November 1904

1 November 1904 • Tuesday

This morning a letter from Mell with morning mail gave me a little more information and it is likely [name redacted] will have something from the insurance policy which will be a blessing. She is very much distressed cannot sleep much or eat much and works incessantly. I have had a number of visitors today Sister Francis who stayed hours talking and others. Went out towards evening and bought Belle a birthday gift– a set of chimes (metal) and also Lucile Buchholz a little pitcher her birthday was the 30th of November October {p. 214}

2 November 1904 • Wednesday

Went over to see Belle this morning and found her pretty well, then to the office Sister [Abbie Hyde] Cowley came to see me and I gave her a dozen copies of the paper with her article in it. Others came and finally Jane S. Richards from Ogden, she is getting quite in years and seems to show her age more now. I also had Louise and little Jack [John Q. Cannon Jr.] with his bad eye he has fallen and hurt, it was done on his grandpa’s birthday so he could not go to the party. I came home in good time and we had a fine dinner party Belle, Isabel husband and 3 children Sep & Gertrude Lucile Eugene & Brenton and myself 12 in all we had chicken and ducks mince pie etc. I stayed awhile then came home to my copy and work wrote a letter to Sister [Mary Farnes] House of Grantsville {p. 215]

3 November 1904 • Thursday

By morning mail a letter from my Sister Ellen telling me of her son Manson [J. Fuller]’s death left six little children. She mourns for him very much I sent her Mrs. [Felicia Browne] Heman’s poems it will be her birthday Saturday so it will be something to give her for that. Sister Richards came in early also Sister Stevenson and L. L. Greene Richards and one or two more. Sister Jane S. went with me to have some lunch at Franklin’s, on the way back I met Mrs. [Sina Nielson] Chipman of American Fork and talked with her and half a dozen more and reaching the office found Sister Bathsheba was there. Amanda Kimball is very ill with pneumonia, have been asked to day to vote for three Democrats– George D. Pyper, Samuel W. Stewart and William [J.] Horne also to vote for Thomas H. Woodbury and Samuel Russell {p. 216}

4 November 1904 • Friday

This morning went up early on account of Dr. Ellis R. Shipp going off to Idaho to her sick son‒ rushed from one place to another and made ready for the meeting in the afternoon. Sister Richards came in and stayed awhile and then Susan Grant from Bountiful and Sister Woodruff from her home: she had not been to a meeting for a long time and is in a very melancholy way. Finally when all were assembled meeting opened 23 members present. We all went up to look at Sister Smith’s picture Lee Richards had painted. It is beautiful in some respects quite masterly, but hardly satisfactory in the face. Voted to recommend Dr. Ellis R. Shipp for a position in the Latter Day Saints Hospital vote unanimous. Went over to see Belle tonight. Letter today from London Lyceum Club. [C.] Clarence Neslen just returned {p. 217}

5 November 1904 • Saturday

This morning heard Amanda Gheen Kimball died last night of pneumonia– leaves three sons– William R. Albert and Moroni H. [Kimball] the last of Heber C. Kimball’s wives except Lucy Walker [Kimball] who was also before the wife of Joseph the Prophet. Have had conversations with Dr. S. [Samuel] H. Allen today. He is most interesting and one can learn from such men. Junius & Lyde Louise & Margaret have been in to see me today among others Sister Doolan who always upsets me. {p. 218}

6 November 1904 • Sunday

Went to the Temple this morning President Jos. F. Smith presiding spoke with great power, came home and worked on my poem for Pioneer Meeting. Annie & John Q. drove over to see Belle while I was in the Temple. The weather is charming such sunny days. {p. 219}

7 November 1904 • Monday

This is Mell’s wedding day, it will be sorrowful to her‒ and it is so indeed to me; there is considerable excitement about the election tomorrow, and all parties are jubilant.

