August 1905

13 August 1905 • Thursday

Delegates of Charities & Corrections2 were given a reception at the Kenyon, I was present Mrs. [L. M.] Beck of Illinois Mr & Mrs. Blankley [Blanke] St. Louis knew Mrs. Sarah A. [Sara Andrews] Spencer Mr. Mc Clelland [Edgar McClelland] Presbyterian Mrs. [O.] Amigh of Supt. of Home for fallen women at Geneva Illinois Miss Carmichael Indianapolis Mrs. [W. H. C.] Smith {p. 38}

6 August 1905 • Sunday

Prest. Jos. F. Smith presiding first hymn Arise O. glorious Zion prayer Jos. S. Wells, The day <&> page 9. Pres. J. R. Winder made opening remarks Sister [Annie Impey] Gallacher Chas. Barrell Br. Naisbitt President Smith spoke of him in terms of praise and love Solo & chorus &c Looking this way– Tom Hull Della [C. Adella Woolley] Eardley Sister McGee Clara [Clarissa Moses] Cannon Choir Anthem Shall we meet beyond the River Dr. Roberts S. [E.] J. Stevenson, M. A. Lambert David H. Cannon {p. 39}

Maud M. Babcock Zion stands with hills surrounded prayer Minnie J. Snow Ann C. [Cannon] Woodbury. Miss Alice Cannon Lizzie Decker President Smith the spirit of forgiveness and of kindness, and {p. 40}

8 August 1905 • Tuesday

Telephone from C. S. Williams to go over and meet Sister Smith– President Bathsheba W. Smith had Letter received to-day from <President> Sister [Hannah Child] Russell of Taylor Stake Canada Went to Sister Smith who answered the letter through me and she signed it and it was mailed the same night mailed in the Post Office on the way down to Annie’s {p. 121}

9 August 1905 • Wednesday

Today we had an important intervew at the President’s Office with President Jos. F. Smith and Pres. John R. Winder, took a letter from Hannah M. Russell Pres. R.S. Taylor Stake Canada signed by herself & Counselors & Secretary. President B. W. Smith Counselor Annie Taylor Hyde the Secretary Emmeline B. Wells Treasurer Clarissa S. Williams Annie Wells Cannon President R.S. Pioneer Stake, Hattie Harker and Sophia Nuttall missionaries about to leave for Canada to attend R.S. Conferences,3 and L. L. [Louisa Lula] Greene Richards who had recently visited in the vicinity of the trouble. Answers were not very satisfactory, yet were in reference to wheat and on some points.4 {p. 122}

13 August 1905 • Sunday

Spent the morning here Annie decided to go to Canada to visit John Q. and George Q. and take baby & Katharine, it has been very sudden, I went on three oclock car over home and stayed only 2 hours got back on half-past six car, great excitement over the trip to Canada, we shall all feel it very much indeed there will be a great deal to do in a few hours. Prayers and faith must surely avail in our behalf {p. 126}

14 August 1905 • Monday

Today has been very exciting Annie came up to buy things and ticket not yet come. I felt very much pained over things, baby seems well, and Katharine’s leg better. I went home early we had prayers, Annie saw Prest. Smith and spoke to him about going away, he said it was all right for her to go– She also saw Pres. McLachlin [William McLachlan] who also felt it was right. Bishop Lewis M. Cannon and his father John Q.’s uncle5 favor her going. I do feel very low spirited yet want her to go I have very little heart for the battle of life, indeed it seems to me a great struggle to live. At evening all seemed pleasant but solemn. we had prayers up in Annie’s room, then Mamie & Lewis came & after Emily and Winnie, the girls went to the Station I staid home {p. 127}

15 August 1905 • Tuesday

Today has been lonely tho’ I have been in the office Sister Smith came I was very glad, she talked very sweet to me about Annie and told me she was not well felt very weak and had a pain that was troublesome, Susa Gates came twice, had other callers Louise & Emma came up Lewis & Mamie go away tomorrow morning to California and afterwards to Portland, then Lew to Canada We talked of calling on Rev. Antoinette Brown Blackwell at Mrs. [Antoinette Brown] Kinney’s home but did not make it very positive, and I have so many callers & letters to write that it is awkward to get out of the routine {p. 128}

16 August 1905 • Wednesday

We had letters from Annie written at Pocatello [Idaho] one for Louise and one for me good news, found friends to do acts of kindness, it is good to hear that men have been generous in little kindnesses. {p. 129}

17 August 1905 • Thursday

I wrote to Mell today although it was not her birthday yet felt impressed to do something for her comfort from me, the day was painfully unpleasant on account of callers and gossip, Alice Horne through the telephone and others, Sister M. Isabella Horne is very low yet does not seem near the end of her life has so much vitality, the girls must be very much exhaus[t]ed.

