December 1895

1 December 1895 • Sunday

I stayed in bed and tried to rest the day was very cold and stormy light snow and after I had breakfast I commenced writing on my story– I must finish it this is Chapter fifty, but I think one has been missed or passed over, it should have been forty nine– I have had quite a great deal of satisfaction in writing this and feel it all very deeply. It was begun in September 1891– finished December 1895 I have not devoted as much time to each chapter as ought to have been taken.

Went up to Annie’s towards evening and spent a little time Cavendish is not very well– President Cannon has come home last night– from Omaha {p. 364}

2 December 1895 • Monday

This morning is more pleasant Lucile came up and we finished mailing today– at least I stayed late and worked was very weary– Belle is better though she did not have a good night I have had a fine letter from Hebe our new Governor Elect and seven letters from Senators elect in reference to Mrs. Pardee appointment as Chief Clerk of the Senate– the Presidency want the outstanding accounts handed over and get [William A.] Rossiter to collect them– Amelia [Folsom Young] came to see me today, she has lots of things to say about the estate, and its management– much dissatisfaction–1 {p. 365}

3 December 1895 • Tuesday

Today my Sister Lucy is 78 years old and I do not even know where she is at the present time, she seems to be very mysterious about her travels at present I had a letter from Mell in which she spoke of Belle with much affection– went to see Annie this evening and stayed until about ten– – Geo. M. Cannon Phebe [Young Beatie] Ria [Maria Young Dougall] & Susa [Young Gates] and several others have called today– I am very weary had letters to write and accounts to look up– here at home I am trying to read up in my magazines and keep pace with the times. I should like to hear from Sister Lucy tonight, she seems determined never to write me any more– President’s message today in the News {p. 366}

4 December 1895 • Wednesday

Have several letters and had answers to write– called on Nett Wells [Culmer] and saw the children Richard Young’s little boy Edmund died today with scarlet fever– they have another child very ill– went to see Lydia Ann & Susan & May [Wells Whitney] and the new baby talked over about names. A very sweet little fellow I think he will be called Wendell Webb Whitney– I had lunch there– then came back and after working awhile went to Mrs. Alder’s Kindergarten tea– house beautifully decorated with trailing vines and leaves. Saw some of the sisters, but was rather late– went back to the office and prepared copy. Went over to Belle’s Mr. Sears and Lucile had gone to the theatere– {p. 367}

5 December 1895 • Thursday

Today 8 years since Aunt Eliza Snow died– I have been busy writing and receiving callers. Misses Chase came and spent a couple of hours– Annie & little Emmeline came up to see me– I prepared copy and fixed my books and then went down to Sister Alder’s, found many ladies there, all had been in the dining room to tea. Of those present were Julia C. Howe, Maria W. Wilcox, Lucy W. [Walker] Kimball, Elizabeth J. Stevenson, Elizabeth [Taft] Webb, Bathsheba W. Smith, Elvira S. Barney Margaret N. [Nightingale] Caine, Vilate [Clayton] Young, Elizabeth McCume [McCune] Elmina S. Taylor Maria Y. Dougall Mary A. Freeze Emma Woodruff Annie T. Hyde Ann D. Groesbeck, [blank] Dwyer2 Harriet Ann [Taylor] Badger Phebe Y. Beatie Zina [Virginia] Hyde, Ellis R. Shipp Maggie Ship [Margaret Curtis Shipp] Lucy Jane [Leonard] Thurston Emmeline B. Wells– Eliza <K. [Kimball] Woolley> {p. 368}

6 December 1895 • Friday

My Sister Adeline [Woodward Earl]’s birthday 66. years old Aunt Zina came in this morning and we talked over matters together about the Relief Society– Received letter from Marilla M. [Young] Ricker today. Called on Mrs. Bertha Bamberger and took her the Book Sonya Kavavelsky [Kovalevskava]– A Russian Woman she gave me her photograph. It has been a most unpleasant day– stormy and wet and dark. I tried to catch a car to go to my sister’s but did not succeed. Came home earlier than usual and wrote my editorial for the paper– was here all the evening alone, except Sep came in a few minutes. I am glad to have this restful time yet I regretted not going to my sisters on her birthday– Belle is sitting up some today. {p. 369}