Sisters came and held an informal business meeting to consider the desirability of continuing the meetings and some very good things were said in favor of it, Sister R. [Richard] K. Thomas [Caroline Stockdale Thomas] spoke beautifully in reference to the time when I invited her to come and take part in the [Reaper’s] Club, felt it a great honor and had always appreciated it very much indeed, thought any one invited to join should consider it an honor {p. 220}

8 November 1904 • Tuesday

Election day went first thing in the morning to vote quite a crowd there, every prospect of a victory for the Republican party, and President Roosevelt. The day was very quiet comparatively, not much confusion and even the bands were not out in full force as usual. At the time of the papers being issued in the afternoon there was an assurance that Roosevelt was elected Went down to Annie’s and had dinner came home on ten car‒ met John Q. just going home, Budd [Horace G. Whitney] and Rulon were on the street, and waited to see me on as there was such an uproar with election returns went home and finished the poem for the meeting of the Daughters of the Pioneers {p. 221}

9 November 1904 • Wednesday

This morning Belle told me she had the telephone message that Annie had a son born five minutes to ten o’clock I went down on the half-past twelve car to see her and baby.1 Then went to meeting at the Beehive and read my poem entitled Reminiscences, Only A. Fragment. felt rather annoyed so few were there. Alice Merrill Horne Lizzie S. Wilcox, Lillian L. [Loveland] Maeser Lena [Leonora Taylor] Harrington, Elizabeth [Dilworth] Nebeker & daughter,2 Annie T. Hyde, Lucy D. [Pratt] Russell, Prissie J. Riter Lizzie Crismon, Eliza S. Bennion one whom I did not know and myself. In the evening I worked as long as I could and then came home and did some writing {p. 222}

10 November 1904 • Thursday

Many hindrances today Lula G. Richards coming in and out and others, the bill for the picture came and was very heavy, seven hundred and fifty dollars for Sister Bathsheba W. Smiths life-sized portrait Sarah Jane Cannon came to see me and talk over the trip to Arizona. then Sister Smith and Sister E. S. Woodruff came and we went up to look at the painting, afterwards Margaret Caine came and as I had letters to write I was quite upset with so many callers and the light so poor {p. 223}

11 November 1904 • Friday

This morning a letter from Daisie telling me little Barry was sick and the sad state of affairs, Mell worn out and gone home and Mrs. Lang staying with Verona, Harry [Henry R. Allen] was expected to reach home today. Sister S. J. Cannon came in again to speak of the Arizona trip and told me Olive had been operated upon (her grand-daughter) and Rosannah [Brown Cannon] has diphtheria Frank down here and his wife3 with all the responsibility. At half-past one I went down to Annie’s and staid until 4. o’clock barely got home in time for the interview with Clarissa Williams that had been arranged for. Sister B. W. Smith came with her and later on Annie Hyde, read letters and settled about paying for the portrait, came home and went to see Belle. {p. 224}

12 November 1904 • Saturday

Another beautiful day but colder have been mailing all day and have not had many callers, only Louise Catharine & John Q. Jr. and one or two chance visitors. If only I could get my work up to date I should be so glad. Belle, Isabel and Gertrude went over to see Annie today. At evening six 30, I went and had dinner, came away on Nine o’clock car talked over names for baby. Annie seemed cheerful, the twins are better. Saw Winnie Cannon yesterday and Kate Thomas today both seemed very fond of me. I heard Olive Cannon had been operated on and Rossannah still under quarantine with diphtheria, Frank still in town. Indications are that the Investigating Committee will not come. Great rejoicing over Republican victory. Came home and did some reading, did not feel very well. Wrote two important letters today {p. 225}

13 November 1904 • Sunday

This is the birthday of Joseph F. Smith sixty six today. It is a charming as to weather. I ran over to see Belle and then off to the Tabernacle. A splendid discourse by Nephi [L.] Morris President of the new Salt Lake Stake– singing magnificent, audience rather slim.

