June 1881

1 June 1881 • Wednesday

Little George Q. was shortened today.1 Pres. [Brigham] Young’s birthday. His daughters decorated his grave today. Belle went home by the morning train. I have been in ill health for some time. Sister Shipley has gone home. Scappatura is going away and I shall have to get another teacher Zina is in. town [p. 99] {p. 103}

2 June 1881 • Thursday

I was very bad with neuralgia– suffered all day long. Emeline was in the office with me. Got the papers just at evening. I went up to see Aunt Eliza and had a nice talk with her. That night suffered untold agonies had no one to speak to, Mell came down

3 June 1881 • Friday

Suffered awfully all day went to see Mother & had a nice ride with Dr. Pratt– Dr. Ferguson & Pratt both came and prescribed for me– Dr. Pratt brought me home. Sister Shipley came and staid all night and gave me a sweat. I had nearly a chill and distress at my heart. [p. 100] {p. 104}

4 June 1881 • Saturday

Today I was a little better tho’ suffering severely Aunt Eliza administered to me and she gave me a cape. I took in considerable money for her today Did not get through mailing. May was working hard as also myself. I have had so many callers. Mrs. Woods brought some wine for Mrs. Bredemeyer. Frank Kimball was here to<night>

5 June 1881 • Sunday

I staid at home all day. We had strawberry cake for dinner I never saw any of my own folks except Lou all day. I did some writing. Will Sharp and Johnnie [John D.] Spencer called– Rob came and took Louie out for a ride. The evening turned cool. It was Daisie’s birthday 13 she is my eldest grandchild I my <never> saw her all day. [p. 101] {p. 105}

6 June 1881 • Monday

It is a cold day, such a sudden change in the weather is not likely to produce health. May & I finished mailing. Had several callers. Sister King, Helen [Mar Kimball Whitney], Aunt Eliza, & lots more.

Louie has decided not to teach. She went down to Annie’s John Q. has commenced mowing down at the farm

7 June 1881 • Tuesday

Went off by 7 o’clock train to West Jordan to attend Primary Conference Sister Eliza R. S. S. Sisters Clawson Cobb Felt & [Lelia Tuckett] Freeze went with us. Stopped at Br. [Hyrum] Goff’s had breakfast. Meeting at ten crowded. Party at two o’clock 200 children.2 Sisters Jane & Sarah Richards called on me Sister Jennings came and invited me for Friday evening [p. 102] {p. 106}

8 June 1881 • Wednesday

Sister King and I were the guests of Br. Walter & wife our janitor–3 we dined in their new home with them sumptuously. Mell took Louie up to spend the day with her– they went to the graveyard with flowers. I went round to Annie’s in the evening Louie was here alone when I got home–

9 June 1881 • Thursday

This morning went by train to Ogden took Louie with me– found Belle well & Lucile comfortable. Went to R.S. Conference & spoke both forenoon & afternoon.4 Called at the office of the Ogden Herald took minutes of the meeting for them. Passed a pleasant evening in the parlor Louie sang and played slept with Dot & Louie [p. 103] {p. 107}

10 June 1881 • Friday

Went to Conference again and to Br. Richards to dinner Sister Ferguson was with us. Belle & Louie went over to Plain City to eat strawberries. Attended meeting in the afternoon spoke some time– came home by evening train, Louie staid. met Mr. [Obediah H.] Riggs on the cars and lots of other acquaintances. Rob came to the depot–

11 June 1881 • Saturday

Have been very busy all day long, went to see Sister Horne and mother. Expected Lou but she never came; was alone all the evening, Wrote Aunt Zina– O how very lonely the house seemed Miss Claridge was at Calder’s Farm5 with her school It rained and blowed and was not very pleasant [p. 104] {p. 108}

12 June 1881 • Sunday

Louie came by the morning train and brought Emmie with her. In the afternoon she went to meeting and I left took care of Emmie. Lou [Louis E.] Granger came from the East. I had not seen him for several years. He is at the Continental [Hotel]. I went up to Mell’s and down to see Aunt Zina. She is going to Brigham City–