7 December 1895 • Saturday

The day a little brighter but not really fine quite cold and disagreeable under one’s feet. I have been very busy with copy and proofs Belle is better, which seems very good. After being all day in the office I went down to Annie’s to dinner, remembering distinctly the day on which she was born, and thinking of the many changes since. All the children were prettily dressed and the dinner was ready and waiting. Each one had some gift prepared I gave her a silver cream spoon with head of Susan B. Anthony and the engraving Political Equality on the handle. John Q. came and we had dinner: the children delighted to see the plum pudding on fire. John Q’s present was a handsome dress pattern with velvet for trimming– I spent the evening and stayed all night– I was not feeling well and therefore did not enjoy it so much– however one must be comparatively happy with a family party our own dear ones. {p. 370}

8 December 1895 • Sunday

I stayed at Annie’s this morning until eleven or more, came home went to see Belle and then prepared for going to the Conference in the Tabernacle the Sacrament was administered President Woodruff preached & George Q. Cannon followed him. Both sermons were powerful and earnest in spirit. There was a crowded house. After service according to appointment I met the Misses Lucy and Sarah Chase and we went up to Bishop Whitney’s, neither the Bishop nor his wife were at home, and so we went down to Aunt Zina’s saw Aunt Zina and Zina Card talked with them for awhile then admired the caňon scenery and came down together into Main St. Bade these Quaker maidens good bye there and wended my way home. Wrote a historical sketch for the State table to be deposited therein. {p. 371}

9 December 1895 • Monday

<Mima & Corneel Horne’s birthday born 1855. twins.3> Today is the meeting of the Reaper’s Club. Am still reading proof etc. Have had quite a few calls this morning Zina Card came to talk over her mother’s birthday. Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Condie and Mrs. Lizzie [Elizabeth Stevenson] Wilcox also Mrs. Ella W. [Wilcox] Hyde. The Club was quite interesting, and the ladies decided to have a sort of Memorial Day next time as it would be the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Joseph Smith– and we would have Reminiscences instead of a program. It is a very agreeable idea to me. I was very weary hearing the troubles of one of our good sisters. Came home alone and cold and melancholy. The sorrows of my past life, deaths in my family overwhelmed me No one knows how I suffer when alone over the losses I have had. I cannot tell it. I dare not give way to it except occasionally. {p. 372}

10 December 1895 • Tuesday

Belle is improving– I went over this morning, did not get up until ten o’clock, made a fire in the back parlor to get my tea. Sat up last night until 2. felt greatly depressed– so much to worry over. paper made up today– am very anxious to get a good Christmas paper ready. Saw Mrs. Salisbury, and her husband,4 he is quite ill though not in bed, but about. I have completed a historical sketch of the Relief Society for the State table today hope Aunt Zina will like it. Went after Clara Cannon to go with Mary Freeze to Tooele to the Sisters Conference. She consented. Wrote letters to Mell, Sister [Ann Seetree] Tate Joseph A. Smith Providence and Carrie Chapman Catt for books for Mrs. [Clara Horne] James & Dr. [Martha Hughes] Cannon– came home late again and so weary and low spirited Wrote a letter to my Sister Pallas in Orange Mass. tonight, how it made me think of my old home. {p. 373}

11 December 1895 • Wednesday

This is Verona [Dunford Hillard]’s birthday she is 26 years old. It scarcely seems possible, only a few years since she was a baby to me it will always seem as though these younger ones were babies. She is in San Francisco but I do not know where, and therefore cannot even write to her. I went over to Belle’s she was dressed for the first time since her illness, her head is very bad even yet. Dot is going to Florence Crismon’s wedding to night–5 I copied the Historical Sketch again as Aunt Zina did not want some names left out that were thought unneceessary by Sister [Sarah Granger] Kimball and myself. I am so tired of whims, it is simply ridiculous to stand for such a little thing. Josephine Spencer presented me with her new book A Senator from Utah”– she has just issued it and I am going to give it a notice Aunt Zina was in some time tonight I wrote to Ruby Lamont and Mrs. [Margaret Cruickshank] Morrison of Mt. Pleasant {p. 374}

12 December 1895 • Thursday

Went to bed after three A.M. slept very little I was so worried because Sep did not come home– I read hours after going to bed. Had been writing on N.W.R.S. Record. Went to see Belle this morning, and found her better. After reaching the office heard Georgie Young had been confined with twins premature– one dead, one lived three hours. Emma Ellerbeck is married today to young Mr. [Henry J.] Faust.