After coming home went to my writing prepared matter for Lyceum Club London and wrote a letter to the Hon. Secretary also subscribed for the Journal official for the Club. Then went over to see Belle again and she came back with me– afterwards wrote my editorial for November paper. Have not heard from Annie today felt rather anxious cannot help it. It has been a glorious day. I have been looking over some old diary’s of the seventy 2 & 3. very monotonous yet pathetic.4 {p. 226}

14 November 1904 • Monday

This morning rushed off to the office found card from International Secretary and other letters. then came telegram from President Emma S. [West] Smith Snowflake saying the missionary sisters must start today and telephoning began to the several people to be notified and I went myself to Clarissa for the check and when Sister Cannon drew the money I went down town to see after tickets and berths went to several Railrod offices as the sisters would need to travel on different lines to meet the appointments. Met with fairly good success except on the Mexican line, could not get rates on that. Many calls today. went to depot and saw the sisters, drove up with Joe and Florence Cannon, came home about half-past nine & wrote several pages of editorial notes {p. 227}

15 November 1904 • Tuesday

Belle went over to Dot’s late so did Lucile, children had croup are some better this morning. It is the Relief Society Conference of Granite Stake– Sister Woodruff started off last night of course Sister Mary P. [Pratt] Young will preside. I went to pay my taxes and called on Sister Chambertain [Sarah Steel Chamberlain] and invited her to come to the Reaper’s Class Monday next. Louise came up said Annie was doing well, several callers but I was to go to meeting in the 17th. Ward, Testimonial to Sister Williams ex-president and now promoted to be the President of that Stake5 Sister Bathsheba and Sister [Julia Cruse] Howe were there and spoke so did I Sister Williams was presented with a nice book of poems. Ice cream and cake served with lemonade letter from May Wright Sewall and Edth [Edith] Lamoreaux– {p. 228}

16 November 1904 • Wednesday

Today went to the D.R. Meeting at Sister Farnsworths a large company and fine paper by C. S. Williams refreshments very excellent visitors were Charlotte Fox Richards Lillie [Louise Taylor] Richards wife of Jos. S. Richards M.D. Mrs. Rhoda Lyman and daughter. Mrs. May H. [Hunt] Larson and Mrs. Jos. A. West [Lois Hunt West]. these two Ladies daughters of John Hunt and grand-daughters of old Captain Hunt of Ogden of Mormon Battalion fame also of Addison Pratt Mrs. Larson lives in Snowflake Arizona and Mrs. West in this City There was rather an unpleasant experience with the Reconsideration of a motion made by Mrs. T. G. Webber– and some annoyance on her part which I felt keenly. Went down to Annie’s afterwards and we talked over names. Martha Cannon went in to see Annie and baby came home late. {p. 229}

17 November 1904 • Thursday

Today the baby is to be named and I have been working hard to get off in time, had my nails manicured. Several of the sisters came in to see me and finally I succeeded in getting started off but was later than I had intended. Arrived in good time John Q. on the same car– girls had dinner nearly ready. baby beautifully dressed and all the children gathered in the room except Daniel who had not yet come from school– the father took baby in his arms and blessed him– naming him Theodore Lincoln Cannon. pronouncing upon him an extraordinary good blessing. All seemed happy over it and lovely in every way. Spent a pleasant evening and came home on nine o’clock car but did not reach home until all were in bed. {p. 230}

18 November 1904 • Friday

<Bought book “A Simple Life.”> Went over to Sister Woodbury’s this morning with the Permit for Mina to go to Rexburg to wait upon Vera [Croxall] Cannon Sharp– then to the office and worked diligently all day long, at copy and proofs, had many callers. Junius, Wells Rachel Grant Alice Horne and Virginia, Lydia Ann Wells, Sister Julia Druce, Abbie H. Cowley, Br. Taylor, Col. Merritt, Louise and Katharine, Cannon some strange lady and Margaret Caine also Sister Stevenson who told me I was invited to go to Jordan Stake to the Conference, cannot go and must look around for some one else to take my place Rudger Clawson’s son6 died today of typhoid fever 20 years old, very sad Dot Sears Buchholz and little Lucile came to see me today I have suffered terribly with my cold today in my throat and side {p. 231}

