May 1883

1 May 1883 • Tuesday

The morning was cold and raw and the day turned out wet and gloomy Mell came down in the morning and Belle had to go up the caňon to fetch her children. I wrote some and felt very uncomfortable because of the turn in the affairs of state– or de famille

2 May 1883 • Wednesday

All day so busy making ready for the party on the following day, some way my heart is very sad and heavy, my dear ones and my home. Went to see Mary Jane [Whitney Groo] about the estate1 and found her honorable and upright– and desirous of having everything amicably arranged. [p. 85] {p. 88}

3 May 1883 • Thursday

Today I was so busy mailing the papers & could scarcely get home to dress myself in time for the party. I had so much to do that with all the disagreeable things that had transpired for the past few days I could scarcely keep up my spirits it was pleasant affair though

4 May 1883 • Friday

The party for Sister [Bathsheba W.] Smiths2 birthday numbered about a hundred guests today has been stormy & disagreeable. I have had several callers & went out for a ride with Dr. Pratt, in the evening went to see the Vokes at the theatre Aunt Zina is in Provo– [p. 86] {p. 89}

5 May 1883 • Saturday

I staid at home all day working over the Hospital accounts & trying to get everything straitened up–3 In the evening we had some visitors. Louie was singing and playing and the house seemed so pleasant all around. Our home is exceedingly pleasant and comfortable

6 May 1883 • Sunday

I recollect this is the day 27 years ago that I moved or at least commenced moving into this house then my three little girls were little ones innocent and gay. How delighted they were– tho it seemed so strange I looked upon it as my own and had always thought it was irretrievably <irrevocably> mine. [p. 87] {p. 90}

7 May 1883 • Monday

Today Mrs. [Jane Snyder] Richards came from Ogden and I was obliged to leave my work to wait on her and receipt money for the Hospital– then hurry off to the meeting that over went home with Sister Barratt and had tea then spent the evening and she came home with me.

8 May 1883 • Tuesday

Well do I remember this day. 35 years ago Jethro [H. Whitney] was born– in Winter Quarters. My husband came today and introduced in the most careful manner the subject of selling his property. He referred to my home and his wish to dispose of it in payment of his debts etc. [p. 88] {p. 91}

9 May 1883 • Wednesday

No one knows how my sympathies and heart’s deepest depths were stirred by the very thought of parting with the dear old homestead where my children were born and reared. the very trees and shrubs are my especial friends, they know my heart secrets more than any human soul–

10 May 1883 • Thursday

This is a day of days to me full of sacred memories of the past. Strange indeed are the changes that have transpired in my most eventful life. I cannot but rejoice in the mercies and blessings received from heaven. This is a lovely day cold for the time of year, but pleasant withal. O how my heart aches today– God help me [p. 89] {p. 92}

11 May 1883 • Friday

A very disagreeable day Jethro is here and Mell and all is confusion and sorrow and contention about money and property. I wish my children could be satisfied to let the matter rest as it is for I am sure the Lord will bring all around right in the end.

12 May 1883 • Saturday

Another such a busy day, all so hurried I was out part of the time attending to business I could see those I wished, but there is much of consequence that must wait over Baby Q. is not very well and we feel rather alarmed about his throat but desire to have faith all will be well [p. 90] {p. 93}

13 May 1883 • Sunday

Belle was here and spent the day enjoyed ourselves very much indeed, rained a little but we sat in the dear old garden under the trees and wandered up and down at leisure Had a nice dinner and some visitors came and Belle hurried home Louie went with her to help with the children.

14 May 1883 • Monday

Hurried up and went to the Hospital and attended an Executive meeting to make some regulations in regard to help. Had the most unpleasant occurrences to meet– all unawares. There are so many things to adjust that one gets tired sometimes. [p. 91] {p. 94}

15 May 1883 • Tuesday

The paper should be out today but it is not, I am very sorry but have tried hard to persevere with my part of the work. It is very annoying. I am filled with grief and long to act out my own unbiased opinions. We muset [must] obey orders but we must consider how we are torn at any case.

16 May 1883 • Wednesday

This is the day I ought to have gone to Cotton Wood but I could not yesterday I declined going to the 10th Ward because of a great trial that has cast me down. Today I am deprived of another blessing in the same way and must decline [p. 92] {p. 95}

17 May 1883 • Thursday

This is a day of wind and storm cannot understand how the weather should be so changeable in May. however the damp is favorable for wheat and all other green vegetables and so we must conten[t] ourselves I went to the Theatre last evening to see Bleak House.

18 May 1883 • Friday

All day I have been in confusion. saw Joseph F. Smith, C. [Charles] W. Penrose and Bishop [Hiram B.] Clawson the first thing this morning & arranged to go to the Penitentiary to see Belle Harris4 & baby confined there for contempt of court for declining to answer questions about her private affairs she ought to be encouraged. [p. 93] {p. 96}

19 May 1883 • Saturday

Were busy all day mailing the papers. Annie in the office all day long, so many people came it nearly upset me, at evening my husband came and we had a very pleasant time during the evening, talking over events past and present went last evening to see Janascheck [Francesca Janauschek] play Zillah

20 May 1883 • Sunday

James M. Cumming’s funeral today– he was a pioneer– Annie & Louie went to church I took care of baby and staid at home all day Dessie [Martha Deseret Wells] is very sick, has had a miscarriage at five months and is very low. the girls called there and on Sister Barratt. Rob and Lou are out for a walk– [p. 94] {p. 97}

21 May 1883 • Monday

A dusty disagreeable day Lou’s music lesson we are not done mailing– I am trying to get through my garden work– the girls think of going to Spanish Fork on a visit Annie is low spirited it is some time since we had a letter from John Q– and baby is not well.