This evening went to the Art Exhibit– saw Mr. [Edwin] Evans the President who very graciously urged me to become an Honorary member of the Utah Artists Society without the fee. I greatly admired some of the paintings. One of Black Rock and the Lake, and A scene called Moonlight by Harry [Henry A. Culmer] both of them. My husbands picture was hung in a conspicuous place and attracted much attention. {p. 375}

13 December 1895 • Friday

Sep came home last night had supper here with me he seemed to feel very bad about not staying at home. I slept better last night but was reading until 1/2 past three. Went over to see Belle this morning as usual before going to the office bought the song and music of Alice, Ben Bolt–for Belle, made it a gift to her. Lucy Clark of Farmington has been in the office most of the day. We had Kindergarten Meeting at four, a good attendance, had a letter from Mrs. Thompson of Washington and Mrs. Catt of New York today– have been busy mailing. Sister Horne & E. S. Taylor were both in to see me– and others. Sep has been home to see his mother this evening Sarah Jane [Jenne] Cannon came to see me, about visiting the sisters outside as a missionary. Annie was up in the office– wrote until after midnight– 1/2 past two {p. 376}

14 December 1895 • Saturday

I had a severe headache & did not get up until late when I reached the office found Mrs. Clark waiting Mrs. Salisbury Mrs. McVicker and George M. Cannon had been in to consult me about the new Chairman for the Republican <State> Committee– A letter to ask me to attend an Ex. Meeting was there, and I hurried away. Mrs. Salisbury came and we went together to call on George M. then had some talk of public matters and I went to Sister E. J. Stephenson [Stevensen]’s to dinner, found a large party of ladies, afterwards we all went to the R. S. Conference. Sister Mary Ann [Price] Hyde <President> of Sanpete Stake R.S. spoke eloquently in the gift of tongues, Aunt Zina interpreted– I was called by President Horne to be the next speaker, and occupied some time. Went back to the mailing, Lucile and I worked until late– came home alone to my writing– {p. 377}

15 December 1895 • Sunday

The wind blew furiously last night or rather this morning commencing at about 1/2 past two just as I went up stairs and hindered me from sleeping all the night long– after daylight I felt more secure and tried to rest as I was not feeling well I stayed in bed until noon. Em. came with breakfast and lighted my fire– I wrote nearly all day– a story for Christmas paper– and in my Record Book of the Relief Society– also wrote to my Sister Lucy who is with my brother Manson, he is very ill– in Atchison– The wind kept high all day long so much so I could not think of going out. I called over at Belle’s a few minutes– Mr. & Mrs. Parker were there so I did not stay. The papers say Geo. M. Cannon is re elected Ch. Central State Committee. No mail today and I am here quite alone, and very sorrowful– {p. 378}

16 December 1895 • Monday

The snow was very deep this morning, all around was white a complete mantle of snow enveloped mountain & vale. I called at Belle’s then went up to the office and first of all for copy to Pearl and the girls–6 Dr. Pratt invited me to dinner at three in the afternoon her mother’s7 birthday 81 years old I had dined with them when she was 75. six years ago– it was an extra fine dinner, Dr. Pratt is a pleasing hostess, her sister Josephine [Bunnell Hardy] was there and three of her sons, four generations present– Br. Penrose was one of the guests and pronounced the blessing. I went to Mrs. Boyden’s Recital of her pupils tonight– she gives it to raise money for Xmas at the County Infirmary. Wrote to Rachel Foster Avery tonight in reply to her letter of instructions– {p. 379}

17 December 1895 • Tuesday

This morning I was early at the office and prepared the room for the Silk meeting Mrs. Salisbury, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Allen & Mrs. Caine came & we had a quorum. After the meeting Mrs. Salisbury gave three of us tickets to go down to the lunch in Main Street for the benefit of St. Ann’s Orphanage– We had a pleasant chat in the mean time, I can see how Mrs. Bennett anticipates her husband’s election as Senator from Utah to the United States Congress. I hope she may have her hopes fulfilled as I believe she will be true to us and the people of our faith. I had so many hindrances otherwise I wanted to go home early. I wrote to Rachel Foster Avery five pages– answering all her questions I do believe. {p. 380}