19 November 1904 • Saturday

This morning had a letter form [from] Mell which caused almost a heartache, as it gave such a sense of the conditions following the tragedy of [name redacted]’s untimely death. She is still with Verona and must be for the present. I had as visitors Susa Y. Gates, Clara C. Cannon Sister Maeser <Margaret Cannon> and others, and as soon as I could get away I went down to Annie’s and found her doing pretty well. I had a letter from Sarah J. Cannon and Emma Woodruff. I spent the evening at Annie’s came home on nine o’clock car West side. reached here 10.40. my cold is still painful and I have no strength seemingly to resist. I am considering whether or not to write a Xmas Story, or Poem or both {p. 232}

20 November 1904 • Sunday

This is Sister M. Isabella Horne’s birthday anniversary 86 years old. We have always honored her on these anniversaries but she is not now equal to any demonstration. Sister Abbie [Abigail Gray] Rumel died yesterday on her 78th. birthday, she was nearly blind and felt it very keenly. Susa Young Gates sent for me hurriedly to come to lunch and I rushed off to her new home on Centre St. Guests were seated when I arrived there Jacob Riis the famous lecturer friend of Theodore Roosevelt and &c others at table were Augusta W. Grant Mathonihah Thomas, Geo. Q. Morris Br. Fallon & wife7 Emma Empey, Emma [Emily Marion] Ramsey Emma [L.] Gates, Dora [Eudora Young] Hagan Susa & myself 12 in all. After went to Tabernacle Seymour Young and Rulon S. Wells preached, music after and 2 solo’s Emma Ramsey Tracy Cannon organist. A day of days {p. 233}

21 November 1904 • Monday

This morning lingered late called on Belle, found letters at the office from Mabel A [Morse] Hakes & Olive Kimball and others less important. Lyde Emeline Josephine Wells & Judge Merritt, Clarissa S. Williams, Dr. Ellis R. Shipp Bathsheba W. Smith, all came and also the Reaper’s Club four new members admitted Maria Frances Maude Bagley Martha [Stringfellow] Morris and Mrs. Frank Woodbury [Lilly Lambert Woodbury] quite a good meeting and excellent paper on the Life of Joseph the Prophet, Sister B. W. Smith was present at the meeting and was much affected by the paper. It is a very cold day and unpleasant to me. I am very much annoyed over losing valuable papers Mrs. Jennings came to see me and I felt sorry she could not stay to talk with me about the letters she is to write. {p. 234}

22 November 1904 • Tuesday

This morning Sister Bathsheba W. Smith came and we read all the letters and talked some about Conferences etc. She was not very well, said Alice was all right and Maude [Merrill Lloyd]’s little girl8 was better, she is going to Leila [Merrill Allen]’s to Thanksgiving dinner and I am so glad of it. for otherwise she would be lonely Susa came to invite me to go to Saltair with the party and Jacob A. Riss [Riis] who wrote The Making Of An American‒ and who is an intimate friend of Theodore Roosevelt– he told us many interesting things, I very much enjoyed the ride and conversation only I felt uneasy about my work. Belle Brent and myself went to the Ress lecture in Barratt Hall an immense audience, many lantern-slides showing the slums of New York and the changes made there while Roosevelt was commissioner of police– & Governor {p. 235}

23 November 1904 • Wednesday

The first thing this morning a letter from Verona inviting Lucile to visit her and of course I telephoned to Belle she told Lucile who was not pleased as I had supposed she would be– imag[in]ing it was a scheme to drive her from home or some such foolishness. It rather upset me for the day, then too Ellis Shipp had written to me and I had to go to the Deseret News and had a talk with the City Editor John Hanson, saw Susa Gates mean time and she told me the company at her house would be Friday evening at 7. p.m. and asked me to invite Sister B. W. Smith which I went over to do found the door locked went to Sister Williams and she was not at home, also Phebe Beatie’s she was out, called on Sister Smith this evening and found her in. Callers today were Ellis Shipp, M. A. Caine, E. J. Stevenson[,] Preston [J.] Cannon Margaret Cannon {p. 236}