13 June 1881 • Monday

A day of confusion and bustle Aunt Zina went off to join Aunt Eliza. I was busy preparing copy. Sister Ferguson has come home from Ogden. Annie came to see me. Citizens meeting at the Court House to arrange for the 4th. of July Louie went out riding & took Emmie with her– Miss Winters6 & Miss Slade called. Went to help wash & [p. 105] {p. 109} anoint Cornelia’s baby, Roy [Raymond])7

14 June 1881 • Tuesday

Another fearful day all confusion, so many callers and trying to get the paper ready Miss Winters Miss Slade & Ada Dwyer took dinner with Louie Rob took her out riding, Lou went to bed early & I staid up late reading & writing. Expect Belle down tomorrow. Emmie is not well– feel bad about her. Percival has had scarlet fever.

15 June 1881 • Wednesday

The weather is cooler. Louie went to Annie’s and took Emmie– Paper is all ready. My husband spent the afternoon with me. Louie went to Sharp’s to a party. Annie & John Q. too. Lou Granger spent the evening here. It is a pleasant moonlight evening. Belle did not come to-day. [p. 106] {p. 110}

16 June 1881 • Thursday

A very hot day, Lou went to Emily [Harris Wells] to tea Emmie cried dreadfully– I took her with me to the office and went to Annie’s after– and had supper Rob came and took her & the Louie home. Rob & Louie went to the theatre. I was at home alone it was a lovely night– I was fanciful and depressed in spirit

17 June 1881 • Friday

<Another accident happened to Louie>8 At 2 A.M. Maria Hall was taken sick and sent for me I went and staid all night Came home about 8 o’clock spent a wearisome day got out the paper and so business out until it was ready– Sister Richards sent me to ride with her–then I went to Maria at dusk & staid all night; went over there in the middle of the night for Joseph F. [Smith] [p. 107] {p. 111} and the Bishop to come and administer with the Bishop9

18 June 1881 • Saturday

Dr. Benedict came to counsel with Dr R Pratt and after deliberating some time delivered her without pain– by giving her chloroform. The babe was dead a boy quite a fine child Belle came down from Ogden with all the children. She went to the theatre with Rob & Louie. I staid at home alone–

19 June 1881 • Sunday

Belle was quite ill with rheumatism, could not move without screaming scarcely. Went to see a sick man Snowden suffering with acute heart disease. John Q. & Annie came to dinner Miss Cornelia [Cook] spent the evening with us. Rob & Louie went out riding. We had a most agreeable time [p. 108] {p. 112}

20 June 1881 • Monday

Went to the office and down to see Maria with Dr. Pratt called on Sister E. S. Taylor, finished my mailing Lou went to [Lillas Hook] Teasdale’s to a party A very warm day and cool evening. My husband was with me all the afternoon. We had a most pleasing conversation Sister [Myra Clayton] Winters was here all day.

21 June 1881 • Tuesday

Commenced whitewashing today. Mrs. Anne W. [Ward] Mailliard called on me, she told me she was the sister of Julia Ward Howe and that her niece was traveling with her– & invited us to call upon her at the Walker House– Louie & I went passed an hour.10 Snowden was very bad all the evening we were all excited over <it> [p. 109] {p. 113}

22 June 1881 • Wednesday

This is the anniversary of Bishop [Edward] Hunter’s birthday he is 88 today. There was an Excursion of Old Folk’s to Ogden. I went as escort for Mother Whitney and later notes for my paper.11 Had a pleasant time got home safe & found all right except Belle had gone home. Pres. Taylor & Br. Cannon were both very kind.