18 December 1895 • Wednesday

This is the anniversary of Katie Granger’s birth. I recall how proud my mother was of her first grand-child– I think she would be fifty nine today but I am not sure, if it would be sixty. Time flies and we are growing old. Lucy will think of her all day I’m sure because she lives so much in the past. I have dreaded the meeting today very much indeed, and now it is over I am not quite satisfied yet it was the best we could do considering all the elements we had to deal with We nominated a number of Delegates to go down to Washington. Mrs. Allen & Mrs. Salisbury both– Mrs. Richards Mr[s]. Hyde, Mrs. Caine Mrs. Grant Mrs. Boyer, Mrs. Cannon, Mrs. Clark Mrs. Little & Mrs. McCune–8 I came home and wrote until it was very late. {p. 381}

19 December 1895 • Thursday

Could scarcely get up this morning I was so miserable, but succeeded in getting to the office at last, and found there had been several ladies to see me before I came up. I had one or two letters that amazed me and I felt very unpleasant in many ways. Called on George M. Cannon and went down to Jode to get a new pass book on the Street cars– then went over to see Hebe and saw the dispatch from Washington to the effect that the Constitution would be signed on the first day of the New Year– the ball and inauguration is to be on the 6th. of Jan. 1896. went up with Hebe to dinner– saw the new baby–9 dined with Hebe– and little Hebe– little Martha has been ill– looks very pale. Had a letter from Mell today. came home before eight p.m. {p. 382}

20 December 1895 • Friday

A most miserable day damp and dark and dreary Mrs. [Emma Goss] MacKintosh died this morning at three o’clock, it makes one feel depressed and gloomy– she was a very noble woman, high spirited and kind-hearted. I have not been well, George M. came in to see me, and we talked over the situation well, I sometimes feel discouraged but not often do I give up as I have today Went to Annie’s at evening we had dinner before John Q. came, as he was late– He talked with us about the celebration in honor of the inauguration, and expressed his views quite clearly. Evidently he thinks his father should preside and so do I. I shall speak to George M. slept at Annie’s {p. 383}

21 December 1895 • Saturday

This was my mother’s10 birthday– it is also Louis [R.] Wells, he is 33 today. Another dark and cheerless day– I have been very busy– went to Dr. Pratt’s to dinner Margaret went with me. Sister Horne was in this morning and I handed her the money I had by me, for the society. four dollars & a half and fifty cts, donation for another purpose I had many annoyances today– I went out to the Post office, met Mrs. Salisbury and had some talk about many things, came home early for once, went to see Belle and found Emmie quite sick again– came home alone– and wrote until midnight– near Christmas and sad and lonely– wrote to Mell and to Jane S. Richards a very important letter. {p. 384}

22 December 1895 • Sunday

I slept late on purpose. Dot came over with breakfast for me– I wrote an editorial and a tribute for Sister Bull Little Margaret came up in the afternoon and stayed with me, we went up town in the early evening. Called at Annie’s it is dreadfully cold– Sep came down this evening, stayed a short time played on the piano.

Wrote a letter of sympathy to Blanch MacKintosh on the death of her Aunt– who was buried today She did not belong to any Church but they had the Episcopal service, and Mr. Bingham sung

buried at Mt. Ol[i]vet Cemetery private– Wrote late in the R.S. record– Very sweet to have one of the children here– Emmie is very sick– {p. 385}

23 December 1895 • Monday

Such a dismal day, I went up in good time but was hindered with the proofs. Made the office ready for the Club expecting many members. Soon after the meeting opened, Annie came to tell me– part of my taxes were due, and as I knew I had paid them it upset me very much indeed, left the meeting and went to see about the taxes– saw John D. Spencer and spoke to him– he was very unsatisfactory, and not at all courteous, finally I asked from the clerks about the situation of the property and found out it was not mine at all, but notice was for Emeline [Young] Wells– found Rulon [S. Wells] and told him to see to it. Club adjourned before my return– went home and prepared some X cards with original verses. {p. 386}