24 November 1904 • Thursday

This morning I did some looking up on things that had not come to light since I crowded the little store room and then got ready to go to Cannon Farm to have dinner with the family, reached there in good time and had a visit with Annie she has been sitting up some and will have her dinner for the first time out of bed. Nurse Jordan fixed the table up stairs for John Q. Annie and myself, and as we were about to sit down Sister Rachel R. Grant and Lutie [Lucy] Grant Cannon and baby9 came also Sarah [Jenkins Cannon] Abram’s wife and we had a social time for a few minutes then dinner. After dinner a pleasant evening and I came home Sep and Gertrude were over at Belle’s to dinner also and children– all passed off pleasantly– {p. 237}

25 November 1904 • Friday

Today there has been much confusion, I had to stay and see the November paper made up by a new man named Field– I was weary and had to dress in the office for the party up at Br. & Sister J. F. Gates new house-warming. Waited for Sister B. W. Smith and Dr. Pratt Penrose and as they did not come in time went up alone. I was the first arrival– house looked very nice– soon after the Patriarch & his wife John Smith and Helen [Hellen Fisher Smith] came then Dr. S. B. Young and Lizzie his wife and Verne [Vernee L.] Halliday and wife10 Mathew Noel [Matthew Noall] & wife11 and Prest. Jos. F. Smith Julina & Sister B. W. Smith, R. W. Young’s wife12 W. [William] B. Dougall Emma Ramsey Reed Smoot and wife13 and many more 40 or 50 guests. We had a game given us to write all the Governors of Utah and Representatives to Congress. Mrs. R. W. Young took the prize. Jos. F. Smith dedicated the House {p. 238}

26 November 1904 • Saturday

<President Smith asked me to answer Mrs. [Hannah Kent] Schoff’s statements> This morning was late again Sister B. W. Smith came Juliet [Phelps] Pratt with her‒ Started putting up bundles to send away and tried to do some other things, Margaret Caine came Sister B. W. Smith <C. S. Thomas> and several others and I was hindered– then the Revise which I read and in the evening we had the U.W.P. Club.14 some new members were admitted and the papers given were very good considerable discussion which was very helpful. About 14 members present. Sister [Ruth May] Fox gave some incidents concerning former members of the club which awakened reminiscences of former days that were pleasant. Altogether it was <a> very good meeting– came home late tired and nervous, did some reading and tried to rest and compose my nerves. {p. 239}

27 November 1904 • Sunday

This morning wrote two long letters in bed– then rose and dressed for the Tabernacle. Angus M. Cannon & Phillip [S.] Maycock were the speakers, and after the services were over Mr. [Irving A.] Benton introduced me to Lady Lowrie15 and Sir William Lowrie16 of Ottawa Canada, they had been listening to the sermons and music and were staying to hear the Recital. I did not remain long and went direct to Annie’s had dinner en familie and stayed until nine p.m. Louise and Margaret went to the Ward meeting George Q. and Daniel to see the girls had quite an interesting time talking over matters with John Q. and Annie baby seemed fretful more than I had known it to be before. Came home just after eleven p.m. started writing again {p. 240}

28 November 1904 • Monday

All day trying hard to get some work done, and terribly hindered with callers one after another Towards evening Augusta Grant sent word to me to go to the Theatre and take some one with me and sit in the Grant Box. Dot consented to accompany me and the party were to meet– which we accordingly did do. There were Emeline & Lyde and Margaret Caine and her sister May17 six of us in all. The play was one of those very sensational ones with a moral at the close when an opera singer repents of her insane passion for a man who has represented himself as a single man, and proves to be a man of family. Florence Roberts the actress takes the pard [part] well of Zaza and Mr. [Lucius] Henderson the villain. It was the last car we came home on and I was terribly cold and weary, read a little had my late supper and then went to bed. {p. 241}

