February 1920

2 February 1920 • Monday

Katharine came up and stayed with me tonight She stayed over because her mother is quite

sick [p. 33] {p. 26}

28 February 1920 • Saturday

Belle was with me all morning and just before going down to the reception I sat down on the floor instead of the Chair and was quite badly hurt. But revived and went down to the mezzanine floor to the reception where I received nearly 1000 friends from all walks in life. Beautiful flowers and music and friendly greetings and gifts. Came back to room much fatigued and lame from the fall Belle stayed with me all night All her family and Annies came. letters telegrams about 500. [p. 59] {p. 27}

29 February 1920 • Sunday

Felt pretty sick all day and had Dr [George W.] Middleton down. Had a large number of callers Was to have gone to 18th Wd Sunday School but was not well enoug to attend but the officers of the S.S.1 came down and brought flowers All the morning exercises were in her honor. It being her 92nd birthday. There were 30 callers.

Belle was here all day and night [p. 60] {p. 28}

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February 1920, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 12, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1920s/1920/1920-02


  1. [1]Sunday School.