24 December 1895 • Tuesday

The day before Christmas bright and fearfully cold. Tried to buy some presents for a few friends and relatives I am not good at buying. Had a letter from Sister Lucy very pathetic, Manson is in a paralyzed condition what remains of him Lucy says he is like an emaciated corpse. I received an elegant fur cape today from Chicago a gift from Mell. Mrs. Lang selected it– It is very handsome– Mrs. Salisbury brought me a china tea-pot Mr. Salisbury called with her– Mrs. Pardee brought a bunch of Migmonette [mignonette], Mrs. MacVickor her photo, Mrs. Bennett, a book “The Laureates of England– Mrs. [Emma Rice] Neidig a card from Los Angelos– John Q. & Annie gave me a dress, Belle a white bedspread, Em. laundy bag. Lucile Eugene & Brent handkerchiefs,

slept at Annie’s with Louise & Em. {p. 387}

25 December 1895 • Wednesday

Louise gave me silk garters, Q. diary 1896. Margaret slippers Daniel stockings. A miserably cold day. I came home about eleven and made a fire and set to work at writing and composing– went to Belle’s to dinner– Sep did not come in time for dinner Geo. [B.] Brastow was there Em. was too ill to come to the table– came back and got ready to go to Annie’s had a letter from Sister Ann. Woodbury St. George and Sister Dille of American Falls– Made up the fires at Annie’s and waited for them to come home– Sister Woodruff was very ill with nervous chill and sent for John Q. to come and administer to her. We had a late supper after and talked over the day The children had enjoyed it very much. Q. stayed all night– slept with Louise & Emmeline– {p. 388}

26 December 1895 • Thursday

This morning went up rather late and found the Revise waiting– looked up on it & saw Jo. [Joseph S.] Tingey. Sister Mary Loretta Picton Teasdale has died in Mexico on the 14th. of December. Very sad. Sent off toybooks to Daisie’s and Verona’s babies and to D. & V. the books I had bought for them– No letters worth mentioning– Wrote notice for Evening News of the new paper– Annie came up Ella Hyde & Margaret Caine were here. Emily Richards and some others. It has been a very cold day & not very full of business except that which was old. Wrote short letters to Daisie & Verona & send little silk handkerchiefs to the babies. came home and wrote in the Relief Society Record until two in the morning, felt very miserable and weary more than usual. {p. 389}

27 December 1895 • Friday

This is May [Mary J.] Earl’s birthday she is 36 and not married, away down in Texas at present– I went very late to the office– found the fichu from Verona her Christmas gift– had lunch with Dr. Pratt in her rooms. Annie came up and told us of [Henry A.] Fyler’s arrest for adultery11 we had heard much of his behavior before with clerks in the store– Sister Jane S. Richards will be in town tomorrow and wants to make an appointment with me, I have said ten A.M. Mrs. Gilmar [Mary Vance Gilmer] came to see me today. Had a letter from Susan B. Anthony in response to the Presidents announcement of Statehood for Utah. Had supper over at Belle’s came home early and wrote in the R.S. Record. Brought down the hand painted china tea top pot– Mrs. Salisbury gave me– {p. 390}

28 December 1895 • Saturday

Today there is an awful storm and the snow is deep & drifted and the <electric> cars can scarcely go– went up in good time to see Mrs. Richards who came all the way from Ogden to talk to me– she had been waiting some time as the cars were delayed for lack of power. She consented to the arrangements and we talked of the whole affair– I sent a telegram of sympathy to Mrs. Sewall last night–12 and shall write soon my heart aches for her but there are many greater sorrows– I have had those much greater. I called on Hebe today and George M. This evening I came home in good time to write and am so discouraged with the little I can do. The paper is out– Reports are rife concerning Sid. [Sidney K.] Hooper13 and Col. [Michael] Shaughnessy–14 {p. 391}

29 December 1895 • Sunday

I stayed in bed late, have had the stove put up in my bedroom up stairs; wrote some and read too and did not go to any meetings Jos. F. Smith spoke in the Tabernacle and read one of Sister Eliza’s hymns. It is something of an honor to the sisters to be thus remembered. It is Sarah M. Kimball’s birthday, she is 77. years old. Something of a grand type of woman but hard & cold and haughty, not one to love as much as to reverence <bear.> However she has been one of the foremost leaders among women in the Church, not so much religiously as in Executive and political movements. I called on her and took her a card with autograph etc. Sister E. S. Taylor was there, she is another peculiar type of woman. {p. 392}