29 November 1904 • Tuesday

Today several people came early Rulon E. Porter an L.D.S. student and Phebe Young Beatie and Miss Margaret Salmon of Coalville and Belle, Lucile and Margaret Cannon and a dozen more expected Mrs. Salisbury who did not come I really felt greatly disappointed and that I ought to telephone but had so many messages to get from people I was weary. Went at last to Sister B. W. Smith’s and found her quite alone, she had just come home from Melissa [Smith] Bowman’s who is not well, they had been to visit her Edna and Sister Smith, that was why she had not come to me to sign papers. I wrote until late came home very weary– had notices to send out for the meeting on Friday and wrote to my sister in California18 and Arizona19 It has been a very good day for me. {p. 242}

30 November 1904 • Wednesday

A tolerably pleasant day Sister Smith was waiting for me when I arrived at the office in the morning– there was also a dispatch from Mell– we left for Annie’s on the Third St. car and caught Cannon car on 5th. South at 1/2 past 12. so we were there at one p.m. We had a delicious lunch and pleasant visit, baby is growing nicely and all doing well. We came up on 4 o’clock car Sister Smith came in and put her name to some of the Circular letters, I had a talk with Sister Stevenson about San Juan Stake and then she went to see President B. W. Smith and John Nuttall I stayed and sent off the letters that were ready then went home called on Belle, took Sep and Gertrude a book “A Story of the North” revolutionary– had a nice supper plum pudding and hash wrote a letter to Mell had already sent her a telegram– {p. 243}

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November 1904, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024


  1. [1]Theodore L. Cannon.

  2. [2]Elizabeth Dilworth Nebeker had two surviving daughters in 1904, Ida Nebeker Preece, married to Abel M. Preece, and Vilate Nebeker Bennion, married to Harden Bennion. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 90A, accessed 27 Oct. 2021,; Preece, Death Certificate, 4 May 1914; 1900 U.S. Census, Vernal, Utah, 42B, accessed 27 Oct. 2021,; Bennion, Death Certificate, 21 Aug. 1934.)

  3. [3]Martha Brown Cannon. (1900 U.S. Census, Ogden, Utah, 253A, accessed 27 Oct. 2021,; Cannon, Death Certificate, 2 Mar. 1908.)

  4. [4]EBW’s extant diaries begin with entries written in the years 1844 to 1846. From there, the collection skips to a diary starting in August 1874. This entry indicates that in 1872 and 1873 EBW was writing in diaries that are no longer available. By “pathetic,” she probably means that her diaries were full of pathos or emotion.

  5. [5]Clarissa S. Williams was president of the Salt Lake Stake Relief Society. (“Church Notices,” Deseret Evening News, 23 Nov. 1904, 10.)

  6. [6]Rudger R. Clawson. (Clawson, Death Certificate, 17 Nov. 1904.)

  7. [7]Likely William H. Folland and Grace Freeze Folland.

  8. [8]Mary Alice Lloyd.

  9. [9]Rachel Cannon. (Rachel Cannon, Birth Record, 17 Apr. 1903.)

  10. [10]Rosetta Bunnell Halliday.

  11. [11]Ruth Flashman Noall.

  12. [12]Minerva Richards Young. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah, 145A, accessed 27 Oct. 2021,

  13. [13]Alpha Eldredge Smoot. (1900 U.S. Census, Provo, Utah, 200A, accessed 27 Oct. 2021,

  14. [14]Utah Woman’s Press Club.

  15. [15]Zoé Lafontaine Laurier.

  16. [16]H. C. Wilfrid Laurier.

  17. [17]Perhaps May refers to a sister-in-law of Margaret Mitchell Caine, Mary Maude Thompson Mitchell.

  18. [18]Adeline Woodward Earl.

  19. [19]Ellen Woodward Fuller.