I had a call or visit from Ella Knowles Haskell of Butte Montana an eminent lawyer and Supt. of Schools etc. She is a Theosophist. and a brave talented young woman. Not afraid to speak out and stand on her own merits, she really gave me a sort of buoyancy, most people depress or annoy me. {p. 130}

18 August 1905 • Friday

To-day is Mell’s birthday and a happy day for me was the day of her birth, really I had been so uncomfortable during all the hot weather that the illness was welcome. Aunt Zina came and Sister Deantha [Diantha] Morley Billings was the midwife, it was a very difficult birth, but when over a great relief, I knew not the death shadow hanging over the house so soon to swoop down upon its inmates. Had I realized it I could not have recovered so nearly as I had when death came and took the father and husband6 away and left me with two babies7 helpless and forlorn, I came home in fairly good time Ida was here most of the day, Meeting at 3.30 but so few came we could not hold it. Sister Lettie [Johanna Bolette Bertelsen] Dalley stayed and Stevenson Alice and baby Priscilla8 and Ida <I> went home <early> {p. 131}

19 August 1905 • Saturday

Came up in good time no letter from Canada Ida came and we went to Sister B. W. Smith’s she was out. Came back to work and several people called, Lucile Sears came and got the jewelry I had kept in the vault I went over and talked with Sister Smith and Phebe Beatie had tea over there. then came home, wrote to Verona and to Mexico. Louise had company for Lucile Wallace, boys and girls Dave [David H.] Clayton Will [William A.] Wetzel, Quaile [Quayle Cannon] & Karl [Q.] Cannon Jim [James W.] Silver also Gene [Eugena Silver] & Marie [Mary Frances] Silver and Elizabeth [R.] Cannon– They played games and ate watermelons. I was so depressed it was hard for me to endure the fun and laughter, but finally all quieted down. This kind of life is very exhaustive {p. 132}

20 August 1905 • Sunday

Sister M. I. Horne still lives9 Sarah J. Cannon came over all went to Sunday School except Daniel & Margaret who is taking care of Mamie’s children for her to visit California & Portland. Lucile Wallace is still here, I am at home all day. We had a pleasant dinner, Daniel asked the blessing Louise Margaret & Lucile have gone to the evening meeting. A terrific wind storm came up today that upset my nerves very much. At evening I had prayers with the little ones, and the young people were outside and I did not feel happy as we had no news from Annie since her arrival {p. 133}

21 August 1905 • Monday

Went up in good time had callers early and Sister B. W. Smith came and we talked of the missionaries going to Arizona and Mexico and also of the changes that Alice wanted made in the Missionary list before Conference. Later Sister Woodruff came and we talked over the Big Horn trip and her family affairs and Br. Nilson [Milson R.] Pratt came to introduce a Mrs. Bishop a writer and philanthropist, quite a fine woman no doubt went home early Louise gone to S.S.10 Union {p. 134}

22 August 1905 • Tuesday

This morning took my suitcase Sister Smith came with letters and we had some conversation on Society work and talked of the missionaries, Letters were from Mary Wood Swift in reference to appointing Committees on Dinner and illiteracy. Wanted Sister Smith’s vote as a member of Executive. I went to lunch at Matt [Matthew H.] Walker’s new residence and went over the house with Mrs. [Emma Kelly] McVicker who is in charge while the family are away– it is built like a Spanish Castle, very elegant indeed and quite out of the ordinary styles. Louise has gone to the Lagoon. A terrific thunder storm rain & lightning {p. 135}

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August 1905, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 21, 2024


  1. [1]text: The entries for 3 and 6 August 1905 come from volume 32 of the diary.

  2. [2]Beginning in 1874, delegates to the National Conference of Charities and Corrections met annually in different locations to discuss problems and initiate reforms. Some delegates returning from a 1905 conference in Portland, Oregon, stopped in Salt Lake City in August and were hosted at a reception. (“Philanthropists on Way,” Salt Lake Herald, 3 Aug. 1905, 2; “Society,” Salt Lake Herald, 4 Aug. 1905, 4; “Charity Workers Arrive in Zion,” Salt Lake Herald, 4 Aug. 1905, 8; “National Conference of Charities and Corrections,” in Bliss, Encyclopedia of Social Reform, 914.)

  3. [3]The Relief Society general presidency at this time called board members and stake Relief Society presidents to visit other stakes as “missionaries.”

  4. [4]The reference to wheat indicates that this “trouble” could have been related to sugar beet cultivation in Alberta, Canada. Latter-day Saint businessmen from Utah had established a sugar factory in Raymond, Alberta, in 1903, but Latter-day Saint farmers in Alberta faced difficulties growing sugar beets due to Chinook winds and the intensity of labor required for sugar beet cultivation. Instead, most Latter-day Saint farmers in the area produced grain (including wheat) or livestock, and the sugar factory had to import sugar beets from Germany. (See Rosenvall, “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Alberta,” 7.)

  5. [5]Angus M. Cannon.

  6. [6]Newel K. Whitney.

  7. [7]Isabel Modalena Whitney and Melvina Caroline Blanche Whitney.

  8. [8]Alice Merrill Horne’s child was named Zorah H. Horne rather than Priscilla. (Zorah H. Horne, Birth Record, 12 June 1905.)

  9. [9]Mary Isabella Hales Horne died on Friday, 25 August 1905. Bathsheba W. Smith and EBW, as well as two stake presidency members and the three members of the First Presidency, spoke at her funeral service in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square on 29 August 1905. (“Truly a Mother in Israel,” Woman’s Exponent, Sept. 1905, 34:20–22.)

  10. [10]Sunday School.