30 December 1895 • Monday

I tried to find some silver beads for Emmie better than those we had, but failed utterly, spent most of the day in trying. Lucile and myself succeeded in getting some mailing done and I stayed late and worked after I had attended to all callers. Sent Mrs. Fox a book “The Pleasures of Life,” came home made a fire up stairs and felt very comfortable more so than down stairs. I tried to write my chain letters. Wrote a long letter to Miss S. B. Anthony and one to Mrs. C. C. Catt enclosing a dollar yesterday and mailed them today also wrote to Julia Jones and sent for payment and to Mrs. Griggs15 of this City second bill– a party of boys and girls made such a hurrah in the street about midnight as {p. 393} to frighten me almost to death–

31 December 1895 • Tuesday

<dear old year 1895– what shall the next year bring to me?> I have been measured for my new dress John Q. and Annie gave me– and bought some linings etc. had several callers and was hindered very much in starting for Mrs. Brown’s where the club were to meet, As I am President of the Press Club I had to preside which was very embarrassing in the house of a comparative stranger & so many ladies present to whom I had never been <even> introduced. I managed to go through it some how tho’ it was not an easy task. We had two songs, two papers one recitation and an address by the President. This has been an eventful year full of strange and unexpected things to me and mine. Some were very good and others very unpleasant now I am at Annie’s with her & family to watch the year out {p. 394}

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December 1895, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 22, 2024


  1. [1]After the death of Brigham Young in August 1877, settlement of his complicated estate required many years. George Q. Cannon, one of the trustees, met with the family in February 1896 after Amelia Folsom Young expressed dissatisfaction. (Cannon, Journal, 7 Feb. 1896; Arrington, Brigham Young, 422–430.)

  2. [2]Probably Sarah Ann Hammar Dwyer. (1880 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, 122C.)

  3. [3]Permelia Horne James and Cornelia Horne Clayton. (“Congratulations,” 52–53; James, Death Certificate, 11 Dec. 1941; Clayton, Death Certificate, 27 Sept. 1938.)

  4. [4]Orange James Salisbury. (1900 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, 241B.)

  5. [5]Florence Crismon married John Young Rich. (“Wedding Bells,” Salt Lake Herald, 12 Dec. 1895, 2.)

  6. [6]Refers to Pearl Russell and other typographers at the Deseret News Press who helped typeset the Woman’s Exponent.

  7. [7]Esther Mendenhall Bunnell. (“Esther Romania Salina Bunnell Pratt Penrose,” First Fifty Years of Relief Society website.)

  8. [8]The women mentioned, who were all active in politics, included Emily Tanner Richards, Ellen Wilcox Hyde, Margaret Mitchell Caine, Augusta Winters Grant, Sarah Ann Sanderson Boyer, Martha B. Cannon, Lucy Rice Clark, Rebecca Ellen Mantle Little, and Elizabeth Claridge McCune. (“Editorial Notes,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Feb. 1896, 24:108.)

  9. [9]Florence Wells.

  10. [10]Diadama Hare Woodward Clark. (“Life of Emmeline B. Wells Comes Peacefully to Close,” Deseret News, 25 Apr. 1921, 1.)

  11. [11]“Arrest Fyler for Adultery,” Salt Lake Tribune, 27 Dec. 1895, 8; “Henry A. Fyler Dead,” Salt Lake Herald, 12 Dec. 1897, 8.

  12. [12]Theodore L. Sewall, educator and husband of May Wright Sewall, died in Indianapolis on 23 December 1895. (Encyclopædia Britannica Online, s.v. “May Eliza Wright Sewall,” last modified 19 July 2019,; “Theodore Lovett Sewall,” Find A Grave, accessed 3 Sept. 2019,

  13. [13]Sidney Hooper was rumored to be dead while vacationing on the McCornick-Keogh ranch in Idaho. (“A Ridiculous Rumor,” Salt Lake Herald, 29 Dec. 1895, 8.)

  14. [14]Colonel Michael Shaughnessy was reportedly not ready to sink a shaft in his mine near the Silver King. (“Park Record Notes,” Salt Lake Herald, 30 Dec. 1895, 3.)

  15. [15]Thomas C. Griggs, whom EBW mentioned as a subscriber to the Woman’s Exponent, had two wives, Janet Scott Ure and Mary Ann Ferguson Price. (EBW, Diary, 1891, Cash Account—January; Esshom, Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah, 1221; “The Day in Court,” Salt Lake Daily Herald, 4 Oct. 1887, 8; Griggs, Death Certificate, 13 Mar. 1931.)