The Church Historian's Press

August 1877

1 August 1877 • Wednesday

I went to the lake in company with Mrs [Priscilla Paul] Jennings and Staines1 took Annie had a nice bath and pleasant time [p. 95] {p. 57}

6 August 1877 • Monday

Today Rob [Robert W.] <Sloan> & Jo. [Joseph] Sharp started for Soda Springs [Idaho] for an out door trip to recuperate and enjoy themselves. Went about four in the afternoon

7 August 1877 • Tuesday

I was very busy all day preparing copy and writing letters, In the evening the girls all went to the theatre for Witches in Macbeth, [p. 97] {p. 58}

8 August 1877 • Wednesday

This was Aunt Rhoda Richards birthday and I had expected to be present but Em [Emeline Whitney Wells] was taken very ill and I only went up with mother2 and returned immediately. the Esq.3 and Rule [Rulon S. Wells] came and administerd to Emma4

9 August 1877 • Thursday

Louisa [Free Wells] and her family started for Big Cottonwood this morning [Helena] Fobes and Crandall have gone with her. they made a pleasant party. Mother my sister Lucy [Woodward Hewlings] and Lutie [Lucy Marie Fuller] went over to the Lake,5

10 August 1877 • Friday

At home <and in the office> all day writing and reading proof. I was more and more lonesome. Received a large number of letters. The girls all went to the Theatre [p. 98] {p. 59}

11 August 1877 • Saturday

Today Em. Lutie & Louie [Louise M. Wells] went to Big Cottonwood [Canyon], I have been fearfully nervous all the time at evening Hebe [Heber M. Wells] and Frank [Franklin D. Kimball] started upon horseback Rud [Rudger] Clawson spent the evening here. [p. 99] {p. 60}

29 August 1877 • Wednesday

President Young died to day– he is not so much mourned as one would imagine– John Taylor President of the Twelve Apostles takes precedence I am sure there is some dissatisfaction6 [p. 105] {p. 61}

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August 1877, The Diaries of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed July 27, 2024