23 June 1881 • Thursday

Mrs. Mailliard called early and we went out together, then I took a carriage and invited some ladies to meet her at my office, my husband came and many others. Miss [Maud] Howe arrived alone her aunt followed. We had a pleasant time They invited me to go out in the carriage with them to call on some people [p. 110] {p. 114}

24 June 1881 • Friday

Went to Mill Creek in the morning12 Sisters Horne & S. M. Kimball went with me. We held two meetings and returned home safely. Went to the theatre in the evening. was very much fatigued Saw Raymond in Risks– a lovely night a comet made its appearance It is said to be the Star of Bethlehem13

25 June 1881 • Saturday

Mellie came down early and we agreed upon going to the Temple & Tabernacle Three gentlemen called upon me. in the morning Count de Eurgot from Paris, F. Osiori Secretary of Legation to Paris from Madrid, and one man from Venezuela14 Had a pleasant interview they went away much to believe in feeling kindly [p. 111] {p. 115}

26 June 1881 • Sunday

A hot disagreeable day Dr. Pratt came and took me to see Maria she was very low, did not know any one at all. Mother has gone to Mary’s, Mary [Cravath] Whitney Mary Jane [Whitney Groo] and Mr. [Isaac] Groo were all there. Whitney [Hall] feels dreadful bad.15 Annie & John Q were here to dinner– had a cold dinner

27 June 1881 • Monday

Maria Whitney [Hall] died at six o’clock this morning16 Mary Jane [Groo] came to tell me before I was up. I went down to help fix her– then went to break the dreadful news to mother Lou went up to tell Mellie. I telegraphed to Belle. It is very sad indeed– it astonishes me– [p. 112] {p. 116}

28 June 1881 • Tuesday

Preparations are being made for the funeral. A very solemn feeling has come upon the house. Belle came by the evening train, We have ordered flowers & a carraige. Whitney is almost wild. Aunt Eliza went down to see mother the Esquire is to speak John [K. Whitney] has come from Mendon– Mrs. [Fannie Decker] Little wife of the mayor17 died today

29 June 1881 • Wednesday

Funeral at 10 A.M. Mrs. Little’s at 4. p.m. There was quite a large assembly– The first Presidency and Twelve are out of town. Bishop Hunter & the Esquire both spoke– there were many of her old friends at the funeral. Belle & I went down afterwards to dinner. How sad it did seem. [p. 113] {p. 117}

30 June 1881 • Thursday

Belle went home last night Annie is really ill with sore throat, she came over here to spend the day. There always seems some change in affairs. Louie is not well– Sister Pratt came to look at Annie’s throat. Miss Claridge is away18

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June 1881, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1881/1881-06


  1. [1]Shortened refers to moving a child from long to short clothes for the summer season. (Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “shorten.”)

  2. [2]“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1881, 10:13.

  3. [3]Perhaps B. N. Walter, a carpenter living in the Salt Lake City Ninth Ward, or Henry Walters, a shoemaker living in the Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward. (Sloan, Gazetteer of Utah and Salt Lake City Directory, 1874, 290.)

  4. [4]“In[t]eresting Conference,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1881, 10:12.

  5. [5]Calder’s Farm was a park with concessions. It later became Wandemere Park and then Nibley Park. (“Calder’s Park,” Historical Marker Database.)

  6. [6]Perhaps Sarah or Selina Winter, both daughters of Thomas W. and Myra Clayton Winter.

  7. [7]text: This closing parenthesis seems to separate the last few words of the 13 June entry from the 14 June entry.

  8. [8]text: This insertion may have been made at a later time, as the ink color differs from the rest of the text on the page.

  9. [9]Likely Bishop John Tingey, who conducted the funeral services for Ann Maria Whitney Hall on 29 June 1881. (EBW, “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1881, 10:21; EBW, Diary, 29 June 1881.)

  10. [10]The visit of Annie W. Mailliard and Maud Howe is described in “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1881, 10:20.

  11. [11]“Honor to the Silver Greys,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1881, 10:20.

  12. [12]“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1881, 10:21.

  13. [13]“The Comet,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1881, 10:20.

  14. [14]Comte de Eurgot, F. Osorio, and Charles Boggio are mentioned in “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1881, 10:21.

  15. [15]Erastus Whitney Hall, son of Erastus F. Hall and Anna Maria Whitney Hall, would have been fourteen years of age at the time of his mother’s death. See EBW, Diary, 28 June 1881, for his emotional response.

  16. [16]EBW, “In Memoriam,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1881, 10:21.

  17. [17]Feramorz Little.

  18. [18]Charlotte J. Claridge seems to have been boarding with EBW for the summer of 1881. (See EBW, Diary, 9 Apr. and 1 July 1881.)