22 May 1883 • Tuesday

Weather hot and dusty so much extra work in the Office– invitations out too meeting to make arrangements for the 24th of July A grand concert to be given by Stevens [Evan Stephens] and his classes and other home talent some of us are quite hopeful as to the result– [p. 95] {p. 98}

23 May 1883 • Wednesday

The girls are getting ready to go– still no news of John Q. which grieves me very much too. It is reported Ort is coming home.5 Some way I am rather sorry for he needs foreign travel to prepare him for his life work of study and expression

24 May 1883 • Thursday

Office full all day, much work and worry no time to rest– one incessant strain. I am worried too about Rob– the girls have decided to go tomorrow and we have telegraphed to the folks to meet them. Baby seems a little better still no letter from John Q. [p. 96] {p. 99}

25 May 1883 • Friday

Today the girls went off by the 2 o’clock train it seemed so lonesome and yet I am too busy to reflect upon it. I drove to the depot & we called at Belle’s. Came back and worked hard. Andre came in the evening and Rob called– the house seemed quite deserted

26 May 1883 • Saturday

I was busy all day again could not get to the 14th. Ward meeting at all– answered everybody’s questions, and arranged matters pertaining to the Hospital. Samuel [M.] Barratt came to bank the money. Mrs. Barratt is not much better yet A very nice day. [p. 97] {p. 100}

27 May 1883 • Sunday

Today I have been very ill all day long faint and sick with nervous headache. Mellie came and took me out in her buggy and went with me to call on some people from Orange [Franklin Co., Massachusetts] who are here with the Raymond excursionsts and they came to spend the evening. Mr. & Mrs Goddard & Major and Mrs. Pierce–6

28 May 1883 • Monday

we had a nice time Daisie [Dunford] staid all night– and on Monday morning we sallied off to our respective work. the day was tedious and in the afternoon a lady called who was an author and contributor to magazines and staid about two hours. [p. 98] {p. 101}

29 May 1883 • Tuesday

This is a day of days went with Mrs. Helen [Hunt] Jackson to call on President Taylor was there nearly two hours then went to introduce her to my husband then to one or two others and she left me to go to the races I was glad to get a moment in the evening she came to the house–

30 May 1883 • Wednesday

This is Decoration Day and I have remained all day at home looking over old, old papers and resting my mind. Walked in the garden and tried to recruit– The city seemed unusually quiet– the day was celebrated at Camp Douglas– In the evening I was all alone– [p. 99] {p. 102}

31 May 1883 • Thursday

Today a party of strangers called early and we sent for my husband– one of the ladies was a Wells previous to her marriage and of course it was our duty and pleasure to entertain her and her son– Mr. & Mrs. Shephe[r]d and with them Mrs. Coupar– Mr. Ryrie niece and daughters–

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May 1883, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024


  1. [1]EBW referred to the estate of Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney, who died on 15 February 1882. She was EBW’s sister-wife and the mother of Mary Jane Groo. (“Elizabeth Ann Smith Whitney,” Find a Grave, accessed 9 Feb. 2018,

  2. [2]A tribute in honor of Bathsheba Smith’s birthday was published in Woman’s Exponent. (Hannah T. King, “Addressed,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1883, 11:187.)

  3. [3]As secretary of the Deseret Hospital executive board, EBW was responsible for recording and printing a report of finances and donations. At this point, she was likely preparing to report at the first annual meeting of the Deseret Hospital Association, which was to be held on 12 May. (“Deseret Hospital,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Apr. 1883, 11:173; Untitled, Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1883, 11:187.)

  4. [4]Isabelle (Belle) Harris had “refused to reveal the name of her polygamous husband” in court. For that she was sentenced to the territorial penitentiary in Salt Lake County, where she and her baby were imprisoned for three and a half months. Daniel Tyler, a Salt Lake City attorney, identified her as a grandniece of Martin Harris, one of the witnesses of the Book of Mormon, and a “virtuous lady” who rightly refused to answer the court’s insulting question as to whether she was married or single. (“City Jottings,” Salt Lake Tribune, 18 May 1883, 4; Daniel Tyler, “Belle Harris,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1883, 12:5; Firmage, “Judicial Campaign against Polygamy,” 27:116n98.)

  5. [5]Orson F. Whitney was returning from a church mission in Great Britain. (“Interesting Letter from Elder O. F. Whitney,” Deseret News, 28 Mar. 1883, 150.)

  6. [6]Summarizing this visit, EBW wrote, “We had the pleasure of meeting several ladids and gentlemen of the Boston Excursion party, among them Mr. and Mrs. Goddard, Major and Mrs. Pierce from Orange, Mass., who live near our own home, and who were well acquainted with some of our relatives, which was especially gratifying.” The visitors may have been Franklin E. and Susan P. Goddard, or Davis and Clarissa Goddard; and Thomas J. and Sophia W. Pierce. The men were listed as “Man of Leisure,” “Retired Merchant,” and “Retired Ice dealer,” respectively, in the 1880 census. (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 June 1883, 12:5; 1880 U.S. Census, Orange, MA, 187A, accessed 8 Sept. 2020,; 198D, accessed 8 Sept. 2020,; 189A, accessed 8 Sept. 2020,