplars. Alice & children took a ride in the evening.

7 August 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I trimmed poplar’s. Attended to some business for the School District. Employed Miss Hillee Rowberry to teach school and ordered an Anatomical Chart in connection with the other Trustees. Put hammock up on the porch, repaired little wagon and carriage [p. 158] for the children and in the evening I attended a Water Company Board meeting and as Treasurer had $3830.53 worth of warrants cancelled. I was appointed to assist a committee from the Irrigation Board in measuring the water in Settlement Canyon to determine what is due the Water Company. Sarah was taken with Summer complaint during the night.

8 August 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I trimmed young Poplars in East field and took a load of baled hay over to Stockton in the afternoon. Spent the evening at home.

9 August 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I shaved and wrote letters to Alice Ann, Nerva and Abram and read to a finish String of Pearls. I attended meeting here and by request of the Bp. I addressed the meeting a short time after hearing from five other Speakers.

10 August 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I went with E. Broad, James James, [p. 159] and James A. S. Smith to measure the waters of Settlement Canyon. In the evening I attended a school meeting and acted as Chairman of the meeting. Had a quiet meeting but accomplished but little and an adjournment was taken for two weeks.

11 August 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I assisted in the measurement of the waters of Settlement Canyon and finished about five P.M. I cleaned up and Alice and I went to the Stores and back. I attended to some business at the Court House.

In the evening called at Court House to see City Council, called at Store to see Kirk, called at Dr Davice’s and paid him six Dollars, called on Prest. Gowans and left report of our measurements of water.

12 August 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I trimmed poplar trees on City Creek in East field; cleaned out the Barrington Ditch &. Wrote to Nerva. [p. 160]

13 August 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine in forenoon. Rained some in the Afternoon. I took the City water at 4 A.M. and used it until 10 A.M. Looked over the lucern with a view to cutting and irrigating. To see where the water was most needed and how near ready for cutting the lucern is. Assisted in gathering in the dried fruit and covering the partially dried fruit. Did the regular chores. Spent the evening at home. Geo. Remington called and I arranged with him to cut our lucern.

14 August 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I went with E Broad, James James and James A.S. Smith up to the head of the Water works and measured the water flowing into the pipes. We found there to be 4¼ miners inches. We had measured the ten streams and found there to be 187½ miners inches. This with the amount running in to the pipes makes a total of 191¾ miners inches in Settlement Canyon measurements being made at the head of each ditch some of which were about a mile and a half from the mouth of the Canyon.

In the afternoon I met with H S Gowans, Warburton and Gillispie and figured on the amount [p. 161] of water due the water Company. I took Alice out for a ride in the evening.

15 August 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine. Rained during the night. I went to the Basin pasture and plowed on either side of the R.R. track to prevent fire from Engines spreading. Took the folks up the Canyon 4 miles after Sarvesberries. Got a good supply. Shaved, bathed &c.

16 August 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather stormy part of the day. I took Alice & two babies with me to St. Johns where we met Prest. Gowans & Anderson.

Attended meeting and addressed the meeting for thirty five minutes. We left here at 11:30 and were two and one half hours on the way. The roads were heavy and we had rain going over. Coming back the weather was fine. We came on west side of Rush Lake and found the road good most of the way. Arrived home at 7:40 P.M. and found every thing O.K.

17 August 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather cloudy, some rain fell. I took team and buggy, tools and the three [p. 162] boys and went down to the Basin pasture & took to-pieces the leaning fence on Pass it having fallen down and I put it up again making a good job of it. Alice and I attended the theatre in the evening. The play was Inguina presented by the Lindsay Troup and was good.

18 August 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I cleaned ditch in forenoon and in the afternoon took Alice, George and the three boys girls to the Station on their way to Salt Lake where they leave next day for Plymouth on the Cache Valley Excursion train. I attended a meeting of the City Council where I got a reduction of $3.75 in my City tax.

I arranged with G A Remington to cut lucern next day. I Estella & the two boys went to the Theatre in the evening Lindsay’s Troup. Play Noble Outcast.

19 August 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cloudy some rain. I had the mower running all day. I sharpened two knives; got oil from store, cleaned ditch, &c. &c. Evening at home. [p. 163]

20 August 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather beautiful.

I had the machine running. Sharpened mower knife; picked & sold three bu. of apples; finished cleaning the ditch running from Kelsey ditch through yards; wrote up my journal from last Sunday to date by memory. Wrote to Alice at Plymouth.

21 August 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to the regular chores; sharpened mower knives; ground sythe and with it mowed the lucern between the apple trees. in apple orchard and the two long rows

22 August 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I raked and cocked hay all day. Had the mower running and in the afternoon, one team hauling. In the evening I shaved bathed and retired at 9 P.M.

23 August 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took Estella, Legrand and Joel with me in the buggy and went over to Clover where I [p. 164] met Prest. Gowans. Attended meeting and spoke for about 40 minutes. Returned home OK at a little after Seven PM.

24 August 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine. Some clouds.

I had nine men at work in the hay hauled in 18 loads. I ground mower knife, made Iron braces and put on horse rake. I had County Warrants to the amount of $2303.66 cancelled by the County Court. Raked and cocked hay all the afternoon. Attended a school meeting in the meeting. Acted as Chairman.

25 August 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I raked and put up hay, helped with the stacking, went to the Station and got Mary Robinson Estella went along. Received word by telephone that Alice was in the City & would be out to-morrow. Had a large force of hands at work and finished the mowing.

26 August 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I raked hay. Met Alice and children at [p. 165] Ry. Station with buggy. Had a number of men at work in the hay. Del [Delegate] to Rep. Ter. Conv. in S.L.C.

27 August 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

We finished the haying this day and in the evening Alice and I walked down to the Store and had Ice cream and soda and then before dark walked over and looked over our lots.

28 August 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm

I took down the hay fork and lowered the cable on to the stack. Wrote letters; repaired the cidar press and started the Remingtons to making cidar on shares, &c.

29 August 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm.

I hired P Droubay’s carriage and took all my folks down to the Buck. Alice and I had a dip in the briny deep and heard some newyork singing through the Phonograph. Left home at 12 M and returned about 9.30 p.m. Attended to some business at the Court house before going. [p. 166]

30 August 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took Alice and the three girls with me to Lake View where I preached. Ate dinner and Ice cream at Bp. Shields and peaches and melons at E. Spray’s.

31 August 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I Made August Report and Statement also issued bills to parties owing. Picked plums and apples for Martin two bus. each. Sundry other labor. Went to Co-op. Store in evening.

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August 1891, George F. Richards, accessed February 5, 2025